This is a heavily revised version of my article about Sonia Poulton’s vile anti-Semitism. Sonia Poulton has been tweeting recently about the court case we are involved in and me, claiming I have been making up lies, including in particular that she is “anti-Semitic”. I have revised and republished this article because I do not wish to prejudice any proceedings should they occur, unexpectedly, much sooner than initially anticipated.
I stand by my opinion that Sonia is anti-Semitic, which is based on the content she has produced and participated in. To give some (non-exhaustive) examples of the facts my opinion is based on I would like to start with her video aired on 18 July 2020 in which Sonia Poulton and Shaun Attwood interview noted holocaust denier Ryan Dawson, uncritically and sympathetically. The horrifying assertions from this video include (checks notes):
(1) When asked if victims of 9/11 would see justice Dawson responds – “some justice yeah I mean I don’t think it’ll get back to Israel […]” – meaning that Israel is responsible for 9/11 and victims will not see justice against Israel.
(2) The Knesset, Israel’s legislature, only banned people trafficking to avoid Jewish blood being diluted, “what it was that won them over to finally start making rules about the victims of human trafficking wasn’t the horror of being lured to Israel under some false pretense like oh you’re gonna be a nannie or you have this job or that and they’re getting all these Eastern Europeans and then just taking their passport away and forcing them to work in a brothel no it was because they uh it was disturbing the Jewish majority demographic”
(3) The laws that were passed by the Knesset were designed to ensure children could be used and raped then deported when they were adults and no longer desirable to paedophiles, “[…] so once they were of age uh they were no longer desirable sexually they deported them back to wherever they stole them from based on illegal immigration.”
At the end of the video, Sonia fulsomely thanks Dawson, apologises for any technical issues and expresses a wish to get him involved again. She in no way condemns or criticises his views. She later posted this on Twitter [1] (archive):

After the joint video in which he makes the blood libel allegations of child rape and people trafficking against Israel, Ryan Dawson is thanked and included by Sonia Poulton.
So then everyone has seen the graphic of Sonia promoting Albert Bishai’s channel, which Poulton repeatedly included in her videos. Has anyone actually watched his video about the, “Satanic Matrix”? The graphic seems to convey the simple message that the Jews rule the world from Israel in the name of Satan and that is pretty much what the video says … So, after Bishai greets his audience, “Greetings Earthlings!” he rambles about his cat for a while and then around 20 minutes and 20 seconds he asserts that Jews believe that the only reasons non-Jews exist or have a place in this world is to serve the Jews. He then rambles about the, “satanic people of Israel” before giggling and then continuing with more.
Another video features Sonia and her cameraman intercepting Baron Rothschild in the street, shouting questions about anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about him in vague terms such as reference to the, “New World Order”. As Rothschild walks off in disgust her cameraman calls after him that he should have, “a nice death”. The words seem to have been intentionally included in the video.
More recently, Sonia has been tweeting with similar content of her own to the effect that British politicians owe their loyalty to Israel (and other non-UK organisations) not the British people. Sonia has also posted about the number of, “zionists” on Twitter and how the mainstream media is “zionist-captured”.
If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck and quacks like a duck it my be opined that it is, in fact, a duck. Your author in light of the facts above and other similar publications of Ms Poulton has formed the opinion she is a massive anti-Semite. If that be, contrary to my assertion, an allegation of fact then inferences can be drawn from Sonia’s conduct.
I put an early draft of the original article to Sonia’s new solicitor. I asked, “Please let me know if your client admits or denies the allegations”. The solicitor responded, “The relationship between any firm and its client, is a matter between that firm and its client. It would not be proper for us to address you on the subject of the allegations that you have made other than to acknowledge them and to confirm that we are still acting”. That was not an answer to the question I asked, nor an actual substantive response, nor a denial. I went back to them and asked them to admit or deny saying, “If she does not instruct you to respond then I shall publish at 5pm saying the applications are not denied”. Further correspondence did not advance the issue. No denial was received.
Readers will notice I have not addressed the child abuse allegations here. Those allegations are that Poulton abused two children, victims of torture, by breaching an order against naming them that was intended to protect them from serious harm. She also gave currency to a vile conspiracy theory wholly debunked by a judge. This is because those allegations have already been set out, with evidence, in my previous article on that topic, and also they will be addressed in a forthcoming lengthy MHN video combining and expanding on a number of my print articles about Poulton for YouTube and other platforms.
