Sonia Poulton Lawyers Cease Acting

Sonia Poulton Video Statement

Sonia Poulton has terminated the instruction of her lawyers, Simons Muirhead Burton.

In the latest bizarre antics in the case of Hemming v Poulton and others, and others, and more others Sonia Poulton’s lawyers have given notice of ceasing to act, at the same time as Poulton faces threatened allegations by two third parties she has dragged into the proceedings. Poulton, the ‘face’ of Brand New Tube, has also taken to sending us lengthy, rambling letters in open correspondence full of largely irrelevant, inaccurate, allegations against us whilst congratulating herself on her legal brilliance. She also seems to think almost any disagreement whatsoever, or any step her opponents take she does not like, is pleadable harassment. Quite why her financial backers like Muhammad Butt think this is going to increase their chances of recovering costs is unclear. However, her behaviour is consistent with the ratings given to Brand New Tube by independent groups such as,

“In conclusion, Brand New Tube promotes tin-foil hat conspiracy theories and quackery-level pseudoscience. They completely lack credibility based on a lack of transparency and numerous failed fact checks.”

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About Samuel Collingwood Smith

Samuel Collingwood Smith was born in the north of England, but his family moved south early in his life and spent most of his early years in Hertfordshire before attending Queen Mary, University of London, where he studied Economics. Sam currently lives in the southeast of England. Smith was employed as a Labour Party fundraiser in the 2001 General Election, and as a Labour Party Organiser in the 2005 General Election. In 2005 Smith was elected as a Borough Councillor and served for 3 years until 2008. In 2009 Smith changed sides to the Conservative party citing division within Labour ranks, Labour broken promises and Conservative improvements to local services. In 2012 Smith started to study a Graduate Diploma in Law, passing in 2014. Smith then moved on to studying a Master's Degree in Law combined with an LPC, receiving an LL.M LPC (with Commendation) in January 2017. During his study, Smith assisted several individuals in high profile court cases as a McKenzie Friend - in one case being praised by Parliamentary petition for his charitable work and legal skills. Smith is also the author of this blog, Matthew Hopkins News, that deals with case law around Family and Mental Capacity issues. The blog also opposes online drama and abuse and criticises extreme-left politicians.

34 thoughts on “Sonia Poulton Lawyers Cease Acting

  1. All very bizarre conduct by Ms Poulton, imo.

    I suppose in general terms it raises some questions about the reasoning why the solicitors have been ditched. Was it a lack of money, was it SP not liking the advice, was it the solicitors pulling out of representation?

    It also raises some questions about that “fighting fund” too and whether the “Buy Me A Coffee” funding tactic is being used for legal funding instead.

    No doubt the answers will be forthcoming if and when this finally comes before a courtroom.

  2. SvT on June 2, 2023 at 2:14 pm: “I suppose in general terms it raises some questions about the reasoning why the solicitors have been ditched. Was it a lack of money, was it SP not liking the advice, was it the solicitors pulling out of representation?”

    To cut costs. Allegedly. To save followers from having to making donations and buy thousands of cups of coffee, just to pay solicitors to read response material.

    Unsure whether there are enough beans in Brazil for this amount of coffees.

    [Edited by MHN for reasons of brevity]

  3. “Was it a lack of money, was it SP not liking the advice, was it the solicitors pulling out of representation?”

    It is noted that the usual effusive praise and lashings of compliments for her legal team are strikingly missing from her latest (update) shout out for more money, so it isn’t out of the question that they may have dumped her. Who knows? Although, having lauded her legal team to Kingdom come and back for God knows how long on social media, creating masses of free advertising and opportunities for her legal team to pick up dozens more clients with her type of problems, it would be a bit mean of them if this were to be the case. There are currently no ranting videos on youtube about her legal team to support this possibility. Unless they are ‘in the making’. lol

    Integrity, and wishing to act only in the best interests of clients and not themselves, can be fierce in some solicitors, so it isn’t impossible that they may have had a review, juggled the odds again, and decided they could not continue in the same vein. Which would have made her see her arse.

    She says she is acting with the knowledge of her legal team. Which is typically vague of her, and could lead her flock to believe that her legal team see her almost as their equal now, and that she’s more than competent to complete this leg of her journey alone. Which is a bit of a stretch. But we can’t rule this out. Well, we could, but we shouldn’t, and won’t.

    She says her legal team have previously advised her to remain silent. Which is the right advice.

