Masterful Mastercard – Troll Who Tried to Infiltrate Gab Terminated by Bank

After a series of bans by payment providers, Joshua Conner Moon the owner of Kiwi Farms had created a website to hide the payment provider used to receive donations to his website. A number of concerns arose about the site, called, including breaches of numerous compliance rules. Impressively, this week their acquirer bank terminated them after receiving concerns I had sent to the card network, MasterCard. Furthermore, terminated merchants are automatically added to a blacklist that (depending on the reasons) can make it hard or impossible to find a new provider to receive card payments in future.


MasterCard have robust regulatory processes that respect the right to free speech whilst protecting the financial system from abuse.

Joshua Conner Moon, the owner of Kiwi Farms is an extreme embarrassment to the alt-right and to the causes he claims to support, such as “Free Speech”.

For some time Kiwi Farms has been moving from host to host and from payment provider to payment provider. A lot of work was done on this last year and in the end Joshua Moon created a bespoke donations website to hide his merchant bank / provider.

The intent was to prevent further terminations. For those opposed to Kiwi Farms the challenge has been to find a more permanent way to prevent Kiwi Farms simply moving on each time there is a problem.

When Moon set up he could have gone legitimate. There were some minor problems with the site but initially they would not have been apparent. True to form however, Moon failed to do so.

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PC Game Preview – Empyrion: Galactic Survival

I have been taking a month or so off blogging, relaxing and spending some time gaming. I decided to post a game preview of Empyrion: Galactic survival. Empyrion is a lot like science fiction Minecraft with way, way better graphics and technology. This is a preview so ratings are subject to change.

The story of Empyrion is simple. The player is a survivor of a spaceship disaster in an unknown part of space, crashing to the surface of a planet in an escape pod carrying minimal survival equipment. Even so, said equipment includes a ‘survival constructor’, basically a small nanotech cornucopia engine that can produce anything with the right raw materials.


My base in Empyrion seen from a kilometre away. Click for full size.

By mining ores and gathering resources, the player can build a base along larger constructors capable of producing more sophisticated output. Eventually the player can produce ground vehicles in the form of hovercraft, small space vehicles and capital vessels in order to progress through the story (which has not yet been implemented).

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Joshua Conner Moon, Kiwi Farms, User Tracking and Credit Card Fraud on

Joshua Moon, the infamous internet troll known for running stalker website Kiwi Farms, has been complaining that he is the ‘victim’ of credit card fraud. According to a post by Josh on his forum, around Thursday his payment service started to receive thousands of dollars worth of fraudulent transactions. I have no idea if this is the case, but during his protestations of being an innocent victim, Josh made statements that clearly contradict earlier remarks (archive here) he is not tracking his donors.


Josh’s current, Nazi themed avatar from Kiwi Farms next to the misspelt disclaimer on his donation site claiming not to track users. Click for full size.

By his own admission, Joshua Conner Moon’s websites have been removed from several hosting companies and payment providers, including Paypal. Most have bowed to the inevitable as soon as they are notified of the site and its nature, but a few talked tough until there was legal action. All removed the site. Now, Kiwi Farms hides its host and payment provider using Cloudflare. Furthermore, the payment provider is hidden by the use of an intermediary website called Users who wish to donate to Kiwi Farms must type their credit or debit card numbers into code written by Josh and the card number will be forwarded on.

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Disgraced Former Teen Vogue Contributor Lara Witt Calls for Stabbing, Poisoning, Murder of Police Officers and Donald Trump

Readers would be forgiven for hoping that “Freelance” “journalist” Lara Witt would have learned her lesson. After Witt’s claims that “white people are evil” and her regrettable comments about Jewish terror victims, Elaine Welteroth, the editor of Teen Vogue publicly distanced herself. Normal people, confronted with their highest profile client backing off, would reconsider their behaviour. Witt however has decided to maximise her unemployability by publishing a calendar on Twitter espousing the murder of police officers (archive), Donald Trump and even feminists whose views she disagrees with.


