Sonia Poulton Resigns from TNT: Did She Jump Before Being Pushed Over Child Abuse Case?

Sonia Poulton says she has resigned from Australian online platform TNT Radio (archive). But did she jump before she was pushed after misleading her followers again about her latest loss in the ongoing case of Hemming v Poulton, which includes allegations of child abuse against her? As a result of misleading statements by Poulton, MHN is publishing the whole court order from a recent hearing.

Sonia Poulton Video Statement

A High Court Judge has struck out a critical part of Sonia Poulton’s Defence and ordered costs against her. She has also parted ways with her most recent employer (again). Are these things connected?

At the last hearing in Hemming v Poulton, both former MP John Hemming and I applied to strike out parts of Sonia Poulton’s Amended Defence and Counterclaim. In fact, both applications were partly prepared by myself, based on advice from barrister David Hirst and John’s application was delivered by barrister Matthew Hodson.

John’s application succeeded, mine failed. Net result? Part of Sonia Poulton’s pleadings were struck out as inconsistent with an earlier witness statement (that is, lies). She was ordered by Deputy Master Sabic (a High Court procedural judge) to pay John £4,000 and I was ordered to pay her £150. John is indemnifying me, so he is bound to pay it. On any measure, Sonia still made a net loss of £3,850.

Sonia is being sued by John Hemming for libel, harassment and breach of the GDPR. The claim includes allegations of child abuse. One part of the claim is that Hemming alleges that Sonia named two child torture victims in breach of a court order, when the judge who imposed the order had made clear it would harm them. Hemming says that Sonia was interviewed by police and the video was taken down. Sonia Poulton admits to this. Hemming then goes on to say Poulton lied to her followers about it on her fundraising page, accusing him (and for that matter, myself and Darren Laverty) of trying to frame her to conceal child abuse perpetrated by himself. He says she acted with malice because she knew she was guilty of the crime, even if she got off by grovelling and saying it was an accident. Even if she did not believe she was guilty, she at least knew it was reasonable to report her to police, since accidental or not, she did breach a child protection court order. So even then, he argues, her post was malicious. Sonia denied her words bore this highly libellous meaning on the basis that she was not talking about us. Irena Sabic KC struck out the denial because it contradicted an earlier witness statement. In effect, the court has found that Sonia was talking about us. Her words referred to Hemming. The next step is a pre-trial to determine what her words meant.

Sabic upheld John’s application and said my application had merit and was, “ably” presented but she wanted to leave the contested pleadings for trial. So, my application failed. The judge did not grant me permission to appeal the refusal of my application, but she said I could run all of those defences at trial. I have applied to the higher court for permission, it is an appeal from a Deputy Master so it goes to a High Court Judge. In the meantime there is a preliminary trial which Sonia is likely to lose as the key point in her defence was struck out. Unfortunately, Sonia has written about this in misleading terms as though she had a great success. What is horrifying is that at least some of Sonia’s deluded followers think she has won the entire case.

Twitter user xCharlyJox is going to be disappointed.

Twitter user xCharlyJox is going to be disappointed.

@xCharlyJox believes Sonia has won. In fact, the whole order is below.

Court order page 1 - click for full size.

Court order page 1 – click for full size.

Court order page 2 - click for full size.

Court order page 2 – click for full size.

Court order page 3 - click for full size.

Court order page 3 – click for full size.

So, aside from the £3850 costs she is down from this hearing, the £30K costs hit last October and all the other costs (including the costs order from 2021 she still owes me) Sonia is just fine. LOL.

All the above is small beer though. The real bombshell was the two documents that passed into the public domain at the hearing. It was a public hearing, they were in the bundle and I referred to them so they passed into the public domain under CPR 31.22 (1) (a), “the document has been read to or by the court, or referred to, at a hearing which has been held in public”.

In short, this entire case revolves around Sonia Poulton arguing it was right and in the public interest to refer to Esther Baker’s allegations. Except, she never has held any such belief since well before the case began. The two documents are from an earlier criminal case in which two men were alleged to have harassed Poulton. She told a police officer that, Exaro abuse allegators, which include Baker, “could not lie straight in bed” and, “I withdraw any further assistance from Esther Baker. I will not be a witness for her. I do not trust these people”. This evidence is damning, and its importance will become clear in due course.

So, we are left with the question of how Sonia explained all this, and the £4,000 costs order against her, to her employers. If I was her employer, I would have legitimate concerns about her honesty and integrity due to the reasons for the strike-out – two statements which contradicted each other made in formal legal proceedings and signed with a Statement of Truth:

A damning email from Sonia Poulton to police officer Vicky Allen.

A damning email from Sonia Poulton to police officer Vicky Allen.

Another damning email from Sonia Poulton to police officer Vicky Allen.

Another damning email from Sonia Poulton to police officer Vicky Allen. Email addresses and names of some third parties redacted.

So yesterday Sonia was seen to make some … intemperate … remarks live on air at TNT. Then last night, Sonia posted the following:

Sonia Poulton resigns from TNT. But why? Was it really over free speech, or was the parting of ways prompted by the adverse court findings on the child abuse allegations?

Sonia Poulton resigns from TNT. But why? Was it really over free speech, or was the parting of ways prompted by the adverse court findings on the child abuse allegations?

If TNT were putting editorial controls in place over Sonia that is correct and justified. If the relationship soured in part over the court case, well, that is justified too. It is difficult to see how Sonia will find further employment whilst this case is hanging over her. Ms Poulton however, claims it was disputes over, “free speech”. Perhaps it was in a way. Ms Poulton’s idea of free speech has seen her sued repeatedly and has led to an adverse OfCom ruling against her personally. In the 2013 ruling, Sonia worked at TPV (The People’s Voice) and was found to have been biased. In response to the OfCom investigation, her employers admitted the breach and stated that they had parted ways because of it,

“TPV said that this particular programme failed to represent the “overall tone [it] was aiming for […] due to [the] presenter’s inability to remain impartial” and this, along with other unrelated issues, had led to Ms Poulton leaving The People’s Voice. The Licensee said that as a result the series was cancelled at the beginning of 2014”

Ms Poulton had a very public row with TPV, making a number of allegations against them, and was heavily criticised by David Icke in a video interview. It seems that the OfCom ruling at least partially vindicates Icke (and I believe the rest of what he says about Poulton).

Ms Poulton’s idea of free speech has also led to a situation where I have a restraining agreement against her former boss at Brand New Tube, Muhammad Butt, in a schedule to a court order. Darren Laverty has a settlement with lifelong restraining provisions against her, albeit reciprocal.

TNT might also like presenters to maintain professional decorum and not criticise the network live on air – again they may feel that failing to do so is outside normal limits of, “free speech”.

Whilst we may never know the whole truth of what happened between Sonia and TNT, plenty more is to come in the libel case. Those who have supported her online will find the truth about her far from palatable.

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This entry was posted in Brand New Tube, Free Speech, Human Rights, John Hemming, Law, Muhammad Butt, Samuel Collingwood Smith, Sonia Poulton by Samuel Collingwood Smith. Bookmark the permalink.

