About Samuel Collingwood Smith

Samuel Collingwood Smith was born in the north of England, but his family moved south early in his life and spent most of his early years in Hertfordshire before attending Queen Mary, University of London, where he studied Economics. Sam currently lives in the southeast of England. Smith was employed as a Labour Party fundraiser in the 2001 General Election, and as a Labour Party Organiser in the 2005 General Election. In 2005 Smith was elected as a Borough Councillor and served for 3 years until 2008. In 2009 Smith changed sides to the Conservative party citing division within Labour ranks, Labour broken promises and Conservative improvements to local services. In 2012 Smith started to study a Graduate Diploma in Law, passing in 2014. Smith then moved on to studying a Master's Degree in Law combined with an LPC, receiving an LL.M LPC (with Commendation) in January 2017. During his study, Smith assisted several individuals in high profile court cases as a McKenzie Friend - in one case being praised by Parliamentary petition for his charitable work and legal skills. Smith is also the author of this blog, Matthew Hopkins News, that deals with case law around Family and Mental Capacity issues. The blog also opposes online drama and abuse and criticises extreme-left politicians.

Wrecked: Graham Wilmer’s Apology to John Hemming


Esther Baker has made numerous allegations of sexual abuse. Now two of her supporters have entered into restraining agreements in settlements of libel claims against them. Baker is presently under police investigation herself.

Graham Wilmer, Director of the Lantern Project, has humiliatingly apologised to former MP John Hemming as part of the settlement of Hemming’s claim against him for libel and harassment. Hemming was supported by myself and I assisted him before Mr Justice Andrew Baker as McKenzie Friend at an ex-parte hearing on 5th January 2018. Wilmer had backed Esther Baker’s allegations against Hemming and claimed repeatedly that they were true. Now he has entered into a legal agreement never, for the rest of his life, to make any statement that might mean Hemming has committed any crime at all.

The Daily Mail (archive), the Telegraph (archive), the Times, Barthsnotes (archive) and Real Troll Exposure (archive) have published articles about the settlement but there seems to have been some confusion about what the claims were for and what the settlement actually says. So just to be clear –

  1. David Hencke was sued for libel as per my article on that settlement, but Graham Wilmer was sued for Harassment and Libel.
  2. Wilmer agreed to pay nearly all Hemming’s costs – £9,028. Hemming’s costs were very low by the standards of libel cases because he had a pro-bono legal advisor – me. Whilst I am not a solicitor I have an LL.M LPC (Commendation). John had paid a court fee of £3,028 and over £6,000 in various other expenses. Most of this was that I also recommended he seek an opinion from a barrister on a few issues. The barrister, Richard Owen Thomas was extremely helpful and professional and I recommend him.
  3. Wilmer agreed to pay £1,000 as a donation in lieu of damages to Birmingham Children’s Hospital.
  4. Wilmer agreed to apologise.
  5. Wilmer agreed never to make any publication or statement that expressly, by imputation or innuendo conveys the meaning that Hemming is guilty of any crime. This includes specifically the alleged rape of Esther Baker or the crime of Blackmail. This agreement lasts forever.
  6. The order settling the Hencke case states that there is no admission of liability, but the Wilmer order does not.

Fairly obviously, if John had won at a trial, he would have received his costs, damages, a judgement and some form of restraint on Wilmer. In short this agreement is exactly the same as what Hemming would have got on a successful judgement except with a discount on costs and damages for settling early. The letter of apology is below –

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Andi Lavery: Hero of Scotland

The Herald Scotland has named a child abuse victim called Andi Lavery as one of “Scotland’s heroes”, along with others including former rugby player and charity fundraiser Doddie Weir and surgeon Lindsey Chisholm, in an article here (archive) –

“[…] The fight for justice by survivors of historic abuse has already been a long and difficult one – and much of the way, Andi Lavery has been there speaking up not only for himself, but many other victims of abuse by those in the Catholic Church. This year, he finally saw his primary abuser, Father Francis Paul Moore, now aged 82, face justice, and be found guilty of the shocking sexual abuse of three children and sentenced to eight years in prison – after an appeal reduced it from nine years.