Being “quite unemployable” is not enough for Lara Witt, here publishing a calendar listing a large number of undesirables to “stab”, “poison” or “kill”. Followers are assigned a task and victim group based on month and day of birth. Click for full size.

A word here about Twitter rules –

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Racist Lara Witt Tries to Silence /r/The_Donald as Teen Vogue Editor Disavows Her

Lara Witt set her Twitter feed to private for a brief period last week. She was not idle during that time, however. Far from learning her lesson about the dangers of hate speech she was engaging in a sinister and failed attempt to silence Redditors, most likely from popular pro-Donald Trump subreddit /r/The_Donald. She also suggested that she would try to use her now threadbare “press” status to pressure Reddit.


In the red corner, top-left, we have Lara Witt, a racist hard leftist I parody here as a Communist. In the bottom-right, patriot blue corner we have /r/The_Donald – a subreddit of decent human beings.

When Twitter leftists set their accounts to private it is rarely because they have learned their lesson. Instead they are seeking an echo chamber free of criticism where only chosen followers can share their thoughts. If more open minded individuals can gain access, the tweets sent privately can be revealing. Often when the account is visible again, tweets of interest are left up, such as Witt’s plans to silence opponents –

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Despicable Threats Against Oliver Smith Continue Due to

A few weeks ago, Matthew Hopkins News reported that a person claiming to be a Kiwi Farms user had sent threats to a school and MP to stalk a child in the rough area where Oliver Smith lives, demanding that bloggers and Oliver stop criticising Kiwi Farms. A subsequent, anonymous, paper letter was sent to Smith’s home following up on the same threats, with the same goals. With Darwin-award level stupidity, the sender used signed for delivery. This tracks the sender location and timestamp as well as the recipient and all UK post office have CCTV. Subsequently the sender was finally revealed – and their identity is with the police and FBI.

Letter 1

This letter appears to follow up on the terror threat email. It is full of wild allegations but without signature, name or address of sender but has been written by a Kiwi Farms supporter using my style to try to implicate me. Also, best not to use signed for delivery.

This has to be the stupidest thing I have ever read. It is clearly menacing and it is anonymous (it goes on for another crazy page) and wildly untrue but the tracking number is stuck to the envelope. Whoever wrote it clearly expected to be untraceable, so they deserve a Darwin award for stupidity. Royal Mail records show that it was sent from a post office in the B and M store in Park Street Liverpool L8 4UE at 13:12 on 21 March 2017. The shop confirms it holds CCTV. After the extent to which the ‘anonymous’ sender fouled up began to circulate however, there was a fresh revelation.

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Racist Freelance “Journalist” Lara Witt, Terrorism and the Burning Corpses of Jewish Children

In my last article I dealt with Lara Witt’s comments about white people and her calls for terrorist cyber-attacks on Steve Bannon and Vladimir Putin (amongst others). Since then, it has been revealed (hat tip to Heat Street and author Joe Simonson) that she had also tweeted about Jews. An in depth look at Witt’s horrific views on Jewish victims of terror and on the state of Israel reveals further damning evidence of her hateful views and unsuitability for public life.


Lara Witt was initially defiant. However, it appears she is beginning to perceive, at least dimly, the extent of her error. Her Twitter account is now protected. Click for full size.

Only yesterday Lara Witt was running her mouth off on Twitter, complaining of those who took exception to her remarks that “white people are evil” and claiming my invitation that she comment on the draft of my last article was in some way an attempt at “silencing” her. The response to my article about Witt’s vile anti-white hate speech has been astonishing and touching. Many enemies of bigotry and prejudice have taken up my invitation to politely complain to her clients and to PayPal. Earlier today Witt’s Twitter account became private.