About Samuel Collingwood Smith

Samuel Collingwood Smith was born in the north of England, but his family moved south early in his life and spent most of his early years in Hertfordshire before attending Queen Mary, University of London, where he studied Economics. Sam currently lives in the southeast of England. Smith was employed as a Labour Party fundraiser in the 2001 General Election, and as a Labour Party Organiser in the 2005 General Election. In 2005 Smith was elected as a Borough Councillor and served for 3 years until 2008. In 2009 Smith changed sides to the Conservative party citing division within Labour ranks, Labour broken promises and Conservative improvements to local services. In 2012 Smith started to study a Graduate Diploma in Law, passing in 2014. Smith then moved on to studying a Master's Degree in Law combined with an LPC, receiving an LL.M LPC (with Commendation) in January 2017. During his study, Smith assisted several individuals in high profile court cases as a McKenzie Friend - in one case being praised by Parliamentary petition for his charitable work and legal skills. Smith is also the author of this blog, Matthew Hopkins News, that deals with case law around Family and Mental Capacity issues. The blog also opposes online drama and abuse and criticises extreme-left politicians.

58 thoughts on “Sonia Poulton Resigns from TNT: Did She Jump Before Being Pushed Over Child Abuse Case?

  1. Well surprise, surprise, surprise…

    How many is that? TPV, This Morning, Sky, BNT/OneVSP and now TNT… and those are the ones off top of head. No doubt a lot more. Don’t think she “jumped” from most of those either. Pretty clear TNT took exception to her “hot mike” moment and got rid… either directly or she was “asked” to resign.

    She really does need to learn to stop ranting her mouth off so much as it lands her in difficulty repeatedly. She is the common denominator in it all. The problems lie with her not other people who stand up to her bullshittery.

    Even now she’s going on an offensive… “1. If anyone wishes to attempt to dispute what I am saying here they should remember I am an investigative journalist and I have more receipts than Tesco.” direct quote from:

    blah blah blah Sonz. And if someone else has more receipts than you Sonz? Be very careful what you really wish for is my suggestion.

    She’s also still misinforming her readers: about the £3850 she owes from just one hearing. So Sam made a mistake, big fecking deal, it’s no wonder in a way he did because of the amount of times she’s been sanctioned so far.

    It’s likely only a matter of time now before plod have words with her again too and she gets herself into even more difficulty as a solo “breakfast host” on Youtube or some other platform.

    As an aside, she should also be remembering that this was in the Hill ruling at paragraph 202 after the November 2023 hearing:

    “Mr Hodson contended that the original pleader of the Defence made a sensible concession; and that to deny the issue of serious harm based on the Claimant’s contended for meanings was unrealistic. He relied on the fact that in Baker v Hemming, Ms Baker (as Defendant to Mr Hemming’s counterclaim) conceded the issue of serious harm on very similar and related facts. His case on the natural and ordinary meaning of the Tweet in question had been set out at [107] of the Amended Defence and Counterclaim and was that he had “raped and sexually assaulted [Ms Baker], then stalked and defamed her to cover it up”. Further, “The reference to ‘other victims’ meant he committed other rapes and is a serial rapist”: Baker v Hemming at [14]. Later in the judgment, Steyn J referred to this meaning, and recorded that Ms Baker had conceded that “such a grave allegation was bound to cause serious reputational harm”: [97]. On that basis, Mr Hodson argued that the issue of whether the meanings contended for by the Claimant meet the serious harm threshold has effectively already been determined. Further, even if Steyn J had not given this ruling, it was a matter of common sense that to assert someone had sexually abused a child was bound to cause serious harm. In my judgment, these submissions have considerable force.”

    She has, this very week, effectively repeated the serious harm aspect by stating (even after CPS didn’t prosecute, Hemming was successful in civil court, after everything Poulton herself said about Baker in the above emails) “During a podcast recorded on 3 November 2019, You Tuber Shaun Attwood asked me about allegations regarding John Hemming and I said I didn’t know the truth of what had been said. That’s it. I know it’s hard for people to believe but that’s what it is. ” – when what she really means is that she did know the truth (it was plain to see ffs) but didn’t want to admit that she had got it all monumentally wrong. But by doing so and repeating the same crap as in the Attwood interview she has effectively reset the libel clock, reset a few other things too. It’s utterly bonkers as a defence strategy and is, in my opinion, likely to land her with either further lawsuits or applications for strike out. If she can’t tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to her own “followers” then what chance in a formal witness statement to either a court of law or to the police…

    Talking of “truth”…

    In another update today to her “Fighting Fund” page she couldn’t even get the date right – yesterday was the 16th May not 18th May:

    “UPDATE FOR TRANSPARENCY: Even though Mr. Smith is a prolific writer of emails to me, it fell to Mr. Hemming to contact me yesterday on 18/5/24 to inform me that Mr. Smith had got this wrong. That I did not, in fact, owe Mr. Smith any money at all.

    I knew this, it wasn’t news to me. However, it will be news to the people that Mr. Smith had sent emails to this week claiming I owed him money when the truth is actually the reverse: he owes me money as ordered by the court.

    Funny old world. So many people want to invert it. I just like plain truth, makes life simple.”

    Plain old truth like the correct date then eh? If she can’t even get the basics right then what chance in a formal witness statement?

    More self-reflection me thinks is required by Ms Poulton and more brain power and less ego trips. Only an opinion though.

  2. I don’t suppose £150 is a lot to someone with a good job – might be different for someone on a basic pension. I know I’ve said this before but a wise general knows when to retreat. Sonia’s followers appear to be stuck in the fog still. I guess we’ll have to see what happens in the libel case.

    • Agreed re perspective on funding, but that was also partially my point – £150 is nothing compared to the larger sums Poulton owes others whilst understanding that £150 could be a lot of money to others. Which makes her grandstanding this week even more remarkable tbh.

      The problem re her followers is that she is in deep denial [or that is the sense that she wants people to perceive], in my view, the longer she remains there the more excuses and victimhood she dreams up instead of a long overdue reality check – it’s like it’s a game to her.

      If she is so keen on the simple truth as she makes out then she would be much wiser simply accepting she was wrong to do what she did and properly settle instead of dragging matters on and on and on (the tactical retreat you refer to) and very likely reducing the possibility of an amicable settlement because she has stated openly, again, that she will not settle. Not a wise defence strategy at all.

      She remains deluded and in denial allowing her ego to overrule her brain, it seems to me.

      Not forgetting she could’ve stopped all of this right at the start of the case by simply apologising and removing/amending certain material – Attwood recognized it, she seemingly can’t and more worryingly, for her own sanity, won’t.

      Who is to blame for what has happened to her after that claim was filed?

      Lest we forget she has serially made what have turned out to be false allegations against various in the meantime.

      That is a question that she should really be asking herself. But has she got the personal insight to do so? I’d suggest that someone with a claimed psychology degree should know to do so.

