About Samuel Collingwood Smith

Samuel Collingwood Smith was born in the north of England, but his family moved south early in his life and spent most of his early years in Hertfordshire before attending Queen Mary, University of London, where he studied Economics. Sam currently lives in the southeast of England. Smith was employed as a Labour Party fundraiser in the 2001 General Election, and as a Labour Party Organiser in the 2005 General Election. In 2005 Smith was elected as a Borough Councillor and served for 3 years until 2008. In 2009 Smith changed sides to the Conservative party citing division within Labour ranks, Labour broken promises and Conservative improvements to local services. In 2012 Smith started to study a Graduate Diploma in Law, passing in 2014. Smith then moved on to studying a Master's Degree in Law combined with an LPC, receiving an LL.M LPC (with Commendation) in January 2017. During his study, Smith assisted several individuals in high profile court cases as a McKenzie Friend - in one case being praised by Parliamentary petition for his charitable work and legal skills. Smith is also the author of this blog, Matthew Hopkins News, that deals with case law around Family and Mental Capacity issues. The blog also opposes online drama and abuse and criticises extreme-left politicians.

After Speaker’s Corner, Tommy Robinson Should Man Up and Sue


Tommy Robinson – I do not agree with him, but he should not be silenced in this way.

I do not agree with the EDL. I am a Conservative and I do not agree with everything Tommy Robinson says. However, the destructive attempts to undermine his rights to free speech by preventing him speaking at Speaker’s Corner threaten our democracy. Even Marx and Lenin were allowed to speak at Speaker’s Corner. Yet, Robinson was stopped by police and non-UK activists Lauren Southern, Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner were denied entry to the United Kingdom.

The law is set up so police can get away with low grade intervention – that is, talking to people and asking them to do things not technically within their powers. However, now the authorities are clearly overreaching and Robinson, Southern et al should sue.

UK police often seek to use persuasion to resolve problems. Some are reasonable but others go too far – often under pressure themselves from politicians or others. Police will invent imaginary powers or exercise real ones with willful perversity. Such actions tend to evaporate in the face of a complaint and letter of claim, particularly if you are reasonable and keep your temper. I usually do not name police officers because when they overreach it is often in the face of a powerful complainant. For example last month barrister and MP Ellie Reeves complained about a media inquiry I sent her. After discussion, police took no further action and silence descended from Reeves.

There are those who will be instinctively hostile to Tommy Robinson. They need to realise how dangerously far the envelope of free speech in Britain has been restricted. Robinson’s views on transgender persons are more liberal than the hundreds of Labour Party feminists who are threatening to resign if the Labour NEC allows male-bodied-persons on all-women shortlists. He is more liberal on Islam than the Women’s March 2018 who walked through London to protest the encroachment on their rights, “Feminists March against Sharia Law, Gender, and Patriarchy”. He is more moderate on Islam than the LGBT group, “Gays Against Sharia”. Continue reading

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Lauren Southern, Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner Denied Entry to UK – Can they Bring a Judicial Review? (Yes)


Conservative Commentator Lauren Southern – Image via Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY Unported License.

In a further recent example of the increasingly sinister interference with free speech demonstrated by the United Kingdom authorities, Conservative activists Lauren Southern, Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner have been denied entry to the United Kingdom. Whilst I disagree with some of their policies, some points they raise are valid and critically they are peaceful political critics who do not advocate violence. Persons denied entry to the UK are frequently told that they have no right of appeal. However, it is possible to bring a judicial review or claim under the European Convention on Human Rights, which may be appropriate in this case.

In the UK, sinister attempts to use criminal law against political opponents are on the rise. In 2015 I received a written apology from the police. They had given me a police information notice for harassment, but it was revoked when I served a letter of claim and a police complaint. The apology and formal rescinding of the PIN is at the bottom of my article here.

