Mental Health Stigma is Never Acceptable – For Anita Sarkeesian and Gawker it is #TimeToChange

The Witchfinder examines the use of discriminatory and / or stigmatising language and tropes in online statements by Anita Sarkeesian and by Gawker (for example Sam F Biddle) in light of the well known #TimeToChange campaign against mental health discrimination and stigmatising language. Your Inquisitor continues to call for an advertiser boycott of .


Sam F Biddle makes use of stigmatising mental health tropes, singling out an apparently vulnerable individual. Picture used for the purpose of criticism pursuant to s 30 (1) Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Your author is a law student with a specialist interest in mental capacity and mental health law, who has represented people in Court pro-bono. As a result of his work your author was asked to give evidence to the House of Lords Committee on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 under his real name, Sam Smith. See pages 1608 – 1614.

The Witchfinder focuses on the remedy of last resort – namely lawsuits. However, much of the work of ending mental health and disability discrimination begins before then – in ending oppressive tropes and language. Time to Change have published a guide to inappropriate and stigmatising media content. Unfortunately, the Witchfinder has found that use of discriminatory terms is far more prevalent in certain parts of the left, notably the self-appointed guardians of ‘social justice’ than it is on the right. This article discusses Sam F Biddle of Gawker and Anita Sarkeesian of Feminist Frequency.

The 2007 academic paper, ‘250 labels used to stigmatise people with mental illness’ was written by academics from the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London and Mental Health Charity Rethink. It contains a convenient table of discriminatory words used to oppress disabled people. Of course everyone uses such words and it is simplistic and inappropriate to adopt crass Duke University style speech codes.

However, irresponsible journalism can hurt by stigmatising the mental ill as likely to be violent, when research shows the opposite is true. Alastair Campbell, formerly Press Officer to Tony Blair ,wrote powerfully in the Guardian about the problems caused by ‘psycho patient’ costumes. Famous Footballer Stan Collymore publicly condemned the costumes, warning of suicides –


Stan Collymore bravely speaks out. (c) StanCollymore/Twitter .

These days, most journalists are careful to avoid such images, knowing that their careers may be damaged by using such images and they may cause suicides.

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Mein Kampf is Not a Jokebook – Nick Denton’s Shame #GamerGate #NotYourShield

DentonSwastika (whose parent company Gawker Media has Nick Denton for a CEO) thought it would be really funny to poison Coca Cola’s #MakeItHappy campaign with text from Mein Kampf. The Witchfinder thinks it would be really funny if no one advertised with Gawker ever again and Mr Denton was socially ostracised. Swastika by Dreamstime, Nick Denton by Dave Winer on Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0 License –

Incredibly conveniently, Gawker decides to demonstrate just who the villains of the #GamerGate saga are by writing software to interfere with Coca Cola’s latest publicity campaign by causing it to spew out Nazi propaganda. The Witchfinder calls for a boycott of any business owned or operated by Gawker Media CEO Nick Denton until Gawker Editor Max Read is fired. Also undesirable is generally objectionable Gawker Writer Sam F Biddle who has recently apologised for joking about bullying.

Ethics in Journalism. A weighty phrase, oft-debated with varying degrees of cynicism. The members of #GamerGate say they back it. Some people think it is ethical to go through a politician’s trash. Some do not. Some people think it is ethical to hack phones. Some do not.

Your Inquisitor is going to go out on a limb and suggest that subverting a campaign by a soft drinks manufacturer to #MakeItHappy by writing a bot to cause it to spew out the text of Adolf Hitler’s infamous book ‘Mein Kampf’ is one of those things where most people ‘do not’. Yes Gawker did that – then they wrote an article about how funny it was. has a history. For example in 2014 Gawker writer Sam Biddle was shamed for saying “Nerds should be constantly shamed and degraded into submission.” After some advertisers pulled their advertising Biddle apologised for his ‘joke’.

In late 2014 Nick Denton reorganised the company to share managerial responsibility. However his is still ultimately the leadership. Denton sets the tone and the parent company website still lists him as CEO. It is unlikely, given the media coverage, that Denton is unaware of the ‘Mein Kampf’ story but even if he is, as the top man he bears moral responsibility.

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The Twisted Face of Hate Behind Labour’s Mask – #WeBackMyleene

'How to Speak in Public' Cover

‘How to speak in public’, a training manual published by the Labour Party. From the Witchfinder’s collection.

What do former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and successful TV Presenter Myleene Klass have in common? Both are successful, intelligent women of non-Anglo-Saxon heritage who have been the target of racist, sexist and classist hatred by left wingers. The Witchfinder exposes the poisonous, toxic hate that oozes out whenever the skin of the left is scratched.

Look right. The picture is the cover of a book the Witchfinder received early in his training as a Labour Party spin-doctor. It is an official Labour Party training manual on public speaking.

The cover is a revealing portrait of Labour’s self-image. Chosen, designed and approved by Labour staff for Labour members it shows a shrivelled scowling hate-face behind a healthy smiling mask. The book is about how to speak in public and contains various rhetorical tricks for manipulating the public. To a disinterested observer, the picture could be seen to say this – “We are false, we are wrong … and we know it.”

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Disgraced Ex-Labour Councillor Dean Archer in Humiliating Apology to Grant Shapps MP

Grant Shapps MP

Grant Shapps MP

The Witchfinder covers the recent humbling of another accuracy-challenged member of Welwyn Hatfield’s appallingly useless local Labour Party, who has been forced into an apology to his hard-working local MP Grant Shapps. Matthew Hopkins argues that Welwyn Hatfield deserves better than Labour’s Z-list.

iPhones are a glory of the modern age. They allow us to stay online whilst we are on the go – to listen to music, read emails and to work as we sit on the train to work. They also have the inconvenient habit of auto-correcting words in unintended ways, so much so that there are whole websites devoted to the topic. An innocent word like ‘sinus’ for example, might become ‘anus’.

The Witchfinder suspects auto-correct might have been at work in Political Scrapbook’s recent headline – “Grant Shapps threatened constituent [sic][…]” where the letters “onstit” and “e” are clearly superfluous.

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The Year’s Best Political Figures

The best political figures of the year, according to the Witchfinder General.

It has been a long, bleak year. But the Witchfinder scraped through his law exams, which means this blog will continue and may even get around to some analysis of some case law. The Witchfinder will also continue his fair, just and reasonable approach to public figures.

For now though, the Witchfinder wanted to take some time out from persecution to recognise those political figures that are actually worthwhile and make a difference in a positive sense. So, without further ado, the Witchfinder recognises Grant Shapps MP, John Hemming MP and Louise Mensch.

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