      I’m pretty certain that the £150 issue is a case of Sam possibly losing a battle to win a bigger war.

  3. If I was cop on this case, and Sonia Poulton told me in an email that she was going to have her coil taken out, I would feel ill. I would have to go home and lie down. I would feel assaulted. Such horrid images are not easy to erase. It is not as if she was dating the cop, or a personal friend of the cop. So why would she start an email off by sharing with a random cop, that this was the day she was about to scrap her contraception device? She was only contacting the cop, to give the cop a bollocking for not putting a 24/7 marker on one of the people whom she was falsely accusing. No need to bring her coil into it. But this is what she is like. Vulgar.

      • 😃 I have had to lie down. I knew the email would do this to me. I wish I had not read it. I just want these horrible images to go away. The cop who received this email may not have felt ill, but I hope they reported that the level of intimacy being displayed by Sonia Poulton was putting them in a predicament where they were no long able to stick to their oath, and act without fear or favour. If I was cop on this case, I would have been worried that she may have developed a crush on me if she sent me emails like this. Or was trying to curry favour with me, and show me who is boss.

  4. Ilie Myassovalot on May 17, 2024 at 2:54 pm said:

    “So why would she start an email off by sharing with a random cop, that this was the day she was about to scrap her contraception device?”

    The way she just comes out with it! No filters whatsoever. Like she was just getting off to the scrap-yard to scrap an old Escort. The cop’s boss could have read that email, and thought they were friends or lovers, with the way they seem to be carrying on with each other. I was looking for the hearts and flowers emojis, and the ‘luv u’, ‘luv u more’, so I was. I could see who the boss was in that relationship, so I could,

    And as for what Sonia Poulton’s done behind Esther Baker’s back, I’m shocked, so I am. Well, I’m not too shocked, if I’m being honest. Sonia Poulton has done similar to a fair few others, so she has. It’s why I’m intrigued by this part of MHN’s original post:

    “Whilst we may never know the whole truth of what happened between Sonia and TNT, plenty more is to come in the libel case. Those who have supported her online will find the truth about her far from palatable.”

    I never know what’s going to come out next on these threads, so I don’t. But I always look forward to whatever’s coming…

    • “The cop’s boss could have read that email, and thought they were friends or lovers, with the way they seem to be carrying on with each other.”

      The cop in question was sanctioned as a result of overfamiliarity in that email and a whole load more with the “victims” that she was giving remarkable credence too when they were simply grooming the cop to “believe” and said copper has been since… promoted. Promoted for failure, breaching the rules (as you can see in the 1st email pic above) such as telling victims of operational details ahead of events which COULD result in all sorts of difficulties not only for suspects but also for securing vital evidence. [Redacted by MHN for legal reasons] The issues at the Met were enormous and likely still are. IOPC were not impressed with that copper and her “team”.

  5. Even worse, when the initial suspect had been cleared, they dropped the whole case. It was simply a silencing exercise and nothing to do with actual harassment/stalking etc because had it been then they would’ve pursued the real culprit not given up. Problem too was that the offences the arrest took place for weren’t even made out anyway as the CPS confirmed. Thus the arrest was wrongful ergo the compensation etc. Baker, Poulton, Wilmer and son should all have been investigated for multiple offences as a result of counter allegations made at the time. They weren’t. Clearly weren’t. Why? Even the most basic of wasting police time offences was made out with regards to their behaviour. However, the offences that they otherwise committed don’t have a timelimit on them… so… they should all be careful what they wish for and brag about.

  6. If I was cop involved in investigating whether Sonia Poulton is lying about why she is no longer at TNT, I would bear in mind she has form for lying to courts. Anyone who will lie in front of a judge, knowing they could go to prison for it, will lie to anyone about anything. Therefore, I would take whatever she says with a pinch of salt. Once a liar…

    It will be interesting to see how she spins herself out of this one.

    Sonia Poulton

    May 16
    I have resigned from TNT with immediate effect. I went to TNT to create a new breakfast show, I was told it was free speech. This was not my experience. Many of the staff are fab, loved working with them. I will say more when I’m ready.

    TNT Radio
    No we didn’t drive her out, we offered her a better shift and ZERO censorship which she had accepted.
    12:24 AM · May 18, 2024

  7. Original post: “Ms Poulton had a very public row with TPV, making a number of allegations against them, and was heavily criticised by David Icke in a video interview. It seems that the OfCom ruling at least partially vindicates Icke (and I believe the rest of what he says about Poulton).”

    David Icke gave her the biggest opportunity of her life, so he did. And she dragged him through the mud. Same as she did with Mr Butt of BNT and VSPONE. They’re both lucky not to have been bankrupted by her and her mouth. The shocking lies she told about Icke, and all the snooping she did about his business affairs, should have been enough to show everyone what a dangerous individual she is. And if that wasn’t enough, those shocking videos she made about him, as if she was speaking directly to him, sent shivers down my spine. She ranted and screamed like a banshee. All I could think was, I hope David Icke has good security.

    She was supposed to have been ‘exposing’ him in a fillum, but it hasn’t materialised yet. She hasn’t had the time. Because she’s been involved in police and court cases since at least the end of 2015.

  8. Evil Auld Trout on May 18, 2024 at 9:59 am:

    “And if that wasn’t enough, those shocking videos she made about him, as if she was speaking directly to him, sent shivers down my spine. She ranted and screamed like a banshee. All I could think was, I hope David Icke has good security.”

    If I was cop involved in a case investigating Sonia Poulton’s video assaults on David Icke, and knowing what I know now, I would be firm, and demand she be remanded to prison straight away. I would provide Icke with 24/7 police protection because of her mob. Then I would begin investigating. From a distance. Knowing she could not interfere with my investigations, or send me any horrible emails about intimate matters.

    I would be ashamed to know so many cops have been involved with Sonia Poulton, yet none of them ever bothered to do basic background checks on her and her mob.

  9. Ilie Myassovalot on May 18, 2024 at 9:15 am said:

    “I would bear in mind she has form for lying to courts. Anyone who will lie in front of a judge, knowing they could go to prison for it, will lie to anyone about anything. Therefore, I would take whatever she says with a pinch of salt. Once a liar…”

    Must say, now she has form for lying in court, she is definitely in the lead for being the hardest, toughest individual in her outlaw gang. Lying in court is one of the worst things anyone could possibly do. But she’s done it, and seems altogether very pleased with herself regarding the entire Hearing, and how it turned out…


  10. You know, if I thought it would do any good I’d try to reason with some of Ms Poulton’s followers but I have had scant luck reasoning with conspiracy theorists in the past. The idea that there are p-words lurking in many nooks and crannies of Parliament rankles (to me at least) of a conspiracy theory. I know things have come out about Cyril Smith after his death which are unwholesome but that doesn’t mean every MP is nefarious. It was in a different context but I was trying to reason online a couple of years ago with a fan of Jeanette Archer (lady who promotes – in my opinion – satanic panic). Ms Archer had made ludicrous claims about the late Queen – I had said to someone something like “You surely don’t believe the Queen mutates into a lizard?” The person replied “Of course she changes into a lizard”. (Paraphrasing). What can you do in those circumstances? You can try to warn folk but sometimes they have to learn the hard way they have been duped and I fear it may be thus with the folk who are in the cult of Sonia Poulton.