Following the original sentencing, Mr Lavery said, “It’s never going to take away the sickening things that have happened He looked me in the eye when he was walking down to the cells and I realised I didn’t fear him anymore. He had nothing but rage towards me which shows he’s not sorry for anything he’s done. Father Moore poisoned my life.” Lavery was the youngest known victim of Fr Moore, being only five years old when he was the victim of abhorrent sexual violence leaving significant injuries. The trial itself was a difficult experience for him. It was, he said, “worse than the abuse itself – an entirely toxic experience”.

Sadly the battle, for him, continues – not just to see abusers imprisoned, but, he says, also to see “those in authority… both repair the catastrophic harm and offer qualified redress and recognition of how the Catholic Church has destroyed my life […]”.

Note – Mr Lavery has seen a draft of and expressly consented to my including the extract in this blog post.

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Miele: Information Commissioner Investigating after Alleged Disclosure of Complaints About Alan Goodwin

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) has many eccentric characters very excited about it. Most of these are harmless, well meaning but a little bit credulous towards conspiracy theories. Some are victims of real abuse, others however, are vile. One exceptionally unpleasant character is the operator of the @Ciabaudo twitter account. MHN can reveal that @Ciabaudo is in fact Alan Goodwin, a British man living in Germany and working for domestic goods manufacturer Miele. Goodwin frequently seems to spend his days churning out tweets expressing his concerns about gays, Jews, Israel and / or alleged Jewish / Israeli / gay paedophiles. When third parties complained to Miele, they believe their personal data was disclosed. Now the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is investigating.


Alan Goodwin, Miele employee expresses concerns about ‘nepotist’ Jews – by implication in some work context.

David Hencke’s recent humiliation in a libel claim brought by former MP John Hemming has caused great consternation in the ever-shrinking portion of the conspiracy-sphere who are willing to back Esther Baker’s allegations. The difficulty is that for all Esther Baker’s coy hints about the ‘truth’, her claims of abuse have gone nowhere. Baker has alleged extraordinary, cult-like abuse in multiple countries over a period of years. The police took statements from 30 people, with the interviews of Baker alone lasting 91-and-a-half-hours (source). Yet the only outstanding police investigation regarding the ‘historic abuse’ is into allegations against Esther Baker. Even for true believers it is getting a bit passé.

Ms Baker herself admits in public on Twitter to significant mental illnesses including references to auditory hallucinations and home visits from the mental health team, yet even after the police investigation some of her supporters do not appear willing to consider that she may be mistaken about the identity of her abusers or other details.

The only promising bit of excitement is Baker’s libel case against Hemming and his counterclaim. A preliminary hearing is now likely to be listed in late February or early March. As reported at IICSA, Baker is suing Hemming for libel for allegedly accusing her of lying. Hemming countersues over her allegedly accusing him of rape on Twitter.

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Patreon Banned Sargon Yet CEO Jack Conte Allowed Distribution of Illegal Child Pornography and Laundering of the Proceeds


This is Jack Conte, the CEO of Patreon and half of musical duo Pomplamoose. He knowingly profited from the distribution of paedophile bestiality fetish material, as well as sexual material related to cannibalism. Image released under CC BY-SA 2.0 for commercial use. Image by Joe Loong on Flickr. License linked here. Click for full size.

Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) was banned from Patreon this month for comments not made on the platform. This appears to contradict Patreon’s own statements and some of its actions may arguably violate several laws including the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). That is not just an academic problem, because according to its public website Patreon has a business entity in the UK (archive) – Patreon DLC, Ltd. 8 Soho Square, London, Greater London, W1D 3QL. Sargon could (and arguably should) take action on it. Before I turn to that issue though I would like to remark upon the matter of Patreon ands its CEO Jack Conte knowingly allowing the distribution of illegal child pornography on the platform – at least until I asked VISA and MasterCard to investigate.

