Esther Baker owes me money. On 3rd November 2020 Master Lisa Sullivan in the High Court ordered her to pay me £1,226.80 (order uploaded for transparency) and also struck out parts of her defence to my claim for libel and harassment. Predictably, Baker has been sniping and grumbling about it, making nasty remarks on Twitter to the extent that she dares to. What surprises me is the very small remaining rump of trolls who have time for her. One particularly vile individual is @CraftyMuvva, who is likely to face heavy scrutiny herself in the near future. Their latest ploy is to write unpleasant public posts on Twitter and then claim anyone who reads them is stalking them (evidence archive) by monitoring their communications.
For new readers, it is worth reminding them who Baker is. At the height of the paedophilia hysteria engendered by Exaro and Carl Beech, Esther Baker alleged that she was raped by a number of men on Cannock Chase as a child. After a police investigation into her ever-changing story, followed by CPS consideration, no charges were brought. Baker sought a review. The CPS responded to D1’s request under the Victim’s Right of Review Scheme. In that document, dated 15 March 2018, the CPS prosecutor says as follows, having reviewed all of the evidence collected in the case relating to all of the alleged rapes that there are “no witnesses”, “no medical or forensic evidence” and “no one else has come forward with a similar complaint”.
In fact, since then we have discovered that police had ample evidence it was not true. One man Baker accused was a prominent Labour Lord. But, he was in his late 60’s or 70’s and had prostate surgery, most likely also having had his testicles removed. Hemming did not have a birthmark Baker claimed her assailant had. Baker’s father was abroad at the time of the supposed rapes.

Esther Baker has been handed a life-long restraining Order by Mrs Justice Steyn. She has had her day in court and the ‘Truth’ has indeed been proven.
The allegation was finally ended late last year when, after obsessive Baker tried to sue John Hemming, Mrs Justice Steyn ruled the allegations, “untrue” and restrained Baker for life from repeating them. That was not the only restraining Order Baker picked up in the latter end of 2019. She was also restrained for life from harassing a child abuse victim. The court found she had engaged in racist harassment of the victim, whose private communications she was alleged to have been monitoring.
This is as chaff in the wind to @CraftyMuvva, a dangerous extremist whose trolling public twitter feed has often backed false allegations from a position of near total ignorance. In 2019, a woman named Sabine McNeill was jailed for 9 years for stalking families in Hampstead with completely false allegations of satanic conspiracy, cannibalism and child abuse. Sentencing, Judge Sally Cahill, QC said as follows – “The children’s lives have been blighted forever. In my judgement you are an arrogant, malicious, evil and manipulative woman”. Far from protecting the children, it was McNeill who had abused them. She was backed by @CraftyMuvva –
Aside from helping a monstrous child-abuser by (at best) ignorantly spreading her vile lies, @CraftyMuvva has also used her Twitter account to … support a monstrous paedophile, specifically Carl Beech (formerly known as ‘Nick’). Nick accused half the British cabinet of child abuse and is presently in prison for 18 years for a mixture of possession of child abuse images and perverting the course of justice. This is what @CraftyMuvva said –
There are many other examples. As with McNeill, some of @CraftyMuvva‘s posts could potentially cause grave harm to vulnerable victims. Clearly, there is a public interest in unmasking this abuser. Despite being a brazen internet troll, @CraftyMuvva has escaped scrutiny for some time now by manipulating police with tales she is an innocent victim. Apparently police have even in the past phoned people who have written legitimate articles about her.
This blog has in the past dealt robustly with false police complaints. In 2015, police had to apologise for giving me a harassment warning (and revoke it) after a complaint from Cambridge transgender Liberal Democrat Sarah Brown. Her friend James Billingham also complained but although Hampshire police initially took him seriously, in the end they told him in writing I am free to sue him and write articles about him and they will not get involved. History repeated itself in 2018 when Ellie Reeves MP tried to have police prevent the publication of my article, “Ellie Reeves and the Corpses of Children”. The Metropolitan Police rapidly changed their tune after receiving a letter of claim for judicial review.
Your author finds that police do not like to be used to protect extremists, internet trolls or callous politicians, and rapidly lose sympathy when the full situation is revealed. Hopefully any officer reading this will reflect on Crafty’s posts above. But, if that is not enough they should also reflect on the court Order above, the fact that I went to law school and on the fact that I absolutely will sue if there are improper attempts to stop me covering Clare and I will recover substantial damages and my costs of doing so. I am absolutely entitled to reveal the real world identities of online abusers and trolls, seek reaction from their acquaintances and employers and draw their conduct to the attention of appropriate safeguarding authorities.
The tide is turning for monsters like Crafty. Many online platforms, for example YouTube, now recognise how dangerous this type of content is and how it can radicalise vulnerable people. Child abuse conspiracy theories are now prohibited on YouTube after an armed man invaded a pizza parlour in Washington having fallen for a conspiracy theory online that US Democrats were holding children in a network of tunnels in the basement. Whilst doubtless there are vast and legitimate concerns about paedophiles on the left, this particular theory was completely false as the man soon found.
Unfortunately for Muvva, like most abusers, she has finally run into someone who she absolutely cannot stop. Her account is named in my lawsuit against Sonia Poulton which was filed in the High Court, via CE-File this weekend, and I am contemplating joining her as a Defendant. It is time this vile troll was unmasked. I actually have put an agency on it. Whilst Crafty may think she is safe behind a screen, she has been leaving clues to her identity for years. It has been alleged she lives in Richmond and I do have a name and an old address in Twickenham. If that is wrong there are plenty of other clues including her love of crocheting and her reckless posting of pictures of children on her trolling account.
