Simpleton Sets Up Email Trolling Service, Gets Hacked In Under an Hour


Paedophile Joshua Conner Moon from KiwiFarms tried to set up a trolling email service but it backfired and in under an hour it was used to send confessions he is a paedophle. Image used under the UK Parody exception pursuant to s30A Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Joshua Conner Moon, paedophile leader of set up a trolling service today. The service, an email server with the domain ‘’ was announced with great fanfare. Within minutes his followers were setting up fake emails in the name of Randi Harper. Joshua assigned himself the exalted title of ‘‘.

I discovered this when I was copied into an email circular, purportedly from Josh, confessing to being a paedophile. It was an obvious fake but it contained a link to a thread. The email suggests members of an 8Chan board hostile to Josh are responsible.

So looking at the timestamps within about an hour Moon’s oh-so-funny troleing email service was being used to send out confessions of paedophilia in his name from an email he had just announced was his. The fake email also claims Kiwi Farms’ membership database has been hacked. Given the problems of Infinity Next it is entirely possible this is true.

Whilst the email (below) was faked it should be remembered that Josh has previously made very real confessions and boasts that he enjoys paedophile images of children being hurt and that per my previous article hosting company independently verified they found child pornography in the account he operated before they banned him from their service.

In any event, the full email is below –


Whilst this email from Josh confessing to a paedophile is fake, readers should remember that he has previously made very real confessions to enjoying child pornography. Click for full size. I have blacked out Randi Harper and Zoe Quinn’s email addresses.

For my part, your author will not participate in this disgraceful bullying of a vulnerable, mentally underprivileged man. In any event I am working too hard preparing an exposé of a woman called Candy Potter – a real estate agent whose son claims she mistreated him as a child. Indeed, the son even fantasised about killing her on a popular web forum.

[UPDATE 21/04/2016] – It seems that the perpetrators used a Czechoslovakian service called to prank Null. Interestingly the fake email, whilst exposed by the message header, is still more convincing that the one from

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PC Game Review – Siege of Dragonspear DLC by Beamdog Studios

The Witchfinder plays and investigates the controversial add-on, ‘Siege of Dragonspear’, released at the end of March 2016 for well-loved classic roleplaying game Baldur’s Gate. Your author is horrified to discover appalling racism in the troubled product written by so-called ‘progressive’ Amber Scott, from Beamdog Studios. The game has been reviewed in accordance with the MHN Game Review Guidelines.


Refugees smell, according to Beamdog Studios. In Siege of Dragonspear your character is physically prevented from walking upstairs in a building by the ‘odor’ of refugees, despite having adventured in the Baldur’s Gate sewers a few chapters previously. Apparently refugees literally smell worse than sewers in Amber Scott’s world. (Click for full size).

Conservative and neutral writers often satirise the darkly amusing far-left trait of not wanting to socialise with the ‘oppressed’ minority groups they purport to defend. Professor Thomas Sowell, an American of African descent and well respected Conservative academic, describes the recipients of this patronising support as ‘mascots’. ‘Right on’ hard left wingers are often shown to have condescending attitudes, patronising when they intend to help – help they offer whether or not it is wanted. These traits are more than evident in Siege of Dragonspear.

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Block Bot Administrator and Physics Teacher Marian Aanerud (@MAMelby) In Twitter Rant After Losing Job

The Witchfinder responds to serious allegations by former University of Minnesota Rochester, physics teaching specialist Marian Aanerud (@MAMelby), made in a bizarre online Twitter rant today connected with the loss of her job. Note that Aanerud states she is not anonymous and is open about her former employer and real name so this is not ‘doxing’. Please see her public, written, consent here (archive here). She also makes clear her (former) employer is not anonymous here (archive here). In accordance with her public requests on Twitter I have omitted her middle names.

Your author wishes to clarify that he has had no contact with Aanerud or her employer since May 2015. However, I am entitled to respond to her allegations. Also, there is a public interest in raising concern about her use of homophobic language online, her inappropriate comments about paedophilia and previous student criticism of the standard of her teaching and conduct.


Marian Aanerud received the 2nd lowest rating of 20 teachers at the University of Michigan, Flint. Click full size.

So last year, I wrote many articles about the Atheism+ Block Bot. As a brief recap, the Block Bot is a blocking tool like many others, which at the time had the added feature of a searchable database. The database contained many very serious and unpleasant allegations, as well as comments about protected characteristics like race or transgender status.

As a result, a number of celebrities supported the campaign, in particular this article which Richard Dawkins shared with his million + followers.

In response, the Block Bot team repeatedly accused me of stalking. Cambridge police found that this was not the case. This much, I have already shared. What I had not shared publicly until now was that afterwards the Block Bot team reported me to police again. This time the complaint was to Hampshire police.

