‘We Will Not Act’ on Complaints About Racist Harassment – Why Github’s Amy Palamountain is a Liability


Amy Palamountain. GitHub tried to stop her image appearing in this article. Why would she want her picture not to appear by her words? This image is derived from a photo released under CC-BY 2.0 by her fiancé Michael Holman (who goes by Martin Holman also). The license requires I credit him (awkward!) and link to the license – here. He has changed the licensing since then but the grant of the CC-BY 2.0 is irrevocable. Archive linked to show the license granted when I downloaded it – here .

Note – no private details are revealed in this article. All contact details have been put pro-actively and prominently into the public domain by their owners.

As a postgraduate law student who has been praised in Parliament for his pro-bono equalities work, and was asked to give evidence to the House of Lords Committee on the Mental Capacity Act 2005, I am frequently asked questions about equalities law. I am loathe to condemn even people whom I disagree with because of the complex and difficult issues they face.

Nonetheless several people this week have asked me for my legal opinion on the TODO Group ‘Open Code of Conduct’ (archive here) and I do feel some excoriation is in order. The TODO Group is a group of companies who “want to collaborate on practices, tools and other ways to run successful and effective open source projects”. They have recently published a Code of Conduct.

The issue that has attracted controversy is the ‘definition of harassment’ written by Github employee Amy Palamoutain. Much of this is unobjectionable, aside from prolixity. For example, the following are examples of behaviour that is prohibited –

“•Threats of violence, both physical and psychological
•Deliberate intimidation
•Stalking or following”

However, one passage has caused great offense. It says this –

“[…] We will not act on complaints regarding:

• ‘Reverse’ -isms, including ‘reverse racism,’ ‘reverse sexism,’ and ‘cisphobia’”

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Chair of UK Conservative Party Grant Shapps MP on Gawker.com Coca-Cola Robot Stunt – “Nazism and anyone sympathising for it is simply unacceptable”

Grant Shapps MP

Grant Shapps MP

This is going to be an upbeat post. The Witchfinder is pleased to note that people are listening to reasonable persuasion from GamerGate as well as other sensible, moderate voices. The battle against the unhinged, out-of-control left, the so-called ‘Social Justice Warriors’ can be hard. When there are setbacks or things seem to be going badly it is worth reminding ourselves of our successes.

No matter how much the left-wingers who infest the media try to talk it down, from their perspective the truth is grim. Moderate and Conservative voices in the gaming industry and more generally in society outnumber them vastly.

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Mein Kampf is Not a Jokebook – Nick Denton’s Shame #GamerGate #NotYourShield


Gawker.com (whose parent company Gawker Media has Nick Denton for a CEO) thought it would be really funny to poison Coca Cola’s #MakeItHappy campaign with text from Mein Kampf. The Witchfinder thinks it would be really funny if no one advertised with Gawker ever again and Mr Denton was socially ostracised. Swastika by Dreamstime, Nick Denton by Dave Winer on Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0 License – http://ow.ly/ICKRe

Incredibly conveniently, Gawker decides to demonstrate just who the villains of the #GamerGate saga are by writing software to interfere with Coca Cola’s latest publicity campaign by causing it to spew out Nazi propaganda. The Witchfinder calls for a boycott of any business owned or operated by Gawker Media CEO Nick Denton until Gawker Editor Max Read is fired. Also undesirable is generally objectionable Gawker Writer Sam F Biddle who has recently apologised for joking about bullying.

Ethics in Journalism. A weighty phrase, oft-debated with varying degrees of cynicism. The members of #GamerGate say they back it. Some people think it is ethical to go through a politician’s trash. Some do not. Some people think it is ethical to hack phones. Some do not.

Your Inquisitor is going to go out on a limb and suggest that subverting a campaign by a soft drinks manufacturer to #MakeItHappy by writing a bot to cause it to spew out the text of Adolf Hitler’s infamous book ‘Mein Kampf’ is one of those things where most people ‘do not’. Yes Gawker did that – then they wrote an article about how funny it was.

