Your author MHN Editor Samuel Collingwood Smith is happy to announce that I have purchased 1.5 million shares in One VSP Limited (One-and-a-half-million). One VSP is an upcoming video sharing platform. This has only just gone through, and will be updated at Companies House in the coming weeks. I may also be doing some advisory work for the company.
OneVSP is a UK based video sharing platform similar to YouTube, Rumble and Bitchute, with an emphasis on free speech and monetisation through subscriptions, which limits its dependence on advertisements and advertisers with political views. MHN has been a critic of OneVSP in the past, but I have always said the company has potential.
Over the past few weeks I have had a number of discussions with shareholder and CEO Muhammad Butt. There are lots of exciting wheels in motion about improving and diversifying content so although political content will remain, there will be other draws to increase traffic. My opinion is qualified. As my day job, I am also qualified in Software Development and I am the owner of an IT Consultancy, Prosperous Software Consulting Limited Limited, which amongst other things develops software including working on high traffic websites, including for some large retail and financial businesses.
As a result, I have worked on very high profile websites. My contributions as an advisor will be around making One VSP as scalable as possible, as cost-effectively as possible, to deal with an increase in viewing. I am also concerned to maximise free speech on the platform, whilst complying with regulatory requirements.
On another note, Muhammad and I have obviously discussed the sad case of former OneVSP contributor Sonia Poulton. Poulton was being financially backed by Muhammad in a lawsuit by former MP John Hemming against her, and by her against myself and John. However, as of last year Muhammad withdrew as a backer and encouraged her to settle with us.
Also revealed at the hearing was that in order to walk away, we have made an offer – but only to avoid her being made bankrupt – not to let her make a profit on publications that were incomplete and misleading.
Since then, both myself, John and Muhammad have continued to give Sonia opportunities in open correspondence to settle and walk away. Muhammad has been quite generous in not, so far, pursuing recovery of his £150K+ gifted to Sonia to make it easy for her to walk away. There is a court deadline to pay fees, which means that offers available will be on less generous terms after the end of this week.
Ms Poulton also resigned after a short period of engagement with TNT Radio, who were concerned about her journalistic output.
Muhammad Butt has provided me with this clarification statement,
“I wanted to clarify a few matters regarding myself, and Sonia Poulton, hopefully this will make things a little more clear.
The purpose of this clarification is because I am aware Sonia made certain comments in one of her podcast on YouTube regarding me. It was said, words to the effect that I suddenly stopped communicating with her.
Also, as you rightly pointed out, it appeared that on a show with a particular host on TNT Sonia was asked about being involved with a ‘previous platform’ to which neither Sonia or the host mentioned it was formerly
Having watched the clip it could easily appear to some viewers that this exchange was very derogatory and dismissive towards myself and my platform.
All the above obviously is quite disappointing to me as firstly I did not simply stop communicating with Sonia, rather, I sent a number of text explaining that I simply needed time off to gather my thoughts.
Secondly, not mentioning the fact that she had worked for so many years on and also did shock me a little, I found that quite bizarre.
During her break from Sonia had decided to join TNT, I had absolutely no idea she was going to do this as she had made no contact with me explaining this or even to inform me she was leaving
From that moment our communication completely broke down, however, I have always hoped the best for her and that she would be able to come to some amicable settlement with you and John Hemming.
In order to help facilitate this as I have discussed with you, any settlement offer you make to Sonia would not need to take into account the £150,000 (there or thereabouts) that I had spent helping her defend herself in these cases.
I am willing to write that full amount off if she decides to settle with you both, hopefully, this will remove a huge burden and help you all settle speedily.
I had previously mentioned that I was willing to do this in the last hearing I went to with her.
I really hope you can all settle this amicably and get on with your lives, aggressive litigation is not healthy for anyone.
One further point that I will make absolutely clear, my funding of Sonia was always about defending her against any false or incorrect allegations she may have had to face.
The funding was never about trying to prove Mr John Hemming was guilty of any crime. I made this clear at the last hearing, Sonia to be fair has always known and agreed this was indeed why I was helping her.
To be absolutely clear, I do not think John Hemming is guilty of any criminal offence and certainly feel he is innocent.
Finally Sam, I would like to welcome you as a share holder of ONE VSP LTD ( and look forward to working closely with you in areas that I feel you will excel our rapidly growing Video Sharing Platform.”
However, Sonia, who does not presently have any major platform and self-publishes, is not important. What is important is that One VSP is a new business that is rising to the challenges of the market environment and stands to make investors a lot of money.
😃 She’s going to see her arse again.