Today’s article will deal with another aspect of Witt’s ugly bigotry – her dark views on Jews and the state of Israel. Heat Street identified a particular tweet by Witt (archive here), in which she states her view that, “I find it despicable that some Jewish figures are decrying rockets being launched at them. Israel has the means to protect itself”. Continue reading

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“Whiteness is evil”: Lara Witt, Racist Freelance Contributer to Teen Vogue also Called for Domestic Terror Cyberattack

I was astonished recently to read on /r/The_Donald that Teen Vogue engaged a virulently racist freelance writer, Lara Witt @femmefeministe (archive here). Witt claims that “[…]white people are evil. Whiteness is evil” (archive here). Such statements could be considered criminal in England. Witt also recently launched a veiled attack on members of 4chan coupled with a bizarre demand they hack US and Russian government email accounts. I asked her clients if they agree and invite readers to share their feelings with Witt’s various editors as well as her donations payment handler over at PayPal.


Lara Witt is a virulent racist, a fact not excused by the alleged historical mistreatment of her ancestors. In the United Kingdom, she would be prosecuted.

In England, section 19 of the Public Order Act 1986 makes it a criminal offence to publish written material which is “threatening, abusive or insulting” if, “19 (1) (b) having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby”. A casual glance at the replies shows that the insulting remark is in fact stirring up racially motivated hatred. The offence is punishable on conviction upon indictment by imprisonment up to seven years. If Lara Witt lived in England, she could be in serious trouble with the law.

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New and Sinister Threats to Hertfordshire Children by Kiwi Farms, Will Authorities Take Action?

Earlier this evening, I received an email from Oliver Smith, a Kiwi Farms victim (no relation). I had been in touch to check the progress of a complaint he had made to police. His reply was chilling. An email from “Dynastia’s Apprentice” and tracing back to Joshua Conner Moon’s email service, had been sent to Oliver, a Hertfordshire MP and a local school. Subject: “we will stalk little sue denim at grove road school” (I have changed the child’s name throughout to anonymise them). Grove road is a primary and nursery school. The email demanded that sites and articles critical of Moon’s website Kiwi Farms be taken down or a named child, “sue” would be stalked, presumably in line with official Kiwi Farms policy as set out below.


Kiwi Farm’s official policy on doxing underage children. Click for full size.

The forum, Kiwi Farms is well known for having publicly taken a vote making it policy to target underage children (archive here) and then carrying it out by harvesting pictures of children as young as five like the son of prominent left-wing academic Marian Aanerud.

Joshua Moon, owner of Kiwi Farms also previously owned the now defunct 16chan, which had a board called [paedo]/phile/ for child rape stories. The rules of 16chan, written by Moon expressly permitted such material, which he described as, “child fetishism” and he did not remove child rape stories or the /phile/ board. One story, as recounted in my video, “Enemy Within” included a “fantasy” of the kidnapping, mutilation and murder of a 5-year old child. Specifically a hole was sliced in them and they were raped to death through it. For reasons such as this, many people would like police to take a keen interest in Kiwi Farms users and donors.

The text of the email is as follows –

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Joshua Perry of King Dinosaur Games is “2 Handsome” for That Which Sleeps

The Kickstarter for vapourware indie PC game “That Which Sleeps” allegedly to be published by King Dinosaur Games (KDG), is infamous for the large amount of money taken and the absence of delivery. As I reported in my article, “Those Who Wait”, the project is years overdue. In “King Dinosaur Games Partners Split” I recounted how the partnership had split, with many of their statements (by which they had obtained monies) exposed as flat out lies. Now it appears that KDG’s sole remaining partner Joshua Perry is connected to another, very similar overdue Kickstarter – “Stay Out of My Dungeon” by 2 Handsome Games.


The glossy promotional video for, “Stay Out of my Dungeon”.

Back in 2012, long before “That Which Sleeps” was a thing, King Dinosaur Games made the following Tweet (still here, archived here) –


King Dinosaur Games considered using the “2 Handsome Guys” name instead. Click for full size.

In fact, unknown until now, whilst “That Which Sleeps” languished in development limbo Joshua Perry was attempting another failed Kickstarter called, “Ready Check” (archive here) under the “2 Handsome Guys” brand. He is the registered owner of the website and has been since its inception.

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