Kiwi Farms Database for Sale?

Yesterday a mysterious poster offered the Kiwi Farms database for sale, “hypothetically”. In fact emails inviting bids in bitcoin have been circulating for some time, with the author suggesting they are willing to conduct the final transaction on one of the Darknet marketplaces. These are “reputable” markets for criminal goods, similar to the infamous ‘Silk Road’ where a third party holds funds in escrow until the vendor has proven they carried out a contract. Is it the real deal, however, or a hoax?


The 8chan, ‘Baphomet’ board has numerous threads for buying, selling and swapping stolen databases.

Who has a copy of the Kiwi Farms database? During the site’s recent closure, Joshua Conner Moon (Null) emailed me on 21/01/2017 to tell me this, “I don’t have a copy of the database but anonymous regents do. I don’t know any of them beyond their screen names. After you sabotaged a few server solutions I had set up, I created a living archive with a few people I called my regents.”

For Kiwi Farmers worried about the database, if you believe Null, he has put the database (including your futures) in the hands of anonymous strangers. Of course as Kiwi Farmers in good standing they are doubtless totally trustworthy. If we believe Null, even he cannot trace these people. So what happens if a ‘regent’ sells the database on /Baphomet/ or Hansa market? Answer – they get the money.

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Desecration! Joshua Conner Moon / Null, Islamic Hate, and Destroying the Qur’An

It is well established that Joshua Conner Moon / Null the administrator of vile hate group Kiwi Farms has called for the genocide of Muslims, hosts a thread on how best to produce ‘Islamic Content’ (pose as Muslims) and that his email service has been used to send hoax terror threats in the name of the ‘New Calithate’. Kiwis apparently cannot spell their fake terror threats correctly even with a guide. Now fresh allegations have emerged, as yet unproven, that he produced or distributed a video in which the Qur’an is systematically torn up, wiped in alcohol, wiped with a shoe and then burned.


A Qur’an burns in the video allegedly shared by Joshua Conner Moon. But is he the victim of a hoax?

Links to the video first emerged with the recent mysterious appearance of a web forum devoted to exposing Joshua Moon. The site, named after Moon’s mother and administered under her name, is banned from being linked on this blog or its comments. This is because it lists addresses and phone numbers for Moon’s entire extended family including innocent bystanders.

The site also targets innocents such as Keller Williams real estate agents, former employers of Candice Lynn Potter (Candy Potter), Joshua Moon’s mother. Whilst there is evidence that Candy Potter was a member of Moon’s site she no longer works at Keller Williams and they are no longer connected in any way with Kiwi Farms. Targeting them is not something Matthew Hopkins News can condone.

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A Fool and His Money … Kiwi Farmers Donate to Josh, but What are they Getting?


A Kiwi Farmer diligently saves up. Maybe one day they will be able to afford a whole BitCoin of their very own.

At 3:26am UK time on 21st January 2017 I received an unsolicited email from Joshua Conner Moon. It began thus,

“What is it exactly you want?

I’ve explained to you before that the site has a series of regents. If I die or take it down altogether, the information stays. People have copies of the database.
I want you to consider that I do indeed love my family, but they have no control over me or the site. I’m packing up to leave them behind as we speak. The damage is too great to repair with them. However, they do have things to lose. I am empathetic towards their situation.”

Moon’s mother Candice had parted company with her employer Keller Williams as a result of allegations of her involvement in Kiwi Farms. Josh claimed that he was taking Kiwi Farms down and wanted my help calling off various people who were attacking he and his family –


Josh asks what I want whilst feeding me a ridiculous line about ‘regents’. Click for full size.

I saw the email when I woke up and at first, I thought I may as well help. I have no control over the many people Josh has stalking him. I explained to Moon that the travails he faces are what comes of running a forum that targets vulnerable people. His preferred targets are mentally ill and / or have convictions for violence. I said that I would take down my articles as a gesture of good faith if Kiwi Farms stayed down and that, optionally he could give me the database –


I explained that I would remove my articles about Josh in Goodwill if he would keep Kiwi Farms down. Optionally, he could give me the database. Click for full size.

Josh later spread wild stories about ‘blackmail’ but far from it the offer was, ‘optional’. Of course Josh was telling me risible lies. There were no ‘regents’ he was just trying to create a plausible story to restart the Kiwi Farms under a pseudonym. However he failed to keep his story straight even in the Kiwi Discord channel and it soon collapsed –

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Kiwi Farms to Return? Not For Long


Kiwi Farms to come back with Null’s approval? Click for full size.

