Book Review – Barbarians – Lauren Southern

“Barbarians: How The Baby Boomers, Immigration, and Islam Screwed my Generation” is the debut book on political philosophy by Lauren Southern. The book is a must-read for Conservatives and Matthew Hopkins News recommends it as a purchase. Nevertheless, Lauren Southern is no Ann Coulter – like Ann herself Lauren is sui generis.


Cover of Barbarians. Image used for the purposes of review.

One of the great forces behind the Conservative revival and the crumbling of the failing institutions of the left has been books of political philosophy. Authors such as Ann Coulter became best sellers by challenging the comfortable leftist status-quo.

But Coulter, for all her charms, was by no means the only one. One of my personal favourite writers is Economist Thomas Sowell. An African-American he clawed his way up from poverty and out of the stifling embrace of leftism to become a pre-eminent Economist. He is Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Before I became a Conservative, before I studied computing or law, my undergraduate degree was in Economics and Sowell is a master. His logical, thoughtful and reality-rooted analysis has made him a bulwark of right-wing thought and of course a hate figure to the left. “The Vision of the Annointed”, is an important book and deserves a place on every right-wing  bookshelf.

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Neocommunist Democrats Try to Steal the Election from Trump, Subvert Electors and Start Nuclear War

The late 20th and early 21st centuries have seen a bizarre role reversal between Russia and America. Where the cold war saw a free market west fighting a communist Russia, now in a bizarre role reversal we see a free-market Russian leader facing aggression from extreme left wingers in the United States, such as lawyers calling for the bombing of Russia (archive here). Whilst it was once the Soviet Union that was undemocratic, now the Left in the United States seeks to undo the outcome of the presidential elections.


A Twitter user calls for the bombing of Russia whilst implying a Republican conspiracy. Click for full size.

Years ago I was a member of the British equivalent of the Democratic Party, Labour. It is easy to support a party like Labour or the Democrats when you are young. They promise a paradise with glib soundbites. They have a ready made villain – their opponents. Most of your teachers will be enthusiastic supporters. Like a Saturday morning cartoon it is all so simple, with goodies and baddies ready made.

Then reality sets in. Every left-wing government that has ever been elected has failed to deliver on its promises because the fantasies that they sell to well meaning, decent people can never be achieved. No socialist government can achieve its vague utopia any more than King Canute could stop the tide coming in or Angela Merkel can repeal the law of gravity.

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PC Game Review – Siege of Dragonspear DLC by Beamdog Studios

The Witchfinder plays and investigates the controversial add-on, ‘Siege of Dragonspear’, released at the end of March 2016 for well-loved classic roleplaying game Baldur’s Gate. Your author is horrified to discover appalling racism in the troubled product written by so-called ‘progressive’ Amber Scott, from Beamdog Studios. The game has been reviewed in accordance with the MHN Game Review Guidelines.


Refugees smell, according to Beamdog Studios. In Siege of Dragonspear your character is physically prevented from walking upstairs in a building by the ‘odor’ of refugees, despite having adventured in the Baldur’s Gate sewers a few chapters previously. Apparently refugees literally smell worse than sewers in Amber Scott’s world. (Click for full size).

Conservative and neutral writers often satirise the darkly amusing far-left trait of not wanting to socialise with the ‘oppressed’ minority groups they purport to defend. Professor Thomas Sowell, an American of African descent and well respected Conservative academic, describes the recipients of this patronising support as ‘mascots’. ‘Right on’ hard left wingers are often shown to have condescending attitudes, patronising when they intend to help – help they offer whether or not it is wanted. These traits are more than evident in Siege of Dragonspear.

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The Twisted Face of Hate Behind Labour’s Mask – #WeBackMyleene

'How to Speak in Public' Cover

‘How to speak in public’, a training manual published by the Labour Party. From the Witchfinder’s collection.

What do former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and successful TV Presenter Myleene Klass have in common? Both are successful, intelligent women of non-Anglo-Saxon heritage who have been the target of racist, sexist and classist hatred by left wingers. The Witchfinder exposes the poisonous, toxic hate that oozes out whenever the skin of the left is scratched.

Look right. The picture is the cover of a book the Witchfinder received early in his training as a Labour Party spin-doctor. It is an official Labour Party training manual on public speaking.

The cover is a revealing portrait of Labour’s self-image. Chosen, designed and approved by Labour staff for Labour members it shows a shrivelled scowling hate-face behind a healthy smiling mask. The book is about how to speak in public and contains various rhetorical tricks for manipulating the public. To a disinterested observer, the picture could be seen to say this – “We are false, we are wrong … and we know it.”

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The BBC and the Left Wing Taint

Creepy shadow looking at BBC website

The Witchfinder reveals the shadowy ideologies underpinning the left. Picture via Dreamstime

Matthew Hopkins recounts his own youthful experiences, and explains that the Labour Party’s pervasive obsession with the infiltration and subversion of public institutions begins in its embarrassment of a student wing.

Many years ago and long before leaving the Labour Party and left to join the Conservative Party, your future inquisitor sat in a Labour Students training course on how to be a student union sabbatical officer. Labour Students is essentially the student wing of the Labour Party, a group which has produced many ‘big’ Labour names. The speaker was in full demagogic flow –

“You don’t work for the students union! You don’t work for the students! Fook them! You work for Labour. You put student funds to work for Labour! You use the union office to run a phone bank for Labour! Fook the Greens too! None of that crap! We’re not Green this is the fooking Labour Party!

“You make sure you win! You count yer mates votes! You get them to count your votes!”

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