About Samuel Collingwood Smith

Samuel Collingwood Smith was born in the north of England, but his family moved south early in his life and spent most of his early years in Hertfordshire before attending Queen Mary, University of London, where he studied Economics. Sam currently lives in the southeast of England. Smith was employed as a Labour Party fundraiser in the 2001 General Election, and as a Labour Party Organiser in the 2005 General Election. In 2005 Smith was elected as a Borough Councillor and served for 3 years until 2008. In 2009 Smith changed sides to the Conservative party citing division within Labour ranks, Labour broken promises and Conservative improvements to local services. In 2012 Smith started to study a Graduate Diploma in Law, passing in 2014. Smith then moved on to studying a Master's Degree in Law combined with an LPC, receiving an LL.M LPC (with Commendation) in January 2017. During his study, Smith assisted several individuals in high profile court cases as a McKenzie Friend - in one case being praised by Parliamentary petition for his charitable work and legal skills. Smith is also the author of this blog, Matthew Hopkins News, that deals with case law around Family and Mental Capacity issues. The blog also opposes online drama and abuse and criticises extreme-left politicians.

Lifelong Injunction for Esther Baker and her False Rape Allegations


Esther Baker has been handed a life-long restraining Order by Mrs Justice Steyn. She has had her day in court and the ‘Truth’ has indeed been proven.

Recently, Esther Baker has been making misleading comments about the judgement in her libel case against John Hemming. She claimed on Twitter (archive) that the judgement did not find Hemming innocent. Now High Court Judge Mrs Justice Steyn has made a lifelong restraining Order against Baker as well as another Order giving further directions for what remains of the case.

Key points in the Orders –

  • John Hemming has won against Baker on the main points. Hemming did not rape Baker, or anyone else nor did he stalk Baker nor defame her to cover it up. Baker is restrained for life from saying so (however obliquely), getting anyone else to say so or encouraging anyone from saying so. There is a penal notice on the front flat out stating that if she does so, she can go to jail. It is last warning time. It is a part of the general law of the land that it can also be a contempt for anyone to independently try to frustrate the Order by repeating the allegations. There are no exceptions to the Order – (Baker has asked for some and was not granted them).

If Esther Baker breaks the lifelong restraining Order against her she could be sent to prison and so could anyone who helps her or otherwise tries to frustrate the purpose of the Order.

  • Supporters of Esther Baker such as Jayne Senior @Jes123Tia456, Jacqui Dillon @JacquiDillon and Alan Goodwin @Ciabaudo have been warned previously  they may be sued for libel. In fact with this Order, they need not even be sued – if they expressly or by implication suggest Baker’s allegations are true then they could be at risk of immediate Committal proceedings. Now is a time for reflection. The legal threats to Goodwin, Dillon and Senior are not bluffs but bringing the claims would be an aggravation we could all avoid. A decision on Baker’s allegations has been made.

The Judge has made very clear that Esther Baker’s allegations are untrue and defamatory. MHN underlining.

  • It is noticed that Senior has gone quiet on this. Hopefully if the others take the hint we can all save some money and inconvenience. There are plenty of other alleged victims they could be supporting where their accusations have not been ruled against.
  • Whilst Baker’s allegations have been shown false, it is not yet established whether she lied or perverted the course of justice. The libel claim by her against Hemming on those words is ongoing, but will be struck out automatically unless she complies with the terms of an ‘unless’ Order made previously.
  • Hemming has dropped an ancilliary claim that Baker’s words also referred to ‘cult’ or ‘ritual’ abuse. As he has won on the main points, it does not matter if the group he was not part of was a rape ‘cult’ or ‘group’.
  • Baker has been ordered to pay 90% of the entire costs of Hemming’s counterclaim, 100% of his application to strike out and 100% of his responding to her failed application. Damages are to be assessed at the end of the case.

The judge has included a short set of reasons and as they are not on BAILII and the Orders are public documents I have uploaded them both here. I have redacted both cover sheets with the parties’ addresses.


