Joshua Moon, the infamous internet troll known for running stalker website Kiwi Farms, has been complaining that he is the ‘victim’ of credit card fraud. According to a post by Josh on his forum, around Thursday his payment service started to receive thousands of dollars worth of fraudulent transactions. I have no idea if this is the case, but during his protestations of being an innocent victim, Josh made statements that clearly contradict earlier remarks (archive here) he is not tracking his donors.

Josh’s current, Nazi themed avatar from Kiwi Farms next to the misspelt disclaimer on his donation site claiming not to track users. Click for full size.
By his own admission, Joshua Conner Moon’s websites have been removed from several hosting companies and payment providers, including Paypal. Most have bowed to the inevitable as soon as they are notified of the site and its nature, but a few talked tough until there was legal action. All removed the site. Now, Kiwi Farms hides its host and payment provider using Cloudflare. Furthermore, the payment provider is hidden by the use of an intermediary website called Users who wish to donate to Kiwi Farms must type their credit or debit card numbers into code written by Josh and the card number will be forwarded on.