Interim Update #2: Then There Were Four

Moderators of *that* Facebook group now realise they are in serious trouble. To the extent they have now banned family and friends of mine who have never even posted in the group. Even so, they have failed to avoid monitoring - not all my friends are my Facebook friends. As proof, I include a screenshot. Group Administrator Ri Hi has now left.

Moderators of *that* Facebook group now realise they are in serious trouble. To the extent they have now banned family and friends of mine who have never even posted in the group. Even so, they have failed to avoid monitoring – not all my friends are my Facebook friends. As proof, I include a screenshot. Group Administrator Ri Hi has now left.

This is another update on Marcus Carpenter’s (former) Facebook group. Over the last hour, several of my friends have been banned. There is a sense of desperation and panic update from group administrators. However, as I said, I do not use Facebook much and many of my friends are not in my Facebook friends list. So, we can still see the group y’all. Of particular interest, the group administrator Ri Hi has disappeared also. Given she has not posted about me as far as I know, she is now safe from any legal steps I might take. That just leaves the four people to the left. My friends will continue to monitor this group. I will be speaking to various organisations including Boots on Monday, if the group still exists. It has been deleted before, in 2021. Perhaps it has had its day? Screenshot left as proof we still have access. On an unrelated note, I have created a category called, “Graham Farrow” on this blog.

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