About Samuel Collingwood Smith

Samuel Collingwood Smith was born in the north of England, but his family moved south early in his life and spent most of his early years in Hertfordshire before attending Queen Mary, University of London, where he studied Economics. Sam currently lives in the southeast of England. Smith was employed as a Labour Party fundraiser in the 2001 General Election, and as a Labour Party Organiser in the 2005 General Election. In 2005 Smith was elected as a Borough Councillor and served for 3 years until 2008. In 2009 Smith changed sides to the Conservative party citing division within Labour ranks, Labour broken promises and Conservative improvements to local services. In 2012 Smith started to study a Graduate Diploma in Law, passing in 2014. Smith then moved on to studying a Master's Degree in Law combined with an LPC, receiving an LL.M LPC (with Commendation) in January 2017. During his study, Smith assisted several individuals in high profile court cases as a McKenzie Friend - in one case being praised by Parliamentary petition for his charitable work and legal skills. Smith is also the author of this blog, Matthew Hopkins News, that deals with case law around Family and Mental Capacity issues. The blog also opposes online drama and abuse and criticises extreme-left politicians.

Trump Wins! Pro-Trump Invitation Petition Scheduled for Debate in UK Parliament

After extreme left-wingers created a petition to oppose Donald Trump entering the United Kingdom, supporters of free speech and democracy created a counter petition for Parliament to invite him (sign or view here). Within hours the petition exceeded 100,000 signatures meaning it will be debated in Parliament on 20/02/2017. Despite being created roughly two months later and only being open to UK residents and citizens, the pro-Trump petition is growing far faster and gaining rapidly on the anti-free speech lobby.


Pro-Trump Parliamentary petition smashes 100,000 threshold and will be debated in Parliament on February the 20th 2017. Click for full size.

“[…] you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning,” promised Trump not so long ago. True to his word, once again left-wingers are being humiliated. Roughly two months ago, a petition was created asking Parliament to ban Donald Trump from the UK. That has gained 1.7 million votes. Roughly two days ago a countering petition was created asking Parliament to invite Trump to the UK.

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This Briton Welcomes Trump – New Pro-Trump Petition Live

Last year, leftists raised a petition to stop Donald Trump entering the United Kingdom and were politely told by the Conservative British Government to f*** r**** o** (archive here), “For good reasons the Government does not routinely comment on individual immigration and exclusion decisions”. At the time, MHN raised a counter petition. This year, enraged by Donald Trump’s immediate and unambiguous attempts to keep his campaign promises, they are trying again. I discovered this when people started trying to sign last year’s petition. A new one is now live (link).


Left wing extremists do not speak for the whole of Great Britain. Do not let them – instead ask Parliament to send a message of free speech and welcome to President Trump.

How dare the anti-Trump extreme left presume to speak for the whole of great Britain? They are the authors of failed and discredited polices that have broken our relationship with Europe and threaten to drive the whole EU to collapse. Not in my name. International relations, and trade, are far more important than grandstanding. I would have said the same (albeit slightly less enthusiastically) if it was Hillary.

This extreme arrogance is the same as the Guardian’s campaign to have its readers write to random American voters asking them not to vote for Trump, a campaign that even the BBC admitted backfired spectacularly and humiliatingly for the Guardian (archive here).

Virtue signalling is not a basis for sound foreign policy.

[Update 30/01/2017 – there is already a UK pro-Trump Parliamentary Petition here, but it is only open to UK residents and citizens]

The change.org petition I have made for international supporters of Donald Trump is here.

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Reddit Bans /r/PedoWorld and /r/PedoCity the Day After MHN Article

Last week I posted that Reddit was hosting a child rape subreddit and had been for 3 years. 3 years. It had not been banned even during the controversy over Reddit CEO Steve Huffman’s editing of posts in /r/The_Donald. The day after my article, it was finally banned.


After three years of hosting /r/PedoWorld, Reddit banned it a day after my article. Click for full size.


Reddit, proudly hosting a forum for exchanging child rape images. For three years.

It was not possible to access the subreddit as it was private to members only. Nor would I have tried to access it as the public description was as set out right and I would not have wished to risk committing an offence by viewing it.

