About Samuel Collingwood Smith

Samuel Collingwood Smith was born in the north of England, but his family moved south early in his life and spent most of his early years in Hertfordshire before attending Queen Mary, University of London, where he studied Economics. Sam currently lives in the southeast of England. Smith was employed as a Labour Party fundraiser in the 2001 General Election, and as a Labour Party Organiser in the 2005 General Election. In 2005 Smith was elected as a Borough Councillor and served for 3 years until 2008. In 2009 Smith changed sides to the Conservative party citing division within Labour ranks, Labour broken promises and Conservative improvements to local services. In 2012 Smith started to study a Graduate Diploma in Law, passing in 2014. Smith then moved on to studying a Master's Degree in Law combined with an LPC, receiving an LL.M LPC (with Commendation) in January 2017. During his study, Smith assisted several individuals in high profile court cases as a McKenzie Friend - in one case being praised by Parliamentary petition for his charitable work and legal skills. Smith is also the author of this blog, Matthew Hopkins News, that deals with case law around Family and Mental Capacity issues. The blog also opposes online drama and abuse and criticises extreme-left politicians.

New and Sinister Threats to Hertfordshire Children by Kiwi Farms, Will Authorities Take Action?

Earlier this evening, I received an email from Oliver Smith, a Kiwi Farms victim (no relation). I had been in touch to check the progress of a complaint he had made to police. His reply was chilling. An email from “Dynastia’s Apprentice” and tracing back to Joshua Conner Moon’s email service, lolcow.email had been sent to Oliver, a Hertfordshire MP and a local school. Subject: “we will stalk little sue denim at grove road school” (I have changed the child’s name throughout to anonymise them). Grove road is a primary and nursery school. The email demanded that sites and articles critical of Moon’s website Kiwi Farms be taken down or a named child, “sue” would be stalked, presumably in line with official Kiwi Farms policy as set out below.


Kiwi Farm’s official policy on doxing underage children. Click for full size.

The forum, Kiwi Farms is well known for having publicly taken a vote making it policy to target underage children (archive here) and then carrying it out by harvesting pictures of children as young as five like the son of prominent left-wing academic Marian Aanerud.

Joshua Moon, owner of Kiwi Farms also previously owned the now defunct 16chan, which had a board called [paedo]/phile/ for child rape stories. The rules of 16chan, written by Moon expressly permitted such material, which he described as, “child fetishism” and he did not remove child rape stories or the /phile/ board. One story, as recounted in my video, “Enemy Within” included a “fantasy” of the kidnapping, mutilation and murder of a 5-year old child. Specifically a hole was sliced in them and they were raped to death through it. For reasons such as this, many people would like police to take a keen interest in Kiwi Farms users and donors.

The text of the email is as follows –

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Joshua Perry of King Dinosaur Games is “2 Handsome” for That Which Sleeps

The Kickstarter for vapourware indie PC game “That Which Sleeps” allegedly to be published by King Dinosaur Games (KDG), is infamous for the large amount of money taken and the absence of delivery. As I reported in my article, “Those Who Wait”, the project is years overdue. In “King Dinosaur Games Partners Split” I recounted how the partnership had split, with many of their statements (by which they had obtained monies) exposed as flat out lies. Now it appears that KDG’s sole remaining partner Joshua Perry is connected to another, very similar overdue Kickstarter – “Stay Out of My Dungeon” by 2 Handsome Games.


The glossy promotional video for, “Stay Out of my Dungeon”.

Back in 2012, long before “That Which Sleeps” was a thing, King Dinosaur Games made the following Tweet (still here, archived here) –


King Dinosaur Games considered using the “2 Handsome Guys” name instead. Click for full size.

In fact, unknown until now, whilst “That Which Sleeps” languished in development limbo Joshua Perry was attempting another failed Kickstarter called, “Ready Check” (archive here) under the “2 Handsome Guys” brand. He is the registered owner of the website http://www.2handsomegames.com/ and has been since its inception.

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Trump Boosted as American College of Paediatricians Describes Transgender Ideology as Child Abuse

Respected United States medical association the American College of Paediatricians has issued an updated position statement on gender identity that strongly boosts President Donald Trump’s decision on access to private areas in schools. Trump decided to rescind Federal guidance issued by the Obama administration compelling schools to allow ‘transgender’ students access to the locker rooms and toilets of their choice regardless of the discomfort caused to others.


The respected American College of Pediatricians is resolved to speak truth and not political ideology.

The controversial Obama policy was part of a trend, pushed by militant extreme left-wing activists, of forcing society to accept that biological sex is not an objective physical fact but rather an ‘identity’, expressed in such absurdities as statements that, “my penis is female” and “not all women have a vagina”.

