How to Ensure Vile Jade Hatt Does Not Escape Justice

Judge's Hammer Coming Down on Gavel

Sorry Judge, but many decent people believe that a suspended sentence is too lenient for an adult having sex with an 11 year old.

The Witchfinder was horrified to read of an adult babysitter, Jade Hatt, escaping with only a 6 month suspended sentence after having sex with an 11-year old boy. Your inquisitor sets out the law and explains how readers can help have this disturbingly lenient sentenced challenged.

Accordingly to the Daily Mail (archive here) and Western Daily Press (archive here), the woman, who was 20 at the time, straddled an 11-year old boy and had sexual intercourse with him. However, the judge gave only a 6 month suspended sentence. The decision was condemned by the NSPCC (archive here), which it said,

“sends out the wrong message and confirms a common view in society that the abuse of a young boy by a woman is somehow less serious than the abuse of a girl by a man”

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Eron Gjoni Moves to Strike!

The Witchfinder comments on recent developments in the Gjoni / Quinn case, which seems to be heating up. Eron Gjoni has filed a motion to strike out at least part of Zoe Quinn’s defence to his appeal. (Massachusetts court service page here and archive from today here).


Screenshot from the Massachusetts court system. Motion to strike? The plot thickens.

Recent entries for the case make fascinating viewing. Zoe Quinn (real name Chelsea van Valkenburg / Valkerburg) filed a response, slightly late, to Gjoni’s appeal, shortly after a barrage of notices of appearance by her legal team.

The theoretical sanction for lateness is, as I previously reported, that the documents are not admissible and the appellee will not be allowed to make oral argument without the permission of the Court. In practice of course the Court may allow late documents especially if the deadline is only missed by hours.

Now Gjoni’s lawyers have had a chance to review the brief, looks like they are putting the funds he has raised to good use. Gjoni has filed two motions – firstly he is asking the Court to take note of fresh documents, and secondly he is asking that the Court strike out at least part of Quinn’s defence. Continue reading

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BSB Risk Assessing Charlotte Proudman Complaint Now! Email to Help Make her Go Away … Forever

Your author has a letter from the Bar Standards Board (BSB). The Witchfinder explains what it means and how readers can email the BSB to help.


The Bar Standards Board is risk assessing my complaint about Charlotte Proudman now. Help them to assess the risk she has damaged public confidence in the profession by emailing them!

As I explained in my previous article, Bar Standards Board rules state that, “You must not behave in a way which is likely to diminish the trust and confidence which the public places in you or in the profession [CD5]”. A legitimate question however, is how do you measure the risk of that harm?

Surely a good way to quantify the diminishment of trust and confidence is the volume of complaints?

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#PeDont – the Anti-Paedophile Tag Created by #GamerGate Members is a Force for Good

The creation of the #PeDont tag by #GamerGate members after the recent sickening revelations about a prominent opponent is an opportunity for GamerGate to do some good in the grand tradition of other online groups like opDarkNet.


A Frightened Child. Together we can help stop this from happening. Stock image licensed from Dreamstime.

The left and their ilk have been apologising in various ways for paedophilia for decades. Last year, I wrote an article exposing a British activist called Peter Tatchell because ‘back in the day’ he wrote a chapter for a book in which he questioned the idea of having an age of consent at all.

This sickening subculture needs to end, and the brave activists who support #GamerGate and #PeDont can help, just like opDarkNet.

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Looks Like Zoe Quinn Missed a Court Deadline – and the Penalty May be Deliciously Ironic

The Witchfinder has been keeping an eye on Gjoni’s appeal. The deadline for Zoe Quinn to file her response (the ‘red’ brief) has passed earlier this week. The Witchfinder explains what that means.


Looks like Zoe Quinn has missed the deadline!

A while back your author reported that in response to Eron Gjoni’s appeal, Zoe Quinn had filed to discharge the injunction against him. The relevant court case page is here (today archive here). There is another page for the case here. Just a reminder that Zoe Quinn’s real name has been cited as Chelsea van Valkenburg or Valkerburg and that is the name for her on the case.

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An End to #GamerGate? Nope. Do it *Properly* Guys …

Earlier tonight, the Ralph Retort presented details of a leaked document planning an end to #GamerGate (archive here). Sargon later joined him on a stream to admit that the essence of the idea was true. The Witchfinder kind of disagrees. #GamerGate needs to change and to grow and to become something more. That process could benefit from a lot more planning.

Vivian James

Vivan James has been called the daughter of #GamerGate. Will she become mother of a new political movement against the authoritarian left?

To me, GamerGate is a revolt against culturally authoritarian Social Justice Warriors. The chaotic growth of the hashtag and, in particular, KotakuInAction has shown there is an enormous groundswell of support for an alternative viewpoint.

Allum Bokhari of Breitbart (@LibertarianBlue), coined the term ‘cultural libertarianism‘. I like the phrase because it focuses on the core mischief of the SJWs – speech control.

As KotakuInAction and GamerGate have grown, real tensions have emerged between those who were focused on gaming and those who are want to change the wider issues.

‘Gamer’Gate is at once a catchy term, but with a marketing hat on kind of not very attractive to anti-SJWs who want the anti-SJW-ness to extend beyond games. On the other hand, Cultural Libertarianism, whilst an incredibly useful intellectual label and ballast, is not as catchy as the term ending in ‘-Gate’, coined by Adam Baldwin.

