One of the most common features of internet trolls is their cowardice and anonymity. My face and real name is at the bottom of this blog, because I am a legitimate commentator. Others are not so honest. This article exposes Georgina C Middleton, a vile internet troll who uses the online pseudonym Dylan Charlie. Whilst she claims to have transitioned, and that ‘Georgina’ is her deadname, I might find that more convincing if the name ‘Georgina’ was not on all the emails she was spamming me, and she was not asserting ‘she’ pronouns on Twitter. Last night, after she posted material about me from a terrorist group, Cambridgeshire Police crimed the reported behaviour as Malicious Communications – meaning that their initial opinion is that there are grounds for investigation. Georgina is finding out online posts have real world consequences. I am likely to take civil action as are others she has defamed.

Georgina Middleton / Dylan Charlie has been repeating false allegations of rape online (not claiming to be the victim) including one false allegation of paedophilia she appears to know is false and came from a terrorist group. Her posts will very shortly lead to substantial civil action against her, and are under police investigation. To the extent that the police investigation is private information there is a public interest in revealing it as set out below. Click for full size.
So last week I ran my piece on false allegations, given currency by the band Snayx and others, against a musician who was to perform at the 2000 Trees Festival. I had agreed to help the accused person find a lawyer or assist them myself in litigation as McKenzie Friend. A day or so later I received a comment from a person with a Cambridgeshire based internet point of presence ( The conversation was odd because the person appeared to be unstable or intellectually challenged, but I was polite and kind. At times they appeared to be trying to conceal their real IP. The emails were from a person named Georgina, but ended Dylan or D.C.M. They acknowledged – of importance, that I was a victim of crime.
Whilst identifying posters who had been making false rape allegations about the victim for the purposes of litigation, it became apparent that Georgina is one of the posters, under the name, “Dylan Charlie”. I was going to ignore them until it got to time for the victim to do their letter of claim. Unfortunately, Georgina, knowing me to be a victim of sex crime, decided to repeat material from a terrorist group. That has now been taken down, but police have still allocated a crime reference number. It does not matter she tried to frame it as a mention – it has been proven untrue in court and there is no excuse for gratuitously raising it.
Obviously, aside from the fact that she may now be sued by at least two people and go to prison, Dylan / Georgina’s malicious posts have not achieved very much. As a cautionary tale, it is worth mentioning just how much information was readily obtainable about this troll. Just to be clear, where family members are mentioned, I name them but do not give surnames or addresses nor link to social media profiles. This is a public interest article to highlight the risks of online trolling, but I am not going to dox nor put these people in the line of fire.