Where I come from, men don’t cry. But this has brought a tear to my eye. Mr Butt is a fine man to be so forgiving towards the very wicked Sonia Poulton.
If I was a cop investigating Sonia Poulton lying to Mr Butt and dragging him into her web of deceit, and taking £150,000+ from him in order to help her to continue pursuing her entirely innocent targets and victims through the courts, I would expect my investigations to lead to her being sent to prison. Long time. Not least, because she was accusing innocent people of committing such heinous crimes as hacking and gang-stalking. This type of harmful behaviour can wreck reputations for life, and makes people feel unsafe on the internet.
Mr Butt said: “In order to help facilitate this as I have discussed with you, any settlement offer you make to Sonia would not need to take into account the £150,000 (there or thereabouts) that I had spent helping her defend herself in these cases.
I am willing to write that full amount off if she decides to settle with you both, hopefully, this will remove a huge burden and help you all settle speedily.”
I had previously mentioned that I was willing to do this in the last hearing I went to with her.”
Well, you could knock me down with a feather, so you could.
One hundred and fifty thousand pounds plus? £150K? One hundred and fecking fifty thousand pounds? And he’ll let her off?
Mr Butt has been so kind to her, that it wouldn’t surprise me to find out he would still provide her with a reference if she were to go for a job, at say, a supermarket or something. So she could be doing something useful for a change. Instead of sitting around on her backside, scaring people with ill-informed shoite about fecking ‘chemtrails’, and generally being a menace.
Wishing you every success! And oh, my goodness! Just look at all those skills you have. Besides all your legal qualifications! If people were to read only her ‘fund’ page, with its piles of derogatory comments and snides about you, they would be left thinking you’re just some lay-about who “calls himself a Mackenzie Friend” and spends every waking hour ‘stalking’ her, and trying to ‘harm’ her.
I agree with Rory. She is going to see her arse over this. I wouldn’t be surprised if she complains to police about Mr Butt now being a member of the alleged (but completely imaginary) ‘gang’ she’s been lying to police about for the past 12 years. Oh, my days…
“Over the past few weeks I have had a number of discussions with shareholder and CEO Muhammad Butt. There are lots of exciting wheels in motion about improving and diversifying content so although political content will remain, there will be other draws to increase traffic. My opinion is qualified. As my day job, I am also qualified in Software Development and I am the owner of an IT Consultancy, Prosperous Software Consulting Limited Limited, which amongst other things develops software including working on high traffic websites, including for some large retail and financial businesses.
As a result, I have worked on very high profile websites. My contributions as an advisor will be around making One VSP as scalable as possible, as cost-effectively as possible, to deal with an increase in viewing. I am also concerned to maximise free speech on the platform, whilst complying with regulatory requirements.”
Evil Auld Trout on November 26, 2024 at 5:02 pm said:
“I agree with Rory. She is going to see her arse over this. I wouldn’t be surprised if she complains to police about Mr Butt now being a member of the alleged (but completely imaginary) ‘gang’ she’s been lying to police about for the past 12 years. Oh, my days…”
😂 You took the words out of my mouth, Evil! Shouldn’t laugh though. Because it’s a very real possibility. She has a history of this sort of thing, and could be thinking about ringing the cops to say just that 😆
God forbid one of those ‘friendly but bent’ cops gets the shout if she does. You know which type of cops I mean. The type who will swallow any old shite Poulton tells them, and then immediately request dozens of armed cops to go out and wake innocent people up at dawn. Without checking Poulton’s history out first.
@ONEVSP is looking great these days! I watch it more than youtube. Wishing every success to Mr Butt and Sam Collingwood Smith
😭 This is so sad. Sonia Poulton is obviously extremely selfish and has shockingly bad manners. In the industries she aspires to work in, she should not be treating people like this. Word gets around. She has no loyalty to anyone but herself.
By all accounts, Sonia Poulton is known to drop people dead when they cease to be useful. Unless there is a reason for her to keep them onside. Iykwim. Which leads me to deduce she knew she would never be able to explain her ridiculous behaviour to Mr Butt once the truth started to appear in public court documents.
Therefore, it was very convenient for her that he needed some space, as it made it easier for her not to have to face him again, and tell him she had another job lined up.
Mr Butt said: “Secondly, not mentioning the fact that she had worked for so many years on and also did shock me a little, I found that quite bizarre.
During her break from Sonia had decided to join TNT, I had absolutely no idea she was going to do this as she had made no contact with me explaining this or even to inform me she was leaving”
[Cut for brevity by MHN]
“She is going to see her arse over this” gives a bad mental image tbh.