Samuel Collingwood Smith: “Another video features Sonia and her cameraman intercepting Baron Rothschild in the street, shouting questions about anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about him in vague terms such as reference to the, “New World Order”. As Rothschild walks off in disgust her cameraman calls after him that he should have, “a nice death”. The words seem to have been intentionally included in the video.”
Of course the words were intentionally included. Or else those vile words would have been edited out at the press of a button.
It is noted that the dangerous individual who spoke those words is her ‘boy friend’ who uses assault rifles, and who is alleged to have offered to lend them out to other thugs. It being alleged that these weapons are in fact in the UK. Either talk to the hand, or try explaining this to the police if this is a false accusation to make here.
Very few people are yet aware of the evil perpetuated by Sonia Poulton and the gang of thugs who have surrounded her for more than a decade. Their life-wrecking false allegations and threats have only come to the fore due to the tenacity and bravery of a handful of people who have refused to accept the depraved actions of dozens of police who have covered up for Sonia Poulton and her gang of thugs, in order to protect their own dangerous behaviour, and other institutionally corrupt police who have held more than enough evidence to stop Sonia Poulton and her thugs in their tracks for more than a decade.
This is the fact of the matter. Whether the police like it or not!
The blame lies with all those police who have willingly allowed her and her thugs to continue lying to them, in full knowledge of the wealth of contrary evidence. In some vain hope that the victims would somehow go away, or drop dead from exhaustion and defeat.
Evidence of bent policing where she and her gang are concerned is overwhelming. So overwhelming in fact, that the police would prefer to keep on burying it, rather than deal with it. In some cases, threatening the long suffering victims with prosecution if they dare to mention it.
The articles and posts on this site have only begun to scratch the surface of what lies beneath.
This link tells us more about the dangerous thug who wished Baron Rothschild ‘a nice death’.
Gwen Tsinvolvedere on December 31, 2023 at 2:49 pm
“The articles and posts on this site have only begun to scratch the surface of what lies beneath.”
You’re so right, GwenT, so you are. There are days when I dare not drop by this site, for fear of what else I may find on here. God bless us and save us from nightmares.
To be sure, other readers and posters on will probably feel the same as me. For various reasons. 😉
Someone’s seen her arse again this morning 😆
For someone who rants all over the place about karma, she doesn’t seem to understand the first f*cking thing about it.
“Buy Me a Coffee
10 hours ago we clarified that it was a mistake by one of our moderators and have since reinstated her account with details. At this point, we believe
cares more about rallying up her supporters to tweet mean things at us, than the truth. And that is fine.”
No business should say that it’s “fine” for people they do business with “to tweet mean things”. Wtf? 😵💫
More importantly, what sort of business finds it acceptable to continue working with someone whom they now know will take them on mob-handed, and who avoids telling the truth to the public at large?
Wtf? Wtf? Wtf?
And … she is gone again. On now.
Samuel Collingwood Smith
on January 3, 2024 at 11:55 am said:
And … she is gone again. On now.”
That was quick, so it was. She’s not one for letting the grass grow, so she isn’t. Some of these ‘creator’ types are no better than some of the people who lie down in sleeping bags on the streets and railway stations, begging for spare change.
I see no difference between her and them, so I don’t. Begging for money so she can sit around talking about all sorts of shoite, such as saying she could name ‘famous paedophiles which would shock the world’ is fecking immoral.
If she does know the names of any ‘famous paedophiles’, she should be telling the police about them, so she should. Not sitting on her arse, talking to other ‘creators’ about it. She could be preventing those ‘famous paedophiles’ from harming more children if she were to tell the police instead, so she could.
She needs to get herself a proper job, so she does. Something which tires her out, and stops her making up all this sort of shock-jock attention seeking shoite for clicks.
Liyeur Pantsafayeur on January 3, 2024 at 11:50 am
No business should say that it’s “fine” for people they do business with “to tweet mean things”. Wtf? 😵💫
More importantly, what sort of business finds it acceptable to continue working with someone whom they now know will take them on mob-handed, and who avoids telling the truth to the public at large?
Wtf? Wtf? Wtf?
Buy Me A Coffee have dodged a bullet there, if you ask me. They soon got the measure of her and her mob rule tactics though. And they could clearly see she wasn’t telling the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the situation.
They were very diplomatic in the way they pointed this out. The other coffee bank she’s found on the rebound, could end up feeling like a guy in a night club who gets picked up just before the bar shuts, by the time she’s finished with them. Used and abused, because all the best guys had already been snapped up earlier in the night.
Alex Belfield is serving five and a half years in prison for harassment, stalking, and making sh*t up to rouse the mob into harassing and pitchforking Jeremy Vine. Leaving him and others in fear for their lives.
