Simpleton Sets Up Email Trolling Service, Gets Hacked In Under an Hour


Paedophile Joshua Conner Moon from KiwiFarms tried to set up a trolling email service but it backfired and in under an hour it was used to send confessions he is a paedophle. Image used under the UK Parody exception pursuant to s30A Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Joshua Conner Moon, paedophile leader of set up a trolling service today. The service, an email server with the domain ‘’ was announced with great fanfare. Within minutes his followers were setting up fake emails in the name of Randi Harper. Joshua assigned himself the exalted title of ‘‘.

I discovered this when I was copied into an email circular, purportedly from Josh, confessing to being a paedophile. It was an obvious fake but it contained a link to a thread. The email suggests members of an 8Chan board hostile to Josh are responsible.

So looking at the timestamps within about an hour Moon’s oh-so-funny troleing email service was being used to send out confessions of paedophilia in his name from an email he had just announced was his. The fake email also claims Kiwi Farms’ membership database has been hacked. Given the problems of Infinity Next it is entirely possible this is true.

Whilst the email (below) was faked it should be remembered that Josh has previously made very real confessions and boasts that he enjoys paedophile images of children being hurt and that per my previous article hosting company independently verified they found child pornography in the account he operated before they banned him from their service.

In any event, the full email is below –


Whilst this email from Josh confessing to a paedophile is fake, readers should remember that he has previously made very real confessions to enjoying child pornography. Click for full size. I have blacked out Randi Harper and Zoe Quinn’s email addresses.

For my part, your author will not participate in this disgraceful bullying of a vulnerable, mentally underprivileged man. In any event I am working too hard preparing an exposé of a woman called Candy Potter – a real estate agent whose son claims she mistreated him as a child. Indeed, the son even fantasised about killing her on a popular web forum.

[UPDATE 21/04/2016] – It seems that the perpetrators used a Czechoslovakian service called to prank Null. Interestingly the fake email, whilst exposed by the message header, is still more convincing that the one from

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