Andrew Barker, Chief Executive Officer of Phoenix Hospital Group, needs to investigate Marcus Carpenter’s behaviour. It does not seem to me consistent with employment in healthcare.
MHN editor Sam Smith had a disturbing experience this week when a local Facebook group took a deranged, murdery, turn, including threats of criminal violence supported by the group’s unpleasant administrators. The person in charge is called Markus Carpenter (real name Marcus Carpenter) – a WGC man who tries to subtly conceal his identity, perhaps because there have been allegations against him previously, but who I have positively identified as a Phoenix Hospital Group employee – he claims the title of “Group IT Services Manager”. Based on his behaviour, no one in their right mind would deal with this company – if this is the sort of character Phoenix hire, that is a significant safeguarding concern, no one should go near it and NHS commissioners need to investigate whether this person has access to patient records or any sensitive information.
I do not use Facebook much. I keep in contact with close friends and family as well as occasionally read local groups. Recently, I found a lost wallet and handed it in to the police station. I reunited it with its owner via a Facebook group. A few days ago I saw another post in the same group, a group founded and administered by Markus Carpenter (real name Marcus Carpenter) of Welwyn Garden City. Members were accusing a local man of being a convicted paedophile. I will call him, “Bob”, a made up name, to avoid worsening the situation. A brief Google search could not find evidence of his conviction so I asked for proof. The reason for my concern was the threats of violence.

A local builder plans to assault an alleged paedophile, Bob. The poster, Ryan Reynolds, himself has prior drugs convictions including a year-long driving ban.
In the post to the right, local residents talked of their desire to harm the alleged offender, Bob. A ‘renovator’ called Ryan Reynolds said he was going have his hand, “slip across his face” a few times before others talked about how the alleged offender needs, “putting down”.
Ironically, Reynolds himself is a drug offender. He received a 12-month driving ban after being caught driving whilst weeded-up (archive). Such behaviour endangers other road users, including children and the elderly. I recommend people never hire Ryan Reynolds as a builder or renovator, or anything really. Not only is he a convicted drug user, but he is also, if he is to be believed, violent. Imagine hiring a violent drug user to work on your home and then having an argument about his bill.
Regardless, I asked for evidence that the man they were targeting, Bob, was guilty, because a casual search did not reveal evidence of conviction. It was a polite question. There was also the question of whether the thread was wise or necessary.

Ryan Reynolds says he will definitely take action when he sees, “Bob” and is willing to go to prison. “I’ll do time!”
The response to my question was a barrage of threats, wild allegations I was a, “nonce” or “nonce defender” and various other unpleasantness. Eventually someone confirmed Bob’s guilt, but the guy was pathetic – apparently only having ‘groomed’ imaginary children in a sting run by a vigilante group. To my knowledge, there are a number of local offenders, including one guy who was running an entire abuse ring until police raided his home through the window (to ensure they could get to him before he locked his computer and then arrest all his ‘friends’). However, law enforcement manage the risk – that is why we have a sex offenders’ register. We don’t need a builder called Ryan Reynolds dressed up as Deadpool.
Bob’s conviction looks shaky to me. This is a vulnerable man who was only convicted of attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child. What I mean is, that is a vile crime but he got a light sentence because police found no child pornography nor communications with other / actual children on his devices. Not a single indecent image. It looks to me like the vigilantes got a vulnerable man with no other provable behaviour. Technically guilty but entrapment-y. There are lots of vulnerable people such as those with learning disabilities who it is quite easy to trick into crime. Bob is certainly not very good at being a paedophile – he was in contact with no other children, not even fake ones, and had obtained no child abuse images in his ‘campaign of terror’.

Bee Chessum and Catrina Hammond Davies think they have ‘outsmarted’ me because I did not respond to their comments on their terms. Oh I will be responding. Ryan Reynolds got served on 4 March by email and on 5 March by post. I will be dealing with Bee and Catrina through appropriate legal channels offline, for harassing me as a victim of sex crime.
Whilst sex crime is bad, I don’t understand why this one guy Bob from last year gets a thread when we have lots of other worse offenders in the local area. I also received a bunch of DMs about the incident, including from people who were talking about retaliating against Reynolds. One was even planning to go to his house and start slashing – obviously I spoke to them and discouraged any crime. Police kindly attended my home and crimed some of the things I showed them.
People like Reynolds need to think about the risks. What if he targets someone like Bob, who, terrified by this idiot, decides to carry and use some sort of weapon like a knife? Bob has a criminal conviction and far less to lose. I would never be a vigilante – I would fear getting stabbed. Knife crime is increasingly common in Britain and vigilantism is a good way to encounter it.