Many feminists and indeed less political females have expressed discomfort with full or partial nudity in front of biological males and have been subject to intimidation and ostracism by the ‘social justice’ left. In particular there have been numerous cases of offenders exploiting ‘transgender’ rights to facilitate access to victims.

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Escalation and Codero.com

Yesterday a well wisher determined that hate group Kiwi Farms was being hosted by service provider Codero.com. Action was swiftly taken to draw this to the company’s attention as Codero has very clear policies against hate speech and disclosure of personal information. Today Kiwi Farms reported an outage (archive here). It is unclear if this relates to host loss but verification is in progress and if necessary further action will be taken. Supporters are now able to reliably identify Kiwi Farms’ hosts on a regular basis. As Kiwi Farms breaks the terms of nearly every known hosting company, it is likely to be quickly moved on.

The incident does give an opportunity to explain a new tactic. In the past, when Kiwi Farms has been banned by hosts it has often been able to obtain refunds even when the owner has clearly committed a repudiatory breach of contract. A new approach for the anti-Kiwi campaign is to ask terminating hosts to withhold funds where they are legally entitled to do so.

For example, if a hosting company has a policy against publishing phone numbers and has to spend engineer time investigating allegations that a site has published phone numbers before terminating the account then they should withhold relevant funds.

Not all hosts will comply, but many will and the mere existence of this strategy should have a profound effect on Kiwi Farms funds. It means that Joshua Conner Moon cannot pay for significant periods of hosting in advance without risking the whole amount being lost. As pre-purchase often attracts significant discounts, this will increase the monthly costs of running Kiwi Farms even before litigation and other expenses.

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The Stalkers Stalked! Troll Sets Up Sinister Site Targeting Joshua Conner Moon as Dynastia Loses his Cool

For some time now, Matthew Hopkins News has covered the depraved website Kiwi Farms. The site boasts it is set up to exploit the mentally disabled for “amusement”, has been repeatedly closed and moved in some case by hosting companies that said the site contained child pornography. Joining the site requires applicants to watch a video of vulnerable adults in unpleasant situations (such as a seriously disabled female self harming) and correctly answer questions (example archived here – video greyed out but question visible). Now in the face of police inaction, anonymous vigilantes have taken the law into their own hand and promise equally vicious escalation.

For my part, please note that I do not condone criminal activity of any kind. If this site receives emails from persons contemplating or committing serious future or ongoing criminal acts such as terrorism or violence I shall disclose them to appropriate law enforcement agencies without warning.


Kiwi Farms NOT (KFN) is a sinister forum set up to harass Joshua Moon’s family in retaliation for his creation, Kiwi Farms. The URL has been blacked out and although the forum can easily be found on Google it will not be linked from here. Click for full size.

The site owner of Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon (also known as Null, IBan and Ichverbot) has intentionally hosted child rape stories on his now defunct image site 16chan and boasted of masturbating to Neko Shota (cartoon child pornography featuring boys). Whilst Kiwi Farms claims that under its rules members merely comment and do not harass this is an obvious lie – they frequently post addresses and phone numbers exhorting each other to contact their victims. Terrorist threats in Pensacola, Florida and Wales, United Kingdom have been linked to the site. In January, the site went down but it was restarted this month under the same owner. Continue reading

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Projection: Vicious Leftist Smears About Milo Yiannopoulos Hide Their Own Dark Secrets

Readers can tell recent allegations that Milo Yiannopoulos defended paedophilia are false for a simple reason – leftists are not lining up to laud him. Matthew Hopkins News puts Milo in his proper context.


Milo Yiannopoulos is a thoughtful and kindly man, not a defender of paedophiles, which is why hard left wingers hate him. Milo pictured with Matthew Hopkins News editor Sam Smith.

For years, the left has attacked Conservatives with intimidation, innuendo and smears. At the same time, a variety of left-wingers in a variety of guises have sought to defend, mitigate and humanise the vilest of sex offenders. Noted activist Peter Tatchell in the UK contributed to the book ‘Betrayal of Youth’ in which he wrote, “What purpose does it [the age of majority] serve other than reinforcing a set of increasingly quaint, minority moral values left over from the Victorian era?” Some on the left literally want to abolish the age of consent entirely.

During the #GamerGate scandal about ethics in gaming journalism, Milo Yiannopoulos exposed several particularly sinister individuals, including the infamous ‘Sarah’ Nyberg (archive here), a transsexual who claimed to be a white nationalist paedophile and to be attracted to the white half of a mixed-race preteen girl. Yiannopoulos also exposed the creepy leftists defending ‘her’ (archive here).

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Kiwi Farms Database for Sale?

