A Good Day to Praise the Lord

Jesus Christ saves. I mean that deadly seriously and respectfully. I like this image because it represents salvation even in the darkness.

Jesus Christ saves. I mean that deadly seriously and respectfully. I like this image because it represents salvation even in the darkness.

I cannot say why just yet, but it has been a very, very good day. As a Christian I feel blessed and forgiven and I choose to praise Jesus Christ, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Salvation comes in many forms, both eternal and earthly. On a day on which both seem closer, it is a good day to praise Him. We have a beautiful local church in the form of St Francis of Assisi, but I like this neon picture, reminding people that Jesus saves even those in grimy, dark circumstances.

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Introducing TALIS Linux

Outside my activism work, I earn my living as a software developer. As a side project to my work on AI, I have recently released a custom Linux distribution called TALIS Linux Public. This is a Debian remix, mostly designed to enable users to easily make a custom Linux live distribution, installable, with all the packages and groups they want. Full details are on my Medium blog here.

TALIS Linux is a custom distribution for educational purposes. Live desktop seen here.

TALIS Linux is a custom distribution for educational purposes. Live desktop seen here.

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Breaking: Democrats Make Humiliating Partial Climbdown in Ludicrous New York Case Against Trump

Paul Adam Engelmayer is the judge who granted the temporary restraining order against Elon Musk. It is one of the most lunatic lawsuits and court orders this law graduate has ever seen.

Paul Adam Engelmayer is the judge who granted the temporary restraining order against Elon Musk. It is one of the most lunatic lawsuits and court orders this law graduate has ever seen.

Yesterday I reported that US President Donald Trump had responded swiftly and robustly to a Federal lawsuit and interim order in New York, restraining him from allowing Elon Musk and DOGE members access to US Treasury records. Now, as the court prepares to rule on Trump’s motion to overturn the order, the Democrats have already humiliatingly made a partial climbdown, agreeing to limit the scope of their order which was stopping technical support contractors having access to the systems. Sadly, in a spectacular return to delusional, anti-democratic form, they have then clarified they really do mean the US Treasury Secretary, appointed by the President, vetted and confirmed by the Senate, should not have access to the systems of his own department – an outrageous demand which appears to violate the US constitution and its provisions on separation of powers.

As Trump’s filings now point out, in negotiations the Democrats have agreed at a minimum, a modification to the restraining order. They concede they were blocking, “routine maintenance” “necessary to allow Treasury systems to operate”:

Trump's lawyers, in legal filings, note the Democrats now agree to modify their order which was stopping technical contractors from routine maintenance of US Treasury systems, "such language is necessary to allow Treasury systems to operate without interruption".

Trump’s lawyers, in legal filings, note the Democrats now agree to modify their order which was stopping technical contractors from routine maintenance of US Treasury systems, “such language is necessary to allow Treasury systems to operate without interruption”.

Democrats returned to form however, and continue to undermine democracy by arguing the Treasury Secretary should not be allowed access to his own department’s systems as set out in an extract from their filings here:

Democrats filing opposing Trump's motion to overturn the restraining order confirms they really do mean they want to stop the US Treasury Secretary accessing Treasury systems.

Democrats filing opposing Trump’s motion to overturn the restraining order confirms they really do mean they want to stop the US Treasury Secretary accessing Treasury systems.

Papers in this case are publicly available online here. Anyone who wishes to follow this darkly comic rape of the judicial system and US democracy by Democrat activists is encouraged to take a look for themselves.

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Breaking: Trump Lawyers Move Swiftly to Overturn Bizarre Order Restraining DOGE from Access to US Treasury Records

Paul Adam Engelmayer is the judge who granted the temporary restraining order against Elon Musk. It is one of the most lunatic lawsuits and court orders this law graduate has ever seen.

Paul Adam Engelmayer is the judge who granted the temporary restraining order against Elon Musk. It is one of the most lunatic lawsuits and court orders this law graduate has ever seen.

Late on Friday it was reported that New York Federal District Judge Paul Adam Engelmayer had made a court order restraining Elon Musk and DOGE from access to US Treasury records, along with anyone other than vetted employees of the Bureau of Fiscal Services (excluding employees who are political appointees). This was based on a without-notice application  by 19 Democrat-run US States making histrionic allegations that DOGE was accessing the systems, “for the purpose of blocking federal funds from reaching beneficiaries who do not align with the President’s agenda”, a plainly counter-factual assertion when it is well known that DOGE only has access for the purpose of an audit. The bizarre order, which on a facial reading bars Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent from seeing his own department’s records appears to this UK law graduate to be totally unconstitutional. Trump’s lawyers have moved swiftly to seek the order be overturned and had a compelling emergency motion filed by Sunday. All the documents are on the public New York Court system: lunatic grounds for the Democrat injunction application [1], notice of motion to overturn by Trump lawyers [2], grounds for Trump application [3].