After Reynolds posted a, (now taken down) video accusing me of being a, “nonce” because he says that I have a Facebook profile picture which is old, I shared documents proving that I was in fact a victim of sex crime. To which some group users then responded instead of being sympathetic that it was a money-making ploy by me.
I contacted group administrators on Facebook, including a female moderator called Charlie Day and the founder administrator, Markus Carpenter. They refused to remove the violent posts even when tagged in to the specific discussion. This left me concerned.
I set out to identify these people. Searches I normally use for legal purposes turned up no Markus Carpenter in Welwyn Garden City. But there was a Marcus with a ‘c’ not a ‘k’. Further searches found a LinkedIn profile. The picture in the Facebook for Markus Carpenter matched the LinkedIn account. Markus is really Marcus. The permanent URL for his Facebook also includes ‘Marcus’. Marcus lives in Welwyn Garden City with his wife Bethany. There are no doubt good reasons Marcus seeks to hide his real name – his group has history – there is even a Change.org petition complaining of death threats, racism and targeting vulnerable people. Not a guy who should be working in healthcare.
I repeat, Marcus works for a healthcare company. When I specifically tagged him and some of the group admins, they deliberately left the thread with the violent threats up. They did remove some posts about me, but then decided it to repeat other false allegations. The specific threads included one claiming falsely that all my Facebook friends are under 18 and targeting me as a proven victim of sex crime. None of my Facebook friends are under 18.
That … escalated quickly. We went from lost wallets to murrrddderrr of the least competent child sex offender in Welwyn-Hatfield, Bob then, to targeting me for doing no more than sounding a note of caution and asking if they had actual evidence against Bob. I mean, if Ryan wants to do time why not at least murder someone who actually succeeded in abusing a child? Bob just does not have what it takes as a paedophile. If Ryan wants to throw his life away at least make it count. These people are as dumb as a sack of hammers.
The really vile and dangerous thing that Marcus Carpenter did was when, after learning I was a victim of sex crime, reposted an archive of false material from the extremist group who did it. In 2016 I was targeted by notorious extremist Joshua Conner Moon of Kiwi Farms and his troll supporters. The targeting of myself included revenge pornography, in the well known High Court case, as well as malicious allegations I am a paedophile and threats to murder children at local schools. I explained this to group administrators in Marcus’ group. I shared the court judgment in my favour. Last night, Marcus responded by banning me, finding libellous material that had been removed from the internet and republishing the archive. By definition, he knew it was from a website that was taken down.

Marcus Carpenter of Phoenix Hospital Group found an archive of a removed website by an extremist group about me, and decided to share it.
What is particularly ironic for someone who apparently feels paedophiles and their defenders should be targeted by violence is that the website he is sharing was, based on knowledge and belief, written and hosted by Joshua Conner Moon the owner of Kiwi Farms. Moon has publicly admitted during an interview to hosting a board called /phile/ – short for paedophile which hosted child abuse material including toddler snuff rape material. Don’t take my word for it, take Josh’s – watch the interview where he admits it and says British people, “don’t understand”. That is the origin of the material. And if Marcus Carpenter is browsing and endorsing the content of harassment sites like that, surely he should not be working in healthcare!
One female member of Marcus’ group, Emma Louise Terry-Howe even admitted to using Kiwi Farms, the infamous stalking site. For those who are not aware, Kiwi Farms was set up to stalk the disabled (right), has been removed from multiple hosting companies who say they found illegal child pornography, took and carried out a vote to stalk children. It was one of only two websites ever banned from Cloudflare without law enforcement intervention, as an, “immediate threat to human life”. Amazing how ‘anti-paedophile’ vigilantes so often need to seek out that sort of site. For research, you understand.
Kiwi Farms is also linked to the deaths of 50 Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand. Owner Joshua Moon made clear to Australian news that he personally distributed the livestream of the shootings and the killer’s manifesto.
I have started to take action. Ryan Reynolds was served with pre-action correspondence a couple of days ago. I have obviously begun background checking on the group administrators and people like Martine Warby, Catrin Hammond Davies and Bee Chessum with a view to litigation.

Elizabeth Reading, Director of Quality at Phoenix Hospital Group. I suggest she has some quality improvement to do in the IT team.
Some members of Marcus’ group were saying I ensured I was targeted as a victim of sex crime to make money. That is vile. Let us see if they have any evidence of that. As for internet defamation, well, my blog is true and comes up high in Google searches by, for example, employers and customers. Background checkers verifying someone is fit to work with children or vulnerable adults might see it – are even likely to.