Is this something else which Sonia Poulton will dare to deny knowing about, should Jeremy Vine or other people at the BBC decide to sue her, or report her to the police for harassment, stalking and rabble rousing?
Surely, it cannot have passed her by that Belfield is justly serving such a long sentence? Although some believe the sentence is not nearly long enough.
Marianna Spring’s boss has already contacted Sonia Poulton over her harassment and stalking. They did NOT contact Sonia Poulton to reign her in as a ‘dissenter’. Nor was it to offer her a job at the BBC 🤣 Despite what the deluded Sonia Poulton told her flock.
Once and for all, Jeremy Vine did NOT say what Sonia Poulton is accusing him of. If anyone knows about dodgy editing, and only telling half a story, it’s Sonia Poulton. See her suage fund page for evidence of similar 😵💫🤣
“Sonia Poulton
Never forget if it was down to the reprehensible Jeremy Vine people would’ve been held down and given an experimental jab by force. Him undermining the very serious impact of brain injuries should not be a surprise. He’s a thoroughbred gatekeeper”
“Christopher Day
Except he never said that, as he’s repeatedly explained”
“Genuine” journalists simply don’t act the way Poulton does. To start with they have no need to. They don’t take things so drastically out of context to suit a personal agenda because most “genuine” journalists have qualification in the trade and also are members of NUJ and do actually abide by the IPSO Editors Code of Conduct and don’t simply give lip service to the rules.
Poulton clearly doesn’t want to abide by the “rules” as is very clear in her own admission regarding formal journalistic training and NUJ membership to name but two. So why is that? Is it so much of a problem to have to abide by telling the truth and not simply have personal agendas to warp the truth to suit those personal agendas?
Unfortunately, for Poulton, it now looks to me like she is on a mission of self-destruction with her repeated attacks on specific individuals for no reason really other than to incite her flock of muppets and is doing so in the middle of already being sued for libel. For someone who claims to do massive and comprehensive research she appears to be piss poor at actually researching in my opinion.
The full Vine video for example makes it clear he wasn’t advocating jabbing people by force but saying the alternative to voluntarily giving people a jab COULD be to forcefully do it, which frankly if it was an epidemic of something like Ebola then it would be almost a prerequisite. At the time he said it, the effects of the virus were still being learnt. Context is absolutely key to understanding comments like Vine’s.
Unfortunately, Poulton and others seem to have forgotten that whilst they had a right to refuse a vaccination others also had the right to accept them. They were fortunate enough to have that as an option because of the nature of the virus, however as said above if it was something as dangerous as Ebola then the option simply wouldn’t be there as it would be necessity to prevent the spread of the disease.
As with any pharmaceutical drug there cannot be testing of such to 100% guarantee that the medical conditions of every individual who receives the drug would not be adversely affected in some way. That is the reality of such, not an excuse for any adverse reactions but a simple fact.
In that regard it’s no different, in principle, to say Poulton deciding to take a paracetamol to alleviate a headache and then getting unexpected side effects from having done so. Perhaps because she had an underlying, undiagnosed medical condition that she wasn’t previously aware of for example.
She also claims to be a “lover not a fighter” but sadly it appears more and more that she fails on the “live and let live” front and continually seeks conflict or to incite conflict online. She is, in my opinion, attempting to position herself in similar ways to Belfield and other influencers and is making money off the back of gullible individuals who latch onto her conspiracy theories. If she had any sense she wouldn’t be asking for money from the public but seeking to gain meaningful employment and learn to behave and respect rule of law and rules of journalism.
It will therefore be exceptionally interesting to see whether the judge in the civil case sees through some of her very pronounced bs and her very obvious personal agendas. Only my opinion though.
God bless and save people from Sonia Poulton, and all the mobs she rouses with her false allegations and scaremongering tactics!
So she’s still stalking and harassing, and inciting attacks on Jeremy Vine, after the ridiculous video she made about him being a “gate-keeper”? Knowing what he and his family went through because of Alex Belfield?
From all I’ve seen of her dangerous tactics to bring herself to the attention of some of the most wicked, dangerous, and ill informed people on the internet, Jeremy Vine needs to nip this in the bud now, so he does. Or he’ll be another one in a long line of people whom she’ll still be obsessing over until Kingdom comes, so he will.
He would only have to read the articles about her on this site, to see how far she is prepared to go. No minority group, adult, or child is safe from her, once she has them in the cross hairs, and decides to set off and use them in her attention-seeking exercises.