Readers will know I am qualified in UK law. I do not practice as a solicitor (attorney) but I have passed the exams and have a Master’s Degree in Law. I do help people in court pro-bono as a McKenzie Friend and I have been praised in Parliament and by judges for my legal skills assisting the vulnerable in legal cases and in court. For example, here is a link to the minutes of Parliament (Hansard) – a petition before Parliament about a case where I stopped a woman wrongly being declared mentally incapable. Part of my course work for my qualifications involved some American Federal Law. I have also successfully represented myself in libel and other High Court cases. Sometimes I read US case law for pure interest and entertainment.

I feel confident to say that Paul Engelmayer has made the most obviously unlawful injunction I have ever, ever seen. The whole Democrat case reads like the rantings of a raving lunatic. Neither the US Constitution nor statute make any meaningful distinction between political appointees and civil servants. Also, as Trump’s lawyers kindly point out the Treasury uses external IT contractors, appointed before Trump took office, to keep its systems running so they ask the court please vacate its order before they shut down the US financial system, or at least the Treasury.

An extract from President Trump's urgent motion to overturn the New York restraining order points out the order bars external IT contractors from keeping US Treasury system running along with Federal Reserve Bank Employees who host Treasury systems on Federal Reserve Servers.

An extract from President Trump’s urgent motion to overturn the New York restraining order points out the order bars external IT contractors from keeping US Treasury system running along with Federal Reserve Bank Employees who host Treasury systems on Federal Reserve Servers.

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Alt Hero: Q – A Beautiful Product in Hard Copy

The cover of Alt-Hero: Q is gorgeous - glossy, shiny and in vivid colour.

The cover of Alt-Hero: Q is gorgeous – glossy, shiny and in vivid colour.

A few days ago I finally received a beautiful, glossy, trade paperback book – a graphic novel. It was an unexpected but welcome surprise. The hard copy of Vox Day’s Alt-Hero: Q had arrived. It is a beautiful and entertaining product well worth buying, satirising the well-known false conspiracy theory – Q-Anon.

For those who are unfamiliar, one of the most obviously fake news items in recent years was Q-Anon (archive). The theory came to prominence during the first Trump administration and the premise was that a secret government whistle-blower known only as ‘Q’ was revealing details of a secret war by Donald Trump against a vast paedophile conspiracy that had taken over the world. As history showed, Q was fake and their predictions simply did not happen (archive). Of course the theory only worked because like all the best lies it had a grain of truth. The West – USA and Europe, were for decades ruled by a left-leaning establishment that slowly parted company with the population it held in increasing contempt, as well as reality. The pendulum which was starting to swing during Trump’s first term is now moving with crushing force during his second one. ‘Q’ may have been a false prophet but their themes were not.

Alt-Hero: Q is essentially a sort of spy thriller. Set in Vox Day’s, ‘Alt-Hero’ universe it postulates that ‘Q’ is real and benevolent, a sort of near-omnipresent wing-man who guides a wide variety of ordinary people via untraceable smartphone messages. The hero of the series is Roland Dane, a federal agent tasked with guarding a US Secretary of State who survives the assassination of his charge but is wrongly declared dead and hunted by a murderous, corrupt cabal which secretly rules the world. The nefarious cabal is ruthless and evil, deliberately promoting politicians and celebrities with vices such as paedophilia who therefore have no choice but obey the cabal or be exposed.

Left with little choice, and Q as his only ally, Dane goes on various missions backed by a sort of crowd-sourced army of Q followers based on the real world followers of the Q-Anon conspiracy theory. One mission is to protect an honest politician called Hammond Wyler, a congressman. With eerie prescience, Wyler looks like an older, craggier, JD Vance – including the beard – yet this comic was conceived in 2018 and the story largely came out in 2019.

Fictional, honest politician Congressman Hammond Wyler bears an uncannily prescient resemblance to JD Vance, Trump's Vice President.

Fictional, honest politician Congressman Hammond Wyler bears an uncannily prescient resemblance to JD Vance, Trump’s Vice President.

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Explosive interview by OneVSP CEO Muhammad Butt Reveals Truth About Sonia Poulton and Child Abuse

OneVSP CEO Muhammad Butt has given a length interview to Lucinda Lidstone about a number of topics including his parting ways with Sonia Poulton. Rather than deal with it in multiple places, I have made a detailed Twitter / X thread here. The full original interview can be found here (very long). The thread pulls together a lot of the evidence against Sonia and the ways she wronged Muhammad.