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Rekt – Esther Baker in Humiliating Libel Loss – John Hemming Innocent of Raping Her

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[UPDATE – 17 August 2022. Esther Baker sued over this article in High Court Case QB-2020-001013. She lost. The court granted both summary judgement and strike-out finding the claim had no realistic prospect of success. No other person mentioned sued and the time limit has elapsed. Judgement here. My follow-up article here. This article has been added to the “DEFENDED!” category and readers may rely on it.]

John Hemming former MP

It is now a court finding that former MP John Hemming did not rape Esther Baker and when she publicly accused him of doing so on Twitter, she libelled him. She must pay damages and Hemming is completely exonerated.

Esther Baker suffered a humiliating defeat yesterday when John Hemming won the central point of the libel claim between them. In a judgement handed down in the High Court, Mrs Justice Steyn ruled that Baker libeled Hemming by accusing him of rape on Twitter. Some aspects of the claim remain live, the court has yet to rule on Baker’s claims Hemming libeled her by calling her a liar and criminal but Baker has been prohibited from saying John Hemming raped her even within the proceedings. Baker also applied to strike out Hemming’s claim, relying on 168 pages of exhibits (mostly articles from this website). Her application, including her many many many complaints about me, were found to have, “no merit”.

This article will be brief because the judgement is on BAILII. The whole judgement is lengthy, and worth reading in full. A few key points –

  • Baker is suing Hemming for libel and he is counter-claiming. In 2015 Baker, like Carl Beech from Exaro (who she supported on Twitter) made allegations of rape against an alleged faith related abuse group including in later versions at least two politicians including Hemming and a Labour Cabinet Minister. Baker is suing Hemming for calling her a liar and accusing her of Perverting the Course of Justice. Hemming counter-sues Baker for accusing him on Twitter of raping her and also allegedly accusing him of being involved in cult / ritual abuse.
  • At the hearing on 17th October 2019 for which judgement was handed down today, Hemming and Baker applying to strike out each other’s claims and defences. Hemming also applied for summary judgement and an interim injunction. Today the judge ruled on those applications. She found in favour of part of Hemming’s application and rejected Baker’s as having, “no merit”.
  • The judge held that Baker’s tweet did at least bear the meaning that Hemming raped her and the judge ruled this was libel. She granted Hemming summary judgement to this extent. Baker must pay damages – there is also an application for an injunction. It remains undecided whether the words in the tweet, “also bear an innuendo meaning that the Defendant abused the Claimant as part of a ritual cult involving Cabinet Ministers, MPs, Lords and Judges”. That is for trial.
  • The judge held that Baker had deliberately dropped her defence of Truth
The judge found that Baker deliberately dropped her defence of Truth

The judge found that Baker deliberately dropped her defence of Truth

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Leftist: Throne of Bone Reviews Real, Reliable

Earlier today, a leftist left a negative comment on a review I did in 2016 of Vox Day’s “A Throne of Bones”. They ended by linking to a hatepost claiming the positive Amazon reviews were deceptive based on an analysis by a site called Fakepost.com from 2017. Because, of course, the accuracy of a self-appointed analysis site using an unpublished algorithm is beyond question. However, when I requested a re-analysis, the book listing now gets an ‘A’. I took an archive as one suspects the algorithm may now change. However for posterity …


According to Fakespot the reviews on ‘A Throne of Bones’ are 90% high quality and it deserves its average 4.5/5 stars.

For a supposedly unimportant author I have seen a surprising number of multi-part, serialised, chapter-by-chapter reviews from left wingers, like the one that inspired this post. You do not have to agree with Vox Day’s politics to like his work, or find the vilification of dissident authors distasteful. Day has produced a number of popular products meeting the promises he set out to his market. The only real criticism is that release has sometimes been slightly slower than hoped for (for example, of the expanded edition of the sequel to ‘A Throne of Bones’). Day however is not in bad company – Robert Jordan died before finishing his epic and PC Hodgell’s Kencyrath series was begun in 1982 and still is not finished.


According to Fakespot the reviews on ‘A Throne of Bones’ are 90% high quality and it deserves its average 4.5/5 stars.

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Esther Baker Made Bankrupt Over “Rape” Libel Case – are Jacqui Dillon and Jayne Senior Next?

