Alt Hero: Q – A Beautiful Product in Hard Copy

The cover of Alt-Hero: Q is gorgeous - glossy, shiny and in vivid colour.

The cover of Alt-Hero: Q is gorgeous – glossy, shiny and in vivid colour.

A few days ago I finally received a beautiful, glossy, trade paperback book – a graphic novel. It was an unexpected but welcome surprise. The hard copy of Vox Day’s Alt-Hero: Q had arrived. It is a beautiful and entertaining product well worth buying, satirising the well-known false conspiracy theory – Q-Anon.

For those who are unfamiliar, one of the most obviously fake news items in recent years was Q-Anon (archive). The theory came to prominence during the first Trump administration and the premise was that a secret government whistle-blower known only as ‘Q’ was revealing details of a secret war by Donald Trump against a vast paedophile conspiracy that had taken over the world. As history showed, Q was fake and their predictions simply did not happen (archive). Of course the theory only worked because like all the best lies it had a grain of truth. The West – USA and Europe, were for decades ruled by a left-leaning establishment that slowly parted company with the population it held in increasing contempt, as well as reality. The pendulum which was starting to swing during Trump’s first term is now moving with crushing force during his second one. ‘Q’ may have been a false prophet but their themes were not.

Alt-Hero: Q is essentially a sort of spy thriller. Set in Vox Day’s, ‘Alt-Hero’ universe it postulates that ‘Q’ is real and benevolent, a sort of near-omnipresent wing-man who guides a wide variety of ordinary people via untraceable smartphone messages. The hero of the series is Roland Dane, a federal agent tasked with guarding a US Secretary of State who survives the assassination of his charge but is wrongly declared dead and hunted by a murderous, corrupt cabal which secretly rules the world. The nefarious cabal is ruthless and evil, deliberately promoting politicians and celebrities with vices such as paedophilia who therefore have no choice but obey the cabal or be exposed.

Left with little choice, and Q as his only ally, Dane goes on various missions backed by a sort of crowd-sourced army of Q followers based on the real world followers of the Q-Anon conspiracy theory. One mission is to protect an honest politician called Hammond Wyler, a congressman. With eerie prescience, Wyler looks like an older, craggier, JD Vance – including the beard – yet this comic was conceived in 2018 and the story largely came out in 2019.

Fictional, honest politician Congressman Hammond Wyler bears an uncannily prescient resemblance to JD Vance, Trump's Vice President.

Fictional, honest politician Congressman Hammond Wyler bears an uncannily prescient resemblance to JD Vance, Trump’s Vice President.

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Leftist: Throne of Bone Reviews Real, Reliable

Earlier today, a leftist left a negative comment on a review I did in 2016 of Vox Day’s “A Throne of Bones”. They ended by linking to a hatepost claiming the positive Amazon reviews were deceptive based on an analysis by a site called from 2017. Because, of course, the accuracy of a self-appointed analysis site using an unpublished algorithm is beyond question. However, when I requested a re-analysis, the book listing now gets an ‘A’. I took an archive as one suspects the algorithm may now change. However for posterity …


According to Fakespot the reviews on ‘A Throne of Bones’ are 90% high quality and it deserves its average 4.5/5 stars.

For a supposedly unimportant author I have seen a surprising number of multi-part, serialised, chapter-by-chapter reviews from left wingers, like the one that inspired this post. You do not have to agree with Vox Day’s politics to like his work, or find the vilification of dissident authors distasteful. Day has produced a number of popular products meeting the promises he set out to his market. The only real criticism is that release has sometimes been slightly slower than hoped for (for example, of the expanded edition of the sequel to ‘A Throne of Bones’). Day however is not in bad company – Robert Jordan died before finishing his epic and PC Hodgell’s Kencyrath series was begun in 1982 and still is not finished.


According to Fakespot the reviews on ‘A Throne of Bones’ are 90% high quality and it deserves its average 4.5/5 stars.

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Alt Hero Arrives and it is Good

Alt-Hero 1: Crackdown cover featuring Captain Europa and Dynamique

Alt-Hero 1: Crackdown cover featuring Captain Europa and Dynamique.

Vox Day’s eagerly awaited crowdfunded comic has finally made its debut with Issue 1 – Crackdown and it is a promising start.

Alt-Hero was offered to fans on Freestartr with a sales pitch that it would be a be a challenger and eventually a replacement for Marvel and DC on the basis that those organisations have become, “SJW-converged”. Many fans perceive the output of the major comics publishers as having declined in quality in recent years whilst clumsily pushing increasingly extreme far left views.

Vox Day set out to prove there was a market for an alternative and did so in spades. His initial campaign asked for $25,000. He made nearly ten times that – Alt-Hero raised $235,900. Like Kickstarter, Freestartr allows creators to specify a variety of awards levels including one which begins, “This is for those who could not care less about comics, but enjoy tormenting SJWs and would enjoy the privilege of triggering them […]” How could anyone resist? I went for one of the higher tiers because (a) LOL, (b) LOL and (c) Vox Day has a history of delivering quality product, albeit sometimes with delays.

Although I supported the campaign, I did so with reservations. I like much of Vox Day’s work and that of Castalia House – Mutiny in Space by Rod Walker for example. Mutiny has an eerily accurate portrayal of the far left – and its depiction of a ‘Social Party’ meeting reminded me all too uncomfortable of my youthful attendance at Labour Party meetings before I became a Conservative. However Vox can push too hard sometimes to his own detriment. Fortunately so far Alt-Hero has remained pitch-perfect satire.

WARNING – Spoilers after the Break

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