The One Woman Judge Cardinal Will Not Jail

Hammer of Justice

The British Family Courts are quick to reach for the hammer. Why not use it to protect the right to full disclosure of evidence? Picture via Dreamstime

The Witchfinder examines another disturbing case in which hated circuit Judge, ‘His Honour’ Judge Cardinal withheld vital evidence from a woman desperate to be re-united with her disabled daughter, only to be overturned once again by a higher court.

In Christopher Bond’s well known stage version of Sweeney Todd, there is a character called Judge Turpin. One of the play’s best known scenes has Turpin passing sentence of death on a criminal for repeated crimes. Only once sentence has passed is the identity of the miscreant revealed (in the movie, by a dramatic camera pan). It is a frightened, crying, cowering child.

Of course all fictional characters have a basis in reality and, but for accident of timing, Turpin could have been inspired by the jurisprudence of Birmingham Judge HHJ Cardinal. Regular readers of the Witchfinder will recall Cardinal’s previous works –

  1. sentencing a woman called Wanda Maddocks to prison for (amongst other things) taking her father to see a lawyer, and gagging her (gagging overturned, condemned in Parliament and excoriated in the Daily Mail)
  2. making a wasted costs order against a solicitor acting pro-bono for a vulnerable destitute woman (overturned by the Court of Appeal)

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One of the Best Court Judgements Ever Written Ever

Veronica Chapman Lookalike

Would you take legal advice from a person who looks like this? (Picture licensed from Dreamstime).

The Witchfinder praises the courageous Canadian Judge J. D. Rooke for his judgement in Meads v Meads and calls for the enactment of new laws allowing for control of the so-called Freemen on the Land Movement (FMOTL) and  the immediate fining and imprisonment of its ‘gurus’ who give fallacious advice, such as Veronica Chapman. Where vulnerable people are described, aspects such as the name and gender have been fictionalised.

To those who have not encountered it, it may initially be hard to understand why the transatlantic FMOTL movement inspires so much hatred amongst lawyers and members of the judiciary, even normally cuddly members of the Human Rights crowd. Allow me to use an analogy.

Imagine for a moment that there is a book on electrical wiring – ‘Wiring Is More Than Just A Word’. You can buy it from reputable bookshops like Amazon. Imagine that this book is glossy and professional looking, the book uses all the right words and is written in a persuasive and apparently erudite way. The book is bought mainly by the vulnerable and desperate who have electrical problems and sit at home in the cold and the dark. Imagine its author is trusted, respected and looked up to by the poor souls who read her work.

Now consider what would happen if the instructions in the book were utterly, totally and horribly wrong. Picture a situation where the words are all correct but the explanation of their meaning is all wrong. “Voltage is very important. You must wire as much voltage as possible directly to your genitals in order to protect yourself from the Ohm conspiracy. Under no circumstances must you listen to any electricians. All electricians are evil and in league with Ohms. And bankers. Whatever you do, never, EVER wire up the earth wire as this may allow your voltage to be stolen by amperes. Instead you should attach the wire marked LIVE to the BATHTUB.”

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A River of Tears

The Witchfinder summarises the evidence from the recent House of Lords Committee on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and points the finger at the Labour politicians responsible for this travesty.

Bleeding Rose

Labour must take responsibility for the immense human suffering caused by the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (Picture licensed from Dreamstime)

The Witchfinder, under another name, was one of many individuals, professionals and organisations that gave evidence to the ongoing investigation. The evidence has now been published and your humble inquisitor has decided to summarise.

Anyone wishing to read it for themselves can find volumes 1 and 2 on the parliament website –

Volume 1
Volume 2

What is striking is just how loud the chorus of complaints are. Chris Booker of the Telegraph, for example, would be delighted to discover just how many social workers are in total agreement with him about the Act’s inadequacies.

The problem with dry text is the inability to fully convey the human suffering represented by the endless storm of criticism. I quote (for example) Kate Beynon, a social worker in Northamptonshire, “I was involved in a recent CoP case and am very worried that one of the parties was not able to access legal aid, she was in debt and could not afford repayments and yet we were removing her adult son from her care.”