No doubt she will deem all this shoite as part of her “legacy”. But to anyone reading her tweets and watching her videos, it’s just shoite! Shoite which she could never back up in a month of Sundays. Leaving her flock hanging around for the punchlines which never materialise. Like her “list of famous paedophiles, which she’s said will shock the world”, And her list of ‘140 paedophiles in Parliament’.
She’s another Michael Shrimpton, so she is. Best off ignored, or locked away, where she cannot harm or bring harm to anyone else.
He is truly vile!”
“Sonia Poulton
Truly. Everyone saw who he was during C19. That was a man who would be at the front herding the rest of us in to camps for re-education. Him, Morgan, Feltz, Ferrari, Malone, etc. very etc. Awful, awful people.
9:15 AM · Jan 9, 2024”
Having read the articles on this site, and lost count of how many hundreds of thousands of pounds have already been generously donated, spent, wasted, lost, and still at stake, in the funding of the defence of Sonia Poulton’s ‘work’, dangerous activities, and the sundry court cases which have ensued, and still left pending from such, the look on her face whilst being introduced by a presenter, would more than suggest that it was not the presenter, but Sonia Poulton herself who very much seems to have a problem with mentioning BNT/ONEVSP.
Making it quite obvious to viewers, that the presenter had been forewarned by Sonia Poulton not to mention BNT/ONEVSP. Why would that be?
BNT/ONEVSP is a platform which had employed her at a time when no other social media or msm platform could possibly have been able to afford to insure themselves against the type of damage which the untrained journalist Sonia Poulton does to people, and to groups of people.
To now see her bite the hand of a man who has stated in public he will continue to support her in her trial/s, is most shocking, to even those people who have always known she is not worth spending a penny on.
My thoughts are with every single person who has donated, given, or lent a penny to Sonia Poulton. She has rarely told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in any instance where she has asked, begged or been accepting of money.
Whether Mr Butt knew her not to be a trained journalist before giving her the opportunity to work with him and his company, is not known. What we do know, is that she has always asserted herself to be a journalist with some thirty years’ experience.
Who sits in a hospital, asking to see a surgeon’s qualifications and previous experience before undergoing a heart transplant? These questions are usually only asked when something has gone wrong.
It appears someone else has now found out to their own cost, that Sonia Poulton is none of the things she purports to be. They won’t be the last. Which is of course, no comfort at all to those who have already found out.
Sorry xxxxx, did you have a problem mentioning Sonia Poulton hosted the breakfast show on
formally Brandnewtube ? Or have I missed something here ? MNB-CEO-ONEVSP”
Liyeur Pantsafayeur on January 9, 2024 at 10:38 am
“Marianna Spring’s boss has already contacted Sonia Poulton over her harassment and stalking. They did NOT contact Sonia Poulton to reign her in as a ‘dissenter’. Nor was it to offer her a job at the BBC 🤣 Despite what the deluded Sonia Poulton told her flock.”
I laughed as loud at her saying the BBC would probably have offered her a job, as I did when she tweeted that she didn’t need a weapon – because she is one! Who admits to being a weapon? 🤣
She’s not wrong though 🤣
A bit off-topic Witchfinder but I came across this clip with Jon Wedger concerning his speculation about Madeleine McCann, the little girl who vanished in Portugal. [Edited by MHN to remove link – NO!] If you think the link is unsuitable for the site then don’t print it obviously. I can let you have my real name should you wish but I’d rather I wasn’t doxed as I’m an elderly woman and I don’t want hoards of rabid Jon Wedger fans pestering me. I did wonder should JW be saying things like that on the internet.
[Edit by MHN – Hi PerplexedBystander! You are good commenter, but that link to Wedger content is horribly libellous so just NO! The answer to your question is that as far as I am concerned Wedger is a nasty piece of work and not reliable per my article – Jon Wedger and David Swift – Helping, Enabling Abusers?]
People following this thread may (or may not) be pleased to learn Channel 4 has confirmed that the long awaited documentary
‘Hampstead Paedophile Hoax’ will be screened on Monday, March 11 at 9pm.
May God bless us and save us from all the salacious individuals and groups who have continued to use this horrific story to create content for click-bait, long after judges had protected the identities of the children, and already sentenced some people to prison for their parts in this hoax.
There is no place for any such people in civilised society, so there isn’t. They should all be locked up, so they should. For the longest time possible. They have wrecked the lives of adults and children. All of whom will be spending the rest of their lives having to look over their shoulder, due to scurrilous and unsavoury individuals endangering their lives.
“Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax is a 90-minute film that shows how a conspiracy theory spread online that a satanic cult was operating from Christ Church and the adjacent Christ Church Primary School in Hampstead.