So Kiwifarms is gone, and Dynastia plans to return it using a database backup provided by Josh. What does this mean?

Kiwi Farms closed last week. Victims discovered that the administrator, Joshua Conner Moon lived with his mother. She was the only member of their household with a job and the only earner. Unfortunately it appears she had unwisely joined Kiwi Farms.

After third parties reported her to her employers, she lost her job and Null claimed he was leaving. He shut down the site but claimed he had created three backups for anonymous third parties and linked Kiwis to a Discord channel.

Well wishers have been monitoring that channel. As ever, the Kiwis have no discretion at all. In summary, the former Kiwis have never heard of any regents but have been told the site is coming back next week as a relaunch with Moon’s approval. Dynastia has posted the same on various sites.

This will have simple consequences. Firstly of course if Dynastia is at the centre of a new Kiwi Farms we can expect mass doxing of members. Secondly, if Josh is passing on the database, or perhaps still acting as technical manager of Kiwi Farms, then no historic material here will be removed and any unpublished articles will be reinstated.

Secondly and more importantly Kiwi Farms needs to be dealt with forever. The site content is not the issue, but instead the fact the domain appears in Google and Bing / Yahoo index. Dynastia is always boasting about their SEO. UK law provides a simple remedy for this and appropriate steps will be taken in law the day it returns, if it does.

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Kiwi Farms Down? My Response to Josh

A post on says it is being shut down (archive here)? I am going to respond to Josh’s public post and the private email he sent me. In summary, if it stays down I will keep my promise to remove material about Josh so he can move on with his life. It will not all happen today, because of course they could be trolling.

It will not happen at all if Kiwi Farms re-opens under (say) Dynastia with someone called McNotNullHonest as its technical advisor. As down-payment that I keep my promises, I have just unpublished two articles about Null’s mother. Josh can greatly enhance my trust in that process by providing a complete copy of the Kiwi Farms database including an unredacted copy of the user and private messages tables. Even if he does not, as long as the site stays down I will keep my promise and eventually remove everything.


Kiwi Farms is down. It might be tempting to seek revenge, but instead if it stays down my part in the scrutiny of its former owner will fall away too. Click for full size?

Earlier this year, I told Null that if he took Kiwi Farms down and ensured it stays down, I would remove my articles about him from the internet. I am not legally obliged to do so and they are true articles in the public interest, but the welfare of the vulnerable is more important than my ego. The public interest would diminish if Kiwi Farms stayed down.

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Candy Potter Canned and Kiwis Server Cracked?

In his recent interview on the ‘Dick Show’ this week, Joshua Conner Moon the proprietor of Kiwi Farms gloated about his mother’s use of hate speech to describe a transsexual who visited his home. Josh said that his mother met the person at the door and later said that the transwoman was the, “ugliest bull dyke” she had ever seen. Not long after I received a blizzard of emails. Apparently, opponents of Kiwi Farms had discovered Josh’s mother Candice Lynn Potter was a member of her son’s depraved website. They drew the hate speech to the attention of Candy’s employer Keller Williams (KW) and a few days later her profile disappeared from the KW network.


Candy Potter (Candice Lynn Potter) is no longer at Keller Williams. The change occurred not long after her son Josh quoted her on ‘the Dick Show’ as using vile homophobic and transphobic hate speech. Click for full size. Phone numbers blacked out for ethics reasons.

When Joshua Moon appeared on the Dick Masterson show he was cock-a-whoop. It appears however that his unguarded words may have had consequences for his mother Candy. Masterson (a stage name of comedian Dax Herrera) seems to have invited Moon on the show because Kiwi Farms has a nasty thread on his estranged former business partner, who goes by the name ‘Maddox’.

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Twitter Will Not Rule Out Banning Donald Trump. Trump Should Ban them and Join


Twitter does not like us? Well we do not like them?

According to the Independent, Twitter will not rule out banning President-Elect Donald Trump (archive here). The Witchfinder responds along the lines of ‘F*** Twitter’ and points out that Donald Trump could humiliate Twitter and energise the Right by ditching Twitter for its smaller but rapidly growing rival which is friendlier to Republican voices.

Earlier this year I started work on Fitter – a Twitter rival (F*** Twitter). Gab beat me to it and frankly is pretty damn good. I may still do my offering but I do not want to compete so it will now be something more like a Reddit / Twitter hybrid. Gab is very impressive and I wholeheartedly support Andrew Torba.