Beynon is quite right – a lot of the Witchfinder’s charity work exists solely because there is negligible legal aid available to families when social services take away adult relatives.

She goes on to mirror the Witchfinder’s suggestion that there be local Mental Capacity tribunals instead of the current Court of Protection, “Why can we not have local Tribunals similar to Mental Health Tribunals?”

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The Left’s Sinister Sexual Agenda for our Children

The Witchfinder lifts the lid on the sinister world of the left and their hidden agenda of normalising the sexual exploitation of our children.

Two children looking at a rainbow.

Equality Means *Protecting* Children. Photo licensed from Dreamstime.

A recent post by the incisive and beautiful Louise Mensch has alerted the Witchfinder to a heinous new law passed in Iran allowing men to marry their thirteen year old adopted daughters. It is, as she rightly says, a license for the most horrendous abuses of the rights of children imaginable.

What caused the Witchfinder wry, bitter amusement was Louise’s surprise at the iniquitous silence of the left on this despicable issue. Only a few days ago the Guardian trumpeted US President Obama’s moves towards better relations with Iran. Why such a muted response?

The grim truth is that there are many in the left, even in this country, who agree with the proposition that the age of consent should be reduced substantially. In the fashionable Liberal and Labour salons of the so-called elite the prevailing view is that the current age of consent laws are a holdover from a prudish, Victorian, Conservative Christian past.

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The Year’s Best Political Figures

The best political figures of the year, according to the Witchfinder General.

It has been a long, bleak year. But the Witchfinder scraped through his law exams, which means this blog will continue and may even get around to some analysis of some case law. The Witchfinder will also continue his fair, just and reasonable approach to public figures.

For now though, the Witchfinder wanted to take some time out from persecution to recognise those political figures that are actually worthwhile and make a difference in a positive sense. So, without further ado, the Witchfinder recognises Grant Shapps MP, John Hemming MP and Louise Mensch.

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Share Button Down! Unite defeated by the Power of NyanCat!

The Witchfinder has a silly season story.

Councillor Vicky Foxcroft, Labour's Parliamentary Candidate for Lewisham Deptford. Picture courtesy of Lewisham Deptford Council's press office. Vicky is brought to you by Unite the Union.

Councillor Vicky Foxcroft, Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for Lewisham Deptford. Picture courtesy of Lewisham Deptford Council’s press office. Vicky courtesy of Unite the Union.

It has not been a good few weeks for Vicky Foxcroft. The former Labour Student hack turned Unite hack was undoubtedly delighted to be selected for Lewisham Deptford but joy at her victory was far from universally shared. The ‘local’ candidate turned out to be none other than this Vicky Foxcroft – once hailed as the ‘power-dressed future’ of new Labour – a woman who has, if her linkedin page is to be believed, never worked outside a trade union or political environment since university.

That cheerful young woman who once seemed so sweet and kind to the Witchfinder in his heady university days, when we were both in Labour Students (there was a time before the Witchfinder saw the light) is long gone. Vicky has grown into a woman who bears an eerie physical resemblance to Harriet Harman even as her human spirit seems to have withered. It was in a whimsical, nostalgic spirit that the Witchfinder chose to view her appalling selection campaign website through . It is essential to do this with the sound on. For those of you who do not know, NYANIT is a simple ‘wrapper’ site – a bit like a web proxy it allows you to load any website with a special script that adds a magic ingredient. NYAN CAT!!!

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Sack Sick Weirdo Karl Adamson Now

The Witchfinder exposes sick supply teacher Karl Adamson of Plymouth, United Kingdom. This twisted monster has written a game about murdering Conservatives with a shotgun, also featuring cocaine, ‘magic mushrooms’ and public sexual deviancy.