If I was an internet troll like @CraftyMuvva, I would keep my children out of it. Eerily though, Crafty has posted pictures of her children, which I believe is gravely irresponsible given her main uses for the account. Obviously, I am not going to name or picture Crafty’s children in this article as on present information it would be contrary to the Editor’s Code, which this blog has regard to. It is however, behaviour worthy of robust challenge and condemnation. It will be drawn to the attention of social services, especially given the apparent risk of exposure to extremist, radical content.
Doubtless this article will upset Crafty. Not, I suspect as much as the ones that are planned, the possible litigation, police and social services investigations she may be facing. The trolls who surround Baker have been thinning in recent years. Those who remain seem to have a bizarre sense of immunity. The only reason that anti-Semite @Ciabaudo (who Crafty associates with), for example, has so far escaped being sued is a mixture of my laziness and his impotence. We have an address for service and he owns a property. @CraftyMuvva also has no immunity. Online abuse has serious consequences, as this despicable woman will be finding out.
Right on Kew!
Claiming to have only a long list of crippling disabilities, an old microwave, a kettle and a rug to cover her knees, Lou feels lucky not to be one of those currently tearing their hair out and seeking advice about divesting their assets. (Caution advised to those currently doing this or considering it. Those of you expecting to be sued for calling people will rapists, will be sued.)
Lou leaving her sofa to take regular trips to internet cafes and library archives to dig up old, sordid newspaper clippings for the delectation of ciabaudo, 9outof10catz and Sonia Poulton, is about to become a thing of the past.
Esther Baker’s day out in the park with Mark Watts, where the instantly recognisable facial muscle movements of an old soak were noted, caused Lou and ciabaudo’s followers to become sceptical about Lords leaping around Cannock Chase with little girls.
Lou and ciabaudo carried on regardless. Leading people to question their own motives on #csa.
Baker’s grins and smiles at the most inappropriate moments during the interview sealed her fate.
Along with Carl Beech stating he thought he had seen Esther Baker at Dolphin Square. Baker agreeing she may have seen him there also, led to the beginning of the end of Esther Baker as the #csa tag’s poster girl.
Without leeches such as crafty Lou, ciabaudo and 9outof10catz egging her on, Esther Baker may not have gone as far as she did in wrecking the lives and reputations of innocent people.
Lou was one of the first on the scene of the #csa debate with Sonia Poulton. Threatening genuine victims of child abuse, and abusing everyone who supported them.
She is known to police, but alleged to have only a police caution at present.
Looking forward to your updates, mhn.
If you do not understand why the police have never tried to prosecute craftymuvva, ciabaudo and Sonia Poulton and their associates for the irreparable damage they have done to people with their fantasies about rape and being stalked, you are not alone.
It is certainly not because of insufficient evidence. (See video below.)
If you do not understand why people who did not attack or stalk Sonia Poulton were arrested in dawn raids, and had their houses and families’ personal possessions rifled through, and theirs and their family’s devices taken away from them, you are not alone.
Family members’ phones much needed for work were also bagged up and taken away by police.
No VIP telephone numbers, email or texts asking for infants or children to to be procured for rape and abuse were found on any devices examined by police. Despite allegations to the contrary.
It is also known there was disappointment regarding police not having found evidence of ‘the establishment’ paying people to stalk Sonia Poulton and her associates.
Perhaps police should have put surveillance on park bins for brown envelopes being dropped off…
It must be acknowledged a police expert was found to be alleging he had discovered evidence that one of the arrested males had accessed a blog which he had in fact never accessed, and would not have been able to access.
This fact was eventually established by someone who was not paid to do the police officer expert’s job for him, and who does not profess to be an expert. However, he is obviously more expert than the police officer paid to ‘forensically’ examine devices.
No evidence for Sonia Poulton’s claims was found by any of the police who went well above their pay grades to work hard for her and her associates since the first arrest of a male in 2013.
The police had more than sufficient evidence not to undertake any of this work for Sonia Poulton and her associates.
No better than a shoplifter grafting through the shops in order to satisfy their addiction. The account has evidenced its rationale for existence for the past decade almost. It’s contributions to the betterment of human existence are zero. It’s alignments, alliances and allegiances speak for themselves. Child abuse seems to attract it more than other subjects. It’s dark in nature and darker online. Often engages with known fantasist Esther Baker. Maybe it listens to Bakers diatribe and is excited by such. As does the troll resident in Germany, the Goodwin fella. All supported Carl Beech which in itself should identify something’s not quite right.
I’m reliably informed that it’s details are known to police and the courts so that’s a relief to many. It’s one of a handful accounts alongside Sonia Poulton that still attempts to convince its audience that I was/am a child gang rapist.
How dark is that?
Speaking of grifters and the darkness in which they dwell, Esther Baker and Sonia Poulton are beginning to find out that fantasising about rape and abuse in public can be quite an expensive hobby.
Both individuals have consistently accused innocent people of being “gang rapists” of children.
Their associates have spread these dangerous accusations throughout social media.
This is a police matter which the police should start to address and ‘unravel’. Not only for the sake of Esther Baker and Sonia Poulton’s many victims, but to prevent further harm being caused to other innocent people.
Woman technologist Esther Baker Woman technologist
Bill payments to cover those spent on fees, organized by Esther Baker
I shortly have to pay court fees to a man called Samuel Collingwood Smith due… Esther Baker needs your support for Bill payments to cover those spent on fees
6:50 PM · Nov 17, 2020