Lucinda Lidstone interviews Muhammad Butt and he reveals the truth about Sonia Poulton.

Lucinda Lidstone interviews Muhammad Butt and he reveals the truth about Sonia Poulton.


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High Court Makes Further Order Against Sonia Poulton on Appeal

Sonia Poulton Video Statement

A High Court Judge has ordered Sonia Poulton to further clarify her ludicrous claim.

The High Court has today made a judgment requiring Sonia Poulton to clarify further her ludicrous counterclaim against former MP John Hemming and I. It has irritatingly, refused most of my strike-out requests and awarded Sonia some (but not all of) her modest litigant in person costs but she is still around £3,000 down when first instance costs are included and she has still been ordered to clarify. Ms Poulton has now stated that she will not file evidence regarding Darren Laverty’s conduct in relation to the main claim nor rely on his conduct against us. Therefore, disclosure will not be needed. Although (very good and thorough) judge Mr Justice Linden ruled her case still met the low bar to not get struck out right away, there were sledgehammer subtle hints that she is in desperate trouble at trial, “On Mr Smith and Mr Hemmings’ case, the legal issue will not arise in any event because, even assuming that Ms Poulton is entitled to rely on all of her pleaded particulars, she will not satisfy the overarching test for harassment on the evidence”. All parties were strongly encouraged to mediate. Arguments my application was an, “abuse of process” failed although I was criticised for leaving the attempt late. Poulton still faces a separate appeal from John Hemming on the meaning of her words.

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MHN Editor Appointed Special Technical Advisor to Muhammad Butt, Founder of ONE VSP LTD

OneVSP is a platform with great potential.

OneVSP is a platform with great potential.

MHN is delighted to announce that MHN editor Samuel Collingwood Smith, has been appointed as Special Technical Advisor to the Muhammad Butt, the founder of ONE VSP LTD.

In my day job, I am an IT Consultant with knowledge of development at all levels from hands on coding in PHP, SQL, C#
and C++ to governance, process and performance management. I will be advising on the implementation side of the business.

I have also acquired a further 1.5 million shares, taking my holding up to 3 million, reflecting my confidence in the company’s prospects and leadership.

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MHN Editor Samuel Collingwood Smith Becomes Shareholder in OneVSP

OneVSP is a platform with great potential.

OneVSP is a platform with great potential.

Your author MHN Editor Samuel Collingwood Smith is happy to announce that I have purchased 1.5 million shares in One VSP Limited (One-and-a-half-million). One VSP is an upcoming video sharing platform. This has only just gone through, and will be updated at Companies House in the coming weeks. I may also be doing some advisory work for the company.

OneVSP is a UK based video sharing platform similar to YouTube, Rumble and Bitchute, with an emphasis on free speech and monetisation through subscriptions, which limits its dependence on advertisements and advertisers with political views. MHN has been a critic of OneVSP in the past, but I have always said the company has potential.

Over the past few weeks I have had a number of discussions with shareholder and CEO Muhammad Butt. There are lots of exciting wheels in motion about improving and diversifying content so although political content will remain, there will be other draws to increase traffic. My opinion is qualified. As my day job, I am also qualified in Software Development and I am the owner of an IT Consultancy, Prosperous Software Consulting Limited Limited, which amongst other things develops software including working on high traffic websites, including for some large retail and financial businesses.

As a result, I have worked on very high profile websites. My contributions as an advisor will be around making One VSP as scalable as possible, as cost-effectively as possible, to deal with an increase in viewing. I am also concerned to maximise free speech on the platform, whilst complying with regulatory requirements.

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OneVSP CEO Muhammad Butt and MHN’s Witchfinder in Exciting Move Forward

OneVSP is a platform with great potential.

OneVSP is a platform with great potential.

Your author and Matthew Hopkins News editor Samuel Collingwood Smith has buried the hatchet with OneVSP CEO Muhammad Butt. This is due to a positive gentlemens’ agreement, not litigation. In practical terms, this means I have removed a small number of materials from my site and YouTube, and Mr Butt has removed a small number of Sonia Poulton’s videos from her old OneVSP channel. As readers will previously have seen, Ms Poulton is no longer engaged by OneVSP nor funded by them.

If that was all that had been achieved, that would be enough. Any positive end to a disagreement is an achievement. However, even when Mr Butt and I were in dispute, I acknowledged that OneVSP has potential as a platform. The organisation has grown over the years since its founding, matured, and attracted investment. It is also attracting more and more high profile creators and content. It is early days yet, but it is quite possible I will be doing more with them in one form or another in the not too distant future.

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