About Samuel Collingwood Smith

Samuel Collingwood Smith was born in the north of England, but his family moved south early in his life and spent most of his early years in Hertfordshire before attending Queen Mary, University of London, where he studied Economics. Sam currently lives in the southeast of England. Smith was employed as a Labour Party fundraiser in the 2001 General Election, and as a Labour Party Organiser in the 2005 General Election. In 2005 Smith was elected as a Borough Councillor and served for 3 years until 2008. In 2009 Smith changed sides to the Conservative party citing division within Labour ranks, Labour broken promises and Conservative improvements to local services. In 2012 Smith started to study a Graduate Diploma in Law, passing in 2014. Smith then moved on to studying a Master's Degree in Law combined with an LPC, receiving an LL.M LPC (with Commendation) in January 2017. During his study, Smith assisted several individuals in high profile court cases as a McKenzie Friend - in one case being praised by Parliamentary petition for his charitable work and legal skills. Smith is also the author of this blog, Matthew Hopkins News, that deals with case law around Family and Mental Capacity issues. The blog also opposes online drama and abuse and criticises extreme-left politicians.

Shameful Labour Expel 70 Year Old Disabled Woman Over Single Tweet – How She Can Sue

In a heart rending story, left-leaning blog the Skwawkbox reported how Labour have shamefully expelled a 70 year old member with a confirmed diagnosis of bi-polar disorder for a single tweet during a manic episode. A barrister, Duncan Shipley-Dalton has confirmed that this is likely unlawful under the EA 2010 and I agree. As it happens I have a knowledge of political party disciplinary case law and consider that there is also likely a claim in contract law. In this article, I have been sufficiently moved to expand on the barrister’s opinion and offer to help for free.

Two Irate Looking Judges

Some angry judges. What might happen if this went to court.

Firstly, I agree with the barrister that the conduct is indirect discrimination and in any event as he says the current rule book confers no such power. However, I would add that if it did, it would likely fall foul of –

Where expulsions from political parties are litigated, there is also case law requiring clubs and other such organisations to follow their own rules, for example, Lee v Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain [1952] 2 QB 329. I also observe that it is particularly disturbing if Labour are using a bot on either Twitter or Facebook to expel people.

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UK Labour Falls Further Under the Control of Anti-Trump Corbyn Faction

The recent elections to the Labour Party National Executive Committee mark a decisive and critical turning point in UK Labour’s destiny. If (or as is looking likely, when) the NEC falls under the sway of the Jeremy Corbyn supporting left all of the last bulwarks of Blairite and centrist resistance will suddenly begin to dissolve. This will leave one of the UK’s two largest parties further under the control of its leader, who has bitterly attacked US President Trump for “pandering to racism”.


The sun is going down for the Right of Labour and it is time for them to go.

The British Labour Party, once led by Tony Blair, has long had a byzantine structure. At the bottom are the members, divided into “branches” along the lines of County Council seats. Each Branch has a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and sends delegates to their “Constituency Labout Party” (CLP), which has an executive committee, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and a plethora of other roles.

Together, these institutions select the Labour candidates for Parliament, Mayoral elections and city councils. This is the UK equivalent of a primary election. Much like Ace Ventura’s medallion of spiritual enlightenment or a voluntary Wikipedia role, the tiny amounts of power handed out are almost worthless. In reality selections, especially for Parliamentary seats, are closely supervised by regional and national officials. Real power is carefully concentrated above whilst activists below are given only its illusion. Continue reading

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MHN Repudiates Hate, Alt-Right, “Generation Zyklon” and Similar Unacceptable Comments

Just a brief note. I have seen some people, even some people I like stretch too far in the direction of hate speech. I have a much stricter definition of hate speech than the left, who now include essentially anything they disagree with. However, it is one thing to be pessimistic about the future and another to sound like you want a new holocaust.

When the term alt-Right was first used, it was for scepticism towards speech controls, extreme political correctness and reckless immigration policies. It has drifted to the extreme right effectively including Nazism and I repudiate it completely. Their remains a new right that represents a modern Conservative thought without the extremism and that is where I stand.

The same applies to publications. As put, alt-Hero is a brilliant satire intended to rile up the far left. It was sold on a promise of apolitical, “storylines not social justice”. I will read it with an open mind – other Castalia House books have been good. However, if it were to go too far I would simply not buy the followup or merchandise.

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Twitter Disables Donald Trump’s Account – Mr President, Please, Get On Gab

In the latest epic Twitter fail, the ailing social network disabled the US President’s account for 11 minutes. It was restored later and the network claimed the outage was due to an employee on their last day. The lack of professionalism speaks for itself.


Twitter – Like Someone Crashed a Clown Car Into a Gold Mine!