Imagine if she doesn’t now settle… MNB could in theory not only sue for recovery of the £150k+ but also pursue some other avenues to deal with what increasingly appears to be misinformation given to him for monetary gain. There is a word for that sort of obtaining money by deception… but let’s leave that for another day.
There is little chance (unless she wins the lottery or an Omaze house) of her paying off that £150k+ without borrowing more money or being bankrupted for life.
I do have to question though if she had £150k+ available to her then why did she need to get even more off the public via her fighting fund page and exactly what happened to that £150k+ already. She was so keen to get finances revealed at “The People’s Voice” in the past, perhaps it’s time SHE came clean on this issue – especially if additional donors have been sold down the river with her bs in order to obtain money.
Good luck to OneVSP.
SvT on November 26, 2024 at 6:46 pm said:
“She is going to see her arse over this” gives a bad mental image tbh.
The irony of her regularly making threats to ‘expose’ people and ‘door-step’ people – then lying incessantly to cops that she is frightened of the very people she threatens – is quite hilarious. Costly in police time and resources though. So she should be locked up for it, tbh.
[Edited by MHN for brevity and taste]
SvT on November 26, 2024 at 6:46 pm said:
“Imagine if she doesn’t now settle… MNB could in theory not only sue for recovery of the £150k+ but also pursue some other avenues to deal with what increasingly appears to be misinformation given to him for monetary gain. There is a word for that sort of obtaining money by deception… but let’s leave that for another day.”
😃 Today’s another day, so it is. So I’ll call it fraud. Same type of fraud she’s been using for scrounging cups of coffee and other donations from her flock.
None of her flock have a fecking clue why people have actually reported her to police or been forced into taking her to court. They still think she’s an ‘oppressed’ journalist, who’s been dragged to court ‘to prevent her from telling the truth and exposing paedophiles’. Ffs,
She must rue the day Mr Butt found the time to accompany her to court, and started to see the facts for himself. I can only imagine how gutted he must have been as he watched it all unfolding. Prior to this he would have had only her word in private to himself, and the words she publishes about her sundry cases on her ‘fund’ page. Which are a waste of space, so they are.
But, like we say to everyone who has had the misfortune to have been taken in, and conned into being a victim of Sonia Poulton and others like her, it’s not that the victims are stupid or naive, it’s quite simply the case, that Sonia Poulton and her gang are very clever, calculating, accomplished, and organised at what they do. Nobody knows the half of what they’ve been up to, so they don’t…
SvT on November 26, 2024 at 6:46 pm said:
“I do have to question though if she had £150k+ available to her then why did she need to get even more off the public via her fighting fund page and exactly what happened to that £150k+ already. She was so keen to get finances revealed at “The People’s Voice” in the past, perhaps it’s time SHE came clean on this issue – especially if additional donors have been sold down the river with her bs in order to obtain money.”
I agree. If I was cop involved in investigating Sonia Poulton, I would begin with her ‘Fighting Fund’ page with regard to this particular matter.
She says this on her fighting fund page: “All money goes into a unique and separate FF account and there will be full transparency of finances at the end of litigation.”
She does not explain why she would not be showing the monthly/quarterly incomings and outgoings. Nor has she ever shown how much her lawyers were charging her by the hour and minute. Even calling a lawyer up to say hello and ask if there is any news, is chargeable by the minute/second.
There is a possibility she was scared of her flock seeing the large sums which she would have been charged by her libel lawyers. It would have been too horrifying for them to find out it was probably cheaper for them to take their children for a fortnight in Disneyland, than it was costing her to pay for only a few hours legal work.
I would note how she dares not to say how much “financial support” she needs for a Hearing. This may be because it costs a packet, and she knows it would make her flock lose hope of ever going a year without having to donate some money to her.
Sonia Poulton stated: Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Hemming vs Poulton
“If you are able, I still need financial support for the next hearing, another threatened application & with more threats in the works.
At the top of the page is my Fighting Fund details.
For obvious reasons I can’t trust Go Fund Me (or any open funding system) because I can guarantee that it will be closed.
Most people know the problems with these sites by now.
Therefore, I have no choice but to have a private FF.
All money goes into a unique and separate FF account and there will be full transparency of finances at the end of litigation.
Thank you to everyone who has helped me so far. It means the world.
I literally would not have been able to defend myself to this point and at a time when I was overwhelmed.
What I have experienced for almost three years is detrimental to me, my life and my work and I will no longer suffer it in silence.
I need the type of protection that only light can bring.”
😵💫 😵💫😵💫😂
@Ilie Myassavolot I have to confess to having a chuckle at some of the tripe she writes on that fighting fund page of hers. But you’re right about her keeping her flock in the dark, and her being vague, so you are.