Clearly, we are outgrowing the #GamerGate hashtag – however what I don’t like about the plan is its, well, poor planning. It reminds me of the invasion of Iraq. We know what we want (the power we have gathered to use in the cultural debate, without the negative and niche connotations). What we do not seem to have is a plan to get their beyond stopping what we are doing now.

I agree with Sargon we could benefit from rebranding, ditching our baggage and focusing on the goal – but the way to do that is to create a new and catchy brand, a new meme focusing on (say) our opposition to extremist SJW feminist, otherkinists and sinister paedophile liberation activists. Going around in private with a half-assed document is not the way to do it – for one thing it simply will not work.

The way to ‘end’ #GamerGate is to create a new successor meme that takes the camaraderie and spirit we have and attracts our cultural libertarian anti-SJW members into it.

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Matthew Hopkins News has Reported Charlotte Proudman to the Bar Standards Board

The Witchfinder spent a little time over the weekend dropping a note to the official UK Barrister’s regulator about Charlotte Proudman.


The Witchfinder has made an official complaint to the Bar Standards Board, asking them to consider whether Ms Proudman has breached rule CD5.

It is a bit like this. No matter how much fun journalistic or Twitter condemnation is there comes a time when things start to turn into a bit of a lynch mob. There are types of allegations, like child abuse or assault – or discrimination, that need to be dealt with officially not in the High Court of Twitter. Continue reading

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Jessica Asato – Worthless SJW Narcissist, Failed Parliamentary Candidate and Hypocrite


Jessica Asato is fabulously privileged oppressed. Image an obvious parody used under s30A Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

Failed Labour ‘Politician’ and online social justice warrior Jessica Asato recently took part in the witch-hunt against Protein World (archive here). More recently she has joined in with mob online condemnation of a lawyer as ‘sexist’ for complementing someone’s appearance. Shame Asato herself is no stranger to privilege and political incorrectness. Your Inquisitor calls on moderate cultural libertarians to join the online debate she helped to start in order to set matters right.

Condemning allegedly ‘sexist’ remarks by a respected lawyer. Labour ‘politician’ Jessica Asato remarked that, “I would rather be complimented on my achievements than my face” (archive here). The comment echoes Martin Luther King’s famous quotation, dreaming his children would, “[…] not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character […]”.

The remark is typical of Asato’s narcissistic and self-absorbed conduct – but if Jessica wants to be  judged by her achievements and character rather than her appearance your author is only too happy to help.

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Victim of Racist SJW Murder – Is the Tragedy of Allison Parker, Victim of WDBJ Shooter, America’s Wake Up Call?

Anita Sarkeesian says that "reverse racism" is a "myth". Amy Palamountain calls it, "erasure". Tell that to the family of Ross Andrew Parker, whose life was subject to "erasure" in a killing which even the Guardian called, "racist".

The Ross Andrew Parker murder forced even the British left, such as the BBC and Guardian, to accept the problem of anti-white racism. In an eerie coincidence, today’s racist shooting victim is also called Parker.

A few weeks ago I wrote an article condemning GitHub’s Amy Palamountain for authoring a code of conduct policy that appeared to state complaints of ‘reverse’ racist harassment would not be acted upon. When challenged by numerous complainants GitHub backed down. The code of conduct project has been paused and Palamountain (@ammeep) has been keeping a low profile. The tragic murder earlier today of American journalist Allison Parker and a cameraman underlines my point.

I wrote a follow-up article explaining why expressing such views can be career ending in Britain. Whilst Britain is a pro-equalities nation, even our most left-wing institutions like the Guardian and BBC have long accepted that minority on majority discrimination (e.g. anti-white, anti-straight, anti-male) is real.

The catalyst for this view was the brutal murder of Ross Andrew Parker by an Asian gang in 2001, which led the BBC to say this (archive here) –

“Racism was once defined as ‘prejudice plus power’ – […] However, the ‘racist murders’ of Kriss Donald in Glasgow in 2004 and Ross Parker in Peterborough in 2001, young white men killed by Asians, demonstrate how society has been forced to redefine racism”.

Last year the issue was reinforced by a scandal centred on a town called Rotherham in the UK, where 1,400 underage girls were revealed as having been subject to paedophile rape over a 20 year period. The perpetrators? I quoted feminist Suzanne Moore in the Guardian newspaper (archive here), “men of Pakistani and Kashmiri descent, working in gangs to rape and torture girls”, who “called the girls ‘white trash'”.

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Epic Gjoni Win – Zoe Quinn Files to Vacate Restraining Order Against Gjoni


Gjoni wins. Picture screenshot from Massachusetts public online Court docket system 18-08-2015.

From time to time, as a pro-bono McKenzie Friend here in the UK, I have helped appellants have restraining orders removed. In UK civil procedure, appeals require permission followed by a substantive hearing. Often, where a case is doomed, likely to be excessively costly or embarrassing, a party will cave in. It looks like Zoe Quinn (also known as Chelsea van Valkenburg) did just that on 07/08/2015.

I personally find this incredibly annoying, but when the other side caves in, I am usually forced to advise my client to sip it up because that is in their best interests. What we normally do is negotiate what we want in the form of a consent order in return for letting the other side off without applying for costs against them.

It is theoretically possible to proceed to a hearing for judgement anyway but normally the client is better off just taking the surrender, getting it worded the way they want and avoiding the aggravation and expense of going to a full hearing. It does sometimes happen especially when a public body wants the law clarified but with private clients it is incredibly rare. Continue reading

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