It is said that those who can’t, teach. Even within that profession however there are those who rise to the heights and those who do not. Supply teachers, for example, like Karl Adamson. Karl is a not-especially-successful teacher who aspires to be something more – to be something greater. Karl writes games, some of which he uses in the classroom and all of which are available on his website,

The Witchfinder imagines young children avidly browsing Mr Adamson’s website to find Sir’s latest offering written. So what is Sir’s latest offering? The Witchfinder has been playing Karl’s new game Tory Bastards, a game about murdering Conservatives with a shotgun and bombs.

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HMCTS Decide Court of Protection Just Not Kafkaesque Enough

A man behind bars in a balaclava

Bob really should have thought more carefully before being rude to his social worker

Astonishingly, the Court of Protection is considering formally giving social workers the power to declare someone lacking Mental Capacity without pesky doctors getting involved.

It has been a bad few weeks for the Court of Protection. Back in February this blog revealed the sinister jailing of Wanda Maddocks for taking her disabled father to see a lawyer and being rude to social workers. Because of course the most serious threat to the vulnerable today is family members trying to assert their Article 6 Rights and improve their care.

If she had instead groomed him or raped him for years as happened to vulnerable children in Oxford then presumably social services would have turned a blind eye.

The utter head-in-sand-unreasonable refusal of the system to recognise its failings has gone on for years. This blog is largely concerned with the rights of the vulnerable and of course the iniquities of Labour’s outrageous legislation so I was delighted to see recently that Chris Grayling had asked for a review of the powers of the Court of Protection.

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PC Game Review – Left Behind IV: World at War

The Witchfinder reviews Left Behind, a fun and much maligned series of Christian PC Games.

Left Behind IV – World at War – 70% (TWG Review Guidelines here)

The Left Behind franchise enrages left wingers. For those who don’t know, it is a future fiction setting based on a particular interpretation of the Book of Revelations – the last book of the Bible. The idea is that on a particular future day God dematerialises all true Christians and young children and takes them to heaven. Those ‘Left Behind’ are subject to the tender mercies of the Antichrist for the next 7 years (called the Tribulation) after he sets up a one-world dictatorship. A small group of people, calling themselves the ‘Tribulation Force’, attempt to spread the truth to the people as a last chance before Christ returns at the end of the 7 years.

Left Behind began as a lengthy series of books before being made into a set of films and then a series of computer games. A Big Budget Hollywood remake of the first film is scheduled for 2014.

The games themselves have attracted controversy with the game’s makers on one hand claiming this is a non-violent game featuring peaceful family friendly gameplay and on the other various left wingers claiming it is a theocratic death-fest where the dead pile up ‘like cordwood’. Rather than take either side’s word for it the Witchfinder decided to try it for himself.

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Bleak House is Not a Book of Instructions

The Witchfinder muses on a case in which a kindly solicitor acting pro-bono was unjustly punished.

Cover of Bleak House

This is the cover of a book by Charles Dickens. It’s … like .. about how *NOT* … to do it. Do not use as a guide to legal practice.

I was flattered when the Daily Mail picked up my story on the jailing of WM – a woman who can now be named as Wanda Maddock. Their work is impressive. However her case is by no means the only injustice perpetrated in the Birmingham Family Courts.

The legal system is undergoing cuts. Not as some left wingers and vested interests say, for the purposes of undermining access to justice nor for some other pernicious reason but instead because this country is short of money. It helps that there are bloated and inefficient reaches of our legal system that may have benefited from a little judicious slashing anyway, but the grim truth is that resources are scarce indeed.

In this new environment where lawyers, like many professionals, must put up with falling revenues those who take time out to do pro-bono work should be praised and recognised.

Sadly, in Birmingham the saying that ‘no good deed goes unpunished’ seems to be truer than elsewhere. I write again on the unfortunate topic of HHJ Martin Cardinal. This time I refer to a Court of Appeal case where he was humiliatingly smacked down after wrongfully making a wasted costs order against an innocent solicitor. The judgement is available on BAILII, and is well worth reading. As ever the Witchfinder provides no more information in this article than is available in the public judgement.

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