Charisse Burchett of Bath, Somerset: A Threat to Children and the Vulnerable?

Earlier this year, a Bath woman known as Charisse Burchett (a fan of BNT creator Sonia Poulton) was excoriated online and in the Daily Mirror (archive), Sun (archive) and Mail (archive), after refusing to wear a mask on a flight from Berlin to the United Kingdom. Bereaved relatives of Covid-19 victims condemned her ignorance and arrogance. Though she claims a “private” medical exemption, by her own admission police did not find it acceptable. Now, she has ignorantly defamed former MP John Hemming, claiming he needs to face a jury when in fact his accuser Esther Baker’s allegations have been found to be, “untrue” in the High Court and she has been restrained for life from repeating them. By refusing to wear a mask and risking spreading Covid, denying the existence of Covid, as well as spreading debunked false allegations that cause huge distress to Hemming’s children, she is likely to pose a risk of harm to a number of vulnerable people.

Charisse Burchett - condemned by the bereaved.

Charisse Burchett – condemned by the bereaved.

One of the most tragic things about Brand New Tube’s (BNT) output is the denial of very real diseases. The website features Vernon Coleman, a man who still denies AIDS is a disease (archive) – “[…] it is now my considered view that the disease we know as AIDS probably doesn’t exist and has never existed”. There is no doubt AIDS is real, like Covid-19.

When I saw Charisse Burchett’s tweet about John Hemming earlier, at first I thought it beneath notice. She is just some nobody mum from the provinces with a bad attitude. A not-very-bright consumer of BNT conspiracy theories. Her remarks about Esther Baker and John Hemming were dead wrong. The facts are these as set out by High Court Judge Mrs Justice Steyn –


The Judge has made very clear that Esther Baker’s allegations are untrue and defamatory. MHN underlining.

Esther Baker, by her own admission, hears voices and has poor recollection of her childhood. Extracts from the CPS documentation make the truth clear –


In this letter from the CPS to Esther Baker they point out to her that she has been hearing voices in her head – auditory – hallucinations – since she was a child. Due to her medical issues she has had limited recall of any events before the age of ten, except for her detailed allegations of child abuse.

There is no medical or other evidence supporting Esther Baker’s accounts. Though it has been claimed by Baker there are other witnesses, none have been identified –

CPS - No Medical Evidence Baker was Abused

If there was any evidence of Baker’s alleged underage abortion that would be evidence of abuse. There is none.

Records show Baker had a history of making up stories as a child –


In this letter from the CPS to Baker, they refer to her being known for making up stories for attention as a child.

So, who does Charisse Burchett thinks she is? So far Hemming has obtained restraining Orders or settlements against Esther Baker, Graham Wilmer and David Hencke. He is suing Sonia Poulton. I have obtained lifelong restraining agreements against Dr Jacqui Dillon and Baker for false statements they made about me. The court orders are here (Dillon) and here (Baker).

After considering these matters, I feel Charisse Burchett warrants further scrutiny. Her behaviour, influenced by BNT, is potentially very dangerous. She could incite harm against Hemming or his family. She could spread a fatal disease to someone in a high risk group. She is a paradigm example of the harm caused by misinformation on BNT.

I am preparing a further article for publication. I will be making Burchett’s local social services team aware of her behaviour and I will be contacting employers and local services. I will be confronting her supporters with the effects of the behaviour. This is a person who exemplifies the dangers of online misinformation.

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This entry was posted in Brand New Tube, Charisse Burchett, Esther Baker, Free Speech, Jacqui Dillon, Jayne Senior, John Hemming, Law, Muhammad Butt, Samuel Collingwood Smith, Sonia Poulton, Twitter by Samuel Collingwood Smith. Bookmark the permalink.

About Samuel Collingwood Smith

Samuel Collingwood Smith was born in the north of England, but his family moved south early in his life and spent most of his early years in Hertfordshire before attending Queen Mary, University of London, where he studied Economics. Sam currently lives in the southeast of England. Smith was employed as a Labour Party fundraiser in the 2001 General Election, and as a Labour Party Organiser in the 2005 General Election. In 2005 Smith was elected as a Borough Councillor and served for 3 years until 2008. In 2009 Smith changed sides to the Conservative party citing division within Labour ranks, Labour broken promises and Conservative improvements to local services. In 2012 Smith started to study a Graduate Diploma in Law, passing in 2014. Smith then moved on to studying a Master's Degree in Law combined with an LPC, receiving an LL.M LPC (with Commendation) in January 2017. During his study, Smith assisted several individuals in high profile court cases as a McKenzie Friend - in one case being praised by Parliamentary petition for his charitable work and legal skills. Smith is also the author of this blog, Matthew Hopkins News, that deals with case law around Family and Mental Capacity issues. The blog also opposes online drama and abuse and criticises extreme-left politicians.

1 thought on “Charisse Burchett of Bath, Somerset: A Threat to Children and the Vulnerable?

  1. Makes me wonder whether such idiots have even heard of “contempt of court” or defamation, Sam.

    It is high time that such lunacy was confronted head on by the authorities and an end put to the misinformation/fake news brigade’s outlets.

    To be fair however it is not only BNT that are an issue in that regard, although they are perhaps the worst at present.

    Freedom of Speech does not stretch to dangerous behaviour. Article 10 rights are not absolute.

    [Redacted by MHN]

    The fact that Burchett appears so supportive of Poulton [and makes it clear as such in the tweet involved] will likely not assist Poulton at all either because it clearly demonstrates how far such misinformation gets believed and then used to hound innocent individuals.

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