Turning to Phoenix Hospital Group who would want to employ someone as stupid and vile as Marcus? They may not have known about his activities until now, but now they have been made aware, they deserve reputational issues if they do not deal with matters. Almost the only information out there about Marcus aside from his moderation of the murrrddderrr group is his employer. If Phoenix CEO Mr Barker feels this is the sort of thing that his company wants its brand to be associated with then, well, that potentially has reputational implications.
Furthermore, in this country it is legal to organise a boycott. If Elizabeth Reading, Director of Quality at Phoenix Hospital Group looks at the screenshots and feels this is appropriate in an employee, in my opinion she is not protecting quality very well and patients or their records may be placed at risk by the employment of an unsuitable person in a senior technical role. As a proven victim of sex crime, well, I there are some fellow victims I know who will help and some charities I can enlist to persuade members of the public and partner businesses, as well as public sector stakeholders, to dispense with Phoenix and work with firms of a higher ethical calibre.
Members of the public, readers who are disgusted with this, can get in touch with Phoenix Hospital Group via their services directory which they have made public here. Please be polite, lawful and appropriate if you do.
What a weirdo that Marcus Carpenter is. And Ryan Reynolds! Fuck those guys. They’ve been dishing it out for a while and it does not surprise me members of their group have been, researching on paedo sites. Research int an excuse luv! 🤣
Let’s hope Ryan doesn’t end up on doxbin!
I just looked up Bethany Carpenter on Facebook and she is nasty! Not in the good way. Are they the creepy looking couple up H[Redacted by MHN] Road?
I’ve approved this as opinion, but I have redacted the street name. No addresses please or they will be whining about intimidation (whilst still threatening to randomly assault people in the street and, “do time”).
Okay. If you need it for legal, I think Charlie Day lives in [Redacted by MHN] House.
I have redacted the address you suggest. You can email me that kind of thing.
All Marcus Carpenter’s pictures are bald. Just like that Dominic Hunter bloke. Do you think that he has the same interests as Hunter?
Really seriously though, as I understand it legally the group administrators are data controllers. If this is how he controls people’s data at home, how can he be trusted in a hospital?
I’m just dropping in a SAFEGUARDING to the two people from the article who you pictured.
What he’s done is really low. A couple of people are screenshotting everything they post in that group.
Remove my part in that screenshot
Good evening Martine. I have reviewed your removal request and denied it. I have sent you an email giving the specific legal reasons as required under the Data Protection Act 2018. Please check your spam folder if you do not see it.
Good grief! God bless us and save us from such dangerous individuals!
For all the world, reading this post gave me flash-backs to the days when Sonia Poulton and her Team Outlaw gangsters were running rife on social media with fake evidence and whatnot, and threatening to blow brains out and chop off male appendages. Twelve years later, and she’s still behaving with menace, and trying to drag every man and his dog into her evil fantasy stories about nonces and nonce-protectors.
So, you’re doing right to nip all these latest slurs against your character in the bud, so you are. Because God knows, you have enough malicious stalkers on your plate already, without having another gang bringing trouble to your door for years on end. These types of people do not know when to stop.
I’ll be saying a prayer and lighting lots candles for you, and for all victims of similar crimes who may be triggered by this latest blog.
Should anyone be in need of some hope, please look at the length of the sentence passed in Jeremy Vine’s case against Alex Belfield. God willing, in the fullness of time, we will see similar sentences passed on all individuals of this ilk. 🙏📿
Samuel Collingwood Smith said:
“The targeting of myself included revenge pornography, in the well known High Court case, as well as malicious allegations I am a paedophile and threats to murder children at local schools. I explained this to group administrators in Marcus’ group. I shared the court judgment in my favour. Last night, Marcus responded by banning me, finding libellous material that had been removed from the internet and republishing the archive. By definition, he knew it was from a website that was taken down.”
MHN said: “MHN editor Sam Smith had a disturbing experience this week when a local Facebook group took a deranged, murdery, turn, including threats of criminal violence supported by the group’s unpleasant administrators. The person in charge is called Markus Carpenter (real name Marcus Carpenter) – a WGC man who tries to subtly conceal his identity…”
The ‘c’ in Marcus being replaced with a kicking ‘k’ puts my spidey senses on edge for a start. What is the point in doing this? It still sounds the f*cking same. But may make him look harder on paper – Or indeed on a facebook page. MarKus with a kicking a ‘k’. Nails.