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[UPDATE – 17 August 2022. Esther Baker sued over this article in High Court Case QB-2020-001013. She lost. The court granted both summary judgement and strike-out finding the claim had no realistic prospect of success. No other person mentioned sued and the time limit has elapsed. Judgement here. My follow-up article here. This article has been added to the “DEFENDED!” category and readers may rely on it.]


Esther Baker has made numerous unproven allegations of sexual abuse. Now she is literally paying the price.

Today, at 12:55 in the afternoon at the Liverpool Civil and Family Courts, Esther Baker was made bankrupt as a result of her crumbling libel claim against John Hemming and her failure to pay the costs order. At this point, most mentally healthy people would think again about supporting her. Two notable exceptions to common sense however are “Dr” Jacqui Dillon and Rotherham Councillor Jayne Senior. Despite Hemming now having won two libel claims against significant opposition – a former Guardian journalist and a charity CEO – these two women continue to refer to Baker’s allegations on Twitter.

I do not intend to deal in much detail with them now, as that is for later articles. However a brief introduction. Jayne Senior is a councillor in Rotherham and manager of a charity called Swinton Lock. She received an MBE for supposed whistleblowing. However, the shine has been knocked off her by recent revelations in an independent safeguarding report commissioned by her local council. The findings were that she mistreated real abuse victims who used her charity. This was bravely exposed by Sammy Woodhouse (@SammyWoodhouse1). The findings are set out in detail in the Yorkshire Post in these articles [1] (archive), [2] (archive). A third article [3] (archive) sets out her failed attempts to silence media critics by complaining to police. Most recently, Jayne Senior has been complaining on Twitter that her local police are contemplating restricting her right to complain (archive). She has also been complaining about me – to no effect.

“Dr” Jacqui Dillon is a mentally ill woman who by her own admission sees things and hears voices as set out in my previous article here. Dillon, like Baker relates an unproven history of alleged child abuse. She admits her first psychiatrist thought they were delusions. However she eventually found a psychiatrist who believed her and launched a successful career as a mental health ‘advocate’ and ‘survivor’ despite there being no convictions. This is dealt with in more detail in this excellent blog here. Dillon has a nasty history of calling people “paedophiles”, their “supporters” and “enablers” on Twitter but now complains of criticism. Again, this has been of no effect. I am entitled to scrutinise and criticise public statements by a public figure.

Both of these women have seen the unravelling of Baker’s life, and her court losses. They are aware of the bankruptcy proceedings. Yet they have this strange belief that it could not possibly happen to them. If they persist in supporting her, they are likely to find out just how wrong they are.

For Baker, it is a tragedy. John Hemming bears her, surprisingly, no ill-will. He recognises she was offered inappropriate encouragement by others. There is sufficient evidence even in public statements for me to name Jess Phillips MP in this article. Even now if Baker would cooperate, admit her mistake and produce evidence as to those who encouraged her, it may be another resolution could be found. In some circumstances those others may even be liable for all the costs.

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Dr Jacqui Dillon and Her Appalling Remarks on Esther Baker and Historic Abuse

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[UPDATE – 17 August 2022. Esther Baker sued over this article in High Court Case QB-2020-001013. She lost. The court granted both summary judgement and strike-out finding the claim had no realistic prospect of success. No other person mentioned sued and the time limit has elapsed. Judgement here. My follow-up article here. This article has been added to the “DEFENDED!” category and readers may rely on it.]

“Doctor” Jacqui Dillon is psychotic. Not in the hyperbolous sense but in the proper medical sense that she hears voices (archive) and sometimes sees things that are not there, including (according to the Daily Mirror) hallucinating her own daughter covered in blood. Even so, Dillon has many achievements to her name – an honorary doctorate she received from the University of East London for her undoubted work in mental health. However, her achievements give her no right to hound others on Twitter or jump into complex debates about historic abuse without respect for guilt or innocence, nor to the families and children of those involved.


Jacqui Dillon calls Baker a survivor, but none of Baker’s alleged abusers have been charged. Baker was then placed under police investigation and Staffordshire Police have stated that a file is to be sent to the CPS for advice, including on potential charges.