The false allegations of child abuse came after videos of two young children published online featured baseless claims that they were sexually abused.”
“Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax from Story Films
Category:News Release
24 August 2023
Channel 4 has commissioned a 1×90’ film that tells the shocking story of how a number of parents and teachers at a Hampstead school were accused of being part of a Satanic paedophile ring. The allegations were found to be baseless but the conspiracy theory caught fire online leading to death threats, harassment and abuse – much of which continues today.
The mothers at the heart of this chilling story speak for the first time in this ambitious feature-length documentary, which blends real archive footage and interviews, with lip-sync drama.
The story begins when videos were released online of two children, accusing parents of their friends, and teachers, of leading a paedophilic satanic cult, supposedly headquartered in secret rooms on the school premises.
The story was entirely made up, concocted by their mother’s new boyfriend Abraham Christie. But once the fire was lit, it was impossible to put out. The allegations plagued the lives of the accused, footage shows screaming demonstrators chasing a vicar through Hampstead, a US conspiracy theorist flying to London to investigate and even ‘rescue’ the children, and online threats of kidnap and far worse. Most of this harassment was instigated by a small group of conspiracy theorists and trolls.
With the authorities unable to help, it fell on four of the accused mums, and a band of online activists, to gather evidence and build a legal case against their harassers. After 4 years of fighting to protect their children and get justice, they finally got their day in court.
With exclusive audio testimony of the accused mothers at the centre of this story, lip-synced by actors, and interviews from the conspiracy theorists, Emily Turner’s film explores the real-world impact of an outrageous online conspiracy theory, exploring the importance of truth and the cost of lies.
The film will be distributed by All3 International.
Executive Producer, Peter Beard said “Emily’s film is a remarkable, terrifying and timely tale. The women at the heart of this story have been so brave in letting us tell their incredible fight for justice. Their story shows that any of us could wake up one morning and find ourselves in the middle of an internet conspiracy. The question is whether we’d have the strength to fight back in the way they did.
Shaminder Nahal, Head of Specialist Factual who commissioned the film added: “Emily Turner and Story Films have made a remarkable film that is so shocking and yet so relatable – asking huge questions about truth, trauma and justice. The courage of the women at the centre of the story is extraordinary, and the impact of their testimony so profound.”
Evil Auld Trout on March 5, 2024 at 1:01 pm said:
“May God bless us and save us from all the salacious individuals and groups who have continued to use this horrific story to create content for click-bait, long after judges had protected the identities of the children, and already sentenced some people to prison for their parts in this hoax.
There is no place for any such people in civilised society, so there isn’t. They should all be locked up, so they should. For the longest time possible. They have wrecked the lives of adults and children. All of whom will be spending the rest of their lives having to look over their shoulder, due to scurrilous and unsavoury individuals endangering their lives.”
Must agree with all of this, Evil Auld Trout.
MRS JUSTICE PAUFFLEY’s summary is only copied here for people and police who act within the law. Police with special powers obviously need not heed a word of it. Carry on. As you were. As you are. After all, it’s only a judge of the realm saying it…
165.This is a summary of my salient findings –
• Neither child has been sexually abused by any of the following – Ricky Dearman, teachers at Christchurch Primary School Hampstead, the parents of students at that school, the priest at the adjacent church, teachers at any of the Hampstead or Highgate schools, members of the Metropolitan Police, social workers employed by the London Borough of Camden, officers of Cafcass or anyone else mentioned by Ms Draper or Mr Christie.
• The children’s half brother, his father and stepmother – Will and Sarah Draper – are likewise exonerated of any illicit or abusive acts involving the children.
• There was no satanic or other cult at which babies were murdered and children were sexually abused.
• All of the material promulgated by Ms Draper now published on the internet is nothing other than utter nonsense.
• The children’s false stories came about as the result of relentless emotional and psychological pressure as well as significant physical abuse. Torture is the most accurate way to describe what was done by Mr Christie in collaboration with Ms Draper.
• Both children were assaulted by Mr Christie by being hit with a metal spoon on multiple occasions over their head and legs, by being pushed into walls, punched, pinched and kicked. Water was poured over them as they knelt semi-clothed.
• The long term emotional and psychological harm of what was done to the children is incalculable. The impact of the internet campaign is likely to have the most devastating consequences for P and Q.”
