TV and Film Review Guidelines

So, here at the Inquisition we like to have very detailed guidelines. Thumbscrew torque, that kind of thing. It adds a spurious air of legitimacy to our capricious views. For television shows and films, marks are allocated out of 25 across four categories. Visuals, Sound, Cast / Acting, Script / Story. Marking is based on objective quality as far as possible. To clarify, in terms of visuals that means whether it looks good and appropriate to the product. That also means marks are allocated not because the reviewer likes the story according to some subjective standard, but whether it is coherent, well written and / or capably executed.

  • 0-5 in a category means it is absent or well below acceptable quality
  • 6-10 in a category means it is poor
  • 11-15 in a category means it is mediocre
  • 16-20 in a category means it is good. Either this is a full price commercial release or it is an indie / budget item with some exceptional feature to make up for low budget
  • 21-25 means an A-list quality product

The total score for a television show or movie will therefore be 0-100 marks giving a rough idea of quality. Finally there will be an adjustment of between -10 and +10 points to give an overall impression.