Detective Chief Superintendent Javid Oomer – Dishonesty allegations complaint found, “arguable” by judge. Career at Risk?
Former MP John Hemming has been granted permission for judicial review of the outcome of his police complaint appeal to the Independent Office of Police Complaints, over allegations of dishonest conduct by two police officers, Detective Inspector Simon Thomas of Gwent Police and Detective Chief Superintendent Javid Oomer of Staffordshire Police. This is only permission stage, so no findings of wrongdoing have yet been made, however the underlying evidence is of serious public concern.
Thomas was supposed to be investigating Staffordshire Police on the basis of a complaint by Hemming, but Hemming has, via MHN, come into possession of an email in which Thomas expresses a desire to “lessen”, “[…] elements of the lawsuit being taken against your Force […]” to a person at Staffordshire Police. Hemming raised this with the IOPC, which had ignored it. The judge, HHJ Richard Williams granted permission for Judicial Review on the basis that failing to address the allegation appeared to breach the applicable statutory guidance for the treatment of appeals to the IOPC.
The second piece of information which Hemming had discovered was that Javid Oomer had decided to treat the Esther Baker investigation as a low priority, on the basis of a series of reasons which Hemming believes (with some justification), Oomer must have known to be false, and DI Thomas must have known to be false. Again, this allegation was ignored by the IOPC and again Hemming was granted permission.
DI Thomas is an officer at Gwent Police, which is currently mired in an ugly corruption scandal, reported by the Sunday Times and by Doughty Street Chambers. Obviously, if as alleged he was motivated by helping officers ‘whitewash’ allegations then that would be a very serious matter.

An email in which Gwent Police officer DI Simon Thomas, tasked with investigating Staffordshire Police discusses how to lessen the lawsuit against them! Imagine saying that to a criminal suspect … “hey you know that big bag of weed … we can lessen the impact of that …”
Of the two grounds, I have to say I take the view that the two allegations reinforce each other. Oomer recorded his reasons for treating the Baker allegations as low priority as being –
- [an absence of risk to any person]
- [the allegations were historical]
- [staffing pressure]
In reality, however, at the time he made that note in his policy book on the 1st March 2019, multiple individuals had been in contact with Staffordshire Police over criminal conduct directed against them by Baker. One of them, a child abuse victim, obtained a finding of harassment against her in a civil claim in Newcastle County Court. The court heard evidence that his life was at risk. So, the first two of Oomer’s reasons were incorrect on that basis alone. Indeed, Baker later lost a libel claim against me, in which I defended myself, about her conduct preceding that period. The court held that a number of my allegations had meanings defamatory at common law, but that Baker had failed to Reply adequately to my Defence of Truth (amongst other defences). Readers can find the judgement here. At 96 (v) the judge states, “I will enter judgment on the Counterclaim against Ms Baker and in favour of Mr Smith”. I successfully defended my words as Truth.
Meanings that I defended as Truth included, “Ms Baker is a racist stalker”, “Ms Baker is worse even than most racist stalkers” and “Ms Baker told deliberate and malicious lies on Twitter (by saying she had not dropped a defence of justification) for the purpose of raising money under false pretences”. This was not just some minor issue – Baker endangered a vulnerable victim through exceptional stalking. It was not, however, the only matter which Oomer should have known about. DI Thomas, in his investigation, obtained a note of a meeting between Merseyside and Staffordshire Police to discuss ongoing behaviour by Baker, which they were concerned was criminal. Indeed, three people including myself have subsequently obtained restraining orders against Baker. Thomas failed to mention the note of meeting.
Gwent’s report omitted a number of relevant documents. Another document omitted was an email in which it is confirmed that the Senior Investigating Officer (SIO) Amanda Davies who was investigated Baker’s allegations of cult rape did not believe them to be true, and also believed that the evidential threshold would not be met. It appears that Davies is in the clear – whilst her reasoning for making Hemming a suspect was not properly recorded, the decision mostly came from her superiors. However, the document is plainly relevant and important to Hemming for exculpatory reasons even if his complaint against Davies falls. A concern from the failure of Gwent to be candid is, in summary, that it raises questions about what else was not disclosed. Even today, police have not officially confirmed the identity of the Chief Constable Baker is alleged to have falsely accused, amidst concerns he was improperly given favourable treatment by Staffordshire Police and his own force.
Based on her statements, even today, Baker continues to abuse police resources. Baker is paying my costs ordered against her in instalments. Because of her refusal to deal directly with me, I have obtained a Writ of Control against her goods through High Court Enforcement Officers. She pays them monthly instalments. Baker says this is harassment and all communications are passed to police. Who, of course, take no action on them.