I first took a journalistic interest in Patreon last year in my first article and it is worth a brief recap. Lauren Southern, beautiful and extremely capable Canadian journalist had been banned for allegedly endangering the lives of refugees. Incidentally Lauren has now been vindicated – a ‘sting’ recording made on her behalf of an NGO official has proven her correct (archive). Many of the alleged ‘refugees’ were in fact fraudulent migrants facilitated by unscrupulous ‘charity’ workers who groomed them to lie. The only people endangering lives were those helping them make dangerous sea crossings to, at best, an uncertain welcome.

However, my interest arose from the illegal content available on the Patreon platform. A whistleblower sent me a link to the page of a creator called, ‘Waysin’. The page showed a number of censored and blacked out cartoon style drawings of young, underage boys and tentacles. The images were legal, but it was made clear that for a fee the user could view the images without censorship – that is pictures of clearly underage pre-teen boys being bestially raped by tentacles. Such images are criminal to produce, distribute or possess in many states, including Taiwan where the creator of the material said that he lives. For bonus points, Waysin said openly on the public page that he knew the images were illegal in his jurisdiction. Needless to say, I reported the page to Patreon. I did not view the private section – for the avoidance of doubt no unlawful images were viewed or downloaded preparing this article.


Patreon knowingly allowed a user to distribute sexual material related to children that was illegal in the jurisdiction of the user. They allowed them to literally launder the money via Patreon. This account was drawn to the attention of Patreon and Jack Conte personally, but not removed – at least until I involved executives of the payment networks. Click for full size.

The point of time when I made the report is where things become … appalling.

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Hencke Humiliated

A Scary Legal Hammer

Former Guardian journalist has had a long-overdue taste of real justice.

Former Guardian ‘journalist’ David Hencke, who was ‘Head of News’  at ill-fated Exaro News before it collapsed, has agreed to a settlement order in John Hemming’s claim against him on humiliating terms. Although he has made no admission of liability the terms of settlement require him to make a public statement, pay a donation to the charity Victim Support in lieu of damages and agree to significant restrictions on his reporting. The case proves that anyone who describes historic rape complainant Esther Baker as a ‘victim’ or ‘survivor’ is at risk of being sued for libel and losing. Indeed Hencke has now agreed to restrictions on his use of those words.

Exaro news has a lot to answer for. During its brief period of prominence Exaro extensively covered and promoted a series of child abuse allegations, many of which have been investigated at vast public expense. Now, their star accuser Carl Beech is on trial himself for fraud and perverting the the course of justice (archive).

David Hencke’s article of 18 May 2018 was utterly despicable. The article covered another Exaro complainant, Esther Baker, whose unsubstantiated allegations of abuse by a number of VIPs have led to no convictions whatsoever. In the article, Hencke named former MP John Hemming and referred to Baker’s father. He used the word ‘survivor’ even though the Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) he was reporting on has specifically decided not to use that word in relation to people like Esther Baker whose allegations are not proven. That got him sued for libel in the High Court.

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The Wacky World of Esther Baker


Esther Baker has made numerous allegations of sexual abuse. Now it is revealed she is under investigation herself by two police forces, one for nearly a year.

This week, Esther Baker has been quite a bit upset with my previous article. She has sent me several emails mostly seeking information. Eventually Baker began to annoy me so I sent her an email warning her I may publish future correspondence. I said, “You have sent me several emails and told me you may send me further ‘corrections’ later. This is just to repeat my earlier warning that I am not willing to consider our correspondence private. I reserve the right to publish your emails or share them with anyone I see fit. For the avoidance of doubt, the others are intentionally copied in. […]” Esther Baker has emailed me again, so I have published the email and put my reply below. Ms Baker, has (somewhat foolishly) contradicted her own court pleadings.

Email from Esther Baker at 01:54am 24 November (names of third parties redacted)

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IICSA: Unsubstantiated ‘Rape’ Accuser Esther Baker Under Police Investigation


Esther Baker has made numerous allegations of sexual abuse. Now it is revealed she is under investigation herself by two police forces, one for nearly a year.

