ANTIFA and the Social Justice Left Cannot Escape Their Share of the Blame for the Tragic Death of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville

In light of the tragic events of this weekend, it is important  (as President Trump says) to condemn hate and extremism in all its forms. It is equally important to put matters in their proper context. On Saturday 12th August 2017 a beautiful young woman called Heather Heyer was killed when a car (apparently driven deliberately) crashed into her during a protest in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States.


Heather Heyer is a tragic victim, but why was she even at the rally? Click for full size.

A suspect has been arrested for the crime and if guilty, they will pay. Even so, how did things reach this stage? Neo-nazis and Ku Klux Klan members like those in Charlottesville used to be laughed at as a pathetic and irrelevant fringe – a sort of far-right live action roleplay group in their weird costumes.

I believe that the answer lies in the legitimisation of violence and intimidation by members of the anti-free-speech, far-left, “Social Justice Warrior” movement and their organisations such as ANTIFA. As a society we need to end extremist left-wing radicalisation of our youth and this may require laws to curb the excesses of those on the far left as well as the far right who contribute to any promotion of violence.

On April 15 of this year, violent riots broke out at Berkeley when black-clad far left thugs associated with the ANTIFA organisation (self described “anti fascists”) caused mayhem along with $100,000 of property damage. The protestors were ostensibly aggrieved at a speech by Milo Yiannopoulos, an openly gay right-wing journalist and agitator. Needless to say, the property damaged did not belong to Yiannopoulos but to the campus. The main victims were not, “Nazis” but innocent students, the majority of whom could not care less about either side.

The events were part of a broader trend of rising violence and intolerance in the United States and Europe, fuelled by extremist leftists – predominantly students and unemployed recent graduates. University culture has shifted over the years, to the extent that even the Guardian Newspaper has criticised the trend, stating that “voices are being silenced”.

Equally sinister, as noted in the Guardian, left-wing student activists are increasingly describing offensive words and images, as “violence” – even a statue of Cecil Rhodes. This redefinition of words or even inanimate statues as “violence” is then used to justify a literally violent response.

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Disgraced Former Teen Vogue Contributor Lara Witt Calls for Stabbing, Poisoning, Murder of Police Officers and Donald Trump

Readers would be forgiven for hoping that “Freelance” “journalist” Lara Witt would have learned her lesson. After Witt’s claims that “white people are evil” and her regrettable comments about Jewish terror victims, Elaine Welteroth, the editor of Teen Vogue publicly distanced herself. Normal people, confronted with their highest profile client backing off, would reconsider their behaviour. Witt however has decided to maximise her unemployability by publishing a calendar on Twitter espousing the murder of police officers (archive), Donald Trump and even feminists whose views she disagrees with.


Being “quite unemployable” is not enough for Lara Witt, here publishing a calendar listing a large number of undesirables to “stab”, “poison” or “kill”. Followers are assigned a task and victim group based on month and day of birth. Click for full size.

A word here about Twitter rules –

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Racist Lara Witt Tries to Silence /r/The_Donald as Teen Vogue Editor Disavows Her

Lara Witt set her Twitter feed to private for a brief period last week. She was not idle during that time, however. Far from learning her lesson about the dangers of hate speech she was engaging in a sinister and failed attempt to silence Redditors, most likely from popular pro-Donald Trump subreddit /r/The_Donald. She also suggested that she would try to use her now threadbare “press” status to pressure Reddit.


In the red corner, top-left, we have Lara Witt, a racist hard leftist I parody here as a Communist. In the bottom-right, patriot blue corner we have /r/The_Donald – a subreddit of decent human beings.

When Twitter leftists set their accounts to private it is rarely because they have learned their lesson. Instead they are seeking an echo chamber free of criticism where only chosen followers can share their thoughts. If more open minded individuals can gain access, the tweets sent privately can be revealing. Often when the account is visible again, tweets of interest are left up, such as Witt’s plans to silence opponents –

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Racist Freelance “Journalist” Lara Witt, Terrorism and the Burning Corpses of Jewish Children

In my last article I dealt with Lara Witt’s comments about white people and her calls for terrorist cyber-attacks on Steve Bannon and Vladimir Putin (amongst others). Since then, it has been revealed (hat tip to Heat Street and author Joe Simonson) that she had also tweeted about Jews. An in depth look at Witt’s horrific views on Jewish victims of terror and on the state of Israel reveals further damning evidence of her hateful views and unsuitability for public life.


Lara Witt was initially defiant. However, it appears she is beginning to perceive, at least dimly, the extent of her error. Her Twitter account is now protected. Click for full size.

