PC Gamer’s Lawyers Clarify Andy Chalk Article on Jessica Price, Do Not Allege Harassment

After the dismissal of writer Jessica Price from MMO developer ArenaNet on 05 July 2018, the media had a feeding frenzy. One particular article by Andy Chalk in PC Gamer quoted Price in its headline as calling her firing an ‘active solicitation of harassment’. After representations from Matthew Hopkins News, PC Gamer parent company Future PLC have conducted an investigation and now their lawyer has clarified that, “[…] For the avoidance of doubt, Future does not allege that [Arena Net CEO] Mr O’Brien is guilty of the criminal offence of harassment […]”.


Jessica Price, fired ArenaNet Developer, has a history of inappropriate media posts such as this one about the death of popular Youtuber “Total Biscuit”.

In fact the sacking of Jessica Price was unsurprising. Price had not only been rude to a popular fan of the firm with no provocation, but had a history of inappropriate social media conduct including celebrating a cancer victim’s death. What is disturbing is the behaviour of a small number of gaming journalists who have enabled her to vilify the company by giving her complaints a platform, including Andy Chalk at PC Gamer and Ben Kuchera at Polygon. This can only reflect adversely on Vox CEO Jim Bankoff and Future PLC CEO Zillah Byng-Maddick.

On 23 April 1991 jewellery chain CEO Gerald Ratner gave a speech about his products in the Royal Albert Hall. It destroyed his business. Joking, Ratner described his jewellery as “total crap” before going on to say that an earring sold by his firm was, “cheaper than an M&S prawn sandwich but probably wouldn’t last as long”. The speech wiped £500 million off the value of the company leading to Ratner’s departure as CEO. In the modern world of social media and instant communications, companies are even more vulnerable to the instant destruction of their brand by inappropriate communications by employees.

On 3 July 2018 Jessica Price, an writer at Guild Wars 2 developer ArenaNet opened a thread about writing for characters in online games. A well known streamer @DeroirGaming, made an innocuous comment –

“Really interesting thread to read! However, allow me to disagree *slightly*. I dont believe the issue lies in the MMORPG genre itself (as your wording seemingly suggest). I believe the issue lies in the contraints of the Living Story’s narrative design;”

He went on to suggest branching dialogue as an option. In response, Price posted the following, embedding his tweet –

“Today in being a female game dev: “Allow me–a person who does not work with you–explain to you how you do your job.””

Price was accusing Deroir of sexism for a polite suggestion on a public platform. The essence of this argument was that he was demeaning her experience as she was an experienced writer and he a mere plebeian unqualified to comment. By this argument, no ordinary fan could ever comment on a game to a developer without demeaning them. Unsurprisingly this gratuitously rude absurdity, which demeans real victims of sexism and abuse, was not accepted by the game’s fans.

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Abaddon Publishing’s David Moore, FantasyCon 2017 and Punching Trump Supporters (and the Disabled)

Racism on our streets is a repugnant sight but this author has campaigned against the extremists for 20 years without the need for violence. Vigilante violence is never acceptable, leading to harm against bystanders, victims of mistaken identity and the vulnerable. That is why it is so serious when extremists like Abaddon Books’ Commissioning Editor David Thomas Moore (who is attending FantasyCon 2017 this year) normalise or advocate violence. HWS Events, which is organising the event, has made a statement about this after receiving legal correspondence from MHN, reminding attendees of its harassment policy and right to exclude anyone who threatens violence.


“IS IT OK TO PUNCH THE SITH?” asks this image on David Moore’s timeline. Comments by his followers make it clear they take it to mean Nazis. And by Nazis, they mean Trump supporters. Click for full size.

“Is it okay to punch Nazis?”, asks the far Left. The question is seductive, bringing to mind the first recent Captain America film or perhaps Indiana Jones, exciting stories of a world at war in a simpler time. Abaddon Books’ Commissioning editor David Moore poses the question on his Facebook timeline in a somewhat loaded form, “Is it okay to punch the Sith?” In a wartime drama or a science fiction fantasy world the answers might seem simple – but the real world is no longer at war and the questions are no longer simple at all. Looking at the replies to the question, what David’s followers understand is “Is it okay to punch people whom I disagree with?” And the troubling answer they give is, “yes”. A specific example given is Donald Trump’s presidency.

A dictionary definition of extremist is here“A person who holds extreme political or religious views, especially one who advocates illegal, violent, or other extreme action.” (archive).

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ANTIFA and the Social Justice Left Cannot Escape Their Share of the Blame for the Tragic Death of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville

In light of the tragic events of this weekend, it is important  (as President Trump says) to condemn hate and extremism in all its forms. It is equally important to put matters in their proper context. On Saturday 12th August 2017 a beautiful young woman called Heather Heyer was killed when a car (apparently driven deliberately) crashed into her during a protest in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States.


Heather Heyer is a tragic victim, but why was she even at the rally? Click for full size.

