About Samuel Collingwood Smith

Samuel Collingwood Smith was born in the north of England, but his family moved south early in his life and spent most of his early years in Hertfordshire before attending Queen Mary, University of London, where he studied Economics. Sam currently lives in the southeast of England. Smith was employed as a Labour Party fundraiser in the 2001 General Election, and as a Labour Party Organiser in the 2005 General Election. In 2005 Smith was elected as a Borough Councillor and served for 3 years until 2008. In 2009 Smith changed sides to the Conservative party citing division within Labour ranks, Labour broken promises and Conservative improvements to local services. In 2012 Smith started to study a Graduate Diploma in Law, passing in 2014. Smith then moved on to studying a Master's Degree in Law combined with an LPC, receiving an LL.M LPC (with Commendation) in January 2017. During his study, Smith assisted several individuals in high profile court cases as a McKenzie Friend - in one case being praised by Parliamentary petition for his charitable work and legal skills. Smith is also the author of this blog, Matthew Hopkins News, that deals with case law around Family and Mental Capacity issues. The blog also opposes online drama and abuse and criticises extreme-left politicians.

Police Terror Documents Underline Why Joshua Conner Moon is an Embarrassment to Trump and the Alt-Right

Recently, this blog obtained internal police documents about the Kiwi Farms linked terror investigation in South Wales earlier this year. The documents enabled me to find fresh evidence that has cast light on the sinister agenda of Kiwi Farms. They also underline why its owner Joshua Conner Moon is a liability to the political movement he has sought to infiltrate.

Extract from South Wales Police Database

This is an extract from the South Wales Police database showing the original report of the terror threats sent to South Wales Police by Dynastia. Matthew Hopkins News has redacted the address of the hospital and everything except the town to protect them from further harassment. Click for full size.

At 7:47am on the 12th September 2016, South Wales Police received a phone call. A journalist at a noted Welsh news organisation had received a specific threat to attend a hospital in Swansea and mutilate children. The communication was signed by “Jihadi Dynastia” and has an Islamic flavour although Dynastia appears to have misspelled, “New Caliphate” as “New Calithate”.

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Trump’s Moderate, Pragmatic Policies Could Mean Peace in the Middle East. Delusional Leftists Warn of Apocalypse

White Dove Peace

One Presidential candidate wanted to start shooting Russians, but it was not Trump. Is he our best hope for peace? Picture by Nevit Dilmen on Wikimedia Commons via CC BY-SA 3.0.

I am a former Labour Party staffer. In the 2005 General Election I was employed as a Labour Party organiser in Edmonton in Enfield. Even now that I have joined the Conservatives as of 2008, I still keep in touch with some otherwise good and decent people. The election of Donald Trump has reduced many left-wingers to hysteria. Disturbingly, their distress seem based entirely on an inverted view of the actual stated policies of Trump and their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton. I wrote this article in the hope of helping them.

What is Donald Trump’s foreign policy? Let us actually quote him (source Politico magazine, archive here). This is the kind of thing he actually says, calling for America to abandon the –

“dangerous idea that we could make Western democracies out of countries that had no experience or interest in becoming a Western democracy.”

These words are an clear criticism of George Bush and Obama. The remark is bipartisan and aimed at Republican and Democrat alike. Most importantly Trump recognises the tidal wave of blood that the Iraq war and the ongoing Syrian conflict have spread across not only the Middle East but the entire world.

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CheckAdSenseBan.com Reports that Joshua Conner Moon’s Kiwifarms.net is Banned by Google AdSense


Websites www.CheckAdsenseBan.Com and IsBanned.com both report KiwiFarms.net and KiwiFarms.is are banned by Adsense. Click for full size.

In the latest humiliation for Kiwi Farms and its owner Joshua Conner Moon, its Google Adverts seem to have disappeared as of a week or two ago. Whilst Google never comments publicly on such matters, two separate online tools confirm that KiwiFarms.net and KiwiFarm.is are banned.

The ban is a major humiliation for Joshua Conner Moon. Ranksays.com estimates that the site is worth $439 per month and that money is now lost to Joshua Moon and his company LOLCow LLC. It is widely acknowledged that Google are one of the best advertising networks by far.