In a recent ruling by Professor Alexis Jay the Chair of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), Esther Baker has been revealed as the latest alleged ‘victim’ of child abuse to come under police scrutiny themselves. Baker is one of several individuals who came forward making allegations of child abuse by VIPs in the wake of the revelations about Jimmy Savile. These individuals were given significant support by the now defunct Exaro News, but there have been no charges of alleged abusers in relation to many key allegations. One high profile, Exaro-backed allegator, known only by the pseudonym ‘Nick’ is currently on trial for Perverting the Course of Justice (archive).

Baker had told the national media, including the Daily Mirror and Sky News, that she was abused by a faith-related paedophile ring. However, with each public telling the story seemed to change –
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Bakers Who Refused Gay Message Cake in Supreme Court Win – In Britain

England’s Supreme Court has handed a victory for free speech to a Northern Ireland bakery that refused to bake a cake with a political slogan. In Lee (Respondent) v Ashers Baking Company Ltd and others (Appellants) (Northern Ireland) [2018] UKSC 49, the court held that refusing to bake a cake with a slogan saying, “support gay marriage” was not discrimination. It further held that requiring them to do so would breach their fundamental Human Rights.

A Scary Legal Hammer


The case is important because the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom is considered to be far more left wing than the Supreme Court of the United States, but it accepted the arguments against compelled political speech the US Supreme Court avoided and indeed went way, way further. The unanimous (not split) court judgement, delivered by Lady Hale, is here.
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User of Joshua Moon’s Kiwi Farms Launches Illegal DDoS Attack on Rival Trolls

Last week persons unknown claiming to be female hackers posted on 8chan stating that they have begun a DDoS attack against infamous hate group Kiwi Farms. The posts linked to a rival trolling group. At roughly the same time there were a series of outages of several websites linked to 1776 Hosting, a controversial hosting company being set up by Kiwi Farms owner Joshua Conner Moon (also known as Null). Kiwi Farms and 1776 are controversial because of their owner’s calls for genocide, distribution of paedophilia content such as child rape stories and the actual murders of minors by a member of his board. Moon also runs a ‘novelty’ email service lolcow.email, which brought ‘novel’ situations to schools in his former home state of Florida such as mass murder threats.

Sexy Female Hacker

The persons allegedly attacking Kiwi Farms would like us to think they look like this. Stock photo by Dreamstime.

On the rival group’s site itself however, members fiercely denied being responsible for the outages. Instead group members claimed Kiwi Farms members were trying to frame them. I have no direct knowledge of whether Moon’s sites are under attack or who (if anyone) is responsible. However, I am clear on the source of one hacking attack –
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Brave Rape Victims Come Forward to Condemn Sarah Jeong of the New York Times

Sarah Jeong

Sarah Jeong, newly hired at the New York Times, is a racist who stripped a rape victim of her anonymity.

In my previous article I exposed how newly appointed New York Times editorial board member Sarah Jeong had doxed a rape victim, knowing that the act would trigger harassment of her. I further revealed that when the allegations were put to the New York Times they did not deny it, and I quoted their response in full. Now brave victims of rape and childhood abuse have come forward to condemn the New York Times, its leadership and Jeong.

Matthew Hopkins News uses tracking software to track media inquiries. This enables me to see how many times an inquiry is displayed. My initial media inquiry to the New York Times was viewed nearly 800 times after being sent to a single press officer – over 600 in the first 90 minutes after being sent. It is clear that the NYT realises how comprehensively the story destroys their narrative of Jeong being a victim of racism and online trolls.


The New York Times fears this story. My email about this to a single press officer was read nearly 900 times, the first 600 of those in 90 minutes. Readers are asked to please share my last article and this one with every Conservative publication you can.

I was incredibly grateful to users of /r/the_donald (T_D) and /r/KotakuInAction (KIA) for sharing my last article. The story needs to be the “next thing” about Jeong in the national and international media after the racism allegations. Readers are encouraged to share it with their favourite national publications because this is what the NYT fears. T_D and KIA were not the only subreddits to see my article however. Reddit is home to communities made up exclusively of victims of rape and abuse.

One brave victim chose to express her feelings in /r/adultsurvivors/. It is harrowing reading –

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