The negative experiences of Trump and other Right-wingers on Twitter mirror my own. In 2016 I was temporarily suspended from Twitter. After legal correspondence, they unsuspended me but after various further Twitter fails I deleted my accounts. Subsequently, trolls impersonated me using my old names and I had to make further legal threats to get them banned.

Twitter also did not even act in a timely fashion to ban an account claiming to represent the ‘Child Porn Captial[sic] of the Internet’ until I and others put in media inquiries (including my threat to have Jack Dorsey personally served with legal documents and to invite Breitbart to photograph said delivery).

Twitter is not the only option – there are new games in town including social media network Gab, which has repeatedly and unfairly been accused of being a platform for white supremacists but which in fact hosts a growing and diverse community. Gab still has a way to go of course, like any social media network. I would like to see Andrew Torba and Vox Day reconcile.

If Trump were to move to Gab, praising the social network for its diverse voices, he would cause a massive influx of users to Gab and a crash in Twitter stock prices.

Why not let him know? Gab users who would like the President to join them can drop a line to press@whitehouse.gov or via the form here (ideally, both).

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Why Should Grant Shapps MP be Conservative Party Leader?

Grant Shapps MP

Grant Shapps MP

Full disclosure: I know Grant Shapps and have done for years. I have been to his house. He was a good Conservative Party Chairman and is a competent campaigner. He is a great local MP. Becoming leader of the Conservative Party, however, is a big ask. Like Margaret Thatcher before him, Grant has struck first. Unfortunately, so far that is all that he has going for him. Shapps has the potential to be Party leader but he needs to seriously raise his game, setting out a clear vision for country and party.

The question at the top of this article is not rhetorical. The 2015 General Election was an unexpected victory for the Conservatives and Grant Shapps was one of the main drivers. He deserved to be rewarded, but instead he was sacked from the cabinet due to vicious and untrue allegations made against him by a Wikipedia administrator, Richard Symonds. A ruling of the Wikipedia Arbitration committee later exonerated Shapps and humiliated the Guardian newspaper.

Those who claim Shapps had nothing to do with the victory are being nonsensical – they would have been quick to blame him if the election was lost. Shapps’ successors as Conservative campaign organisers had a far better hand to play in the 2017 election – starting far further ahead in the polls. They squandered it.

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Abaddon Publishing’s David Moore, FantasyCon 2017 and Punching Trump Supporters (and the Disabled)

Racism on our streets is a repugnant sight but this author has campaigned against the extremists for 20 years without the need for violence. Vigilante violence is never acceptable, leading to harm against bystanders, victims of mistaken identity and the vulnerable. That is why it is so serious when extremists like Abaddon Books’ Commissioning Editor David Thomas Moore (who is attending FantasyCon 2017 this year) normalise or advocate violence. HWS Events, which is organising the event, has made a statement about this after receiving legal correspondence from MHN, reminding attendees of its harassment policy and right to exclude anyone who threatens violence.


“IS IT OK TO PUNCH THE SITH?” asks this image on David Moore’s timeline. Comments by his followers make it clear they take it to mean Nazis. And by Nazis, they mean Trump supporters. Click for full size.

“Is it okay to punch Nazis?”, asks the far Left. The question is seductive, bringing to mind the first recent Captain America film or perhaps Indiana Jones, exciting stories of a world at war in a simpler time. Abaddon Books’ Commissioning editor David Moore poses the question on his Facebook timeline in a somewhat loaded form, “Is it okay to punch the Sith?” In a wartime drama or a science fiction fantasy world the answers might seem simple – but the real world is no longer at war and the questions are no longer simple at all. Looking at the replies to the question, what David’s followers understand is “Is it okay to punch people whom I disagree with?” And the troubling answer they give is, “yes”. A specific example given is Donald Trump’s presidency.

A dictionary definition of extremist is here“A person who holds extreme political or religious views, especially one who advocates illegal, violent, or other extreme action.” (archive).

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Horrific Abuse Scandal at SJW Enfield Council but No Apology from Labour Leader Doug Taylor

This article is based on a judgement reported and made public by HHJ Hilder. I have discovered the identities of some of the abusers but for now I have precisely followed the judge’s anonymisations whilst I clarify the precise court orders in force. In due course I may, if necessary, apply to the court for a variation.


SHAME – Worthless Labour councillor Doug Taylor is leader of Enfield Council. The abuse happened on his watch, yet he has not apologised to victims and their families.

Recently, the case of The Public Guardian v Matrix Deputies Ltd & Anor (Rev 1) [2017] EWCOP 14 appeared on BAILII. The case is shocking, but would have been completely secret had not Her Honour Judge Hilder commendably and of the court’s own motion made it public.