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High Court Judge Saves 7-Year Old Boy from Being Forced to be Transgender by Abusive Mother


The soothing language of tolerance and inclusion used in relation to ‘transgender’ rights often masks controversial contentions. In this case the judge found that a child was abused due to professional failure to adequately challenge such assertions. Picture via Dreamstime.

In the landmark High Court case J (A Minor), Re [2016] EWHC 2430 (Fam), Mr Justice Hayden placed a child with his father after his mother was revealed to be a drug user, worse who forced the child to live as a girl and even present as transgender despite the fact that when left to his own choices he presented as a boy. Chillingly social services failed to intervene swiftly due to an, “emerging orthodoxy”. Only material released by the judge in his public judgement appears in this article.

F and M, the anonymous parents of little J, separated before he turned one years of age. Contact continued on an informal basis until he was 6, when the father (F) sought a court order when arrangements broke down. In response, M accused him of being a violent alcoholic who could not accept little J’s ‘gender identity’. The mother said that little J presented as a girl.

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Option Model and Media ‘Talent’, Feminist Kristen Mortensen Disappears from Twitter after Publicly Mocking Disabled Man


Option Model and Media ‘Talent’ Kristen Mortensen mocks a disabled man. The tie around his legs is actually of a type used by those with neurological disabilities such as Tourette’s Syndrome or epilepsy to prevent movement. Click for full size.

Kristen Mortensen (until recently @Krist10Mor10sen on Twitter) is a popular and attractive model. According to her professional modelling profile (archive here) she stands at a statuesque 5’10” tall with svelte measurements of 36-28.5-42 and according to her resume she has had a number of gigs. Sadly she is also living proof that beauty is only skin deep. Mortensen has disabled her Twitter account after being called out by public spirited Twitter users for mocking a disabled man using feminism as a justification.

A man on a plane had a belt around his legs. Whatever his reasons, his legs are clearly held together in demure fashion causing no trouble to other passengers as he appears to listen to music. That is all we know. He is keeping to himself.

Most people, male or female would make no comment. Why should they? When most people photograph strangers in public, or on the trains, it is because the person is committing crimes or behaving inappropriately. Random stalking is frowned upon in our society. Kristen Mortensen, a model and actress with outspoken feminist views, thought differently.

When a person on a bus or a train has a bandage or wheelchair, or wears a supporter strap, convention is for the able bodied to give up their seat and generally make accommodations. Kristen Mortensen, a so called ‘talent’ for Option Model and Media, thought differently.

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Dr Ben Harper, Who ‘Created’ Quotes for a Family Court Report, has History

Judge's Hammer Coming Down on Gavel

Dr Ben Harper’s report was excluded from evidence in a family court case by Mr Justice Hayden when purported quotes from a mother during medical examination were found to be, “created by Dr Harper and attributed to the Mother”

Recently Family Law Week reported on the case of Dr Ben Harper (archive here), who was severely criticised by a High Court judge. The case was also covered by Suesspicious Minds (archive here). Matthew Hopkins News reveals that the ‘good’ doctor has a history.

In F (A Minor), Re [2016] EWHC 2149 Dr Ben Harper was commissioned to write a psychological report on the mother of children who are the subject of care proceedings. He wrote an extensive, 70 page report and justified his findings in part by quoting the mother.

In the report, a number of passages were enclosed In italicised quotation marks making strident comments describing previous experts as, for example, “liars”. The only problem with this is that these quotes were made up. The judge found them to be, “[…] created by Dr Harper and attributed to the Mother […]” and also, “[…] a manipulation of material which is wholly unacceptable and, at very least, falls far below the standard that any Court is entitled to expect of any expert witness”.

That much could be easily found on Family Law Week … but it is not the first time a judge has looked askance at a report of Dr Ben Harper. I did a case law search and found three public reported cases naming Dr Ben Harper. One was non-contentious – he had carried out a capacity assessment and found a mother had capacity. The other case was A and B v Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council [2014] EWFC 47.

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Joshua Conner Moon Gave Inaccurate Information to FBI Agent. Contacting Internal Affairs

Awesome investigative journalist Margaret Pless has successfully humiliated Joshua Conner Moon in an article which exposes inaccurate information he gave to the FBI. Earlier this year a number of threats were sent to Okaloosa schools. Josh blamed me, but law enforcement found they came from his email service, lolcow.email. Josh claimed the threats were sent through TOR but he had now disabled it to prevent a re-occurence.


