It is well known that Kiwifarms has a number of rival sites in the same genre. I rarely comment on them, because I do not approve, but equally it is not my job to police the internet. If people do not have beef with me, I am far less likely to have beef with them. However, this Christmas one of the rival sites, has raised some very interesting concerns about James Gabriel Potter (born Joshua Conner Moon) and I am going to take the exceptional step, as Ethan Ralph recently did, of sending them some traffic. Information shared on the site includes recent discoveries about Josh’s hitherto unknown historic online activity and information about one of the unusual companies associated with Kiwi Farms, Flow Chemical Pty Ltd.

In this screenshot, a DeviantArt account believed to be operated by Josh compliments a minor on their beauty.
Posters on have discovered a 12 year old DeviantArt account called 2tsuki that has many indications pointing to it being Joshua Moon (archive). The account pre-dates the existence of Kiwi Farms and therefore forgery by Josh’s enemies is not a plausible cause of its existence. The account was previously unknown. However it interacts with known Josh accounts, has the same interests and, critically, the same birthday. So either Josh had a friend with exactly the same birthday on the same year and identical anime interests, or, it is Josh. The account was also created before Josh legally changed his name to James Gabriel Potter in a New York court.
Screenshots show 2tsuki interacting in disturbing ways with other users such as complimenting a minor on their beauty when at the time the 2tsuki account operator was an adult (going by their stated ages).
Since Onionfarms exposed this account, it has been deactivated. However, much of the content has been archived such as this eerie story, believed to be by Josh, in which he becomes the sole carer for a minor (archive). The story claims to be inspired by Lucky Star, an anime series about underage schoolgirls. It makes strange remarks such as, “To humor him, she suggested naming the child Konata in homage to his favorite character. It went over well, despite various lighthearted jokes about pedophilia. So the child was to be dubbed, “Konata.””.
Most chillingly of all – “He felt confident in his country, that the child he was about to meet would be in better hands here in Japan than back in America. His only regret was that it would be unlikely his mother would meet the child.” Joshua Conner Moon is well known to have hosted child rape snuff stories on his defunct /phile/ board, leading to unpleasant possible interpretations of this statement.
The second issue raised so far is Josh and Kiwi Farms’ links to an Australian company called Flow Chemical Pty Ltd. The allegation is that WHOIS records for Kiwi Farms at one staged showed them being hosted by Flow Chemical along with the IP block for the hosting company 1776 Hosting (operated by Joshua) being from the range allocated to Flow Chemical. There is a lot of unproven speculation about the company but there do seem to be unanswered questions.
Perhaps it is just a case of records not updated, and an unconnected company. Perhaps something more dubious is going on. It does not matter. Years ago I identified the real name and location of the head of a controversial crypto-currency mining organisation Josh was using for funding. I sent them an email using their real name and accused them of money laundering. Not long after I received a stern letter from an expensive London based firm of lawyers. I replied saying their threatened lawsuit was laughable but if they dropped Kiwi Farms we would not have a beef. A day or two later Josh was on the Kiwifarms complaining of being dropped without any clear reason except, “problems”. In return I kept my word and refrained from identifying the owner.
The lesson here is that all organisations, and especially shady organisations, hate noise. If it is one person they can lean on a journalist or a blogger. If some idiot is attracting law enforcement and media from all over the world, well they tend to make the problem go away by getting rid of the thing attracting the heat – that being Josh.
Flow Chemical Pty Limited may well be the most respectable chemical company ever, but the unfortunate linkage of its name to the nightmarish stalking, terrorism and child abuse forum that is Kiwi Farms means Flow Chemical is likely to face costly scrutiny from a variety of government agencies, NGOs, media and law enforcement. I would imagine some Islamists might like a chat about the Christchurch massacre. Historic archives show that in 2018 Flow Chemical Pty Limited operated a website and claimed to be a managed hosting company –
In recent years the company has continued to be registered and operate (at least on paper). It has not been struck from the register. Yet, Flow Chemical has no website. No advertising I can find. No presence at all. Which is peculiar for an apparently operating above-board hosting company. Do they not want, for example, customers?
If this low-profile company keeps doing business with Moon and / or Kiwi Farms, they are going to inevitably get a lot of scrutiny. Many people are interested, for example, in exactly where Joshua Conner Moon pays tax. He has very publicly engaged in merchandise sales, such as solid silver coins embossed with the face of an autistic person the Kiwi Farmers have spent years harassing. Who, exactly is Josh’s accountant?
It occurs to me that British authorities might be willing to ask their opposite numbers in Australia to look into Flow Chemical Pty Ltd. By happy coincidence, the UK Secretary of State for Business is Grant Shapps MP. Kiwi Farms members have threatened children in his constituency and nearby ones, as well as targeted members of his family. I will be dropping him a line.
Doubtless, Flow Chemical Pty will turn out to be completely above board and after thorough scrutiny by the ATO (Australian Taxation Office – the Australian IRS), the company and its directors will turn out to be salt of the earth, honest, hard-working businessmen.
Finally, I am aware from sources that there is more information to be revealed, some of which may be worthy of international news, with the right emphasis. MHN will keep this story updated.
Psalm 7:16