Recently, I reported on the tragic death of Alec Holowka, a troubled game developer who killed himself after Zoe Quinn made allegations about him on Twitter. My initial articles [1] and [2] covered the weaknesses in her story and the false claims of corroboration by journalists and Holowka’s despicable former business partner Scott Benson. Since then, a site called the Post Millennial has disproven at least two of her allegations based on her tweets (archive). Some have questioned the veracity of the screenshots on the Post Millennial, but I have an independent source with access to Zoe’s Twitter and have confirmed these tweets are still there and have seen them with my own eyes. Below I even include some tweets not in the Post Millennial’s article. It is their scoop, but I can totally confirm and expand on it. My source still has access so anyone with an interest in searching her tweets please mail me, contact per the ‘Tip Us Off’ page.
The Claim – ‘physically confined’
In the post below, Zoe Quinn claimed that –
- she agreed to visit Alec Holowka for two weeks only
- Holowka promised to buy her a ticket back after two weeks, but reneged
- she was physically confined to his apartment
In fact, her tweets below prove that –
- the original timespan of the trip was unspecified (she wrote, ‘??? weeks’) and this disproves the claim it was set at two weeks (and the associated claim Alec promised to buy her return ticket)
- She repeatedly went out, even after the first two weeks during the period of alleged confinement

Zoe Quinn claimed her trip with Alec Holowka was agreed to be for two weeks. However, in this tweet, the trip length is described by Quinn as ‘???’ – unspecified.
The tweets referred to by the Post Millennial are all real and my copies were taken tonight 10th September 2019 UK time. Zoe Quinn’s story is factually untruthful in key respects and she is so arrogant and lazy she has only hidden the evidence by locking her accounts – not even deleted it. There is no corroboration of the sexual assault by penetration.
Despite the growing evidence of the story’s falsity, despicable and depraved ‘journalist’ Laurie Penny of Wired Magazine and Jess Conditt of Engadget / Verizon, have issued no words of contrition with Penny doubling down on Twitter (archive).
If this disgusts you, well you can let Wired (owned by Condé Nast) and Engadget (owned by Verizon) know. Condé Nast’s CEO is Roger Lynch (@rogerlynch) (, Wired’s Editor is Nick Thompson (@nxthompson) ( and the author Laurie Penny (@pennyred) ( By all means send them polite tweets and emails …
Turning back to Jess Conditt –

Engadget Senior Editor Jess Conditt. Her vile and uncritical coverage of Zoe Quinn’s unproven allegations burdens her with moral culpability for Alec Holowka’s unimaginable suffering and the death of this vulnerable, tragic and disabled man.
Readers can also express their disgust and (courteously) demand justice and restitution to @BombsFall (Scott Benson), @JessConditt, @DanaWollman, @GuruGK and @HansVestberg on Twitter. They can send polite emails to,,, and It is important to be polite and do nothing unlawful no matter how robust the criticism that is warranted. People can make it clear they will never buy another game from Benson, and he is unwelcome in the industry.
Readers can go to the Engadget or Wired websites, identify firms which are advertising their and complain to their PR departments and CEOs. They can contact major investment companies with shares in Verizon and write (by email or ideally by post) to board members of the Verizon parent company who are all named and pictured here. The smell of blood is a rapid way indeed to get the attention of company directors.
The sheer irresponsibility of these media organisations has caused the story to spread far and wide. Here in the United Kingdom, former MP John Hemming has called for an investigation (archive) –
My impression of these companies is that they have decided to batten down the hatches and say nothing until the storm passes. Those who believe Holowka’s death was a tragedy need to make it clear to Verizon and Condé Nast that there will be consequences until they take action in relation to the staff and freelancers who covered the Quinn / Holowka story.