Oh for goodness sake… That was the best bit of the post! 🤣
Rory. There may have been something in your edited post which was likely to make someone/s “see their arse”. You know how it is these days, so you do. You can’t break wind anymore, without someone setting up a fecking fund to take people to court over it 🤣
As we know, people who screech about being major activists for ‘truth and free speech’, have already had a whine about posters on here, for exercising their right to tell the truth and speak freely about it.
Which ended up costing thousands and thousands of pounds worth of coffee to sort it all out, so it did.
Times are tight now, so they are. So MHN is probably wanting to save himself the pain of responding to whiners, and to save the public from buying thousands of pounds worth of coffees, just to hunt posters down through the High Court. Apparently, making threats to sue people can be an addictive pastime for some people. And we wouldn’t want posters getting into trouble for their posts, or for feeding addictions, so we wouldn’t. Especially when we know they are using coffee donations from well meaning, but blind-sided members of the public who have children to feed. Because this could be seen to be as sinful as say, being in a gang, and ‘swatting’ innocent people, so it could. God bless us, and save us.
Should anyone see the names or pics of the Hampstead hoax children posted on twitter and other social media, please report it.
Although police have done f*ck all during the past few years with regard to making arrests and charging such dangerous, scurrilous individuals who use the names and pics of the Hampstead children and child killer Jon Venables, this does not mean all police are bent or have special powers to ignore and overrule judges such as Mrs Justice Pauffley.
Therefore you may strike it lucky, and find police who will prevent such wicked individuals in further endangering life and limb, and will do the job they are paid to do, and get off their backsides and help put such people behind bars where they belong.
Rory Port on March 9, 2024 at 1:52 pm said:
“Although police have done f*ck all during the past few years with regard to making arrests and charging such dangerous, scurrilous individuals who use the names and pics of the Hampstead children and child killer Jon Venables, this does not mean all police are bent or have special powers to ignore and overrule judges such as Mrs Justice Pauffley.”
You could have knocked me down with a feather, so you could, when I found out the police hadn’t charged a ‘paedo-hunter’ gang for passing around a photo of Jon Venables amongst themselves, and posting it on twitter. Most especially as the police already know the names of the ‘paedo-hunters’ who have conspired to harm, caused actual harm, and lied their arses off to police to have innocent people arrested over a period of many years.
Jon Venables is up there, at the top of the list, as one of the most evil paedophiles and child-killers we’ve ever heard of, so he is, and there is no denying it. But the law is the law. If a judge says he is not to be identified, he should not be identified! The prison system and prisoners have a knack for identifying and dealing with such vile people in their own time, so they do. Paedophiles, paedophile-hunters who make false accusations, and grasses, are at the bottom of the food-chain in prison, and will usually be taught lessons in prison which they will never forget.
After watching the Hampstead on Channel 4, it is quite obvious that police from various areas of the UK swept evidence under the carpet, and could not be bothered to prevent most of the harm caused to hundreds of Hampstead residents. Blaming it on lack of public interest. Had they not been led into being prejudiced by some of THE most dangerous ‘paedo-hunters’ ever seen on social media, the dangers and misery for all, could have been cut short years earlier.
Police know which ‘paedo-hunters’ are always in the thick of it, so they do. They know which individuals and gangs drive the ‘paedo-hunting’ traffic on social media. It is time for police to admit this, and make apologies for their utterly shoite policing, and begin dealing with it. There needs to be a thorough Inquiry into paedo-hunter gangs.
😵💫 🦹 👮
“Karen X💜
I can’t believe how a society is not protecting innocent children , it’s makes
Me so angry , your journalism is excellent .
Sonia Poulton
Thank you, Karen, and yes we have a ‘child care problem’ in our world.”
😵💫 🦹 👮
Evil Auld Trout on March 28, 2024 at 8:34 am 😀
KarenX doesn’t seem to know that we have these people👩⚖️👨⚖️👩⚖️👨⚖️ who despite doing their utmost to protect children, these people 👮♀️👮👮♀️👮sometimes don’t take any f*cking notice whatsoever of the orders made by judges. Thereby aiding and abetting these people 🦹🦹🦹🦹(who believe themselves to be outside of the law, ‘outlaws’, as it were) to continue putting, or keeping children at ever more risk. Leading other members of the public to believe they could also get away with abusing children. For instance, by naming children whose anonymity is protected by law.
Because of the irresponsible and reckless behaviour of these people 🦹🦹🦹🦹, and the apathy and skulduggery of these people👮♀️👮👮♀️👮, it looks like these people 👨⚖️👩⚖️👨⚖️👩⚖️ could use a round of applause for still being bothered to turn up for work in a morning.