    • The problem with trying to reason with people who base everything on belief rather than evidence is that they are usually incapable of self-reflection and don’t have the capacity to attempt to question a narrative enough. A lot of it is also a form of laziness, imho, in that it’s much easier to go along with a narrative than to question. Most of the “believers” tend to be individuals with other problems too – ones that they are perhaps avoiding tackling in their lives by getting dragged into the conspiracy world. It’s easy to jump on the bandwagon but a lot harder to get off the bandwagon or escape the rabbit hole that many appear to have gone down. Strange how there was never a camera around when such “lizard” incidents ever occurred or indeed when the likes of Wilfred Wong supposedly stumbled across SRA in the woods. One would’ve thought that evidence would’ve been vital… except it’s not when everything relies on simply believing the messenger.

      It’s also strange isn’t it that despite all the bleating about the P word in Parliament that there is very little in the way of hard constructive evidence (other than Cyril Smith as you say).

      The believers don’t seem to be able to question one thing: how many people would have to be silenced if the theories had any credence whatsoever.

      The additional problems then build up when the believers con the likes of gullible cops (some of whom may have the same personal views). The danger then is that belief (as it did with Carl Beech for example until Northumbria Police stepped in) taints mindsets that should be questioning everything and believing nothing.

      Pointless wasting time trying to reason with many who are so far down the rabbit hole that they’ve lost sight of the light at the end of the tunnel, imho.

      To continue that analogy: Although that’s where exposure of the conduct of the “chief rabbit” is vital to prevent other innocent “rabbits” getting ideas of wandering into the dangers of the “warren”.

      In this specific instance, Poulton is the “chief rabbit” steering others down into her rabbit warren (that sounds so wrong in one respect!) full of wild conspiracy theories, encouraging extremism (in my view), and making other problems for other people by incitement and broadcasting such theories/extremism to gullible individuals and then making threats against anyone who even dares to question her whether already in the “rabbit warren” or not.

      Dictators are made of such material, they always think they are right even when proven wrong. Classic example in a tweet where Poulton thinks she is right and thanks her deceased mum for that mentality…. just because she THINKS she’s right doesn’t mean she IS right. The very subtle difference appears to be lost based on the wording of her tweet.

      Deluded doesn’t even begin to describe people like that because they can’t even question themselves it seems or examine counter arguments with impartiality. Such individuals I would opine are dangerous, not only to others but to themselves because they don’t know or can’t accept where the line of acceptability or legality is drawn and don’t care about the damage they cause to others.

      Freedom of expression is a vital part of our society however it comes with clauses and disclaimers. It’s not a free for all as some seem to think it is and the sooner they realise that and have some self-control the better imho.

  11. Perplexed Bystander on May 19, 2024 at 9:28 am said:

    “Ms Archer had made ludicrous claims about the late Queen – I had said to someone something like “You surely don’t believe the Queen mutates into a lizard?” The person replied “Of course she changes into a lizard”. (Paraphrasing). What can you do in those circumstances?”

    Nothing. They are lost. They were already in too deep if this was their attitude towards you. Someone will have told them they have ‘insider information’, ‘first hand evidence’, or that high-up police have told them such evidence exists. This makes these people beyond help. They see themselves as ‘awake’, and may see you as standing in the way of them waking other people up if you start asking them any questions. And we all know what could happen next. Dawn raids and false arrests etc

    If I was cop involved in a case investigating Ms Archer and Sonia Poulton’s theories on lizardry and suchlike, I would send them both for blood tests. If the tests came back clear, I would assume they were allowed to stay up late at night in the 1980s to watch a tv series called ‘V’, which was about alien reptiles harvesting the human race for food.

    Tv shows and a lot of graphic autobiographies about child abuse have a lot to answer for. Every Tom, Dick and Harry is stealing something from them, and weaving bits into their own life story, or using the gruesome stories to keep their own bandwagons going.

  12. Looks like we could be in for a treat. Sonia Poulton is set to address her issues with TNT via video 😃

    *Please let it be like her videos on David Icke 🙏*



    Hi Sonia I will miss your tnt show but can you comment on this:
    TNT Radio

    May 18
    Replying to @Queenzooch and @SoniaPoulton
    No we didn’t drive her out, we offered her a better shift and ZERO censorship which she had accepted.

    Sonia Poulton
    Yes I will. I will be addressing this in a video.
    6:47 PM · May 19, 2024”

  13. Rory Port on May 19, 2024 at 9:10 pm said:

    “Looks like we could be in for a treat. Sonia Poulton is set to address her issues with TNT via video 😃”

    😃 It would be grand, so it would, if she were to try to make TNT look like another set of ‘dark forces’ who are working with Government agents to cramp her style. Even though TNT have made it clear on X that there was “ZERO censorship”.

    To be sure, even though she knows some people will have read all about her behaving contemptibly, and lying in one of her latest court cases, she’ll probably still be using a lot of words like ‘truth’, ‘honesty’, ‘integrity’, ‘transparency’ etc to describe herself in her video. Because after reading her tweets and ‘update’, it’s as if she wasn’t even attending the same court case as everyone else who was there 🤣

    I shouldn’t say this, so I shouldn’t, but I’ll be ever so disappointed if she doesn’t describe herself as a ‘professional, investigative journalist with thirty years experience’ at some point in her video. We use this as a catch-phrase all the time for a laugh in our house, so we do 🤣 Then someone will shout something back like, “Oh, no you’re not. You’re just a fecking liar with too much time on your hands, so you are.” Oh, how we laugh.

  14. That moment, when your jaw drops to the floor because you think Sonia Poulton is making a public confession to a past crime regarding her naming children protected by court, only to find she’s responding to a tweet about a rapper. I should have known better than to think she would ever show any remorse lol.

    “Sonia Poulton

    I make no excuses except when I said it didn’t happen but now you’ve all seen the video, I feel bad!”

  15. Evil Auld Trout on May 20, 2024 at 6:14 am said:
    Rory Port on May 19, 2024 at 9:10 pm said:

    “We use this as a catch-phrase all the time for a laugh in our house, so we do 🤣”

    🤣 So do we! And since ‘that’ email, when anyone rings up who we don’t know, or we don’t know them very well, we say, “Hiya, You’ve just caught me on my way out to have a vasectomy.” 🤣 Doesn’t matter how well we know them. We just say it. Like it’s dead normal to start a conversation like that. It’s a scream. Breaks the ice. Puts people on the back-foot. Shows them who’s boss. Makes them sympathetic before they start giving me any back-chat. I see the cop in the emails seemed careful not to be wanting to engage in any back-chat either. Which is very telling…

  16. I’m sorry I’ve been slow on the uptake but I’ve only just realised Rory’s name is a play on words on the name of one of Soggy Poultice’s earlier shows!!!!