Last month I wrote an article about Labour’s Ellie Reeves MP entitled, “Ellie Reeves MP and the Corpses of Children”. Ellie Reeves contacted police and accused me of harassment. I received a call from a Police Constable but as the article relates, no action was taken and after a brief discussion with the Detective Inspector, it was confirmed in writing that no action would be taken and no harassment warning was given.

Last week Brittany Pettibone, Lauren Southern and Martin Sellner were banned from the United Kingdom using poorly written official notices. Of particular concern, Southern was detained under under section 7 of the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2000. Ms Southern intended only to interview a controversial political figure, Tommy Robinson.

As a Conservative I do not necessarily agree with their views but it has to be said of each of them that they have specifically repudiated violence and promote their concerns via lawful democratic means. The intended interviewee, Tommy Robinson was a founder member of the English Defence League (EDL) but he left it because of extremism.

The criticisms they raise of militant Islam are similar to those raised by UK newspapers, the National Secular Society and indeed numerous feminist women’s rights groups who fear that women will be treated poorly under Sharia law as per this YouTube video, “Feminists March against Sharia Law, Gender, and Patriarchy”, from the Women’s March 2018.

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Ellie Reeves MP and the Corpses of Children

Last year Ellie Reeves MP was one of a number of current and former politicians of all parties asked to help with a bipartisan campaign against a hate group targeting children. Ellie Reeves, who is associated with right-wing faction Labour First, alone ignored the requests. Subsequently two children were brutally murdered. I sent Reeves a draft article about it and she complained to police claiming my media inquiries were harassment. Initially I was spoken to by a PC but when I politely explained she had never replied to object to contact, other than automated emails, a DI wrote back confirming no formal action would be taken (including no harassment warning). The police do not consider this article a criminal matter. I will not name the officer or force and note that I am active around the country in different places. Statements to police are privileged but if she repeats any such allegations in public, I am likely to bring defamation proceedings.


Ellie Reeves MP. Official Parliamentary photo released under CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.

I remember Ellie Reeves from 20 years ago, when we were both Labour Students. So, last year when I discovered she and other mutual acquaintances had been targeted by trolls I got in touch and offered my assistance. Sadly, my attempt at bipartisan cross-party kindness was not returned.

Ellie Reeves was asked to assist in a cross-party campaign against a hate group that targets children. Grant Shapps MP (Conservative) agreed to assist, John Hemming (Liberal former MP) agreed to assist and even Brendan Cox (Labour) had agreed. Ellie had not replied – except automated emails. Grant even wrote to me saying he had tried to find her in the Commons but not been able to get hold of her.

I emailed Ellie Reeves on 9 November 2017. I sent her a couple of reminders warning her children were being targeted. Margaret Pless, a left wing American writer wrote to her on 11 November 2017 and on 7 December 2017, two children were murdered by a member of the hate group, William Atchison, who walked into a school and started shooting. Ellie had been under no obligation to assist, but she was the only person who totally blanked us. As I said I remember her from University but there was no ill will between us as far as I know (except I had joined the Conservatives).

The campaign Reeves had opted out of was to eliminate a trolling forum called Kiwi Farms. Kiwi Farms, which is owned and operated by former Florida resident Joshua Conner Moon states that its goal is “gossip” and “exploitation” of the mentally handicapped.

The forum essentially targets vulnerable people, celebrities and its opponents for cyber-stalking. This includes collecting images of victims’ children. On a satellite board also owned by Moon, members also distributed paedophile-murder-rape stories about pre-teens of the same age. Moon has a detailed knowledge of the law relating to sex crimes and realized that stories about child rape, unlike photographs, are not illegal to possess. Therefore Moon allowed a board called, ‘/phile/’ on his website 16chan for the distribution of child rape stories.

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Judith Newman, Psychologist Dr Dean Parker and Amazon Reviews

Over the last two days, I have covered a number of issues with the book, “To Siri With Love” and Judith Newman its New York based author. There are a number of concerns with the book, which mostly deals with her son Gus Newman and which are set out elsewhere, in my first article as well as by third party authors [1], [2] and [3]. Now it has been revealed that Newman has enlisted her friends in writing positive reviews and reporting negative ones to have them deleted, apparently contrary to Amazon rules.