It’s bad enough if a member of the public breaks the law in regard to children, but would imagine it’s a lot worse for judges to find police are assisting people in getting away with crimes and overruling judges’ decisions.
Contrary to a popular belief amongst a number of police, in reality they do not have special powers. Their job is to uphold the law as it stands. Nowhere in any police job description does it say police are at liberty to f*ck about tweaking the law to suit themselves. Happy to be corrected if this is wrong.
Well you could knock me down with a feather, so you could! It actually looks like the London Met police are beginning to make good on their promises to make badass police accountable for their actions, and sack them, so it does. Which is a relief.
The sacked cop in the article below was sacked for pissing off his colleagues, so he was. lol So let’s not get too excited about overly praising his sackers for now. Had he made his comments to, or about members of the public, he would most probably still be a cop, so he would.
Time will tell, whether all these types of immoral, self-serving cops will finally be sacked for their despicable behaviour about decent members of the public whom they pretend to serve.
It would be grand, so it would, if all police started behaving like this cop’s colleagues, and grassed up all the depraved cops they know in their force, and stopped trying to prevent them from being sacked. Beats me, so it does, as to why cops would want to keep rotten cops in the ranks.
Begs questions, doesn’t it. Questions such as, do bent cops get ridiculous amounts of protection because they have previously covered the arse or arses of other bent cops, and big favours are owed? Seems that way at times, so it does. Which will only make it even worse for the whole force in the long run, so it will.
“Sergeant Neil Shipsey, of the Central East command unit which serves Tower Hamlets and Hackney, was investigated by the Directorate of Professional Standards in 2021 after he made the comments to his colleagues when in a police vehicle.
Sgt Shipsey’s behaviour was completely unacceptable. There is no excuse for these type of comments or for making those subject to his remarks feel uncomfortable while at work.
“Our officers know that they must account for their actions and it is right that Sgt Shipsey has faced a misconduct hearing and will no longer be able to work within policing.”
And as for this bent cop in the next article, words fail me. But at least she’s been caught at a young age, before she could go onto cause as much harm as some bent cops we’ve been hearing about.
By all accounts heard across the grapevine, it seems that the colossal hypocrite Sonia Poulton can be assured that her latest advice will be heeded, and acted on with alacrity, so it will 😃
Sonia Poulton
The only people who think we have free speech in this world are those who haven’t tested the boundaries. When they seek to silence you, double down and do everything you can do to keep speaking out regardless. Your future generations will thank you! Happy Sunday, all. ❤️❤️
9:37 AM · Apr 21, 2024
Evil Auld Trout on April 21, 2024 at 3:08 pm
“Sonia Poulton:
When they seek to silence you, double down and do everything you can do to keep speaking out regardless.”
🤣 The absolute f*cking state of her! After we all know she spent thousands of pounds worth of donated coffees in seeking the identities of posters from this blog!
🚀 🤣 😵💫 🚀
[Slightly edited by MHN for taste]
MHN said: [Slightly edited by MHN for taste]
Thanks, MHN. I understand. To be honest, I even quite grossed myself out recalling what she said on the breakfast sofa that morning. Her being an early product of the ‘permissive society’ and whatnot, and taking it to the extreme, as she is wont to do. As often as she can get away with it. No matter who, or what age range may be listening to the sort of stuff that pours out of her unfiltered mind and mouth.
Rory Port on April 21, 2024 at 3:48 pm said:
“🤣 The absolute f*cking state of her! After we all know she spent thousands of pounds worth of donated coffees in seeking the identities of posters from this blog!”
Today, on her latest breakfast show, Sonia Poulton has been indignantly expressing her annoyance at youtube, Google, X (formally known as twitter) and the 77th Brigade etc. for monitoring her, censoring her, and giving her strikes and community notes for “misinformation” etc.
The irony of the situation isn’t lost on anyone who knows her previous history regarding herself and her gang of liars and thugs, who have silenced social media accounts and blogs, and who have led police in a dance for years with their false allegations. Nor is it lost on anyone who has read her current ‘fighting fund’ page comments (outside of her ongoing sundry High Court cases, about which I make no comment) where she, who protests to believe in free speech and alleges to abhor censorship, actually admits to her own use of Norwich Pharmacal Orders in order to hunt people down who tell the truth 🤣 Proving to the reader, that despite all her bumph and screeching about free speech and transparency, she is actually more twisted than a cartload of pretzels.
penelopepitstop ( blue tick)
Great show today …. Despite unknown powers attempting to shut down a good woman. 🥰
11:13 AM · Apr 22, 2024
@ Ilie Myassovalot on April 22, 2024 at 12:05 pm 🤣
There was an even bigger stack of irony done on today’s show! One topic being about the public’s lack of trust in the police and police wokedom. After airing, some of the irony was placed on hangers, and other items were neatly folded away on an easy reach shelf.