A suspect has been arrested for the crime and if guilty, they will pay. Even so, how did things reach this stage? Neo-nazis and Ku Klux Klan members like those in Charlottesville used to be laughed at as a pathetic and irrelevant fringe – a sort of far-right live action roleplay group in their weird costumes.

I believe that the answer lies in the legitimisation of violence and intimidation by members of the anti-free-speech, far-left, “Social Justice Warrior” movement and their organisations such as ANTIFA. As a society we need to end extremist left-wing radicalisation of our youth and this may require laws to curb the excesses of those on the far left as well as the far right who contribute to any promotion of violence.

On April 15 of this year, violent riots broke out at Berkeley when black-clad far left thugs associated with the ANTIFA organisation (self described “anti fascists”) caused mayhem along with $100,000 of property damage. The protestors were ostensibly aggrieved at a speech by Milo Yiannopoulos, an openly gay right-wing journalist and agitator. Needless to say, the property damaged did not belong to Yiannopoulos but to the campus. The main victims were not, “Nazis” but innocent students, the majority of whom could not care less about either side.

The events were part of a broader trend of rising violence and intolerance in the United States and Europe, fuelled by extremist leftists – predominantly students and unemployed recent graduates. University culture has shifted over the years, to the extent that even the Guardian Newspaper has criticised the trend, stating that “voices are being silenced”.

Equally sinister, as noted in the Guardian, left-wing student activists are increasingly describing offensive words and images, as “violence” – even a statue of Cecil Rhodes. This redefinition of words or even inanimate statues as “violence” is then used to justify a literally violent response.

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Joshua Perry of King Dinosaur Games is “2 Handsome” for That Which Sleeps

The Kickstarter for vapourware indie PC game “That Which Sleeps” allegedly to be published by King Dinosaur Games (KDG), is infamous for the large amount of money taken and the absence of delivery. As I reported in my article, “Those Who Wait”, the project is years overdue. In “King Dinosaur Games Partners Split” I recounted how the partnership had split, with many of their statements (by which they had obtained monies) exposed as flat out lies. Now it appears that KDG’s sole remaining partner Joshua Perry is connected to another, very similar overdue Kickstarter – “Stay Out of My Dungeon” by 2 Handsome Games.


The glossy promotional video for, “Stay Out of my Dungeon”.

Back in 2012, long before “That Which Sleeps” was a thing, King Dinosaur Games made the following Tweet (still here, archived here) –


King Dinosaur Games considered using the “2 Handsome Guys” name instead. Click for full size.

In fact, unknown until now, whilst “That Which Sleeps” languished in development limbo Joshua Perry was attempting another failed Kickstarter called, “Ready Check” (archive here) under the “2 Handsome Guys” brand. He is the registered owner of the website http://www.2handsomegames.com/ and has been since its inception.

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Projection: Vicious Leftist Smears About Milo Yiannopoulos Hide Their Own Dark Secrets

Readers can tell recent allegations that Milo Yiannopoulos defended paedophilia are false for a simple reason – leftists are not lining up to laud him. Matthew Hopkins News puts Milo in his proper context.


Milo Yiannopoulos is a thoughtful and kindly man, not a defender of paedophiles, which is why hard left wingers hate him. Milo pictured with Matthew Hopkins News editor Sam Smith.

For years, the left has attacked Conservatives with intimidation, innuendo and smears. At the same time, a variety of left-wingers in a variety of guises have sought to defend, mitigate and humanise the vilest of sex offenders. Noted activist Peter Tatchell in the UK contributed to the book ‘Betrayal of Youth’ in which he wrote, “What purpose does it [the age of majority] serve other than reinforcing a set of increasingly quaint, minority moral values left over from the Victorian era?” Some on the left literally want to abolish the age of consent entirely.

During the #GamerGate scandal about ethics in gaming journalism, Milo Yiannopoulos exposed several particularly sinister individuals, including the infamous ‘Sarah’ Nyberg (archive here), a transsexual who claimed to be a white nationalist paedophile and to be attracted to the white half of a mixed-race preteen girl. Yiannopoulos also exposed the creepy leftists defending ‘her’ (archive here).

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Candy Potter Canned and Kiwis Server Cracked?

In his recent interview on the ‘Dick Show’ this week, Joshua Conner Moon the proprietor of Kiwi Farms gloated about his mother’s use of hate speech to describe a transsexual who visited his home. Josh said that his mother met the person at the door and later said that the transwoman was the, “ugliest bull dyke” she had ever seen. Not long after I received a blizzard of emails. Apparently, opponents of Kiwi Farms had discovered Josh’s mother Candice Lynn Potter was a member of her son’s depraved website. They drew the hate speech to the attention of Candy’s employer Keller Williams (KW) and a few days later her profile disappeared from the KW network.


Candy Potter (Candice Lynn Potter) is no longer at Keller Williams. The change occurred not long after her son Josh quoted her on ‘the Dick Show’ as using vile homophobic and transphobic hate speech. Click for full size. Phone numbers blacked out for ethics reasons.