Historic abuse is a complex issue. There are undoubtedly many persons who have been genuinely abused and even today authority figures want to turn a blind eye. I have written many articles, for example, about Reddit. Reddit is large social media website of sorts that was openly advertising two groups called, “/r/PedoCity” and “/r/PedoWorld”. The groups were openly advertised in a full text index, though no images were visible except to those warped individuals who joined. One was there for three years quite openly. They were banned the day after my article exposing it based on a tip-off from a whistle-blower.


Reddit, proudly hosting a forum for ‘Watching pedos rape the young’. Screenshot from their text index above. They hosted the ‘community’ for three years – until I wrote an article exposing it. Words cannot adequately express my contempt for Reddit CEO Steve Huffman.

So, when Dillon complains of paedophile apologists and modern fellow travellers to PIE on Twitter I have no doubt she is raising legitimate issues.

The problem is not everyone is guilty. Dillon believes she was abused by a paedophile. Perhaps that is true.

However, when dealing with abuse, there is a world of possibility for mistake and outright falsehood. In 2015, Esther Baker accused then MP John Hemming as well as a former Labour cabinet minister and a large group of other people of rape. She said she recognised Hemming as her assailant beyond doubt, that she had seen his whole body and he had various physical features including a birthmark on his back. The police investigation checked that and he does not have those features. The case inevitably ended with no prosecution.

Hemming is clearly not the man who raped Esther Baker – if she was raped at all. According to the BBC, Baker is now under police investigation for inventing all her allegations (archive). In fact matters have moved on. An advice file has now been sent to the CPS and police have stated that, “The CPS will consider the papers pertaining to the Perverting the Course of Justice allegation alongside any alternative offences they feel might be appropriate”.

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Alexis Kennedy and Lottie Bevan Should Sue Vile Laurie Penny: Happy to Help Pro-bono

After the recent tragic death of Alec Holowka, most gaming journalists have had the decency or at least self-preservation instinct to allow a period of graceful silence to fall. Holowka was a game developer who was accused of sexual abuse and imprisonment by Zoe Quinn. Not long afterwards, his former co-workers claimed they could ‘corroborate’ the allegations. Shortly afterward, he killed himself. When facts emerged to show the accusations likely false and the ‘corroboration’ anything but, an uneasy silence fell. Except, apparently, for Wired’s Laurie Penny (@PennyRed) who backed the Holowka allegations and has been attacking the girlfriend of another accusee on Twitter (archive) for daring to defend him. I am making a public offer of pro-bono support to Alexis and Lottie to start suing people.


Penny Red attacks Lottie Bevan for daring to dispute the Twitter mob allegations.

It is worth briefly looking at the Holowka case. Per MHN previous coverage here and here a casual legal analysis of the so-called corroboration show it was anything but. The co-workers could back up that he was hard to work with and unstable – but not that he imprisoned Zoe Quinn and assaulted her by penetration. Then, historic tweets emerged that directly contradicted Quinn’s account. She had been going out to meetups whilst supposedly imprisoned and engaged in a last minute game crunch with Holowka, at a time when in her account she was allegedly fleeing in fear.

Quinn’s historic tweets were revealed by articles on Post Millennial (archive) and MHN. Quinn has also been credibly accused of abuse by four unconnected men and is facing questions as to the whereabouts of $85000 Kickstarter money. She promised to deliver her Kickstarter by 2017 and it is now 2019. The allegations against Holowka seem to coincide with awkward questions being asked of Quinn at a time when her income from Patreon has fallen to a fraction of what it was a few years ago.

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Zoe Quinn’s Lethal Lies Must End Her Career, Plus Those of Supporters Jess Conditt and Laurie Penny


Zoe Quinn image via Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA-4.0.

Recently, I reported on the tragic death of Alec Holowka, a troubled game developer who killed himself after Zoe Quinn made allegations about him on Twitter. My initial articles [1] and [2] covered the weaknesses in her story and the false claims of corroboration by journalists and Holowka’s despicable former business partner Scott Benson. Since then, a site called the Post Millennial has disproven at least two of her allegations based on her tweets (archive). Some have questioned the veracity of the screenshots on the Post Millennial, but I have an independent source with access to Zoe’s Twitter and have confirmed these tweets are still there and have seen them with my own eyes. Below I even include some tweets not in the Post Millennial’s article. It is their scoop, but I can totally confirm and expand on it. My source still has access so anyone with an interest in searching her tweets please mail me, contact per the ‘Tip Us Off’ page.