Whilst it is pleasing that Reddit acted unusually quickly after the media inquiry, it is regrettable that no action was taken in the preceding three years. Reddit clearly needs to raise its game on identifying and removing child abuse material.

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Kiwi Farms to Return? Not For Long


Kiwi Farms to come back with Null’s approval? Click for full size.

So Kiwifarms is gone, and Dynastia plans to return it using a database backup provided by Josh. What does this mean?

Kiwi Farms closed last week. Victims discovered that the administrator, Joshua Conner Moon lived with his mother. She was the only member of their household with a job and the only earner. Unfortunately it appears she had unwisely joined Kiwi Farms.

After third parties reported her to her employers, she lost her job and Null claimed he was leaving. He shut down the site but claimed he had created three backups for anonymous third parties and linked Kiwis to a Discord channel.

Well wishers have been monitoring that channel. As ever, the Kiwis have no discretion at all. In summary, the former Kiwis have never heard of any regents but have been told the site is coming back next week as a relaunch with Moon’s approval. Dynastia has posted the same on various sites.

This will have simple consequences. Firstly of course if Dynastia is at the centre of a new Kiwi Farms we can expect mass doxing of members. Secondly, if Josh is passing on the database, or perhaps still acting as technical manager of Kiwi Farms, then no historic material here will be removed and any unpublished articles will be reinstated.

Secondly and more importantly Kiwi Farms needs to be dealt with forever. The site content is not the issue, but instead the fact the domain appears in Google and Bing / Yahoo index. Dynastia is always boasting about their SEO. UK law provides a simple remedy for this and appropriate steps will be taken in law the day it returns, if it does.

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Kiwi Farms Down? My Response to Josh

A post on KiwiFarms.net says it is being shut down (archive here)? I am going to respond to Josh’s public post and the private email he sent me. In summary, if it stays down I will keep my promise to remove material about Josh so he can move on with his life. It will not all happen today, because of course they could be trolling.

It will not happen at all if Kiwi Farms re-opens under (say) Dynastia with someone called McNotNullHonest as its technical advisor. As down-payment that I keep my promises, I have just unpublished two articles about Null’s mother. Josh can greatly enhance my trust in that process by providing a complete copy of the Kiwi Farms database including an unredacted copy of the user and private messages tables. Even if he does not, as long as the site stays down I will keep my promise and eventually remove everything.


Kiwi Farms is down. It might be tempting to seek revenge, but instead if it stays down my part in the scrutiny of its former owner will fall away too. Click for full size?

Earlier this year, I told Null that if he took Kiwi Farms down and ensured it stays down, I would remove my articles about him from the internet. I am not legally obliged to do so and they are true articles in the public interest, but the welfare of the vulnerable is more important than my ego. The public interest would diminish if Kiwi Farms stayed down.

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Book Review – Barbarians – Lauren Southern

“Barbarians: How The Baby Boomers, Immigration, and Islam Screwed my Generation” is the debut book on political philosophy by Lauren Southern. The book is a must-read for Conservatives and Matthew Hopkins News recommends it as a purchase. Nevertheless, Lauren Southern is no Ann Coulter – like Ann herself Lauren is sui generis.


Cover of Barbarians. Image used for the purposes of review.

One of the great forces behind the Conservative revival and the crumbling of the failing institutions of the left has been books of political philosophy. Authors such as Ann Coulter became best sellers by challenging the comfortable leftist status-quo.

But Coulter, for all her charms, was by no means the only one. One of my personal favourite writers is Economist Thomas Sowell. An African-American he clawed his way up from poverty and out of the stifling embrace of leftism to become a pre-eminent Economist. He is Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Before I became a Conservative, before I studied computing or law, my undergraduate degree was in Economics and Sowell is a master. His logical, thoughtful and reality-rooted analysis has made him a bulwark of right-wing thought and of course a hate figure to the left. “The Vision of the Annointed”, is an important book and deserves a place on every right-wing  bookshelf.