    When scammers (of the there’s something wrong with my BT hub variety or similar) phone up I sometimes pretend to think they’re the man coming to mend the loo. Jon Wedger seems to be back all over social media like a rash but I see folk saying things to the effect that he is a saint. He’s also been advocating “wild swimming”. Now I believe he’s a strong swimmer. There was a teenage boy drowned in the Tyne very recently. Admittedly that wasn’t because of JW – some kids were swinging over the water on a rope – but I don’t think “wild swimming” is something a less powerful swimmer like myself should indulge in, especially if the stories about sewerage works operating below par are true.

  17. Rory Port on May 19, 2024 at 9:10 pm said:

    “Looks like we could be in for a treat. Sonia Poulton is set to address her issues with TNT via video 😃

    *Please let it be like her videos on David Icke 🙏*

    No sign of any video yet, Rory. She must be taking her time over it, and giving it a lot of thought, so she must. Which means this video could turn out to be an absolute belter like her Icke ones, so it could.

    I expect she’ll be giving TNT what for in the video, so she will. Make no mistake about it. She won’t allow TNT to contradict her on X in front of her flock, and get away with it, so she won’t! 😃

    She hates being made to look like a liar, or being called a liar. She threatens to sue people for calling her a liar, so she does. Even though she is a liar, and knows she is one.

    She’s making out she resigned because she couldn’t use free speech at TNT, and that’s how her flock have been made to see it. But TNT have said she wasn’t censored. Something isn’t adding up here. I can see this becoming quite entertaining, Rory, so I can.

    Maybe even more entertaining than when she started ranting at the ‘buymeacoffee’ execs for dumping her. Using her ‘clout’ to cause pile-ones, and have members of her flock walk away from their own ‘buymeacoffee’ buttons 😀 Like that was going to fecking happen!

    That she expected people in her flock to give up raking in their free money, just because her own account was frozen, was hilarious. Oh, my days 😃

  18. Evil Auld Trout on May 20, 2024 at 5:05 pm said:

    “No sign of any video yet, Rory. She must be taking her time over it, and giving it a lot of thought, so she must.”

    She’s probably been too busy to make a video whilst she’s laughing at the pot she’s stirred up, after making inflammatory remarks and rousing the rabble over Princess Catherine staying out of the public eye (whilst she is having cancer treatment, and her hair could be falling out in clumps, and is probably feeling scared to death for her future) to be making a video about her TNT issues atm.

    Which is more proof, not that it is needed, that Sonia Poulton’s obsession with ‘exposing’ people and invading their privacy, and making sh*t up about them isn’t only confined to men. Which more people are beginning to learn about her.

    No matter what anyone thinks about royal families in general, the Princess of Wales is the probably the most popular and beautiful royal woman in the world, and Sonia Poulton is doing herself no favours by being so openly evil about this much beloved woman – who actually does do stuff for the welfare of children.

    “Sonia Poulton.

    I don’t know if the story circulating about Kate Middleton’s disappearance is true or not, but I do know events regarding her this year have been weird AF. It absolutely smacks of a cover up. People have a right to ask questions.

    Laptop account
    You should stop bullying a person into make public appearances for your entertainment & choose to accept how each individual handles their illness & respect their privacy if they want to recover in peace without idiots like you ready to over analysis every detail for attention.
    6:17 PM · May 20, 2024”

  19. @ Rory 😃 🙏 🍿

    Seen on X:

    “TrevHolman & Toby Choclador

    Where are you Sonia?… Missing you on TNT
    Sonia Poulton
    Just been testing for a livestream to explain all. Details to follow!
    4:59 PM · May 21, 2024”

  20. Perplexed Bystander on May 20, 2024 at 12:15 pm said:

    “I’m sorry I’ve been slow on the uptake but I’ve only just realised Rory’s name is a play on words on the name of one of Soggy Poultice’s earlier shows!!!!”

    😎 It’s coincidental. I was horrified when someone pointed this out to me a while back. Fortunately nobody ever reads this ‘creepily named blog’, except for a handful of ‘dark forces’, the 77th, and MI5 etc, or I’d have been concerned someone could have mistaken me for being a fan of hers. What with all the balanced comments I have made about her. (When I should really have been telling the whole truth, to be honest. Because if there are any ‘dark forces’ knocking about anywhere – it’s her and her mob.)

  21. Rory Port on May 21, 2024 at 4:12 pm said:

    “No matter what anyone thinks about royal families in general, the Princess of Wales is probably the most popular and beautiful royal woman in the world, and Sonia Poulton is doing herself no favours by being so openly evil about this much beloved woman – who actually does do stuff for the welfare of children.”

    We don’t do royals where I come from, but if we did, they would all look like Princess Catherine and do good work for children, and have 24/7 protection from people like Sonia Poulton.

    If I was cop involved in investigating a case where Sonia Poulton was seen to be encouraging her flock to believe Princess Catherine could be suffering at the hands of other royalty, or has met a horrible end, I would be firm. I would tell her to tell her flock that under no circumstances must they try to hunt the Princess down at any of her palaces to find out how she is. I would make Sonia Poulton do this on X for maximum reach to her flock, as we already know she inspires her flock to do the most dangerous things, and she has been to David Cameron’s house, making a nuisance of herself, and we all know about Janette Archer’s mob gathering at family residences to dig bodies up. Sonia Poulton has a big fetish for ‘doorstepping’ people and threatening to ‘doorstep’ people. She says she likes to instil fear, and ‘see the whites of her victims’ eyes.’ This is not acceptable behaviour, and I would not like Princess Catherine’s servants to find Sonia Poulton or any of her flock on the doorstep, asking for proof of Princess Catherine being alive.

  22. Ilie Myassovalot on May 21, 2024 at 5:45 pm said:

    “I would be firm. I would tell her to tell her flock that under no circumstances must they try to hunt the Princess down at any of her palaces to find out how she is. I would make Sonia Poulton do this on X for maximum reach to her flock, as we already know she inspires her flock to do the most dangerous things, and she has been to David Cameron’s house, making a nuisance of herself, and we all know about Janette Archer’s mob gathering at family residences to dig bodies up. Sonia Poulton has a big fetish for ‘doorstepping’ people and threatening to ‘doorstep’ people.”

    God bless us and save us, Ilie! Imagine waking up to find all those weirdos and misfits digging up your lawn. Fecking hell, I’d be having a heart attack, so I would. As God’s my judge these people are public menaces, so they are, and make no mistake about it.

    When I read her tweet about the Princess of Wales, I went ice cold, so I did. It took me straight back to the time when Queen Elizabeth woke up to find Michael Fagan in her bedroom. Sonia Poulton had better not be planning on doing any door-stepping herself, or inspiring any of her flock to go spying on the Princess. I say this, because she is known for getting others to do her spying for her. The cps have seen evidence of it, so they have.