    However, she says she is no longer going to act on their advice to be silent. We are left supposing her legal team are happy with this latest state of affairs, and did not advise her it was in her own interest to continue to be silent, and to stop digging more holes for herself. Unless she has failed to mention in her (update) shout out for more money, that her legal team have in fact advised her not to act in this manner, and she is ignoring their advice.

    For all we or her flock know, her legal team could have told her straight, that she should stop digging holes, and that they will not be party to granting her wishes to light people up with more of her threats and vexations. Which can only be applauded, if so. Nobody could blame them.

    Love and light, everyone. Love and light. Keep looking up! Don’t leave home without your ephemeris.

  4. @Rory Port “Unsure whether there are enough beans in Brazil for this amount of coffees” …

    Peru, Columbia and other countries also could top up the beans…

  5. Crumbs, I was surprised that the case in question was still ongoing. It need never have got to this stage. SP is obstinate I think. Well she says she “has an attitude” and doesn’t care who knows it. I’m fairly left-leaning and I agree with some on some matters (not the ones involved in the case).

    • Yes. Sonia has parted ways with her A-list solicitors and is trying to represent herself. The difference between me and her is that I have a Master’s Degree in Law (Commmendation), an LPC, got a distinction on my Civil Litigation module, and have about 11 years of litigation experience. I also have second opinions from paid media barristers like Matthew Hodson and David Hirst on tap.

      Sonia has none of that but thinks she is Perry Mason. Her recent letters have just been embarrassing. Legally illiterate, rambling, irrelevant and literally incomprehensible in places. She writes similarly to Esther Baker but is actually objectively less competent at litigation than Esther Baker.

      • Perry Mason? Nah more Kevin and Perry… “can I have a Jam Sandwich please Mrs Patterson” appears to be the level of legal intellect being displayed by the “opposition” at present.

    • Obstinate or just plain arrogant, narcissistic and an ego maniac? It is so difficult to know at times.

      As a generalisation and referring to no specific journalist, I do worry however about ANY alleged journalist who has to use their kids to make points in mainstream media articles and especially when pictures of their kids are in the same article. I personally think it is a form of abuse and editors should prevent such from happening. Especially when the alleged journalist likes to preach about other supposed forms of abuse. It is the highest form of hypocrisy, reduces their own children to a means to a professional end and when added to breaches of child protection court orders and publication of names and locations which are barred by the court orders only makes the alleged journalist look like a… money grabber off the back of child abuse. Only my opinion though.

  6. Samuel Collingwood Smith on June 12, 2023 at 12:06 pm:

    “Sonia has none of that but thinks she is Perry Mason. Her recent letters have just been embarrassing. Legally illiterate, rambling, irrelevant and literally incomprehensible in places.”


    So this is how she also behaves in real life? I thought her behaviour on her shows and youtube vids was just an act. Like Lorraine Kelly on breakfast telly.

    Suppose people will have to consider going elsewhere for their morning comedy fix now you’ve told us this. It would be too cruel to sit laughing at her if she’s not acting.

    [Edited by MHN for brevity]

  7. Perplexed Bystander on June 12, 2023 at 11:55 am said:
    “Crumbs, I was surprised that the case in question was still ongoing.”

    Me too. Until reading her latest ‘update’. Which looks rather like when a parent permits their kids to add some extra treats onto the online grocery order, and press the check-out button when they’ve finished. But then the parent fails to check out the order again before the deadline, to see if the kids have taken the p*ss.

    Resulting in extra crates of expensive, indigestible junk being delivered to their doorstep.

    It’s not big, and it’s not clever. And it can cost a fortune. Which her followers and brew-buyers do not seem to understand. Albeit, how could they understand? Such has been the vaguery of her legal ‘updates’ throughout the years.

    Still, it’s all grist f’t mill…

    Should any of her followers know the crux of any of her legal cases, they have always kept very quiet about it.

    Seeming always to believe that she is only in court because ‘shadowy figures’ and the ‘Establishment” are trying to silence her, and prevent her busying herself in “exposing” paedophiles and saving children from abuse.

    If so, I have a breeding pair of unicorns for sale. They have recently shed their horns, but they will definitely grow back… [Edited by this author for brevity.]

  8. Well of course saving children from abuse is a topic that will make people sympathise. On the law of averages I suppose there are reprehensible people in “The Establishment” but not solely there and not in the numbers that some people allege.

    I’d like unicorns to be real but as I’m an adult and one that’s ‘up there’ in years I know they are mythical.

    BTW I’m not very good at being my own proof-reader so I should have said “agree with her….” not “agree with…” in my earlier post.