Joshua Conner Moon ‘warns’ a journalist that critical posts about Kiwi Farms and Josh might bring ‘domestic terrorism’ to his doorstep only weeks before said journalist was a victim of terror from Josh’s email service.

In August myself and Ms Pless received emails threatening us. We suspected there were others but could not prove it. The threats included knife death threats and boasted Josh was lying about TOR being disabled. We quietly reported it to the police and FBI.

This week on Monday (12 September) another journalist Josh recently publicly argued with, Jonathan Bishop of Crocels News emailed me stating the police had been round about email threats made to mutilate babies in hospitals and mentioning him. We were not sure it was Kiwi Farms related but pointed out the connection to Welsh police.

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Steam: Kiwi Farms Group Disappears, but Sickening Deviants who Ran it Remain

Gabe Newell

Gabe Newell the CEO of Valve Software, shamefully allows members of a site that exists solely to harass the disabled, women and children to remain on Steam even after they tried advertise their site, which PayPal recently banned due to its hosting of depraved abuse content. Photograph via Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-2.0, Archive here.

Steam is one of the world’s best known and best loved gaming platforms. It revolutionised the video games market, bringing instant downloads and regular updates to millions of consumers.

Valve Software’s store, however, has a dark side in which sinister and systematic harassment of women, the mentally disabled and even pre-teen children is glorified by a small minority of users.

Recently CEO Gabe Newell and his VP of PR Doug Lombardi were warned of a Steam Group for Kiwi Farms. Whilst the group disappeared soon afterwards Steam has failed to ban the malevolent paedophile minority who made up its members and organisers.

The internet has many sites. Some are good, some are bad and some are simply revolting dregs.

One such dreg is Kiwi Farms. Their mission is clearly set out in their surprisingly honest marketing material. It is worth revisiting the logo they had on their Twitter account before I (along with others) had it permanently suspended.

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British Police Open PSD (Internal Affairs) Investigation Over Kiwi Farms Inaction


Why is Kiwi Farms, a website which openly targets women, children, the disabled and critics like me for harassment not closed? Why is its owner, who encourages (abets) these crimes not in prison?

Question – How is it okay for a website to openly organise harassing, fake emails sent in the name of innocent women, to different, equally innocent women? [1] and [2]. Archive here ([A1] and [A2]).

Second question – how is it okay for a prominent member of a website to solicit his friends to send penis photos to women and children [1], [2], [3] (archives [A1], [A2], [A3])?

Third question – how is it okay for said individual to tweet (archive here) pictures of his penis to women and children?

To hack a disabled man’s accounts and to blackmail him to penetrate himself anally? To groom a 13-year old boy to have phone sex with a disabled man whilst posing as a 19-year old girl? To take a vote to target pre-teen children and then actually do it (archive here)? To regularly encourage its members to participate in felonies?

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The Wisdom of Daniel Schulman: PayPal Swiftly and Decisively Closes CWCKi and KiwiFarms’ Account – by Samuel Collingwood Smith


Strong Leader: PayPal CEO Daniel Schulman was personally notified of the sickening paedo-sexual abuse on CWCki and the company took swift, decisive action. Image courtesy of Wikimedia commons, CC-BY-SA-2.0 license (archive here). Author Kris Klug, Poptech.

CWCki, or ‘Christian Weston Chandler Wiki’ is a website set up by abusers to stalk a vulnerable, mentally disabled man of the same name. Many sites have been set up to stalk and harass Christian Weston Chandler (CWC) over a period of years, apparently for no better reason than he ran into the wrong people on the wrong day.

Content on the site includes lengthy and detailed transcripts and audio of phone sex between CWC and a 13-year-old boy known as BlueSpike who had been enticed into posing as a 19-year old woman for the sick amusement of the deviants who run the site.

For many years, CWCki used PayPal as a payment processor, holding an account associated with the email address, “cwcdonation@gmail.com”. PayPal terms of service (archive here) prohibit accounts being used in connection with activities that may,

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