Explosive interview by OneVSP CEO Muhammad Butt Reveals Truth About Sonia Poulton and Child Abuse

OneVSP CEO Muhammad Butt has given a length interview to Lucinda Lidstone about a number of topics including his parting ways with Sonia Poulton. Rather than deal with it in multiple places, I have made a detailed Twitter / X thread here. The full original interview can be found here (very long). The thread pulls together a lot of the evidence against Sonia and the ways she wronged Muhammad.

Lucinda Lidstone interviews Muhammad Butt and he reveals the truth about Sonia Poulton.

Lucinda Lidstone interviews Muhammad Butt and he reveals the truth about Sonia Poulton.


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MHN Editor Appointed Special Technical Advisor to Muhammad Butt, Founder of ONE VSP LTD

OneVSP is a platform with great potential.

OneVSP is a platform with great potential.

MHN is delighted to announce that MHN editor Samuel Collingwood Smith, has been appointed as Special Technical Advisor to the Muhammad Butt, the founder of ONE VSP LTD.

In my day job, I am an IT Consultant with knowledge of development at all levels from hands on coding in PHP, SQL, C#
and C++ to governance, process and performance management. I will be advising on the implementation side of the business.

I have also acquired a further 1.5 million shares, taking my holding up to 3 million, reflecting my confidence in the company’s prospects and leadership.

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MHN Editor Samuel Collingwood Smith Becomes Shareholder in OneVSP

OneVSP is a platform with great potential.

OneVSP is a platform with great potential.

Your author MHN Editor Samuel Collingwood Smith is happy to announce that I have purchased 1.5 million shares in One VSP Limited (One-and-a-half-million). One VSP is an upcoming video sharing platform. This has only just gone through, and will be updated at Companies House in the coming weeks. I may also be doing some advisory work for the company.

OneVSP is a UK based video sharing platform similar to YouTube, Rumble and Bitchute, with an emphasis on free speech and monetisation through subscriptions, which limits its dependence on advertisements and advertisers with political views. MHN has been a critic of OneVSP in the past, but I have always said the company has potential.

Over the past few weeks I have had a number of discussions with shareholder and CEO Muhammad Butt. There are lots of exciting wheels in motion about improving and diversifying content so although political content will remain, there will be other draws to increase traffic. My opinion is qualified. As my day job, I am also qualified in Software Development and I am the owner of an IT Consultancy, Prosperous Software Consulting Limited Limited, which amongst other things develops software including working on high traffic websites, including for some large retail and financial businesses.

As a result, I have worked on very high profile websites. My contributions as an advisor will be around making One VSP as scalable as possible, as cost-effectively as possible, to deal with an increase in viewing. I am also concerned to maximise free speech on the platform, whilst complying with regulatory requirements.

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