After being put on an indefinite hiatus by the video sharing platform One VSP, extremist Sonia Poulton has been trying to fundraise by other means. On Saturday 9th December, concerningly, Riddings Park Community Centre allowed an event of hers to go ahead despite being notified of some of Sonia Poulton’s content. Meanwhile her former platform Brand New Tube has been reprimanded by the ICO, shortly before it was renamed One VSP, and is now under investigation by OfCom. A judge has found that allegations of child abuse made against Poulton by Hemming as part of his libel and harassment claim have, “a real prospect of success”.

Sonia Poulton promotes the channel of a man called Albert Bishai – with this sinister graphic. In your author’s opinion, this graphic bears the racist and anti-Semitic meaning, promoted by Sonia Poulton, that the world is ruled by a Jewish conspiracy in the name of Satan. According to the public notice of investigation, OfCom are investigating whether One VSP has taken sufficient measures to protect the general public from, “material that would amount to a criminal offence under laws relating to terrorism, child sexual exploitation and abuse, and racism and xenophobia”.
In a recent court judgement, allegations of child abuse against Poulton were found to have a ‘real prospect of success’ and John Hemming was given permission to bring a claim against Poulton on that basis. Screenshots from his draft amendments to his claim and the judgement below:

John Hemming’s pleadings that Sonia is guilty of a criminal offence of child abuse by her naming two children who had been tortured in breach of a court order. The court found this had a, ‘real prospect of success’.

In her judgement of November 2023 – Ms Justice Hill DBE allowed Hemming permission to bring a claim of malicious defamation against Sonia Poulton. The claim is based on her abusing two child torture victims by naming them in breach of a court order. When Poulton was interviewed by police and the video was taken town, it is alleged that she then defamed John Hemming and others as having tried to frame her. The judge found the claim has a ‘real prospect of success’.
The remaining Trustees have not denied any of the allegations when they were put in writing by MHN.
The content of Sonia Poulton’s output is now the topic of concern from many people and institutions. We will continue to campaign for her to be de-platformed for promoting hate speech and reckless, irresponsible journalism. The two resignees are to be commended. The remaining Trustees have only themselves to blame for being tarred with the brush of Poulton’s vile extremism.
A very cursory bit of research into one of the trustees at Riddings reveals he has been suspended from the Tory Party for a long time because of anti-semitic content, he is now part of the Reform Party (Laurence Fox’s dodgy far right bunch), and is far away from being squeaky clean – totally unsuitable imho to be a trustee of a community centre.
Now there, with the anti-semitism is a clear pattern. Oh my word.
Another trustee has been seen posing with automatic weapons in the same way Poulton’s ex-boyfriend (ex is a question mark) has done on social media.
When she digs a hole for herself, Ms Poulton really goes for it. How far is she now off getting to Australia, via aforementioned hole?
SvT on December 12, 2023 at 9:59 am
“Another trustee has been seen posing with automatic weapons in the same way Poulton’s ex-boyfriend (ex is a question mark) has done on social media.”
She’s had a boyfriend? Or possibly still has one? Well you could knock me down with a feather, so you could. I didn’t know this, so I didn’t. And he poses with automatic weapons, you say? God bless us and save us, SvT. Automatic weapons are designed to kill, so they are. He doesn’t sound like boy-friend material to me at all, so he doesn’t. Still, we can’t help who we fall in love with, so we can’t. Perhaps she only found out about his penchant for guns when she was too deeply in love to allow guns to come between them. I’ll be vetting my girls’ boyfriends a lot more closely now, so I will. I learn something new every day from this site. Thank you.
Ryan picture evidenced in…
SvT on December 12, 2023 at 5:38 pm said:
Ryan picture evidenced in…
And that’s the boyfriend, or ex boyfriend? F*cking hell!
So she’s been out there on twitter and other social media for years, stirring up the rabble, instigating pile-ons, and using people like her boyfriend to intimidate and threaten people for her, but she’s now begging for police to protect her?
Protect her from whom or what? From the people whom she has forced into taking her to court due to her own dangerous actions which she carries out in full view of the public eye? Good grief. She is very lucky indeed, that the police themselves have not had her up in court yet.
Below is a quote from a newspaper article which was written by COREY CHARLTON FOR MAILONLINE and PUBLISHED: 09:56, 11 November 2014 | UPDATED: 01:57, 12 November 2014, whilst Sonia Poulton and her boyfriend at the time, Lee Taylor Ryan, and several other dangerous and reckless people were threatening and intimidating entirely innocent people, and accusing them of being ‘paedophiles’, ‘nonces’, ‘rapists’, ‘animal shaggers’, etc etc etc.
Her boyfriend clearly states what would happen to people if they did not allow him to rob them at gun point.
Anyone sympathising with Sonia Poulton should research her and her associates thoroughly before buying her coffees. So they know what they are involving themselves in.
“At the time of the lottery win, he claimed, he was in the advanced stages of planning an armed robbery – ‘a really big job’ – in Belgium.
He said he had planned to carry a loaded gun, adding: ‘If they [the robbery victims] wanted to play silly b*****s, they’d get it in the knees at the very least.’”
Gwen Tsinvolvedere on December 14, 2023 at 9:09 am
“At the time of the lottery win, he claimed, he was in the advanced stages of planning an armed robbery – ‘a really big job’ – in Belgium.
He said he had planned to carry a loaded gun, adding: ‘If they [the robbery victims] wanted to play silly b*****s, they’d get it in the knees at the very least.’”
Thank you for this, Gwen T. This is terrible, so it is.
God bless and save all of Sonia Poulton’s victims. I won’t ask if they are all still alive, because I would be afraid of the answer, so I would. It is quite obvious that some of them may have had a very near miss though, so it does.
She must never again tell the public she believes and campaigns for free speech. After all I’ve been reading on here about her and her associates, I can say she is a hypocrite of the tallest order, so she is.
Hard to believe Josh Moon is so desperate to keep his harassment website online he is now partnering up with the notorious Sanctioned Suicide forum responsible for at least 50, but possibly hundreds of deaths including children.
Josh Moon would rather align himself with child murderers than admit his website kiwifarms is responsible for a great deal of harm.
Bear in mind he hosted the manifesto of Brenton Tarrant who murdered 51 people at prayer in a mass shooting, as well as the video of the shooting. So, really comparatively mild.