Gawker.com has a history. For example in 2014 Gawker writer Sam Biddle was shamed for saying “Nerds should be constantly shamed and degraded into submission.” After some advertisers pulled their advertising Biddle apologised for his ‘joke’.

In late 2014 Nick Denton reorganised the company to share managerial responsibility. However his is still ultimately the leadership. Denton sets the tone and the parent company website still lists him as CEO. It is unlikely, given the media coverage, that Denton is unaware of the ‘Mein Kampf’ story but even if he is, as the top man he bears moral responsibility.

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Rupert Murdoch is Right About Jihad

Picture of Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch tells it how it is. (C) Eva Rinaldi, licensed under Creative Commons license.

Rupert Murdoch has recently been criticised (again) by the loony left. After recent terrorist atrocities he wrote that ‘peaceful’ Muslims who had failed to ‘destroy’ the ‘jihadist cancer’ ‘must be held responsible’. The Witchfinder agrees.

A reasonable desire to avoid bigotry or hate does not mean turning a blind eye to mass murder or child abuse.

Mr Murdoch’s comment is a brave one and inspired this supportive article in which the Witchfinder deals with the difficult topic of Islamic extremism and the equally difficult topic of left wing denial and hypocrisy along with their denial and demonising of those who ask awkward questions.

Screenshot of two tweets by Rupert Murdoch in which he comments on "jihadist danger".

Screenshot of two tweets by Rupert Murdoch in which he comments on “jihadist danger”. Picture via Twitter (c) rupertmurdoch/Twitter.

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Vive la Différence!

The Witchfinder explains to leftists in very short words why the beautiful Holly Fisher, the lady featured below, is not the same as a terrorist just because she is holding a gun and has a Bible and a flag.

Selfie of Holly R Fisher holding a gun and bible standing in front of an American flag.

Holly R Fisher – Christian. Wife. Mom. (Conservative) Political Commentator. Not the same as a Terrorist. Picture by kind permission of Mrs Fisher.

Sometimes, in politics, there is a genuine sense of agreement. Of cooperation. Of bipartisanship. Sometimes, on the other hand, there is the sense that leftist demagogues are whipping up their ever-credulous followers just for sport. Finally, there are those times that you simply feel like you are back at nursery school (kindergarten, for our American friends).

Today, children leftists, the Witchfinder explains that things that look the same are sometimes different. Same or Different? That sounds like it should be on the front of a colouring book. Oh, wait …

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Poll – Would YOU Expect to Get Shot?


The leftist cult of victimhood has plumbed new depths when a violent racist thug is fêted by race baiting champagne socialist demagogues. His crime? Assaulting numerous persons of a different, well, hue. If the Witchfinder grabbed a police officer’s gun and tried to point it at them, he would expect to get shot too.

A hulking 6’5″ man grabs an expensive box of cigars from a small store and walks out. A small store clerk, of Indian descent, tries to stop him, looking like a child in comparison on the CCTV. The thug shoves the clerk out of the way and when the clerk bravely remonstrates turns on him menacingly. The perpetrator is stopped by police and tries to grab the police officer’s gun to point it at him. He flees and is later shot when charging a police officer.

Democrats in the United States, and ‘Labour’, in the United Kingdom tell us that the police officer was racist. On the other hand a Grand Jury made up of 12 people, 33% of African American descent, along with 60 witnesses of varying races, found no case to answer. The leftists respond that the there were ‘procedural irregularities’, which amount in fact to the Jury proceedings being made more transparent to avoid allegations of unfairness.

I am a white English guy. If, here in the United Kingdom, I punched out a shop cashier and then assaulted one of our armed police officers whilst trying to force their gun to face them, I would expect to get shot. The Witchfinder has a question to readers. If you acted like Michael Brown, what would YOU expect to happen?

You assaulted a shop cashier and rob their shop. You assault a police officer, grab their gun and force it round to face them. The police catch you and when asked to freeze, you charge. What now?

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Note – give a poor Witchfinder the New Year’s gift of a follow @MHWitchfinder. Please share this poll on Twitter and Facebook.

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