If Oomer did in fact endanger a victim whilst trying to kick an embarrassing investigation into the long grass, as Hemming believes, then he should be the subject of a robust investigation by the IOPC to establish what should happen next. If, on the other hand, he merely failed through incompetence, whether of himself or others, then that too should have serious consequences.
It is important however, for readers to remember that this is only permission stage. No finding of wrongdoing has been made against any person, including DCS Oomer and DI Thomas. A reasonable explanation may yet be forthcoming. Regardless, given her ongoing behaviour and vast trail of suffering and wasted public funds behind her, what matters now is that Staffordshire get on and finish the Baker investigation.
Pingback: Permission to Review – Spin vs Truth
Samuel Collingwood Smith: “The second piece of information which Hemming had discovered was that Javid Oomer had decided to treat the Esther Baker investigation as a low priority, on the basis of a series of reasons which Hemming believes (with some justification), Oomer must have known to be false, and DI Thomas must have known to be false.”
Samuel Collingwood Smith: “it raises questions about what else was not disclosed”
Due to London Met police and provincial police corruption (See the Met police tweet below) it would appear a tremendous amount of evidence has not been disclosed to Mr Hemming, Harvey Proctor, and numerous others left suffering from false allegations made by a gang of ‘journalists’, liars and fantasists.
An already proven corrupt London Met police team are in possession and have had access to, witness statements and information which prove police in numerous areas of the UK were working hand in glove with dangerous gang-stalkers in order to harass, intimidate and abuse victims and witnesses who were reporting crimes in progress, with regard to gang-stalkers making false allegations of paedophilia, rape and murder. See the November 2015 victim and witness statements and crime reports. Note police threatened victims and witnesses in their own homes to prevent them from making crime reports. Same police stating they would not assist in preventing organised gangs from accusing innocent people of paedophilia and murder. Specifically stating, “xxxxx xxx can look after themselves.” Going on to cost the UK tens of millions of pounds. Note that victims and witnesses had warned the police and given the same information several years prior to 2015. WPC Hannah of Southampton’s notes from June 2015 should clarify this, and provide further proof of police corruption. Her sergeant’s notes should be quite a treat. Buck passing.
See Tom Watson’s dtd diary June 2015. If no luck, refer back to Southampton police June 2015 for dates. Be in no doubt, Southampton police were fully informed of the danger some innocent men were in. Oher corrupt police found to be operating out of Southampton at later dates than 2015 have no evidence for their false accusations against victims and witnesses, and will be subject to police review. Thug behaviour. Derived entirely from the fabrications of other corrupt police contacts. Who lapped up false allegations and information from convicted criminals, liars, fantasists and sadists.
Note to police who allegedly ‘monitor’ this “obscure blog”: Find a backbone and put innocent people out of their misery. Or hand in your badge. There are decent people who would do your job for no pay. You are a bloody disgrace to sit on your backsides, hoping all of this mess will go away.
Bent police have wasted tens of millions of pounds idling around with ‘paedo hunters’ and assisting them in their fabrications. By all accounts, it appears that many police quite enjoyed the ride. (More later. Subject to police review due to dpa etc.) It also being alleged “every” police officer was in full support of ‘journalists’ who use gangs to hunt down alleged VIP paedophiles.
This is likely to be true. Due to the fact we are not seeing police coming forward to show the public that they resisted the charms of the ‘journalists’ and gangs.
Although it is known senior police were desperate to hide the vile activities and behaviour of police in their ranks whom they know to have conspired to harm by making false arrests and plotting to make false arrests.
Shame on you.
Tom Watson. Twatson. Peerage?
Harvey Proctor statement: https://twitter.com/KHarveyProctor/status/1580942640425873409
More comments with regard to Tom Watson.
Harvey Proctor@KHarveyProctor·3hLord Lamont, former Chancellor of the Exchequer on Tom Watson’s peerage: “If there were any justice in the world Tom Watson would be nowhere near Parliament. This will bring great shame on Labour and the House of Lords.”Via @Telegraph
I agree @christopherhope. @Keir_Starmer has shown complete disregard for victims of Operation Midland by nominating @tom_watson for a peerage. Also utter disregard for the House of Lords Appointments Commission & their 2020 decision not to ennoble him!