Amazon – has a detailed “Anti-Manipulation Policy for Customer Reviews” and a zero tolerance approach.

After the controversy erupted, a whistleblower approached a disability rights website, “International Badass Activists” with alleged screenshots of discussions  (archive) between Newman and her friends.

In the discussion, Newman seems to engage in getting her friends to write reviews and asking them to report adverse reviews.

It seems that to some extent her concerns are legitimate. As a customer I expect reviewers to have read the book and it is reasonable and proportionate that Amazon restrict reviews to purchasers. Whilst that will exclude some people who might have read the book elsewhere, it will certainly exclude abusive reviews by people who have not even read the book.


One of the screenshots shows and individual claiming to be a clinical psychologist. This concerned me.

I decided to see if I could verify the comments. One thing that concerned me was this screenshot. A person called Dean Parker claimed that they were a clinical psychologist and had used that title in representations to Amazon. I decided to see if the allegations were true.

Tracing Dr Parker did not take long. He is a New York State licensed psychologist, number 008022. (confirmed here). I asked him if the statement was accurate. He responded (amongst other things), “[…] She gave permission for my commentary on the page […]”. So the context appears to be correct.

At no time during our correspondence did he deny that the screenshot was real, although he did at one point threaten that he has no less than two licensed attorneys he is related to willing to sue me. The reason I was concerned though, was the content of the book he was endorsing and the appropriateness of a licensed professional doing so.

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Child Abuse Controversy Author Judith Newman Shares Tweet About Bombing Israeli Donald Trump Train Station

Controversial Harper Collins Author Judith Newman is presently embroiled in a storm over alleged abuse of her son. Now she has invited further outrage by sharing a tweet about potential bombing of an Israeli train station if it is named after Donald Trump.


Judith Newman in 2013. This woman literally uses her repeated re-reading of a lurid passage from paedophile molestation story “Lolita”, her admitted “favorite” 20th century novel, as an analogy to her son’s interest in escalators. Source – Wikipedia commons. CC-BY-SA-3.0.

Judith Newman was first covered by MHN yesterday in relation to her book, which discusses her underage children in excruciating detail including detailed comment one son’s penis and foreskin and both of their porn viewing habits. She also announces she intends to obtain power of attorney over her autistic son Gus for the purpose of having him sterilised. Newman also states that her “favorite” 20th century novel is infamous tale of pedophile obsession and abuse, “Lolita”.

Predictably, the book’s disturbing content has led to criticism of Newman, executives at Harper Collins and numerous negative reviews even with Amazon restricting them to verified purchasers. Details of email contact details for complaints are included in my last article. This is well worth reading for newcomers as it deals in more detail with the sexual concerns.

Another group of people who may wish to complain are Trump supporters, about this tweet (archive) –


Doubling down, Judith Newman shared this troubling tweet. Click for full size.

The tweet is capable of multiple interpretations, all of them problematic. At its most benevolent it could be taken as meaning that in the febrile environs of the Middle East naming a station after a divisive leader could make it a target. Unfortunately, unstable individuals and members of violent extremist groups like Antifa could interpret it as encouraging violence. More generally the use of excessive hyperbole is one of many contributors to our current highly polarised society. Continue reading

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Brian Murray, CEO of Harper Collins, Author Judith Newman and the Horrific Child Abuse of Newman’s Son #BoycottToSIRI


Brian Murray CEO of Harper Collins bears moral responsibility for this horrific emotional abuse of Gus Newman and abrogation of his privacy and dignity. Picture via Flickr – CC BY-SA 2.0 by ActuaLitté. Picture slightly cropped.