  23. Evil Auld Trout on May 20, 2024 at 6:14 am” said:

    “😃 It would be grand, so it would, if she were to try to make TNT look like another set of ‘dark forces’ who are working with Government agents to cramp her style. Even though TNT have made it clear on X that there was “ZERO censorship”.

    To be sure, even though she knows some people will have read all about her behaving contemptibly, and lying in one of her latest court cases, she’ll probably still be using a lot of words like ‘truth’, ‘honesty’, ‘integrity’, ‘transparency’ etc to describe herself in her video. Because after reading her tweets and ‘update’, it’s as if she wasn’t even attending the same court case as everyone else who was there 🤣

    I shouldn’t say this, so I shouldn’t, but I’ll be ever so disappointed if she doesn’t describe herself as a ‘professional, investigative journalist with thirty years experience’ at some point in her video. We use this as a catch-phrase all the time for a laugh in our house, so we do 🤣 Then someone will shout something back like, “Oh, no you’re not. You’re just a fecking liar with too much time on your hands, so you are.” Oh, how we laugh.”

    @ Evil Auld Trout. You won’t be disappointed. She said everything you said she’d say, Evil. Several times over. She also seems to be accusing TNT of being ‘dark forces’ because they told her to stop harping on about her pet subjects.

    She was bigging herself up by saying stuff like this:
    “Why, why, why are they trying to control the most experienced journalist at TNT.” Asks herself if TNT are ‘controlled opposition’. 🤣🤣

    She said she’s in the ‘advanced stages of planning with investors and funders to run her own breakfast show how breakfast shows should be done.’ And guests will be paid to go on her show! 😃

    She pretended not to be bothered about TNT deleting all her shows 😜

    She said: “I’m an investigative journalist I will compile a report.” re TNT. 🤣

    “It’s a big fat lie that TNT allow free speech.” 😱

    She said she will give TNT a right to reply.


    She used her ‘more receipts than Tesco’ phrase again. Which sounded as threatening as last time 😱😱😱

    She said Mr Butt has never spoken to her again since he dropped her show. She pretends not to understand why…

  24. Rory Port on May 23, 2024 at 9:42 am said:

    “@ Evil Auld Trout. You won’t be disappointed. She said everything you said she’d say, Evil. Several times over. She also seems to be accusing TNT of being ‘dark forces’ because they told her to stop harping on about her pet subjects.

    She was bigging herself up by saying stuff like this:
    “Why, why, why are they trying to control the most experienced journalist at TNT.” Asks herself if TNT are ‘controlled opposition’. 🤣🤣”

    @ Rory. You’ve just just caught me as I was walking out of the door to scrap my old Escort 😃

    So she’s bitter towards TNT? Do they have good security? Australia’s no distance to her and the sort of people she knows, so it isn’t. I don’t like the sound of her saying she has ‘more receipts than Tesco’ again, so I don’t. I really don’t. She’s not normal. She’s a dangerous and malicious individual who should be locked up for all this threatening behaviour of hers, so she should.

  25. More or less word for word: ‘Why did they seek to control me? Are they controlled opposition?’ ‘Tied my hands from the beginning.’


  26. Evil Auld Trout on May 23, 2024 at 10:35 am said:

    “I don’t like the sound of her saying she has ‘more receipts than Tesco’ again, so I don’t. I really don’t. She’s not normal. She’s a dangerous and malicious individual who should be locked up for all this threatening behaviour of hers, so she should.”

    If I was cop involved in investigating a case of Sonia Poulton’s threatening behaviour regarding her keeping ‘receipts’ on people, I would foresee dpa issues which may take some explaining.

    By the way, where I come from, our supermarkets give customers the receipts to take home. Tesco should do this. It is the customer’s proof of purchase. (Or is she talking rubbish again?)

  27. Rory Port on May 23, 2024 at 9:42 am said:

    “@ Evil Auld Trout. You won’t be disappointed. She said everything you said she’d say, Evil. Several times over. She also seems to be accusing TNT of being ‘dark forces’ because they told her to stop harping on about her pet subjects.”

    I have just read some of TNT’s and TNT presenters’ timelines, so I have. The subjects she says she was banned from talking about have been discussed all over TNT. Which confirms my belief that TNT weren’t banning the subjects – they were just steering her away from the subjects which she’s not qualified to discuss at a grown up level, and which could have caused TNT a lot of suage. Not to mention the fact that she still doesn’t know what ‘balance’ means, despite her run-ins with Ofcom.

    She’s world renowned for falsely calling people ‘paedophiles’, and naming children protected by court, so Ican see TNT would be bound to want to protect themselves, and “curb” her as she calls it. In case she does it again. It was fiercely brave of TNT to have given her a show in the first place! They must be good souls. Rather like the fella at the top of Timpsons. He has given hundreds of criminals and ex criminals a last chance in life, so he has. Mind you, TNT are an Australian business, and if anyone knows about giving criminals a last chance, it’s the Australians.

    And she’s thrown it all back in their faces, and been nasty enough to talk their confidential business affairs, and make threats to them so she has. This type of vindictive behaviour could harm and prevent investment in TNT. She knows this herself, so she does. Which is why she said it.

  28. Evil Auld Trout on May 24, 2024 at 9:23 am

    “And she’s thrown it all back in their faces, and been nasty enough to talk their confidential business affairs, and make threats to them so she has. This type of vindictive behaviour could harm and prevent investment in TNT. She knows this herself, so she does. Which is why she said it.”

    If I was cop involved in investigating any case of Sonia Poulton’s malicious and dangerous behaviour, I would use this, and her threats about keeping ‘receipts’, as evidence to use in court, as a prime example of how she uses the largest platforms on social media to send threats out to her targets. She could incite her audiences into committing criminal acts. Which has already happened too many times to count. From hate speech, to encouraging crimes against persons, to the carrying out of crimes against persons.

    She knows that these types of threats, and the fact she is known to carry out her threats, will also send out a warning message to other victims and witnesses who would wish to speak out and give evidence against her.

    They see her target an international company in this manner, and they fear for themselves and their livelihoods.

  29. Evil Auld Trout on May 24, 2024 at 9:23 am said:

    “It was fiercely brave of TNT to have given her a show in the first place! They must be good souls. Rather like the fella at the top of Timpsons. He has given hundreds of criminals and ex criminals a last chance in life, so he has. Mind you, TNT are an Australian business, and if anyone knows about giving criminals a last chance, it’s the Australians.”

    What if TNT didn’t know about her past? I assume they would have asked if she had anything to disclose before she started. She has lied in court, which means she could very easily have lied to TNT, and said everything was hunky dory.

    She fabricated all sorts of stories for the people at BNT. They believed every word she told them. They even accompanied her to the cop shop and heard her telling another pack of lies, and still didn’t seem to cotton on to what a liar she is.

    Or maybe they did, and this is one of the reasons why the CEO Mr Butt started to put 2 and 2 together, and has never spoken to her since he put a stop to her show.

