Controversial Harper Collins Author Judith Newman is presently embroiled in a storm over alleged abuse of her son. Now she has invited further outrage by sharing a tweet about potential bombing of an Israeli train station if it is named after Donald Trump.

Judith Newman in 2013. This woman literally uses her repeated re-reading of a lurid passage from paedophile molestation story “Lolita”, her admitted “favorite” 20th century novel, as an analogy to her son’s interest in escalators. Source – Wikipedia commons. CC-BY-SA-3.0.
Judith Newman was first covered by MHN yesterday in relation to her book, which discusses her underage children in excruciating detail including detailed comment one son’s penis and foreskin and both of their porn viewing habits. She also announces she intends to obtain power of attorney over her autistic son Gus for the purpose of having him sterilised. Newman also states that her “favorite” 20th century novel is infamous tale of pedophile obsession and abuse, “Lolita”.
Predictably, the book’s disturbing content has led to criticism of Newman, executives at Harper Collins and numerous negative reviews even with Amazon restricting them to verified purchasers. Details of email contact details for complaints are included in my last article. This is well worth reading for newcomers as it deals in more detail with the sexual concerns.
Another group of people who may wish to complain are Trump supporters, about this tweet (archive) –
The tweet is capable of multiple interpretations, all of them problematic. At its most benevolent it could be taken as meaning that in the febrile environs of the Middle East naming a station after a divisive leader could make it a target. Unfortunately, unstable individuals and members of violent extremist groups like Antifa could interpret it as encouraging violence. More generally the use of excessive hyperbole is one of many contributors to our current highly polarised society.
As a member of New York’s left wing elite Newman seems to feel herself above and outside social norms around her treatment of her children and the same goes for her willingness to share inappropriate remarks about Trump. Her conduct reflects on Harper Collins as long as she is an author there.
Republicans, MAGA types and Trump supporters will not only be sickened by the comment about “Please Bomb This Station” but by Newman’s bizarre household and treatment of her children. She discusses one child’s porn viewing habits in terms of the porn he viewed at age 7! Readers are invited to contact Harper Collins CEO Brian Murray and Publisher Michael Morrison and politely and courteously express concern. Contacts are repeated again below.
Many of the autistic people who commented on my article liked the content but feared MHN was generally unsympathetic to them because this site is conservative and they dislike Trump. I would like to reassure them and invite them to find common cause with Trump supporters.
It is true that I do not regularly right about autistic rights in particular as I do not suffer from it. However I am not disrespectful of their group – just not part of it. What I would say to them is it is all one. They have civil rights and so do people they disagree with. They can be against Trump, vote against Trump and still say that violence against Trump supporters is unacceptable and so is violence and abuse of disabled people.
It is possible to be against Trump and still also against blowing up railway stations named after him. Likewise it is possible to be for Trump and for disability rights. It is clear that there are many people who feel that Judith Newman is not behaving appropriately and perhaps should not be an author at Harper Collins.
Below, I repeat contact details for Newman, Murray and Morrison. Readers are invited to please politely and courteously write to them to explain any concerns. None of the persons listed objected to my including their public contact details in my prior article.
Readers are asked to only be respectful, to make no unlawful threats and to break no laws. Judith Newman needs to not be an author at Harper Collins and if they cannot make that happen, Murray and Morrison need to go too.
Thank you for your support. I’ve recieved some screens – small so trying hard to transcribe them. Posted here: — It’s complicated with Trump — and even accutely more so because he doesn’t get that lighting it up blue at the white house . . . was for the moms like Judith Newman. And for a cure, for prevention and supporting the eradication of Autism, meaning Autistic people. Would love to chat more — via email if you like. I’m married to an NT conservative — and these days I refuse to care about any political party until they do right by Autistics and stop using us as a prop. <3