When Joshua Moon appeared on the Dick Masterson show he was cock-a-whoop. It appears however that his unguarded words may have had consequences for his mother Candy. Masterson (a stage name of comedian Dax Herrera) seems to have invited Moon on the show because Kiwi Farms has a nasty thread on his estranged former business partner, who goes by the name ‘Maddox’.

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King Dinosaur Games Partners Split as their Lies are Exposed


Joseph Vivolo has split from King Dinosaur Games, the duo he founded with Joshua Perry, blaming Josh for the project’s apparent failure. He should not get off that lightly.

Two years ago, on 22nd October 2014, I was one of 4,689 backers of That Which Sleeps. I am also one of only two original backers to get their money back. Early in development, it soon became apparent to me that the authors had made untruthful statements in their attempts to secure funding. Now the founders have split and all their deceptions have come to light.

The detailed and extremely well presented Kickstarter opened in late 2014. It had a series of well presented videos that appeared to show a 2D strategy game, well underway, on a map using cheap and scrappy placeholder art. All the developers wanted was a little cash, $12,000 for art to complete the game.

The game, we were told, was nearly done –


A note in the ‘Story’ section of the ‘That Which Sleeps’ Kickstarter.

According to the publicity material there was a “working game” and beta was promised for December 2014. Backers would receive a scenario viewer immediately after the project was backed.

All lies.

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Jubilation as Loathesome Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Excluded from Key Meeting with Trump


Fresh faced, wholesome Jack Dorsey as seen in London two years ago. Picture via Wikipedia Commons.

In a display of his noble leadership and clear vision Donald Trump has excluded controversial Twitter Chief Executive Jack Dorsey from a key meeting with leaders of the technology industry. Politico alleges that this was due to Twitter refusing to participate in an ad campaign involving a ‘crooked Hillary’ emoji (archive here). I say, “Who cares? There are many, many good reasons to exclude Jack Dorsey from meetings forever”.

Twitter is no American success story, instead as Mark Zuckerberg famously said, “They Drove A Clown Car That Fell Into A Gold Mine’”.

Twitter is a social media website that has lost “a staggering amount of money” according to Time magazine, which put its losses over $2 Billion (archive here). That was in February and Twitter has continued to lose way more money since then as set out in its series of disappointing quarterly financial reports. Despite hundreds of millions of users, Twitter stock continues to fall.

Rumours of buyers come and go, giving temporary boosts to the company before dissipating into the mists. The fundamental problem with Twitter is that years after it was first set up it still is not making its owners any money. At the same time, Twitter has been criticised for failing to deal with terrorism, paedophilia, bullying and also with political bias.

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Option Model and Media ‘Talent’, Feminist Kristen Mortensen Disappears from Twitter after Publicly Mocking Disabled Man


Option Model and Media ‘Talent’ Kristen Mortensen mocks a disabled man. The tie around his legs is actually of a type used by those with neurological disabilities such as Tourette’s Syndrome or epilepsy to prevent movement. Click for full size.

Kristen Mortensen (until recently @Krist10Mor10sen on Twitter) is a popular and attractive model. According to her professional modelling profile (archive here) she stands at a statuesque 5’10” tall with svelte measurements of 36-28.5-42 and according to her resume she has had a number of gigs. Sadly she is also living proof that beauty is only skin deep. Mortensen has disabled her Twitter account after being called out by public spirited Twitter users for mocking a disabled man using feminism as a justification.

A man on a plane had a belt around his legs. Whatever his reasons, his legs are clearly held together in demure fashion causing no trouble to other passengers as he appears to listen to music. That is all we know. He is keeping to himself.

Most people, male or female would make no comment. Why should they? When most people photograph strangers in public, or on the trains, it is because the person is committing crimes or behaving inappropriately. Random stalking is frowned upon in our society. Kristen Mortensen, a model and actress with outspoken feminist views, thought differently.

When a person on a bus or a train has a bandage or wheelchair, or wears a supporter strap, convention is for the able bodied to give up their seat and generally make accommodations. Kristen Mortensen, a so called ‘talent’ for Option Model and Media, thought differently.

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British Police Open PSD (Internal Affairs) Investigation Over Kiwi Farms Inaction


Why is Kiwi Farms, a website which openly targets women, children, the disabled and critics like me for harassment not closed? Why is its owner, who encourages (abets) these crimes not in prison?

Question – How is it okay for a website to openly organise harassing, fake emails sent in the name of innocent women, to different, equally innocent women? [1] and [2]. Archive here ([A1] and [A2]).

Second question – how is it okay for a prominent member of a website to solicit his friends to send penis photos to women and children [1], [2], [3] (archives [A1], [A2], [A3])?

Third question – how is it okay for said individual to tweet (archive here) pictures of his penis to women and children?

To hack a disabled man’s accounts and to blackmail him to penetrate himself anally? To groom a 13-year old boy to have phone sex with a disabled man whilst posing as a 19-year old girl? To take a vote to target pre-teen children and then actually do it (archive here)? To regularly encourage its members to participate in felonies?

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