    She has made it known that BNT paid for her criminal lawyer. So it was BNT who were fleeced on that occasion, not her flock.

    Unsure why she would want to point this out though… 😃

  30. I see the pile-on she’s instigated is gaining a bit of traction. No sign of any gun threats yet, but it’s early days.

    I really hoped you were different
    👉🏼brave enough to make a difference, have a conscience.

    When your moral compass is set correctly I’ll listen…until then please remember that ignoring child sexual abuse means you are part of the problem 😔

    I’ve felt that & so have millions of others around the world 🌎
    7:43 AM · May 24, 2024

    TNT Radio

    Why are you abusing TNT on the basis of one person’s allegations and sour grapes.


    Abusing? Wowsers!! I’ve no reason to doubt Sonia. I saw enough of what I needed over the last few months, and have my own TNT experiences & receipts to fall on.

    Sonia Poulton

    I do not comment normally because your X account is known for being abusive – like the time you referred to people as cockroaches – but I simply must step in here and urge caution. I have all receipts for everything I have stated.”

  31. If I was cop involved in investigating Sonia Poulton threatening TNT in this menacing manner, which looks like blackmail, I would warn them she is being uncharacteristically careful with the wording of her threats at this time because of her current court cases and pending court cases. Were this not the case, she would be casting far worse aspersions, and making threats to send cops to have their hard-drives “looked into”, or indeed would already have persuaded cops to obtain false warrants and dawn-raid all their homes by now.

    She has deluded herself enough to believe TNT plucked her out to be a presenter for them so they could ‘control’ her because she is a great thorn in the side of the New World Order.

    She is also known in some cases to threaten to cut penises off. It is unknown whether such threats have been carried out. There is no way of knowing. But someone who can say something like this, and describe the act in great detail, has obviously given it a lot of thought. This would concern me if I was cop. I would not hide this sort of evidence and allow her to carry on menacing innocent people and businesses. Unlike the London Met cops who hid all such evidence, and more.

    Sonia Poulton to TNT:

    “Sonia Poulton

    I do not comment normally because your X account is known for being abusive – like the time you referred to people as cockroaches – but I simply must step in here and urge caution. I have all receipts for everything I have stated.”

  32. Evil Auld Trout on May 25, 2024 at 7:09 am said:

    “It involved a lot of labour intensive sadism 😱😱😱”


  33. Sonia Poulton has lied in court, and she knows the details of her lies are in the public domain. Yet she has the nerve to thank someone with a love heart (for all the world to see) for telling her how honest and truthful she is. She has no shame, so she hasn’t.

    I’d be lying if I said I was shocked to see her still playing on the generosity of the people she has blinded with all her lies and hype about herself.

    This individual she’s sent a love heart to in the tweet below, may only have sent her a tweet today, but tomorrow, they could be sending her a donation. Without having a clue about what it is she is actually ‘fighting’ about.

    Other individuals have been making donations to her on the strength of her words on her ‘fighting fund’ page for a few years now, so they have. I’ve copied some of her words from three years ago. She said the facts behind her words would become evident in the coming weeks and months. Which didn’t happen, so it didn’t.

    Matters took more twists and turns than ever, and any facts which have begun to surface after three years, are only showing the public (and police and courts) what an absolute menace she is for making up stories.

    Baker, Archer, Beech, Poulton. Peas in a pod, so they are. Except Poulton went a step further than the other three, and decided to bring the secret services into her fantasy stories in a big way. Spookily, one of these fantasies manifested itself in reality. She found the 77th were onto her, so they were. Monitoring her in the same way she and her gang have monitored every waking moment of their victims.

    It was one thing for her to brag to her flock about being such a threat to the NWO that the secret services would probably be tracking her, but it must have been a terrible shock to find out they really were watching her 🤣

    To have been a fly on the wall…

    “I am No4

    Don’t mess with a investigative journalist they always keep receipts. Love your honesty it always seems like you speak from the ❤️and never compromise on your beliefs. TRUTH always outshines lies.

    Sonia Poulton

    “APRIL 6TH 2021
    Hello –

    As many know, I have temporarily pulled back from my journalistic and broadcasting work.

    I want to proceed to full trial so the truth may be heard.

    This page is about reaching out to protect myself and the work I do in the long term.

    It is about establishing a Fighting Fund to protect and defend me over the coming years.

    I have to be careful what I write, but it is a fact that some of my enemies – and I have quite a few these days – are relentlessly targeting me. I am watched 24-
    7. This is not an exaggeration but a frightening reality.

    It is scary and creepy and the police are failing to protect me from those who have expressed an intention to cause harm to me.

    Even with evidence I have been left vulnerable and forced to protect myself.

    The facts behind these words will become evident over the coming weeks and months.

    If you feel inclined to contribute, please do so above. Any amount helps and is appreciated.”

  34. Not seen any gun threats or graphic pictures of people being shot in the head or set on fire. Blogs are still keeping pages hidden from public (and police) view, and nobody seems to be going the extra mile and publishing any fresh threats. I agree, the court cases do seem to be having a calming effect.

    “The Freeman

    There has been a lot of talk about TNT in recent days after Sonia Poulton resigned

    I want to reiterate that, to date, I have not been told what to say or had any controls put on my output

    If things change, I will be transparent about it and will act accordingly

    Stanley Reardon

    I think that TNT really did itself no favours when it got rid of Sonia. She was excellent.

    TNT Radio

    TNT did not ‘get rid of Sonia’. Sonia resigned.

    Stanley Reardon

    Because you made life intolerable for her.

    You cannot keep doing this to good presenters.

    TNT Radio

    We did not make her life intolerable. She resigned after she agreed to do a new shift. It was her choice. We have never censored anyone & the 20 odd presenters would agree with that. We have had over 45,500 guests since the inception and they have never been censored.

    Sonia Poulton
    You censored me. Stop lying. I have all the proof. Just because you shut down my email account doesn’t mean I didn’t already keep all the evidence of you doing so. Dear me. This, together with telling a viewer to go and suck on Sonia’s teet, really shows the public the problems over there.”

  35. 🤣 TNT shut down her email account. But she was quicker and cleverer than TNT, so she was. She’d already saved the alleged evidence of them ‘censoring’ her.

    Presumably, she’s been saving all her emails from the first week she started at TNT. Because this was when she began to consider that TNT were only employing her, to “control” her, and she was asking herself if TNT could be “controlled opposition”.

    Oh, my days. I knew her video addressing her issues with TNT would be a belter, but it’s surpassed all expectations, so it has.

    “Sonia Poulton

    You censored me. Stop lying. I have all the proof. Just because you shut down my email account doesn’t mean I didn’t already keep all the evidence of you doing so. Dear me. This, together with telling a viewer to go and suck on Sonia’s teet, really shows the public the problems over there.”

  36. If I was cop involved in investigating Sonia Poulton leading the public up the garden path with her lies and fantasies, which are dangerous and can wreck the reputations and lives of innocent people, I would use tweets like this as examples in court.