Only yesterday Lara Witt was running her mouth off on Twitter, complaining of those who took exception to her remarks that “white people are evil” and claiming my invitation that she comment on the draft of my last article was in some way an attempt at “silencing” her. The response to my article about Witt’s vile anti-white hate speech has been astonishing and touching. Many enemies of bigotry and prejudice have taken up my invitation to politely complain to her clients and to PayPal. Earlier today Witt’s Twitter account became private.

Today’s article will deal with another aspect of Witt’s ugly bigotry – her dark views on Jews and the state of Israel. Heat Street identified a particular tweet by Witt (archive here), in which she states her view that, “I find it despicable that some Jewish figures are decrying rockets being launched at them. Israel has the means to protect itself”. Continue reading

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“Whiteness is evil”: Lara Witt, Racist Freelance Contributer to Teen Vogue also Called for Domestic Terror Cyberattack

I was astonished recently to read on /r/The_Donald that Teen Vogue engaged a virulently racist freelance writer, Lara Witt @femmefeministe (archive here). Witt claims that “[…]white people are evil. Whiteness is evil” (archive here). Such statements could be considered criminal in England. Witt also recently launched a veiled attack on members of 4chan coupled with a bizarre demand they hack US and Russian government email accounts. I asked her clients if they agree and invite readers to share their feelings with Witt’s various editors as well as her donations payment handler over at PayPal.


Lara Witt is a virulent racist, a fact not excused by the alleged historical mistreatment of her ancestors. In the United Kingdom, she would be prosecuted.

In England, section 19 of the Public Order Act 1986 makes it a criminal offence to publish written material which is “threatening, abusive or insulting” if, “19 (1) (b) having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby”. A casual glance at the replies shows that the insulting remark is in fact stirring up racially motivated hatred. The offence is punishable on conviction upon indictment by imprisonment up to seven years. If Lara Witt lived in England, she could be in serious trouble with the law.

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Desecration! Joshua Conner Moon / Null, Islamic Hate, and Destroying the Qur’An

It is well established that Joshua Conner Moon / Null the administrator of vile hate group Kiwi Farms has called for the genocide of Muslims, hosts a thread on how best to produce ‘Islamic Content’ (pose as Muslims) and that his email service has been used to send hoax terror threats in the name of the ‘New Calithate’. Kiwis apparently cannot spell their fake terror threats correctly even with a guide. Now fresh allegations have emerged, as yet unproven, that he produced or distributed a video in which the Qur’an is systematically torn up, wiped in alcohol, wiped with a shoe and then burned.


A Qur’an burns in the video allegedly shared by Joshua Conner Moon. But is he the victim of a hoax?

Links to the video first emerged with the recent mysterious appearance of a web forum devoted to exposing Joshua Moon. The site, named after Moon’s mother and administered under her name, is banned from being linked on this blog or its comments. This is because it lists addresses and phone numbers for Moon’s entire extended family including innocent bystanders.

The site also targets innocents such as Keller Williams real estate agents, former employers of Candice Lynn Potter (Candy Potter), Joshua Moon’s mother. Whilst there is evidence that Candy Potter was a member of Moon’s site she no longer works at Keller Williams and they are no longer connected in any way with Kiwi Farms. Targeting them is not something Matthew Hopkins News can condone.

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A Fool and His Money … Kiwi Farmers Donate to Josh, but What are they Getting?


A Kiwi Farmer diligently saves up. Maybe one day they will be able to afford a whole BitCoin of their very own.

At 3:26am UK time on 21st January 2017 I received an unsolicited email from Joshua Conner Moon. It began thus,

“What is it exactly you want?

I’ve explained to you before that the site has a series of regents. If I die or take it down altogether, the information stays. People have copies of the database.
I want you to consider that I do indeed love my family, but they have no control over me or the site. I’m packing up to leave them behind as we speak. The damage is too great to repair with them. However, they do have things to lose. I am empathetic towards their situation.”

Moon’s mother Candice had parted company with her employer Keller Williams as a result of allegations of her involvement in Kiwi Farms. Josh claimed that he was taking Kiwi Farms down and wanted my help calling off various people who were attacking he and his family –


Josh asks what I want whilst feeding me a ridiculous line about ‘regents’. Click for full size.