Harvey Proctor@KHarveyProctor·17hI endorse this. Neither @Keir_Starmer or @tom_watson are fit for public office. The House of Lords & those with the authority to stop Watson’s ennoblement will rue today. twitter.com/brit_battleaxe…
July 2015. Police and victims of ‘journalists’, liars, fantasists and their gang-stalkers may use Hampshire police for reference to the below. Specifically pc Hannah.
During the days prior to Jeremy Corbyn handing treacherous Tom Watson the deputy badge, Tom Watson was found to be too busy sharpening his dagger in readiness for stabbing Jeremy Corbyn in the back, and engaging in the most malicious calumnies with grifters, fantasists and sadists, to find any time to act on matters which his own office staff categorically deemed to be “urgent”. Without prompt. ie. Tom Watson was being told to stfu, and Hampshire police had been informed of crimes in progress. The wpc was sadly later proven to be a lazy, corrupt, deceitful, lying, fraudulent individual. Evidence of the pc’s insolence and depraved behaviour is held by witnesses, Hants police, and the pc’s mobile phone records. Their sergeant’s statement regarding the matter should make for interesting reading one day. Should they care to ignore the depraved police’ notes made on the system. (Another police protection racket discovered.) More on this at an appropriate time. All parties involved in the extremely serious crimes of witness intimidation, pcj, death threats and conspiracies to harm were named to police. It being noted the Hants police sergeant who held the leash of the pc, later also found to be failing to inform and protect numerous people under siege from ‘journalists and their gangs’. The sergeant being senior and the ‘grown-up’ should have informed Harvey Proctor, Anon (name redacted for ongoing legal matters) Lord Bramall, Darren Laverty et al, in order to prevent further harm from heinous crimes. The sergeant apparently passing the buck due to Sonia Poulton’s Team Outlaw’s orchestrated phone calls to make false allegations to police up and down the UK.
Had the pc, and the sergeant holding the leash of the pc done any part of the job they are paid to do, Tom Watson would have been toast. Hants being told of evidence already held on record by police at Hants, Yorks, Wales, Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cumbria, Bristol,, Norwich and Greater London etc, which would have proven to Tom Watson that he was involved in a pre-planned scam which had been debunked before it had started by ordinary members of the public who had read Beech and Baker’s scripts decades before.
Nobody will be surprised to learn Tom Watson did not contact the police. It may be that he had begun stropping his dagger in earnest for Jeremy Corbyn, which he found more important than the lives and livelihoods of innocent men being accused of violence, rape and child rape in various conspiracies and joint enterprises.
One thing which is not in doubt, is that Tom Watson will be remembered for having weaponised child abuse for his own political aims.
It has been proven beyond all doubt that London Met police teams and other police teams throughout the UK have behaved abhorrently and dangerously during their ‘investigations’ into innocent people whom ‘journalists and their gang-stalkers had been stalking and harassing.
Every cop involved should hang their head in shame for allowing people such as Harvey Proctor, Anon (name redacted by the author of this post due to ongoing legal matters) Lord Bramall, and several ‘ordinary’ members of the public who have continued to suffer malicious accusations being made by the journalist’-led band of sadists.
Further proof that the London Met’s ‘acting’ detective sergeant definitely did not investigate her prey with due diligence, is confirmed by people such as Harvey Proctor and other people left devastated by the ‘paedo hunters and paedo exposers’ who have still not been contacted by London Met police and all other police mentioned above. All of whom should have made apologies for deliberately allowing gang-stalking of innocent people to continue for the past ten years. Further information regarding the above should be answered directly by London Met police.
n.b. *sharpening his dagger* Use caution if looking this up in the urban dictionary. (Rhymes with anchor.)
Sue Themall November 29, 2022 at 9:02 pm: “Every cop involved should hang their head in shame for allowing people such as Harvey Proctor, Anon (name redacted by the author of this post due to ongoing legal matters) Lord Bramall, and several ‘ordinary’ members of the public who have continued to suffer malicious accusations being made by the journalist’-led band of sadists.”
Some people would bring back hanging for bent cops who wreck the lives or take the lives of people whom they are investigating. Others say hanging is too good for them.
The statistics below shows some of the damage done by police could test the faith of even the most religious, and those who are most opposed to capital punishment.
Some police are also known to have more than a general awareness of these statistics than others. ie. They know the harm they can do without even lifting a truncheon.
Although this does not prevent them from conspiring to harm, and plotting to arrest people whom they know to be completely innocent. London Met senior police found so much evidence of this, that they had to hide it from the Crown. In some deluded belief their prey would stfu and allow innocent dozens of people to be sent to prison for ten years to life for stalking, rape, child rape etc. Go figure. The police have behaved in a manner which has shown they are corrupt to the core.