TwitterGate – 4Chan and /Pol/ Allege Scandal of Unimaginable Paedophile Horror on Jack Dorsey’s Watch


Well respected Kotaku In Action member points out that, “Vordrak was right”. Click for full size.

“Vordrak was right”. It is good to be appreciated. Some of you may have noticed last week the disappearance of a large number of Kiwi Farms accounts, but not known why. Now that 4Chan and /Pol/ have begun to move, it is time for me to reveal the horrific and unimaginably depraved truth.

According to Anonymous, Twitter has been hosting an international paedophile ring in which thousands of perpetrators shared child pornography openly in tweets. I have no idea whether it is in the 24,000 range as the Anonymous campaigners allege, but certainly I am aware of online abusers that Twitter has failed to deal with.


Fresh faced, wholesome Jack Dorsey as seen in London two years ago. Picture via Wikipedia Commons. For some reason he does not seem keen on journalists going to his house.

The opening moves came on Friday when I sent a friendly message to Twitter. Now everyone knows that under CEO Jack Dorsey’s failing leadership reporting tweets is a haphazard process at best. Perhaps that is why no one wants to buy the ailing social network and it recently announced the closure of Vine. The risible failure of Twitter to deal with complaints in a reasonable way is widely seen as contributing to the collapse of Twitter’s share price.

Several people including two journalists had reported ban evading users. One of those users had sent adult penis photos to a hashtag used by children and as a group they were suspected of sharing illegal child pornography. The users also openly threatened to mutilate jews.

After nothing was done, I put my LPC Commendation to good use and sent a friendly note to Twitter’s legal team. An extract from my message is as follows –

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Police Terror Documents Underline Why Joshua Conner Moon is an Embarrassment to Trump and the Alt-Right

Recently, this blog obtained internal police documents about the Kiwi Farms linked terror investigation in South Wales earlier this year. The documents enabled me to find fresh evidence that has cast light on the sinister agenda of Kiwi Farms. They also underline why its owner Joshua Conner Moon is a liability to the political movement he has sought to infiltrate.

Extract from South Wales Police Database

This is an extract from the South Wales Police database showing the original report of the terror threats sent to South Wales Police by Dynastia. Matthew Hopkins News has redacted the address of the hospital and everything except the town to protect them from further harassment. Click for full size.

At 7:47am on the 12th September 2016, South Wales Police received a phone call. A journalist at a noted Welsh news organisation had received a specific threat to attend a hospital in Swansea and mutilate children. The communication was signed by “Jihadi Dynastia” and has an Islamic flavour although Dynastia appears to have misspelled, “New Caliphate” as “New Calithate”.

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Share Button Reports that Joshua Conner Moon’s is Banned by Google AdSense


Websites www.CheckAdsenseBan.Com and both report and are banned by Adsense. Click for full size.

In the latest humiliation for Kiwi Farms and its owner Joshua Conner Moon, its Google Adverts seem to have disappeared as of a week or two ago. Whilst Google never comments publicly on such matters, two separate online tools confirm that and are banned.

The ban is a major humiliation for Joshua Conner Moon. estimates that the site is worth $439 per month and that money is now lost to Joshua Moon and his company LOLCow LLC. It is widely acknowledged that Google are one of the best advertising networks by far.

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Steam: Kiwi Farms Group Disappears, but Sickening Deviants who Ran it Remain

Gabe Newell

Gabe Newell the CEO of Valve Software, shamefully allows members of a site that exists solely to harass the disabled, women and children to remain on Steam even after they tried advertise their site, which PayPal recently banned due to its hosting of depraved abuse content. Photograph via Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-2.0, Archive here.

Steam is one of the world’s best known and best loved gaming platforms. It revolutionised the video games market, bringing instant downloads and regular updates to millions of consumers.

Valve Software’s store, however, has a dark side in which sinister and systematic harassment of women, the mentally disabled and even pre-teen children is glorified by a small minority of users.

Recently CEO Gabe Newell and his VP of PR Doug Lombardi were warned of a Steam Group for Kiwi Farms. Whilst the group disappeared soon afterwards Steam has failed to ban the malevolent paedophile minority who made up its members and organisers.

The internet has many sites. Some are good, some are bad and some are simply revolting dregs.

One such dreg is Kiwi Farms. Their mission is clearly set out in their surprisingly honest marketing material. It is worth revisiting the logo they had on their Twitter account before I (along with others) had it permanently suspended.