The Claim – ‘physically confined’

In the post below, Zoe Quinn claimed that –

  • she agreed to visit Alec Holowka for two weeks only
  • Holowka promised to buy her a ticket back after two weeks, but reneged
  • she was physically confined to his apartment
Zoe Quinn Claims

Zoe Quinn’s allegations, now proven to be contradicted by her own words.

In fact, her tweets below prove that –

  • the original timespan of the trip was unspecified (she wrote, ‘??? weeks’) and this disproves the claim it was set at two weeks (and the associated claim Alec promised to buy her return ticket)
  • She repeatedly went out, even after the first two weeks during the period of alleged confinement

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When the Corpse is Barely Cold: Scott Benson and Engadget’s Jess Conditt Vilify Tragic Alec Holowka


Engadget Senior Editor Jess Conditt. Her vile and uncritical coverage of Zoe Quinn’s unproven allegations burdens her with moral culpability for Alec Holowka’s unimaginable suffering and the death of this vulnerable, tragic and disabled man.

Speaking ill of the dead has always been thought of as wrong. A thing inherently bad and a sign of poor character. So it is unsurprising that the despicable Scott Benson and Jess Conditt have been doing that to Alec Holowka in a desperate and futile attempt to salvage their ruined reputations.

Alec Holowka was a successful game developer who tragically suffered from mental illness. Despite his disabilities, he had made a success of his life until it was cruelly taken away from him by Zoe Quinn. Quinn is a controversial figure in the gaming industry. In 2014 a former boyfriend called Eron Gjoni accused her of abuse including various kinds of sexual misconduct. Another man, Wolf Wozniak, bravely came forward and accused her of sexual harassment.

Quinn applied for a restraining order against Gjoni which was granted. However when he appealed, backed by donations from the community she applied to have the order vacated and records of it expunged rather than face him in court as I reported in my article, ‘Epic Gjoni Win‘. She did not want the substance of their dispute argued.

As my previous article sets out, Quinn is presently under pressure to explain how she spent $85,000 she took in a Kickstarter campaign for a game she has yet to release. It was due in 2017. As a key anniversary approached she came out on Twitter to accuse Holowka of imprisonment, sexual assault by penetration and emotional abuse. Left wing media including the horrific Jess Conditt piled on, ignoring Quinn’s history, court failure and financial pressure. Holowka’s so-called friends at the gaming cooperative Night in the Woods cut ties, claiming that they had “[…] corroborated just about all of it […]” (archive). So suddenly Alec became a pariah, under attack from all sides by Quinn’s unthinking, thuggish followers on Twitter.

Tragically, Holowka killed himself and of course, as I pointed out in my last article, Benson’s claims of corroboration could not possibly be true. The reason? Zoe herself had admitted there were no witnesses. She said that Holowka acted “normal” when other people were arround. The awful cravenness of Holowka’s decision to sever ties with a colleague and his misleading statements about the controversy no doubt contributed to Alec’s decision to end his life.

Now however, Benson has gone further. In a lengthy, near ten-thousand-word Medium post (archive) he sets out his alleged experience with Alec. He posted a link on Twitter, retweeted by Conditt. It is a sickening and, in this context, heinously misleading tarring of his friend’s memory. The friend he betrayed.

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Blood on their Hands: Verizon’s Jess Conditt, Dana Wollman, Guru Gowrappan, Hans Vestberg and the Death of Alec Holowka

On August 31st Alec Holowka died. It is believed this vulnerable and mentally ill man took his own life after allegations of abuse were made about him on Twitter and Instagram by ‘game’ ‘developer’ Zoe Quinn, causing him to be dismissed from his job and targeted by a mob of Twitter vigilantes. The unproven accusations against him have been given enough oxygen – this article is the first in a series forensically analysing Quinn’s allegations, her unintentional and damning admissions and the wrongdoing of those reporters who irresponsibly reported on the matter. I begin with Engadget / Verizon’s Jess Conditt and her editor Dana Wollman. Credit is also due to Verizon Media CEO Guru Gowrappan and his boss Verizon Inc CEO Hans Vestberg. In my view Jess Conditt and Dana Wollman, whilst legally innocent of murder, are morally guilty of his death. They are abusers who contributed to the vigilante mob that drove him to his death, whilst Vestberg and Gowrappan have yet to take action to condemn them.