Therefore I conclude, this is someone who may have ‘issues’. Which may be unfathomably deep-seated. It is for the best that the police have been made aware of all this. Because we know what could have happened next…
You could have been falsely accused of attacking them! The cops could have been turning up at your home at stupid o’clock. All dressed up in their best riot-gear. Carrying guns bigger than themselves. Dragging you, and possibly other innocent people and their kids out of their beds.
Turning all the mattresses over to look for devices which don’t exist. Really fucking annoying stuff like that. Unless the mattresses needed turning anyway 😃
MHN said: “Some members of Marcus’ group were saying I ensured I was targeted as a victim of sex crime to make money. That is vile. Let us see if they have any evidence of that. As for internet defamation, well, my blog is true and comes up high in Google searches by, for example, employers and customers. Background checkers verifying someone is fit to work with children or vulnerable adults might see it – are even likely to.”
Ffs. This is evil. These are precisely the sort of people who will end up bed-blocking Purgatory! Because there is so little hope of them ever recovering. The quicker they are locked up, the lesser chance of them committing more crimes, and running up an even bigger tab n Purgatory.
Elizabeth Reading should make it a priority to conduct an investigation into MarKus Carpenter’s entire social media history. From all I’ve read about him today, he seems very irresponsible, and I couldn’t trust him with protected data.
And you’re so right about your blog being true! I’ve never seen anything on this site which hasn’t been the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But there is a lot of ‘the whole truth’ which is still to be told, so there is. A very lot. And I’m sure the majority of your commenters would agree with me on this, so they would.
Oh yes. More to come for Marcus and his friends.
You’re doing right, so you are. It can only make the world a safer place. The general public need to be warned about people who behave like this. As we know, there are a lot of vulnerable and dangerous people who read this sort of fake information, and take action against the targets.
Btw, is it even safe to call him Marcus with a C? I’m unsure at the moment, so shall refer to him as MarKus with a kicking K for the time being. Only because I’ve known of a few people who have changed letters in their names for esoteric reasons, and they were very precious about it…
shadus__nox on March 6, 2025 at 10:02 am said:
“Really seriously though, as I understand it legally the group administrators are data controllers. If this is how he controls people’s data at home, how can he be trusted in a hospital?”
I am very surprised he has not been brought to the attention of Elizabeth Reading before now. He has quite a history. He should not be trusted with protected data.
I wouldn’t trust anyone with eyebrows like his, tbh. And a quick shave over all that stubble wouldn’t go amiss either. Does he turn up at work looking like this? I recall even bank tellers having to have appraisals done on their appearance. People in the front line have a duty to appear responsible, and look as if they have at least made an effort.
Gwen Tsinvolvedere on March 6, 2025 at 6:50 pm:
“I wouldn’t trust anyone with eyebrows like his, tbh. And a quick shave over all that stubble wouldn’t go amiss either. Does he turn up at work looking like this? I recall even bank tellers having to have appraisals done on their appearance. People in the front line have a duty to appear responsible, and look as if they have at least made an effort.”
😃 You took the words right out of my mouth, GwenT!
This is the sort of pic we only used to see on Crimewatch, or in a police station window. And before anyone’s accused of ad hominem attacks, we can tell a lot about people from their eyebrows…
And just what the feck is it with kids these days, that they’re all pouting into cameras, trying to look mean and moody? Ffs. They just look like dead-eyed zombies to me, so they do. Like they’ve been out on the piss all weekend, without any access to soap and water.
Evil Auld Trout on March 6, 2025 at 8:10 pm said:
“This is the sort of pic we only used to see on Crimewatch, or in a police station window. And before anyone’s accused of ad hominem attacks, we can tell a lot about people from their eyebrows…”
😆 I think we may have read the same book about eyebrows! Chilling. So I will also be using the kicking K too. Just in case.
If I was cop investigating him, I would also be wary of the letter K replacing the C. Where I come from, men don’t tend to do this sort of thing with their names. Although it is seen as quite cute for girls to do it. Even if they are not pop stars in girl bands, or a make-up influencer on tiktok.
Evil Auld Trout on March 6, 2025 at 5:38 pm said:
“And you’re so right about your blog being true! I’ve never seen anything on this site which hasn’t been the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But there is a lot of ‘the whole truth’ which is still to be told, so there is. A very lot. And I’m sure the majority of your commenters would agree with me on this, so they would.”
I wholly agree with you that this blog only tells the truth. Indeed, I’m led to believe that this blog has become so heavy with truths being rammed and crammed onto it at times, that the blog owner has had to remove some of it. Which allows for fresh truths. Or for old truths to be told in a fresh light.