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The Wisdom of Daniel Schulman: PayPal Swiftly and Decisively Closes CWCKi and KiwiFarms’ Account – by Samuel Collingwood Smith


Strong Leader: PayPal CEO Daniel Schulman was personally notified of the sickening paedo-sexual abuse on CWCki and the company took swift, decisive action. Image courtesy of Wikimedia commons, CC-BY-SA-2.0 license (archive here). Author Kris Klug, Poptech.

CWCki, or ‘Christian Weston Chandler Wiki’ is a website set up by abusers to stalk a vulnerable, mentally disabled man of the same name. Many sites have been set up to stalk and harass Christian Weston Chandler (CWC) over a period of years, apparently for no better reason than he ran into the wrong people on the wrong day.

Content on the site includes lengthy and detailed transcripts and audio of phone sex between CWC and a 13-year-old boy known as BlueSpike who had been enticed into posing as a 19-year old woman for the sick amusement of the deviants who run the site.

For many years, CWCki used PayPal as a payment processor, holding an account associated with the email address, “”. PayPal terms of service (archive here) prohibit accounts being used in connection with activities that may,

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PC Game Review – Siege of Dragonspear DLC by Beamdog Studios

The Witchfinder plays and investigates the controversial add-on, ‘Siege of Dragonspear’, released at the end of March 2016 for well-loved classic roleplaying game Baldur’s Gate. Your author is horrified to discover appalling racism in the troubled product written by so-called ‘progressive’ Amber Scott, from Beamdog Studios. The game has been reviewed in accordance with the MHN Game Review Guidelines.


Refugees smell, according to Beamdog Studios. In Siege of Dragonspear your character is physically prevented from walking upstairs in a building by the ‘odor’ of refugees, despite having adventured in the Baldur’s Gate sewers a few chapters previously. Apparently refugees literally smell worse than sewers in Amber Scott’s world. (Click for full size).

Conservative and neutral writers often satirise the darkly amusing far-left trait of not wanting to socialise with the ‘oppressed’ minority groups they purport to defend. Professor Thomas Sowell, an American of African descent and well respected Conservative academic, describes the recipients of this patronising support as ‘mascots’. ‘Right on’ hard left wingers are often shown to have condescending attitudes, patronising when they intend to help – help they offer whether or not it is wanted. These traits are more than evident in Siege of Dragonspear.

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Racist Bahar Mustafa Should be Jailed

The Witchfinder believes the Malicious Communication Act and similar acts should be reformed to vastly narrow what they cover. However, as long as they exist your author believes they should be applied even-handedly and Bahar Mustafa should be jailed for her bigoted, racist, hate speech – then shunned by decent society as well as employers upon her release.


Bahar Mustafa’s bigoted views that anti-white racism cannot exist have no place in a civilised society. Image is both a parody under s30A Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and a criticism.

The crime that finally caused the BBC to accept that racism could be directed at white people was the tragic murder of Ross Parker.

The senseless killing of this young man by a vicious, racially motivated gang in the British town of Peterborough caused even the infamously leftist BBC to say this –

“Racism was once defined as ‘prejudice plus power’ – […] However, the ‘racist murders’ of Kriss Donald in Glasgow in 2004 and Ross Parker in Peterborough in 2001, young white men killed by Asians, demonstrate how society has been forced to redefine racism”

BBC article here, (archive here). In 2006, the Guardian (Observer) reported UK Home Office figures showing nearly half of all racist murder victims in the preceding decade had been white (archive here). Continue reading

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Akismet Developer Brands KiA a ‘Hate Sub’ on ‘Free Reddit Checker’ Tool – Backs Down When Called on it

The Witchfinder encounters a supremely poorly coded, ‘comedy’ SJW tool for evaluating levels of Reddit ‘bigotry’. The tool, Free Reddit Check, is made by a developer at Akismet manufacturers Automattic and even labels the phrase, ‘sargon of akkad’ as ‘potentially offensive’.


The Akismet official blog promotes their employee’s ‘hack’, saying “[…] being obsessed with content analysis, community moderation, and keeping the web’s underbelly in check, we can’t help but think it’s a nifty idea […]”.

Earlier today I was setting up Twitter preview cards for this site when I noticed a blog by Akismet (archive here). Akismet is the name of a commercial anti-spam tool. It can be used for excluding spam from WordPress blogs. I had evaluated it before but found it unsatisfactory.