Why is Trump still on Twitter? The site is a dying anti-Conservative platform with plummetting stock value and the hatred of right-wingers everywhere. Recently I identified members of a paedophile hate group called Kiwi Farms on Twitter. One member was openly calling for genocide including cutting off the fingers of Jews. Another exhorted users to visit the ‘Child Porn Captial [sic] of the Internet’.

Several users had reported the tweets with no effect. Only when I personally threatened Jack Dorsey with litigation and to invite Breitbart to photograph him being served with documents did Twitter suddenly take action. Similarly Twitter has never taken action against journalist Sarah Jeong who named a rape victim using the platform.

How despicable is Twitter? Let me count the ways, including fellow travellers banned or hassled on the platform by staff – Continue reading

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The Enemy Within

In this video I expose a vile paedophile internet troll trying to infiltrate the alt-Right, free speech social media network and the movement of good and decent people who supported the election of Donald Trump. This troll, Joshua Conner Moon (@Moon on is an horrific paedophile who spews hate speech to try to damage perceptions of Trump, his supporters and the Alt-Right.

Title music – The Escape – (c) – Machinimasound (Commercial license purchased)

Background music – Through the Night – (c) – Machinimasound (Commercial license purchased)

Also see Raven’s excellent videos –

“Naming and shaming the owner of Kiwifarms”


Also, essential information resource –

“Joshua Conner Moon” at the Kiwi Farms Wiki

Also Matthew Hopkins News –

“Police Terror Documents Underline Why Joshua Conner Moon is an Embarrassment to Trump and the Alt-Right”

“KiwiFarms, Joshua Conner Moon (Null) and Child Pornography”

The full terms of the bounty on Dynastia –

“Court Judgement Imposes Permanent Restraining Order on KiwiDynastia. Up to £5,000 Bounty Offered on his Details”

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TwitterGate – 4Chan and /Pol/ Allege Scandal of Unimaginable Paedophile Horror on Jack Dorsey’s Watch


Well respected Kotaku In Action member points out that, “Vordrak was right”. Click for full size.

“Vordrak was right”. It is good to be appreciated. Some of you may have noticed last week the disappearance of a large number of Kiwi Farms accounts, but not known why. Now that 4Chan and /Pol/ have begun to move, it is time for me to reveal the horrific and unimaginably depraved truth.

According to Anonymous, Twitter has been hosting an international paedophile ring in which thousands of perpetrators shared child pornography openly in tweets. I have no idea whether it is in the 24,000 range as the Anonymous campaigners allege, but certainly I am aware of online abusers that Twitter has failed to deal with.


Fresh faced, wholesome Jack Dorsey as seen in London two years ago. Picture via Wikipedia Commons. For some reason he does not seem keen on journalists going to his house.

The opening moves came on Friday when I sent a friendly message to Twitter. Now everyone knows that under CEO Jack Dorsey’s failing leadership reporting tweets is a haphazard process at best. Perhaps that is why no one wants to buy the ailing social network and it recently announced the closure of Vine. The risible failure of Twitter to deal with complaints in a reasonable way is widely seen as contributing to the collapse of Twitter’s share price.

Several people including two journalists had reported ban evading users. One of those users had sent adult penis photos to a hashtag used by children and as a group they were suspected of sharing illegal child pornography. The users also openly threatened to mutilate jews.

After nothing was done, I put my LPC Commendation to good use and sent a friendly note to Twitter’s legal team. An extract from my message is as follows –

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Police Terror Documents Underline Why Joshua Conner Moon is an Embarrassment to Trump and the Alt-Right

Recently, this blog obtained internal police documents about the Kiwi Farms linked terror investigation in South Wales earlier this year. The documents enabled me to find fresh evidence that has cast light on the sinister agenda of Kiwi Farms. They also underline why its owner Joshua Conner Moon is a liability to the political movement he has sought to infiltrate.

Extract from South Wales Police Database

This is an extract from the South Wales Police database showing the original report of the terror threats sent to South Wales Police by Dynastia. Matthew Hopkins News has redacted the address of the hospital and everything except the town to protect them from further harassment. Click for full size.

At 7:47am on the 12th September 2016, South Wales Police received a phone call. A journalist at a noted Welsh news organisation had received a specific threat to attend a hospital in Swansea and mutilate children. The communication was signed by “Jihadi Dynastia” and has an Islamic flavour although Dynastia appears to have misspelled, “New Caliphate” as “New Calithate”.

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