I saw the email when I woke up and at first, I thought I may as well help. I have no control over the many people Josh has stalking him. I explained to Moon that the travails he faces are what comes of running a forum that targets vulnerable people. His preferred targets are mentally ill and / or have convictions for violence. I said that I would take down my articles as a gesture of good faith if Kiwi Farms stayed down and that, optionally he could give me the database –


I explained that I would remove my articles about Josh in Goodwill if he would keep Kiwi Farms down. Optionally, he could give me the database. Click for full size.

Josh later spread wild stories about ‘blackmail’ but far from it the offer was, ‘optional’. Of course Josh was telling me risible lies. There were no ‘regents’ he was just trying to create a plausible story to restart the Kiwi Farms under a pseudonym. However he failed to keep his story straight even in the Kiwi Discord channel and it soon collapsed –

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Why the West Should Give Thanks for Putin this Christmas


Vladimir Putin, March 2015 courtesy of image licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.

Since Donald Trump’s election there has been near hysteria from the Democratic Party about ‘Russian hacking’ of Hillary Clinton’s emails and ‘troll farms’ interfering with the United States elections to help get Donald Trump elected (archive here). There is incredibly powerful evidence of Russian innocence. Wikileaks, who released the emails, say they got the ‘hacked’ emails from Democratic staffers and it had nothing to do with Russia (archive here). They are backed in this by a former British ambassador, Craig Murray.

The idea that one of the vipers in the toxic, writhing nest otherwise known as the Democratic Party is behind the leak is vastly more plausible than the idea of some surreal international conspiracy or (see below) the line some leftists are peddling about a plot by space aliens.

Even so, it would be perfectly understandable if Russia and its President Vladimir Putin had decided to put the case for Donald Trump? Why not? During her election campaign Hillary Rodham Clinton planned to establish, ‘no fly zones’ (archive here) in Syria. This led to warnings from retired US military pilots that the reckless policy could provoke a war with Russia.

Worse, the conflict in Syria repeats the same mistakes that have coloured all of western interventions in the Middle East for the past several decades. The Middle East contains many countries and many factions. Almost none of them favours democracy, an idea that the west continues to try to impose despite total, catastrophic, ruinous failure on each attempt.

The most recent disaster is the creation of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the aftermath of the removal of Saddam Hussein. Is there a democracy in Iraq? No – there is a medieval theocracy beheading and burning that according to Bloomberg news sells children aged 1-9 as sex slaves for $165 each (archive here).

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Neocommunist Democrats Try to Steal the Election from Trump, Subvert Electors and Start Nuclear War

The late 20th and early 21st centuries have seen a bizarre role reversal between Russia and America. Where the cold war saw a free market west fighting a communist Russia, now in a bizarre role reversal we see a free-market Russian leader facing aggression from extreme left wingers in the United States, such as lawyers calling for the bombing of Russia (archive here). Whilst it was once the Soviet Union that was undemocratic, now the Left in the United States seeks to undo the outcome of the presidential elections.


A Twitter user calls for the bombing of Russia whilst implying a Republican conspiracy. Click for full size.

Years ago I was a member of the British equivalent of the Democratic Party, Labour. It is easy to support a party like Labour or the Democrats when you are young. They promise a paradise with glib soundbites. They have a ready made villain – their opponents. Most of your teachers will be enthusiastic supporters. Like a Saturday morning cartoon it is all so simple, with goodies and baddies ready made.

Then reality sets in. Every left-wing government that has ever been elected has failed to deliver on its promises because the fantasies that they sell to well meaning, decent people can never be achieved. No socialist government can achieve its vague utopia any more than King Canute could stop the tide coming in or Angela Merkel can repeal the law of gravity.

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The Enemy Within

In this video I expose a vile paedophile internet troll trying to infiltrate the alt-Right, free speech social media network and the movement of good and decent people who supported the election of Donald Trump. This troll, Joshua Conner Moon (@Moon on is an horrific paedophile who spews hate speech to try to damage perceptions of Trump, his supporters and the Alt-Right.

Title music – The Escape – (c) – Machinimasound (Commercial license purchased)

Background music – Through the Night – (c) – Machinimasound (Commercial license purchased)

Also see Raven’s excellent videos –

“Naming and shaming the owner of Kiwifarms”


Also, essential information resource –

“Joshua Conner Moon” at the Kiwi Farms Wiki

Also Matthew Hopkins News –

“Police Terror Documents Underline Why Joshua Conner Moon is an Embarrassment to Trump and the Alt-Right”

“KiwiFarms, Joshua Conner Moon (Null) and Child Pornography”

The full terms of the bounty on Dynastia –

“Court Judgement Imposes Permanent Restraining Order on KiwiDynastia. Up to £5,000 Bounty Offered on his Details”

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