She even admits she is being ‘vague’ in one of her ‘updates’, so she does. But she never went on to say why. Even when she’d said she’d explain why she’d had to be careful “soon”. This was in 2021. We’re at the end of 2024 now, and some are still none the wiser as to why she had to be “vague” and “careful” when asking for donations! But maybe some of us are getting a bit wiser now. Wising up to her wily ways…
Sonia Poulton fighting fund page: “I need the type of protection that only light can bring.”
This is a fight for my survival and I will do everything I can.
Yes, it’s that serious.
I’m sorry to be so VAGUE about what is happening but it will soon become apparent why the need to be careful.
This is unprecedented for me but then unprecedented times require unprecedented measures.
I am under no illusion that 2021 is the year that ‘they’ have come for me. And I need help.
I am prepared to break the habit of a lifetime to reach out for it.
Thank you.
Sonia Poulton
April 6, 2021”
“But it is my lack of funds to defend myself that my growing list of enemies hope will deny me justice.”
Well, I never! The absolute fecking neck on her! How hard-faced is she, to be telling someone in a public space that she’s at “peace” with herself? When she knows the general public are able to find out she’s left an ex employer of hers out of pocket to the tune of £150K, and is up to her neck in sundry court cases for causing all sorts of bother and misery. This tweet has put me right off my porridge, so it has,
From X, formerly known as twitter:
“Sonia Poulton
Replying to
Aww xxxx lovely tweet, thank you. I think when we are at
peace with ourselves it shows all over us ❤️been a journey and a half to get here but am very grateful x”
You can always make more porridge. She will always have to contend with the negative publicity around her because she won’t learn any lessons.
Being the better person is much more important than her but she does need to be held accountable for her conduct because she sucks vulnerable people into believing her and donating money to her on the back of that.
“For obvious reasons I can’t trust Go Fund Me (or any open funding system) because I can guarantee that it will be closed.” as quoted above by Ilie Myassovalot.
So very briefly what are those “obvious reasons”:
1. She would have to abide by the T&Cs of the donor site concerned. Fat chance of that happening.
2. She would have to tell the truth on the donor site – No chance of that happening.
3. The money wouldn’t be readily available in one of her bank accounts. Oh dear we should all see the problems she would claim to have with that and there would be accountability for donors and the recipient etc.
4. Transparency. She would have to be transparent because the donor website would demand it.
5. Donations would be, under transparency, visible but possibly anonymous.
6. She wouldn’t be able to simply flutter her eye lashes at a bank manager to get access to the money.
7. Her untruths would be much more accountable.
8. If she were hosted by a specialist legal donor site then there would be a need for formal legal representation in her case. Err… and they would likely see through her lies … a little like some of her previous representatives allegedly already have…
So basically folks that’s why she doesn’t want to go via a “Go Fund Me” type route and wants the money to go direct into one of her several bank accounts.
Another reason why that word relating to obtaining money by deception, which is believed to have been committed by her and which not going to repeated here by me, needs investigating. One would hope that the reasons above are now … obvious.
I’m not as confident as others that Ms Poulton will get her just desserts. She seems to be Ms Teflon – she gets away with things all the time. I haven’t personally been the object of her spite – just observed it. If she would stop having bees in her bonnet about, for example, P words in Parliament and instead report about sensible matters I would be satisfied. If her antics or those of her followers have impacted the life(s) of somebody (or somebodies) I understand they feel they have suffered unfairly.
I’m not saying categorically they aren’t or never have been any P words in Parliament – the law of averages I guess means there are/have been some unpleasant characters in all walks of life. I don’t think it’s like every second MP is a P word though.
Oh well, time will tell how the trial plays out…
She seems to have lost her job, so she has already been held accountable. She has been in public spats with both her former employers, TNT who she resigned from and then badmouthed and also she was put on a break by ONE VSP and then went and snubbed them leading to Mr Butt feeling disparaged as he said in his statement.
SvT on November 29, 2024 at 10:32 am said:
“So basically folks that’s why she doesn’t want to go via a “Go Fund Me” type route and wants the money to go direct into one of her several bank accounts.
Another reason why that word relating to obtaining money by deception, which is believed to have been committed by her and which not going to repeated here by me, needs investigating. One would hope that the reasons above are now … obvious.”
👏👏👏 Well said, SvT! Oh, she’s ever so deceitful, so she is. I remember people being shocked to see her deceiving her flock with a tale about it only costing her £195.00 pounds to hunt people down from this site, and find out their IDs. When the more probable figure she had to spend was more than £5000.00 according to MHN and comments on here.
And she told her flock she would do the same again if anyone messed with her “reputation”! Oh, my days.