Hans Vestberg, CEO of Verizon, leads a company tainted by the blood of tragic Alec Holowka. Will he show leadership and make things right?

I am a UK law blogger who has passed the solicitor’s (attorney’s) exams called the LL.M LPC. I have not sought to practice as a lawyer, my day job being Director of an IT company, but I have nearly 10 years experience helping people in court, only ever pro-bono as a McKenzie Friend. In the reported case Re TL EWCOP 1 [2017] I was praised by Mr Justice Baker for my work in a case in which a man known as PL had been exonerated of abuse, a restraining order lifted and had contact reinstated with his disabled daughter. Recently I helped former MP John Hemming win two libel cases and in a third he has obtained a substantial costs order against a woman called Esther Baker who wrongly accused him of cult rape. The costs order and resulting bankruptcy petition against Baker are here. I know a lot about challenging false allegations.

It is well known that Zoe Quinn was accused of sexual impropriety by her former boyfriend Eron Gjoni here (archive) and of sexual harassment by Wolf Wozniak (archive). Gjoni accused her of obtaining his consent to unprotected sex by deceitfully claiming she was faithful to him. Wozniak accused her of ‘harassment’ although to be fair his allegations are regrettably unparticularised. One thing I hate more than people who take their accusations to social media and not the authorities is people who make vague allegations without details that can be proven or falsified.

After Holowka’s death Quinn has deleted her allegations against him and deactivated her Twitter account. However, Quinn’s Twitter allegations have been collected in this archive whilst her Instagram allegations have been collected here. A point that leapt out at me from Quinn’s allegations that has not been picked up elsewhere is that if we believe her evidence there are at least two more men, unconnected men, who have made allegations against her of sexual wrongdoing. Four unconnected accusers is a sign there is likely something to these allegations.


This is Frame 1 of Quinn’s Instagram allegations. If true, there is a man she had a sexual encounter with that she claims is sexual assault and he made contemporary complaints she had falsely accused him. This is a third unconnected accuser of Quinn. We will call him QaA (Quinn accuser ‘A’).

In this Instagram image Quinn identified a man with whom she had a sexual encounter. She frames it as assault but admits that he also accused her, contemporaneously not years later on social media, of making false allegations. We will call him QaA (Quinn accuser ‘A’). If we accept her account that he exists, he is the third unconnected male to make allegations of abuse against Quinn.

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Staffordshire Police, Esther Baker and DCS Javid Oomer – His Career and Reputation on the Line?

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[UPDATE – 17 August 2022. Esther Baker sued over this article in High Court Case QB-2020-001013. She lost. The court granted both summary judgement and strike-out finding the claim had no realistic prospect of success. No other person mentioned sued and the time limit has elapsed. Judgement here. My follow-up article here. This article has been added to the “DEFENDED!” category and readers may rely on it.]


Detective Chief Superintendent Javid Oomer – Career at Risk?

Staffordshire Police believe Esther Baker is a criminal. Recently, I reported some of her Twitter posts as harassment directed at myself and (indirectly) former MP John Hemming. Upon review, a crime number was assigned which can only happen if an officer considers on balance of probabilities that an offence was committed (police email below). I am far from the only complainant, with far more serious allegations outstanding. How is it that Baker has not yet been interviewed over the many allegations against her?

Last week the BBC reported (archive) that Staffordshire police are conducting an ongoing investigation into Baker over the far more serious allegations of Perverting the Course of Justice and Harassment of John Hemming. The investigation is currently with Detective Chief SuperIntendent Javid Oomer and frankly, a large number of powerful people are unhappy about the police, the speed of the investigation and Oomer’s attitude. To put this in context, Mr Hemming first reported Baker in 2015!


Staffordshire Police considered my allegations against Esther Baker and allocated a crime number before referring the matter elsewhere.

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