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Reddit Finally Bans /r/Pedofriends, but Child Rape Subreddit Remains Under Steve Huffman’s Leadership

Reddit claims to be committed to free speech. In reality, it seems to be committed to free speech until it becomes embarrassing or commercially inconvenient. With breath-taking amorality Reddit played host to /r/Coontown for years only to turn on them when they made adverse headlines. Whilst banning /r/Coontown it ignored the plethora of openly paedophile subreddits such as /r/Pedofriends. Now, MHN exposes something far, far worse.


Child abuse victims have publicly called for Steve Huffman’s resignation due to the toleration of paedophile material, one claiming nightmares of him as her abuser. Picture of Steve Huffman used under the parody exception to UK and US copyright law. Click for full size.

In the run-up to the 2016 United States Presidential elections, the Chief Executive of Reddit, Steve Huffman, came into dispute with users of the Donald Trump supporters’ subreddit /r/The_Donald. They once again pointed out the apparently hypocritical targeting of them, using as their example the /r/PedoFriends subreddit. This sub-forum was allegedly a support group for ‘reforming’ paedophiles. However in reality they openly discussed such things as the challenges of downloading child pornography.

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King Dinosaur Games Partners Split as their Lies are Exposed


Joseph Vivolo has split from King Dinosaur Games, the duo he founded with Joshua Perry, blaming Josh for the project’s apparent failure. He should not get off that lightly.

Two years ago, on 22nd October 2014, I was one of 4,689 backers of That Which Sleeps. I am also one of only two original backers to get their money back. Early in development, it soon became apparent to me that the authors had made untruthful statements in their attempts to secure funding. Now the founders have split and all their deceptions have come to light.

The detailed and extremely well presented Kickstarter opened in late 2014. It had a series of well presented videos that appeared to show a 2D strategy game, well underway, on a map using cheap and scrappy placeholder art. All the developers wanted was a little cash, $12,000 for art to complete the game.

The game, we were told, was nearly done –


A note in the ‘Story’ section of the ‘That Which Sleeps’ Kickstarter.

According to the publicity material there was a “working game” and beta was promised for December 2014. Backers would receive a scenario viewer immediately after the project was backed.

All lies.

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Breaking: Twitter Admits Inflated Video Advertisement Views and Overbilling as More Executives Jump Ship

This is yuge. UK Business insider has just revealed (archive here) that due to a software error Twitter has been accidentally reporting higher advertising metrics for some video adverts by up to 35%. This led to customers being overbilled, although they have now received refunds. At roughly the same time, the Chief Technology Officer of Twitter Adam Messinger and Vice President of Product Josh McFarland have also announced their departures from the troubled social media network (archive here).


Twitter ad figures in some cases were inflated by up to 35%. This bird is beginning to look a bit, well, deceased. Image used under the Copyright parody exception.

At the same time, on respected analyst Trip Chowdhry at Global Equities Research released a note describing the Twitter as, “toast”, and opining that stock in the company is worth less than $10 (archive here). That note appears to have been issued before the latest revelations. Continue reading

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7 Faithless Electors Abandon Unfit Candidate … Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump Sweeps Home as Left Plots Sedition

The electoral college results today dramatically confirmed Donald Trump as President-Elect of the United States of America, now on course for inauguration on 20th January 2017. Meanwhile in the ultimate humiliation, whilst leftists had sought to make the electoral collage undo the will of the people and the election results, it was Hillary Rodham Clinton who had 7 times as many faithless voters as Trump.


In the ultimate humiliation, in the electoral college vote today Hillary Clinton suffered 7 times as many defections by faithless electors as Donald Trump. Leftists are now campaigning to stop the, ‘fascist regime’ ‘before it starts’. MHN says it WAS stopped. Click for full size.

In Washington 4 Democrat electors successfully voted against Hillary Rodham Clinton (archive here), exercising what the left calls their constitutional mandate to vote with their conscience against a clearly unqualified candidate. In Minnesota, Maine and Colorado others tried to vote against Clinton.

Despite the ongoing humiliation and rejection, leftist hysteria over the election result has grown and some are now effectively advocating massive civil unrest across the United States in an effort, by their own admission, to overturn the results of a lawful election.

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