For the last two years, MHN has been campaigning for the closure of Kiwi Farms, a website that stalks the disabled, tricks them or hacks their accounts for intimate revelations. The abuse is recounted in Margaret Pless’ detailed and well sourced article for New York Magazine as well as many articles here.

So it is unsurprising that when previously respectable publisher Harper Collins released a book by author Judith Newman, “To Siri With Love” behaving in a similarly intrusive way towards her own son, that there would be widespread condemnation and a campaign to #BoycottToSiri. The book is a horrific invasion of privacy in which Newman shares private sexual and medical information and announces her intent to have her son sterilised. It is obviously capable of great harm to her child. On this occasion Harper Collins CEO Brian Murray and Publisher Michael Morrison took their eyes of the ball. They need to lose their jobs for it. Contact details for writing to them to ask them to withdraw the book are below.

We all remember our teenage years. The little ways our parents would embarrass us. The need for privacy to explore developing sexual feelings and to make mistakes without the world looking after our shoulders. These things are difficult enough for those of us without serious disabilities. Of course, for those suffering from emotional problems or serious conditions like autism the quest for dignity and autonomy can be far more complex and difficult.

Now, imagine your vile and emotionally abusive mother decides to –

  • disclose to the world that you have a stigmatised disability – autism
  • discuss your potty training (chapter 1)
  • admit her favourite 20th century novel is the world’s most infamous paedophile novel (chapter 3)
  • mock your sexuality – claiming she envisages it with a “Benny Hill” soundtrack (chapter 8)
  • discusses your crushes and intimate relationships in detail (throughout)
  • discussed your porn browsing habits and indeed your sibling’s (chapter 13)
  • publicly states she intends to obtain power of attorney over you and have you sterilised (chapter 13)

For extra horror points, imagine a multinational corporation decides to help your mother distribute this worldwide in a book. That is the situation faced by Gus Newman at the hands of his mother Judith Newman, Harper Collins CEO Brian Murray and President Michael Morrison.

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EU Collapse Continues as European Commission Recommends Disciplinary Process Against Poland


The strategic genius of the European Union is on display once again as it picks a battle it cannot win with another EU member. Picture via Dreamstime.

The slow disintegration of the European Union accelerated this week as the EU Commission recommended disciplinary action against Poland under Article 7 of the Lisbon Treaty. The treaty, signed in 2007 and coming into force in 2009, gives the EU the power to discipline member states by imposing sanctions and suspending their voting rights. The move comes after Poland moved to enact reforms aimed at cleaning up the Polish judiciary. The Commission was humiliated as Hungary immediately pledged to veto any sanctions and Poland and the UK had a private summit to discuss a trade deal.

A few years ago a British judge called Starforth Hill, then 71, provoked outrage when he said a 9-year-old victim of sex crime was “not entirely an angel”, leading to adverse headlines and Parliamentary demands for his dismissal. His actions also prompted a healthy debate over retirement age for judges.

In Poland, there have been many complaints about slow court cases and corrupt judges. As part of a package of reforms, the Polish government have introduced a retirement age of 65 for men and 60 for women. The Polish Parliament will also appoint a greater proportion of the committee – the National Judiciary Council – that in turn selects judges.

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Twitter Purge – Should Corporations Now Decide Acceptable Speech?

Burning Money.

The Twitter purge demonstrates corporations now purport to determine what speech is acceptable.

Twitter has begun to purge alleged hate speakers, including extremists. However, people banned in recent years include those with credible claims to be middle of the road Conservatives and Human Rights activists. A few years ago I was permanently suspended, but legally persuaded them to unban me. I then used the unban to delete my accounts in disgust. I then had to threaten them again to make them ban people impersonating me with my old names. Aside from me, they even failed to ban an account claiming to link to the “child porn captial [sic] of the internet” until they received multiple media inquiries. I have little time for Twitter. However, why are we as a society allowing corporations to police free speech?