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Victim of Racist SJW Murder – Is the Tragedy of Allison Parker, Victim of WDBJ Shooter, America’s Wake Up Call?

Anita Sarkeesian says that "reverse racism" is a "myth". Amy Palamountain calls it, "erasure". Tell that to the family of Ross Andrew Parker, whose life was subject to "erasure" in a killing which even the Guardian called, "racist".

The Ross Andrew Parker murder forced even the British left, such as the BBC and Guardian, to accept the problem of anti-white racism. In an eerie coincidence, today’s racist shooting victim is also called Parker.

A few weeks ago I wrote an article condemning GitHub’s Amy Palamountain for authoring a code of conduct policy that appeared to state complaints of ‘reverse’ racist harassment would not be acted upon. When challenged by numerous complainants GitHub backed down. The code of conduct project has been paused and Palamountain (@ammeep) has been keeping a low profile. The tragic murder earlier today of American journalist Allison Parker and a cameraman underlines my point.

I wrote a follow-up article explaining why expressing such views can be career ending in Britain. Whilst Britain is a pro-equalities nation, even our most left-wing institutions like the Guardian and BBC have long accepted that minority on majority discrimination (e.g. anti-white, anti-straight, anti-male) is real.

The catalyst for this view was the brutal murder of Ross Andrew Parker by an Asian gang in 2001, which led the BBC to say this (archive here) –

“Racism was once defined as ‘prejudice plus power’ – […] However, the ‘racist murders’ of Kriss Donald in Glasgow in 2004 and Ross Parker in Peterborough in 2001, young white men killed by Asians, demonstrate how society has been forced to redefine racism”.

Last year the issue was reinforced by a scandal centred on a town called Rotherham in the UK, where 1,400 underage girls were revealed as having been subject to paedophile rape over a 20 year period. The perpetrators? I quoted feminist Suzanne Moore in the Guardian newspaper (archive here), “men of Pakistani and Kashmiri descent, working in gangs to rape and torture girls”, who “called the girls ‘white trash'”.

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Vicious Racist Murders and Paedophile Rape ‘on an industrial scale’ – the British Tragedies that Prove GitHub’s Amy Palamountain (and Anita Sarkeesian) Horribly Wrong on ‘Reverse Racism’


Anita Sarkeesian says that “reverse racism” is a “myth”. Amy Palamountain calls it, “erasure”. Tell that to the family of Ross Andrew Parker, whose life was subject to “erasure” in a killing which even the Guardian called, “racist”. Picture by Wikipedia user ‘Shakehandsman’, released under CC-BY-SA 3.0 – attribution and license linked here.

Recently GitHub provoked a storm of protest after staffer Amy Palamountain amended a proposed ‘Open Code of Conduct’ such that complaints of harassment arising from ‘reverse-isms’ such as ‘reverse racism’ would not be acted upon. Palamountain is on record as saying, “[…] The intent is deliberate, and I strongly disagree it should be altered to be more lenient to privileged groups […]”. Recent British examples illuminate the terrible folly of that statement.

In my previous article I set out potential legal problems with the TODOGroup Code of Conduct. In this article I want to address the moral and policy arguments around the extreme left belief that ‘reverse racism’ does not exist and cannot do harm. I found this exceptionally offensive as a person living in post-Rotherham Britain.

Consider this extract –

“Racism was once defined as ‘prejudice plus power’ – […] However, the ‘racist murders’ of Kriss Donald in Glasgow in 2004 and Ross Parker in Peterborough in 2001, young white men killed by Asians, demonstrate how society has been forced to redefine racism”.

Is this a Conservative website? A right-wing blog? Nope. I am quoting the BBC (archive here). The brutal killing, in which a 17 year old called Ross Andrew Parker was beaten with a hammer, stabbed and kicked to death before being left in a pool of his own blood caught national news in the UK for its violence and the explicitly racist motives of the killers.

The ideas espoused by controversial activists such as Anita Sarkeesian when she says that “sexism is prejudice + power” (archive here) or when she talks of the “myth” of “reverse racism” (archive here) are ideas that even the BBC admitted were horribly, tragically wrong nearly 10 years ago. The Guardian agreed – no weaselling about ‘reverse-isms’ they called it a ‘racist killing’ (archive here).

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