It is said that we can’t have too much truth, but believe me, there are some individuals who quite simply cannot handle the truth. Especially when it’s about their very own words and dastardly deeds 😃
Martine warby
on March 7, 2025 at 5:39 pm said:
“Remove my part in that screenshot”
Samuel Collingwood Smith
on March 7, 2025 at 8:14 pm said:
“Good evening Martine. I have reviewed your removal request and denied it. I have sent you an email giving the specific legal reasons as required under the Data Protection Act 2018. Please check your spam folder if you do not see it.”
How bossy is Martine Warby? The neck on her. Accuses you of all sorts of serious crimes, and then comes on here as bold as brass, and hard as nails, to tell you to erase the evidence of her having ganged-up with other miscreants and gobshites in extremely menacing and malicious actions.
People who demand that others destroy or conceal evidence can end up in prison for a long time. Even if the action isn’t carried out by those whom they tried to intimidate into doing it.
Martine Warby has big tats. People with big tats are either big heart, or big mouth. I don’t know if her tats are prison tats or not, but it wouldn’t surprise me to find she has already ‘done time’, or at least has a criminal record of sorts.
MHN editor said: “Sam Smith had a disturbing experience this week when a local Facebook group took a deranged, murdery, turn, including threats of criminal violence supported by the group’s unpleasant administrators…. no one should go near it and NHS commissioners need to investigate whether this person has access to patient records or any sensitive information.”
Couldn’t agree more. I’ve seen evidence of facebook groups taking ‘deranged, murdery turns’ where threats of violence were not only supported by administrators, but made by administrators, and carried out by the administrators. Screenshots are a blessing.
A few people had access to nhs data and other Gov authority databases, and would share information amongst the group, to be used in silencing and intimidating their targets.
One or two got the sack and lost their pensions, but police deliberately hid evidence of others doing it, because they were also up to their necks in illegally sharing data themselves. So there are still quite a few people to be arrested yet, as far as I know.
Evil Auld Trout on March 8, 2025 at 1:05 am said:
“How bossy is Martine Warby? The neck on her. Accuses you of all sorts of serious crimes, and then comes on here as bold as brass, and hard as nails, to tell you to erase the evidence of her having ganged-up with other miscreants and gobshites in extremely menacing and malicious actions.”
Martine Warby obviously knows from her ‘research’ on the author of this blog, that he is a victim of serious crimes. To gang up and rally people into abusing him further by suggesting there may be more to discover, is wicked and criminal from my point of view.
They know it will encourage more stalking and harassment, and cause him more alarm and distress. People who engage in these joint enterprises are the scourge of social media, and should be denied access to it.
Bruxism on March 8, 2025 at 9:29 am said:
“A few people had access to nhs data and other Gov authority databases, and would share information amongst the group, to be used in silencing and intimidating their targets.
One or two got the sack and lost their pensions, but police deliberately hid evidence of others doing it, because they were also up to their necks in illegally sharing data themselves. So there are still quite a few people to be arrested yet, as far as I know.”
There must be some synchronicity going on here 😃 It was only recently that someone was saying some evidence of all that was being prepared for some court case or other. I know it was something to do with a Government agency. Perhaps the passport office? Somewhere like that. It’s on the tip of my tongue…
These people were copying and storing pages and pages of their victims’ facebook friends and life events, and passing it around. Having found out where their victims lived, they would threaten to go and stamp on their throats, and set dogs on them, or put bullets in them. On other occasions, they would contact cancer patients in hospitals, to make false allegations about their family members. Stomach churning stuff which the police still haven’t dealt with.
Sam Collingwood Smith said: “Last night, Marcus responded by banning me, finding libellous material that had been removed from the internet and republishing the archive. By definition, he knew it was from a website that was taken down.”
This is extremely malicious behaviour towards someone who was already known to him at that point, to be a victim of serious crimes.
Knowing Sonia Poulton and her Team Outlaw have committed similar dangerous crimes, the results of which led to such convoluted and projected shoite, that more than a decade later, it’s still been costing a fortune in lawyers, police time, court time, and feck knows at what cost to all the victims of the fantasies and false allegations, you were right to be quick to nip this in the bud. As we know, if these types of social media conversations are left up and allowed to continue, they can be a big pull for other nasty and nastier individuals, not just at present, but perhaps many years down the line. And if someone’s at a loose end one evening, and wants to be seen as nails within a social media group – who knows where their thoughts may wander, and to what end? 😱