Twitter is a social media company partially owned by a Saudi Arabian prince. Saudi Arabia being a country where the monarch is an actual, old fashioned monarch who holds legislative and executive power and most public offices are held by members of his extended family. Continue reading

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Kiwi Farms Member Kills 2 in School Rampage Before Killing Himself – Police Knew of Risk Nearly 2 Years Ago


William Atchison a Kiwi Farms member shot and killed two students at Aztec High School in New Mexico on December 7, 2017 Source: San Juan County Sheriff’s Office

Two children are dead after a Kiwi Farms member William Atchison (Kiwi Farms Profile archive) went on a school rampage in New Mexico (archive). Atchison, 21, was apparently a member of the web forum Kiwi Farms that this site has campaigned to close for nearly 2 years. Kiwi Farms has previously been linked to threats to murder school children, but now for the first time the massacre threats have actually been carried out leading to real world deaths.

For those unfamiliar to this site, I am a law graduate – I have passed the lawyer’s exams here in the UK but not sought admission as a solicitor. I assist the vulnerable in court solely for charity and I have been mentioned in Parliament. Earlier this year I was praised in reported case law (paragraph 14) by a High Court judge, in a case heard shortly before I received my Master’s Degree. For the past two years I have been campaigning to shut down Kiwi Farms, a site run by Joshua Conner Moon – formerly of Pensacola, Florida.


Kiwi Farms is run by paedophile sadist Joshua Conner Moon and exists to harass the disabled. Click for full size.

Kiwi Farms exists to stalk the vulnerable. It says so, officially. “Gossip and exploitation of the mentally handicapped for amusement purposes” (from their Twitter, archived pre-ban here).

New York Magazine’s Select All section wrote an article about the site, detailing how they stalked an autistic man called Christian Weston Chandler and groomed a 13-year-old boy into posing as a 19-year-old female and having phone sex with the man. This they audio recorded for “amusement purposes”, publishing a recording and transcript.

I have written numerous articles, for example about the site members, paedophile sadism – including collecting pictures of the children of victims and publishing textual child rape stories on a spin-off board. I wrote about massacre threats sent to Florida schools from the Kiwi Farms email service. I wrote about terror threats sent to hospitals in Wales from the Kiwi Farms email service. Continue reading

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Welwyn-Hatfield Labour’s Jamie Fulford Sees the Light Over Identity Politics and Joins Conservatives

The Witchfinder was delighted to speak to new Welwyn-Hatfield Conservative member Jamie Fulford, who left the Labour Party over issues of free speech and his rejection of identity politics.

Bleeding Rose

Labour must take responsibility for the immense human suffering caused by divisive identity politics. (Picture licensed from Dreamstime)

In past articles I explained how the Labour Party has a byzantine internal structure with vast numbers of unnecessary grassroots roles. These roles parcel out tiny amounts of real world power and the illusion of status and authority to activists in exchange for large quantities of repetitive work. Being in the Labour Party is much like grinding in an MMO and costs just under half the price of a World of Warcraft (WoW) subscription – so good value for money for those with nothing better to do of an evening.

In Labour, factional conflict works much like guilds in WoW, and the illusion of the importance of the meaningless roles is reinforced as members can leverage them in internal conflicts. Just as WoW powers are fictional and only work in the game, most Labour Party ‘power’ is only useful internally for PvP activities. Also like an MMO, subscribers progress through levels of imaginary power and obtain shiny character customisation gear such as badges, ribbons and rosettes. The result has many of the addictive qualities of online gaming and keeps the members delivering leaflets and knocking on doors.

One such recruit was Jamie Fulford, who sys he has a BSc in Law and Politics and a BA in Media Arts. Jamie rejoined Labour in 2015 and in April 2016 became the “Digital Media and IT Officer” of Welwyn Hatfield Labour Party, a role equivalent to roughly level 2-3 in a WoW character. Jamie has now resigned and joined the Conservative Party. Fulford quickly had a cruel education in the illusory nature of authority in Labour Party grassroots roles.

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