Sonia Poulton was openly bragging again about her and her guest having a police officer sacked. Making it clear to viewers several times, that it wasn’t just herself who was involved in the sacking of the police officer 🤣
Due to a lack of time, the following quotes are almost (but not quite) word for word. Sonia Poulton said: ‘You and I together were involved in a cop being dismissed from active duty.’ Going on to say she and her guest went through an ‘amount of madness, to protect ourselves and the public’. Her guest replying, ‘We were successful, in that we got rid of the cop from service, but that police officer should be in prison for stalking. ‘Had a member of the public behaved like that, they would now be serving time in jail. Simple as that.’
Sonia Poulton responded with: “Mmm. Sober words. Sober words…” 🤣
It is quite apparent that the Hampstead children are not the only young people whom Sonia Poulton has exploited and abused during her time spent alleging to be a “tenacious investigative journalist”. (Note the mention of her “donate button”. lol)
Her allegations of knowing about; having insider information about; having “first hand evidence” of; and having “evidence” of “active pervs”, “necro issues”, and how paedophilia “goes to the top” etc, have swayed many members of the public into riding her bandwagons, and aiding and abetting her in causing harm, alarm, and distress whilst torturing entirely innocent people.
It would of course, perhaps be considered as obstruction and pcj were these remaining tweets (and their derivatives and similar) to be removed from X (twitter) at this time.
The tweets below are a small sample of tweets which are still live and/or saved from screen shots taken over a period of almost twelve years. It is quite simple to note from X (twitter) responses how many tweets Sonia Poulton has already removed, and in some cases has asked to be removed.
Quite how, or why police would have dismissed all or any of this, at a time when she and her gang were falsely accusing all and sundry of the most heinous crimes, and fabricating stories about their victims, is a mystery which only the police can answer, and indeed should be forced into answering. Not least because of the amount of money which she and her Team Outlaw gang have cost the police, courts, and many entirely innocent people during their ‘campaigns’ and ‘paedophile hunts’. Not to mention the amount of distress caused to the victims, which is incalculable.
Sonia Poulton
May #savile revelations open up justice for other victims of institutional and establishment abuse. Google Hollie Greig.
5:17 PM · Oct 11, 2012
Sonia Poulton
Oct 11, 2012
Replying to
Hollie’s case is truly shocking. Yes there are others. Goes to the top.
Sonia Poulton
Oct 11, 2012
Replying to
Won’t allow that. There are many active pervs and I and others are fighting to expose them. Not forgetting those with necro issues!
Sonia Poulton
Oct 11, 2012
Replying to
I will do. People who I work with know what I am like. I’m not cowed by establishment. Right on my side makes me tenacious.
Jul 8, 2014
Replying to
You seem to have a very selective definition of abuse for a self proclaimed journalist, who abused #Hollie_Greig?
Jul 8, 2014
Replying to
I recall you touring the country exploiting the #Hollie_Greig scam & aiding the lies of #Robert_Green & #David_Icke
Jul 8, 2014
Replying to
@HOLLIEGREIGxxxx @SoniaPoulton
Maybe they derive a vicarious virtual reality pleasure from pretending #Hollie_Greig was abused!
Jul 8, 2014
Replying to
Duped? She has a donate button so trying to generate an income rather than generate truth re #Hollie_Greig
You have the nerve to enter the Hollie Greig story four year late, and you have the audacity to tell me to keep up to date?
10:25 PM · Jul 7, 2014
Sonia Poulton
Dec 19, 2012
BBC inquiry into BBC has found ‘no cover-up’ in shelving Savile report. Oh hum. What about not running the Hollie Grieg report, eh? Well?
777 Watxxxxx
Dec 19, 2012
At last a mention of Hollie, so very well done 🙂
Sonia Poulton
@Libraxxxxxx Hollie Greig has been systematically let down by the establishment Paul. The BBC have refused to air a recorded report WHY???
777 Watxxxxx
Dec 19, 2012
WHats the latest? last I heard the lawyer was in prison?
Sonia Poulton
Dec 19, 2012
Replying to
@Libra_Media No, Robert is fine, am in contact with him but BBC refusing to show report and Robert still fighting for justice.
Sonia Poulton
Nov 16, 2012
how come you reported on new attacks on Saville’s cottage but didn’t show the Hollie Greig graffiti on the building?