Yesterday a mysterious poster offered the Kiwi Farms database for sale, “hypothetically”. In fact emails inviting bids in bitcoin have been circulating for some time, with the author suggesting they are willing to conduct the final transaction on one of the Darknet marketplaces. These are “reputable” markets for criminal goods, similar to the infamous ‘Silk Road’ where a third party holds funds in escrow until the vendor has proven they carried out a contract. Is it the real deal, however, or a hoax?


The 8chan, ‘Baphomet’ board has numerous threads for buying, selling and swapping stolen databases.

Who has a copy of the Kiwi Farms database? During the site’s recent closure, Joshua Conner Moon (Null) emailed me on 21/01/2017 to tell me this, “I don’t have a copy of the database but anonymous regents do. I don’t know any of them beyond their screen names. After you sabotaged a few server solutions I had set up, I created a living archive with a few people I called my regents.”

For Kiwi Farmers worried about the database, if you believe Null, he has put the database (including your futures) in the hands of anonymous strangers. Of course as Kiwi Farmers in good standing they are doubtless totally trustworthy. If we believe Null, even he cannot trace these people. So what happens if a ‘regent’ sells the database on /Baphomet/ or Hansa market? Answer – they get the money.

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Desecration! Joshua Conner Moon / Null, Islamic Hate, and Destroying the Qur’An

It is well established that Joshua Conner Moon / Null the administrator of vile hate group Kiwi Farms has called for the genocide of Muslims, hosts a thread on how best to produce ‘Islamic Content’ (pose as Muslims) and that his email service has been used to send hoax terror threats in the name of the ‘New Calithate’. Kiwis apparently cannot spell their fake terror threats correctly even with a guide. Now fresh allegations have emerged, as yet unproven, that he produced or distributed a video in which the Qur’an is systematically torn up, wiped in alcohol, wiped with a shoe and then burned.


A Qur’an burns in the video allegedly shared by Joshua Conner Moon. But is he the victim of a hoax?

Links to the video first emerged with the recent mysterious appearance of a web forum devoted to exposing Joshua Moon. The site, named after Moon’s mother and administered under her name, is banned from being linked on this blog or its comments. This is because it lists addresses and phone numbers for Moon’s entire extended family including innocent bystanders.

The site also targets innocents such as Keller Williams real estate agents, former employers of Candice Lynn Potter (Candy Potter), Joshua Moon’s mother. Whilst there is evidence that Candy Potter was a member of Moon’s site she no longer works at Keller Williams and they are no longer connected in any way with Kiwi Farms. Targeting them is not something Matthew Hopkins News can condone.

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Comment Policy

It has been drawn to my attention that someone has posted links to personal details in the comments section. Posting of (private) address, phone number or email will lead to removal or ban. Public addresses, (such as company CEO or board member emails for a petition) is permissible. There is a new comment policy in place in the ‘About’ section.

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A Fool and His Money … Kiwi Farmers Donate to Josh, but What are they Getting?


A Kiwi Farmer diligently saves up. Maybe one day they will be able to afford a whole BitCoin of their very own.

At 3:26am UK time on 21st January 2017 I received an unsolicited email from Joshua Conner Moon. It began thus,

“What is it exactly you want?

I’ve explained to you before that the site has a series of regents. If I die or take it down altogether, the information stays. People have copies of the database.
I want you to consider that I do indeed love my family, but they have no control over me or the site. I’m packing up to leave them behind as we speak. The damage is too great to repair with them. However, they do have things to lose. I am empathetic towards their situation.”

Moon’s mother Candice had parted company with her employer Keller Williams as a result of allegations of her involvement in Kiwi Farms. Josh claimed that he was taking Kiwi Farms down and wanted my help calling off various people who were attacking he and his family –


Josh asks what I want whilst feeding me a ridiculous line about ‘regents’. Click for full size.

I saw the email when I woke up and at first, I thought I may as well help. I have no control over the many people Josh has stalking him. I explained to Moon that the travails he faces are what comes of running a forum that targets vulnerable people. His preferred targets are mentally ill and / or have convictions for violence. I said that I would take down my articles as a gesture of good faith if Kiwi Farms stayed down and that, optionally he could give me the database –


I explained that I would remove my articles about Josh in Goodwill if he would keep Kiwi Farms down. Optionally, he could give me the database. Click for full size.

Josh later spread wild stories about ‘blackmail’ but far from it the offer was, ‘optional’. Of course Josh was telling me risible lies. There were no ‘regents’ he was just trying to create a plausible story to restart the Kiwi Farms under a pseudonym. However he failed to keep his story straight even in the Kiwi Discord channel and it soon collapsed –

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