In summary, the London Borough of Enfield, by some procurement process that remains opaque (and in relation to which Enfield seem to have ignored my questions), decided to outsource the management of the property and affairs of vulnerable clients. In the UK, if a person lacks mental capacity to manage their finances due to (for example) dementia or severe learning disability, then they may be subject to a Deputyship – a court order appointing someone to do it for them.

Matrix Deputies is a UK limited company and the judge has permitted them to be named. The company and its officers were involved in Deputyships for 52 clients, 8 of which are now dead. The court proceedings began when the UK Public Guardian applied to terminate all of those Deputyships on the grounds of financial abuse. According to the schedules in the judgement, incidents of concern were occurring at least since 2014.

After the Public Guardian made the application it appears at some point the London Borough of Enfield was appointed as an interim Deputy by order of 17 February 2016 was ordered to investigate the affairs of the clients and the dealings by Matrix. This investigation was conducted on the council’s behalf by PwC, the well known accountants. The investigation cost roughly a quarter of a million pounds (£250,000) in part due to non-cooperation by Matrix Deputies. The money has yet to be fully recovered.

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Female Doctor Who Jodie Whittaker Backs MenCap Campaign to Avoid Multi-million Back Pay Bill Over to Minimum Wage Workers

The new actor portraying Dr Who, Jodie Whittaker, has waded into a highly charged and controversial debate about back pay for low-paid vulnerable care workers. A number of care organisations have been found to be unlawfully paying below minimum wage and the government has been seeking back pay. Ms Whittaker has sought to help the charities avoid their liabilities, backing a campaign for the taxpayer to foot the bill instead.


This disabled worker had to use a food bank when MenCap paid him less than £3 an hour. Click for full size.

I have stayed out of the heated debate about the casting of a female Dr Who. Recasting a much loved character – even changing the colour of their cape – is often a controversial topic. Fans grow attached to characters who (being fictional) are defined solely by their brand and fictional attributes. Turning the entire Time Lord people into a race of transsexuals by retconning the possibility of regeneration into another biological sex was always a controversial proposition.

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Trump Nails It – Alt-Left (Antifa) Shares the Blame for Tragic Death

This. Trump nails it. In a past article I said that the Klan and Neo-Nazis were vile and to be condemned … but the Klan and the Nazis are a tiny minority of weirdos. They would have had their little protest and left. The alt-left however are a violent group who arrived looking for a fight. Through out our society the left seek to silence other voices and excuse themselves from civility on the basis that the other side are “evil”. Since we are talking about Nazis anyway, was that not their argument for the genocides they committed?

Trump is absolutely right to condemn the Nazis but right to condemn the thugs who riled the situation up. Anyone involved in political violence must be charged, convicted and punished.

Trump also raises valid questions about a revisionist approach to history.

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Patreon and CEO Jack Conte Knowingly Monetise Paedophilia, Cannibalism and Rape Material

Patreon has been involved in controversy recently, banning beautiful and charismatic Right-wing journalist Lauren Southern. The payment platform justified its actions with the following words, “It appears that you are currently raising funds in order to take part in activities that are likely to cause loss of life”. Southern had made videos portraying a group called “Defend Europe” positively. The group operates boats in the Mediterranean and says it seeks to save lives by preventing human trafficking. Opponents say they seek to sink refugee ships but no arrests have been made.

Know what else endangers life? Child rape. Laws against paedophilia vary between jurisdictions – paedophile photographs are illegal pretty much everywhere, but pure text stories such as the infamous book, “Lolita” are general not illegal. Laws on cartoons vary from country to country.

The public pages of the Patreon user “waysin” contain a number of legal and heavily censored cartoons of young boys, but the page is pretty clear – if users pay for the content the digital figleaves will be removed and they will be getting pictures of boys in the 5-10 year age range being bestially raped by tentacles. Furthermore, and critically, “waysin” says he knows that the material behind the paywall (which your author did not view) is illegal in Taiwan where he lives.


Patreon knowingly assists users in distributing sexual material related to children that is illegal in the jurisdiction of the user. MHN was told about this account by a whistle blower. The account was drawn to the attention of Patreon and Jack Conte personally, but not removed. Click for full size.

It is important to fully scrutinise this. Because of the abhorrent nature of child sexual exploitation, many companies have rules that any material, legal or not that sexualises children is forbidden. Patreon has a policy to that effect. Yet, when I drew this specific account to their attention, Patreon failed to take action.


Patreon Community Guidelines state that any material that sexualises children is forbidden. When I drew the ‘waysin’ account to their attention they did not enforce the rule. Click for full size.

Patreon also claims to forbid breaking the law, or encouraging others to do so –

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