Sonia Poulton: “Smearing me with heinous lies can potentially harm what I do. I won’t allow that to happen.
So, let this serve as a warning to other ‘anonymous commenters’ seeking to harm my reputation.
I will pursue this action again, should I need to.
You can’t buy a good reputation, but you can defend and protect it.”
🤣 😂😵💫🚀
Evil Auld Trout on November 29, 2024 at 6:07 pm said:
“Oh, she’s ever so deceitful, so she is. I remember people being shocked to see her deceiving her flock with a tale about it only costing her £195.00 pounds to hunt people down from this site, and find out their IDs. When the more probable figure she had to spend was more than £5000.00 according to MHN and comments on here.”
😂 I remember this! She was slap bang in the middle of compiling yet more lies and data about various people to make more threats, but had the nerve to be simultaneously bigging herself up to her flock as having a “good reputation”,
We’ve only to look at some of the stuff coming out on here about her court cases, to see she will even lie in court. She has told some proper whoppers. Real badass stuff. All documented.
Been wondering if the courts are keeping tabs on all her lies and prevarications. Not to mention all the contempt 😃
🤣🤣🤣 The absolute fecking state of this. She’s such a shocking fantasist, so she is.
This is a fight for my survival and I will do everything I can.
Yes, it’s that serious.”
Sonia Poulton wrote: “A FIGHTING FUND
I have found myself in a place where multiple things are happening and are designed to harm and distress me.
The extent of behind-the-scenes manipulations mean that not only would I be unable to carry on my journalistic work but my word would count for little. Just as some want it.
Yes there really are people out there, some in powerful organisations, who want to silence and discredit me.
And you know why? Because my reputation is too good for their liking. They fear that people listen to me.
The reality is my life and work have become hazardous and I need an ongoing fighting fund just to survive it.
It’s not in my nature to ask for help, I am particularly bad at it. But needs must.
I worry about the implications of public contributions knowing my enemies will try to use it against me, but I can’t care what people who want to harm me think given that their stated aims are to bankrupt me, see me imprisoned and destroy my good reputation.
The reality is I’ve reached a place where I have no alternative.
As my name has become more synonymous with fighting against injustices, my enemies have become more powerful and embedded within the British Establishment. Not all. Some are merely foot soldiers, but dangerous and meddling ones.”
Evil Auld Trout on November 30, 2024 at 3:32 pm said:
“Wtf? 🤣 Imagine believing you are so very important and famed, and having all this sort of shoite trapped inside your head 24/7, and then going and blurting it all out in a public place. Oh, my days,
But on a serious note, these are the sort of extremely grave accusations she has been making for 12 years.”
And as we know, all of her delusional guff is relatively mild for her, and has been written under great restraint. Because she knows lawyers and police could have been watching her.
Which they were, as it turned out 😆 And as she’s admitted on her fund page, her own legal team seem to have advised her to wind her neck in and restrain herself.
Which of course, eventually led to her parting ways with her legal team (who are undoubtedly some of the best lawyers in the country) and as expected and predicted, she then began to blame/accuse them for ‘allowing’ things to have ‘happened’ to her”,… 😵💫😵💫😵💫😃
Sonia Poulton: “I am now deciding how I want to move forward with this. But I know myself and when I say ‘enough is enough’, I mean it.
Much of what has happened to me was allowed to happen because I had professional legal representatives.
As a litigant-in-person the game has changed.
In many respects, much of what I wanted to highlight – that of my allegations of being oppressed and harassed for three years & more – has already been aired in open court and is now available in the National Archives.”
😃 Sonia Poulton’s legal team weren’t to know that having her cases recorded in the National Archives was of the utmost importance to her.
Win or lose, until the end of time, lawyers and judges will now be able to refer back to her cases… (and see for themselves how much of a f*cking nuisance some of these LiPs can be when they get to the stage where they would rather be hung for a sheep than a lamb)
Congratulations! I think Sonia Poulton will definitely see her arse over this latest news, so she will.
She’ll probably be feeling like one of those women who dumps their husbands for another man, but then does her fruit and gets all jealous as soon as her husband finds another girlfriend – and announces their engagement on facebook. Oh, my days. 😃
Seen on X:
I have appointed Mr Samuel Collingwood Smith as my Special Technical Advisor.
Mr Smith is an IT Consultant assigned partly to develop all levels of coding in PHP, SQL, C# and C++ including governance, process and performance management.
2:47 PM · Dec 4, 2024″
*MNH, would you please be so kind as to check your spam to see if any posts are left loitering.*
😃 Congratulations to MHN and Mr Butt! 😆
[Cut by MHN for editorial reasons]