  9. SvT on June 13, 2023 at 6:28 pm :

    “It is the highest form of hypocrisy, reduces their own children to a means to a professional end and when added to breaches of child protection court orders and publication of names and locations which are barred by the court orders only makes the alleged journalist look like a… money grabber off the back of child abuse. Only my opinion though.”

    Naming children protected by court orders is one of the most serious offences in English law, isn’t it. I took a look at the sentences. 👀

    Punishments similar to publishing photos of Jamie Bulger’s killers.

    Although it seems some police have special powers which they can use to override judges, and interpret the law in any way they choose.

    Which completely trivialises the reasons why children have to be protected by the courts in the first place.

  10. The ratio of views to likes and retweets suggests that after almost eleven years of waiting for Sonia Poulton to substantiate her claims that she holds “evidence” supported by the police, her followers have become too weary and skint to be whipped up into a frenzy by her latest ridiculously desperate tweets about deceased Parliamentarians and ex-Parliamentarians who spend their own money on sex and drugs.

    Tweeting the stuff below, does not make her responsible for anything other people may or may not tweet in response, btw. lol

    Sonia Poulton

    Keith Vaz is trending. The MP who batted for mentor Greville Janner when he had multiple child abuse allegations against him. The MP who tried to interfere in the police investigation of alleged paedophile Edward Heath. The MP who procured drugs and prostitutes. That grubby man.

    1:07 PM · Jun 15, 2023

    Sonia Poulton

    Vaz is so toxic I feel sick typing his name!
    1:10 PM · Jun 15, 2023

  11. When you know, you know. Couldn’t find any words to describe this tweet. Hypocrisy doesn’t even come close.

    Sonia Poulton
    You’re talking about a man who has made it a mission to destroy lives in cold and callous ways. A media stalker who obsesses about people. That’s the least of it. I’m starting to wonder what on earth has he got on people?
    6:50 AM · Jul 22, 2023

  12. It’s not only vile and rotten London Met police who sit around discussing their dangerous, sadistic intentions and actions on their personal devices, in some wild belief they will get away with it, because they will be protected by their large, unscrupulous organisations, whom they know will go to the ends of the earth to pervert the course of justice, putting their organisation and their own jobs at risk, in order to avoid any more scandals.

    Hanging is too good for such psychos. Lock them all up for life. There is no cure for the inherent sickness in a person who discusses the killing and possible deaths of innocent people in their care. They will always be, and will always have been a risk to the public.

    Every person who has ever been at their mercy, should be contacted by the authorities who have allowed, and in some cases, aided and abetted them in keeping their jobs and pensions.

  13. Seen on twitter: “Sonia is a liar and a monster prove me wrong!”

    Sonia Poulton’s previously threatened this tweeter with her “legal team”. More coffee, anyone? Btw, Brazil’s crops have suffered some frost and drought. Coffee’s not going to be cheaper any time soon. Just saying…

  14. Seen on twitter:
    “Sonia has been put in place solely to protect the establishment and preventing the truth from ever coming out and so far she has been very successful at that. Don’t forget her journaltic credentials are very poor to say the least and she was basically a tabloid hack”


    “And I gave them more than enough evidence. So why has she reneged on that promise sat on the story and threatened me?”



  15. Seen on twitter: “Well if you apologise fine and then it’s all over. I’m aware Sonia uses a lot of people as her attack dog. But apologise otherwise you and Sonia remain in a huge amount of legal trouble
    7:48 PM · Sep 17, 2023”


    Sonia Poulton’s followers would find it a lot cheaper in the long run, to collectively invest in a coffee plantation, rather than buying her coffees by the cup at £5.00 each.

  16. Seen on twitter:

    “I do not propose to fully understand your story but I do feel that Sonia is not a true journalist but more of a two bit rating and baiting performer. Her grasp of vocalised English and narrative coherence is astonishingly very poor or just a terrible journalist at best.
    12:06 PM · Sep 20, 2023”



    Sits back. Waits to see if this tweeter receives any threats of suage. Whomever it is, isn’t wrong. But that doesn’t matter. Being right doesn’t prevent threats of suage. Sometimes the threats are even carried out against people who are right. Because her followers are the ones who keep picking up the tab and paying her fees.

  17. Seen on twitter:

    “Legally all citizens of Great Britain have the same exact freedom of press. The only exception is that if you state you are a “journalist” then there are lawful violation protection rights that can be enforced through the courts only applicable to identified journalism.”