    Note that this individual uses the phrase “serious re offenders”, with the air of someone who believes Sonia Poulton’s allegations, and therefore obviously feels entitled to say these dangerous words in a public place.


    Agreed, but there were independent journalists who’d still uncover stories. Seems that they’ve all been threatened and dragged through countless trials by serious re offenders.
    You only have to look at @SoniaPoulton
    and the treatment she’s had by the ex MP and friends.”

  37. If I was cop involved in investigating and monitoring Sonia Poulton’s youtube output, I would make a point of warning Michael Gove and Liz Hurley, and Liz Hurley’s son, that Sonia Poulton has been casting aspersions, and making some grave and actionable comments about them this morning.

    Similar pointed, nasty comments have previously escalated and spread across the web like wild fire, and led to dawn raids, false arrests, and entirely innocent people being persecuted by her and her gang, and every man and his dog, for almost 12 years.

    She is evil to state that the way Liz Hurley brought her son up is a cause for concern and had safe-guarding issues. She should be locked up, to prevent her from doing this to people. There is no other cure for this type of behaviour.

  38. Correction:

    Evil Auld Trout on May 29, 2024 at 10:46 am said: Because up until now, the fecking police still haven’t collared her about it, so she has carried on and on.

  39. I think we’re witnessing one of those occasions where failures have to pretend that there’s no such thing as bad publicity, so we are 🤣

    And for all she says about people being part of a dying media, they seem to be doing alright from where I’m sitting. At least all these people she criticises for being part of a dying media can hold a job down for more than five fecking minutes, and without being a huge liability to their bosses.

    I shouldn’t say this, so I shouldn’t, but I can’t help wondering if she will start accusing the Whale of being ‘dark forces’, or casting some horrible aspersion or other.

    “Sonia Poulton

    James Whale and his sycophantic sidekicks are upset because I refused to go on his show and then I laughed about it – and them – on my livestream. Spread my name, boys, let everyone know I said you are part of a dying media.”

  40. Evil Auld Trout on May 29, 2024 at 5:01 pm said:
    “I think we’re witnessing one of those occasions where failures have to pretend that there’s no such thing as bad publicity, so we are 🤣”


    She’d be screeching the place down about having his “hard-drive looked into” and accusing him of working for MI5 if she wasn’t in the middle of f*ck knows how many court cases.

    You know what all this could lead to now, don’t you… Another video! 🙏🙏🙏

  41. Rory Port on May 29, 2024 at 5:13 pm said:

    “You know what all this could lead to now, don’t you… Another video! 🙏🙏🙏”

    No way, Rory. Do you really think that because she is so desperate for notoriety and being talked about, that she would do another video about James Whale? Oh, I would like that Rory, so I would! Watching her doing one of her ranty-tanties for an hour or so about him, and him totally ignoring it, would make my day, so it would 🤣 Although if he could do a come-back like today’s, I wouldn’t mind if he did another one.


  42. If I was cop involved in investigating Sonia Poulton instigating a pile-on to James Whale (or anyone else) I would first of all be aware that this could be a big opportunity to round up a lot of social media nuisances and social misfits in one fell swoop. Simply by looking at the sort of people who rush to defend her.

    Not that the people rushing to defend her these days are even nearly as dangerous as those who have defended her in the past. ie. prior to her myriad court cases etc. Those individuals keeping themselves occupied with fresh targets, so as not to interfere (or be roped into) any ongoings and forthcomings to do with courts.

  43. Ha ha. This person has the measure of her, for sure, so they have.


    Replying to


    This is the woman who begs for public money because she can’t earn a living! 😁

    “Because my reputation is too good for their liking. They fear that people listen to me.The reality is my life and work have become hazardous and I need an ongoing fighting fund just to survive it.”

  44. The absolute f*cking state of her, saying people are ‘clout-chasing’ off the back of her name!

    “…so I don’t pay no mind to somebody who’s tryna clout chase off the back of my name. I’m not interested in that.”


  45. If I was cop involved in investigating Sonia Poulton talking about people “tryna clout-chase” off her name, and I also owned a comedy club, I am ashamed to say I might be tempted to book her in to do a turn. Because this is comedy gold.

  46. Rory, you don’t even know the best bit yet. She went to do a pilot show for Murdoch’s Talk TV! After all she’s said to her flock about mainstream media!

    Talk TV was launched in April 2022, so the pilots wouldn’t have been long prior to that. I wonder if had she been given the job, and paid enough, would she have abandoned Mr Butt at BNT there and then?

    What does this tell you about her, Rory? Because it tells me she’s a fecking hypocrite of the highest order.

    We can thank the lovely, bright Rachel Johnson for Poulton not getting the job. She refused to work with her, so she did 🤣

    So, as we all knew anyway, Poulton only slags off the mainstream media, because none of them will give her a job! Unless it’s a back room job, which they give to anyone who can read and write. Oh, my days.

  47. Evil Auld Trout on May 31, 2024 at 2:52 pm said:

    “Rory, you don’t even know the best bit yet. She went to do a pilot show for Murdoch’s Talk TV! After all she’s said to her flock about mainstream media!”

    🤣 So, let’s get this straight – she’s been telling her flock that the mainstream media is dead on its feet, and not to listen to any of it because it’s full of “arseholes” and run by Establishmentarians, but she’s still been trotting around, begging to get some work in mainstream media?


    How f*cking embarrassing for someone of her age, with decades of prolific output, having to go and do, what was effectively, a screen test. How absolutely cringe, is that? That the bosses had to ‘interview’ her by watching her interacting with the rest of the panel, to see if she could hack it with a bunch of grown-ups. And she couldn’t…


    Thank you, Rachel Johnson.

  48. I agree with every word of this, and would do the same. According to the grapevine, other people who have suffered at the hands of this dangerous gang are prepared to do the same.

    Bruxism on June 3, 2024 at 11:30 am

    “Yet she knows, and has stated categorically, “Stress is a silent killer.”

    I understand from reading this blog and Sonia Poulton’s prolific output of threats to sue, that she is a vexatious litigious individual.

    [Edited by MHN for brevity]

  49. There are plenty of genuine causes SP could campaign for.

    Whether it’s easier for wealthy /establishment people to get away with crimes, that’s a difficult one. People with the funds can afford top rank lawyers to defend them. But there have been high-profile folk who’ve gone to prison. I can think offhand of Lord Archer and Jonathan Aitken – though I hasten to say they didn’t end up in the “slammer” for crimes of the type SP alleges are being covered up concerning parliamentarians. I’m just mentioning those cases as examples where being of a good social standing didn’t stop someone going to prison.

  50. In my earlier post I didn’t include that the members of the cult of SP are going to have reality hit them the hard way – who knows, maybe they’ll still believe after debunking. I may have to temporarily take a step back because it exasperates me so although I’m not directly impacted. I’m in hospital so need to function on good vibes really. When people say SP is brave I’m thinking “Hòw?”. For a female reporter with courage I think of someone like Alex Crawford who reports (well I’m not sure if she’s still based there) from the Middle East.

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