    2:29 PM · Sep 20, 2023


  18. The last two in the saloon can be ever so entertaining when they’re brawling on twitter, and making direct threats of suage. Being a law student, Esther Baker’s threats are not as foul and wordy as Sonia Poulton’s, but they’re just as amusing.

    👩‍💻 Esther Baker 👩‍💻

    Well. It’s up to you. You can either delete your defamatory statement – or you can send me your address to accept legal papers.

    3:56 PM · Sep 21, 2023

  19. I know it’s a normal thing to do in Haiti and Victorians did it, but not seen anything similar on twitter before. Corpses being wheeled out to cause distractions and defend people. Something a bit different, isn’t it.

    Wouldn’t try doing this sort of thing in front of a judge or the police though. Well, maybe if I had to…

  20. What to do about hackers who hack hackers whose hacking reveals (amongst other damning evidence of conspiracy to harm and intimidation of witnesses to pervert the course of justice) lists with titles such as these: “Leathered” and “bamburd”.


  21. I can remember a time on twitter, when there were so many false allegations about child rape and abuse, there was barely an inch left for anything else.

    However, since only a couple of brawlers have ended up in prison or litigation (for one reason or another) all those types of heinous false allegations have come to a crashing halt. Making social media a lot safer.

    If only the police had nipped it all in the bud when the ‘paedophile hunters’ were first reported to them, people such as Esther Baker could be a party planner now. Or teaching people the art of juggling a can of Coke and a carrier bag, whilst using a mobile phone and smoking a fagarette.

    Carl Beech could have been selling used cars or S & M gear right now. Instead of lying around in prison, sharing a Penguin. Or an orange Club. Always plenty of them left over. Apparently, orange flavoured Clubs are never stolen from the box by the screws. Because the prisoners can detect orange on their breath. True prison fact.

  22. @ Bruxism on October 9, 2023 at 7:41 pm

    Noticed that. The quietude. Seems to be mainly about sleb rapists and gropers now, doesn’t it. Amazing how some people see a sleb being accused, and jump on the bandwagon. Revealing they’ve ‘always known’ about it, ‘seen it with their own eyes’, or heard rumours about, but never actually said anything or done f*ck all about it before it became newsworthy, with its own hashtags.

    What I want to know is, what is going to happen to all the children held captive in the bowels of Westminster, Dolphin Square, and various stately homes, if the people who once alleged to be running their own arses ragged to try and release those children, are no longer tweeting about it 24/7? We must not forget, that this will be at least the twelfth Christmas that some of them will have been held captive. Just awful. Those poor kids. No tweets for them this Christmas. They’re no longer a priority…

  23. Rory Port on June 13, 2023 at 1:11 pm said:
    “Should any of her followers know the crux of any of her legal cases, they have always kept very quiet about it.

    Seeming always to believe that she is only in court because ‘shadowy figures’ and the ‘Establishment” are trying to silence her, and prevent her busying herself in “exposing” paedophiles and saving children from abuse.

    If so, I have a breeding pair of unicorns for sale. They have recently shed their horns, but they will definitely grow back… [Edited by this author for brevity.]”



    [Edited by MHN]

  24. Ffs. A breakfast show comes along and gives you a laugh of a morning. Takes your mind off your arm aching whilst you’re stirring your porridge to make your porridge just right. Then you find out the breakfast show won’t be on for a while. 👀

    Why take the show off? Doesn’t make sense. All other shows seem to be going ahead.

    Would sincerely hope that the ‘Establishment’ and ‘shadowy figures’ are not involved here. Trying to take alternative breakfast telly shows off the web. How else would the general public be able to find out there are planes spraying deadly chemicals on us every day? Lorraine Kelly and Susanna Reid would never even joke about something like this on breakfast telly. Because they’re dinosaurs, and part of the ‘Establishment’, and ‘need to wake up and get with the programme’ etc. Msm and the dead tree press have such a lot to learn from alternative breakfast shows. Apparently.

  25. Bruxism on October 31, 2023 at 10:29 am “Would sincerely hope that the ‘Establishment’ and ‘shadowy figures’ are not involved here. Trying to take alternative breakfast telly shows off the web.”



  26. Bruxism on October 31, 2023 at 10:29 am said:

    “Ffs. A breakfast show comes along and gives you a laugh of a morning. Takes your mind off your arm aching whilst you’re stirring your porridge to make your porridge just right. Then you find out the breakfast show won’t be on for a while. 👀”

    Thought you may like to know, all is not lost. If you need a substitute in the mean time, Mick Miller will be on tour during November, December, and March.

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