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That Which Sleeps Fandom Becomes Near-Literal Cult As Delays Continue

Way back in 2014 I spent $50 on a Kickstarter for a promising looking Indie Game called ‘That Which Sleeps’. Per my previous coverage, (1) the (delayed) game is supposedly an ‘evil-returning-god’ simulator where the player manipulates a living world to prepare for their return. The game had a great Kickstarter but since then developers have consistently failed to keep their promises. The game promised to beta in December 2014 yet a year on, 31st December 2015, no beta has been released. (2) On protesting and suggesting contact with the Federal Trade Commission (the US equivalent of Trading Standards in the UK) in October 2015, your author and others received refunds and were removed from the game forums.


‘That Which Sleeps’ gameplay video. Picture used for the purposes of criticism and review. There has been no beta and this is the second of four promised videos. The other two have not been released. Click for full size.

I do not intend to fully recap the developers’ discourtesy, lack of professionalism or broken promises here. Readers are advised to refer to my previous articles. The high points are that during the Kickstarter the developers claimed that the project was low risk because much of the game was already written. Kickstarter materials stated, “We have a working game” and also that a scenario viewer was complete and ready to release directly after the campaign, which ended in October 2014.

Beta was promised for December 2014, then March 2015 and it is now the 31st December 2015, New Year’s Eve. The supposedly working game is now in its second chronological year of post Kickstarter development. The scenario viewer has never been released although a partially functional map editor has been. After increasingly acrimonious forum posts from backers in October 2015, on 12/10/2015 developer Josh Perry promised some gameplay videos. There were to be three released at one week intervals showing the early, mid and late games. So far only one has been released.

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Lucy Allan MP – Victim of Anti-Conservative, SJW Misogyny? #WeBackLucyAllanMP

Why is embattled Conservative MP Lucy Allan being pilloried when left wing females get away with far worse transgressions? When sacked for Gross Misconduct, any employee, even those without 2 years service can sue – so where is the adverse tribunal finding in favour of sacked staffer Arianne Plumbly? Your Inquisitor says Allan is innocent until proven guilty.


Lucy Allan, MP for Telford. Absent an adverse Tribunal finding she is innocent until proven guilty.

Full disclosure here, I have met Lucy Allan, as we both campaign on family justice issues. Lucy Allan is also known to #GamerGate because of her commendable support for the Parliamentary debate on International Men’s Day. She is a member of my political party. Even so my support arises not from blind loyalty but from the facts of the case.

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Rational Wiki #2 – Wikimedia UK CEO Distances Herself from Rational Wiki and Sinister Paedophile Enabler David Gerard

Since the dramatic events of earlier this year, the UK branch of the Wikipedia movement, charity Wikimedia UK (WMUK) has a new Chief Executive, Lucy Crompton-Reid (archive here). Your author decided to ask her about David Gerard and some of his more … colourful history.


Apparently wholesome new Chief Executive of Wikimedia UK, Lucy Crompton-Reid, confirms that David Gerard does not speak for Wikimedia UK. Photograph of Crompton-Reid used with permission. Photograph of David Gerard is an edited parody pursuant to s30A Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. Strangely, replacing Gerard’s cold, dead, eyes with googly cartoon ones makes him *less* creepy. Incidentally, adding the cartoon eyes was the *only* change. The rest is all David. Click for full size.

In my previous article, “David Gerard and the Paedophiles of Wikipedia”, I began the task of exposing Rational Wiki, a site that has become controversial because of its habit of making serious allegations based on utterly inadequate, irrelevant or simply non-existent evidence. Examples I referred to included allegations against respected Breitbart Editor Milo Yiannopoulos based on a Tumblr post and smears against me based on (literally) a deleted user comment on /r/GamerGhazi.

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Rational Wiki #1 – David Gerard and the Paedophiles of Wikipedia

The Witchfinder has noted the controversy over Rational Wiki (RW) and its highly tendentious articles about #GamerGate. Your author feels it is time they felt some scrutiny in return.

David_Gerard - Parodised

David Gerard, a model of reason and sanity. This parody looks better than the original (which had scary, cold, dead eyes) and also falls under s30A Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

Earlier this year, Milo Yiannopoulos wrote scathingly of Rational Wiki (archive here), “RationalWiki entry for GamerGate says I’m guilty of “ethical violations.” The proof offered is… a link to Tumblr.”

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Why #GamerGate Should Help the ‘Drop the T’ Campaign as UK Parliamentary Documents Reveal ‘Tide’ of Sex Offenders Posing as Transsexuals

‘Drop the T’ is one of the most important political petitions I have read in a long, long, time. Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero), wunderkind cultural libertarian of Breitbart Tech (@BreitbartTech – worth a follow) has supported a petition for the Lesbian, Gay and Bi-Sexual rights movement to sever its ties with the transsexual ‘rights’ movement. It is essential that anyone who believes in freedom of speech sign this petition. Your author explains why #GamerGate should help.


Shocking recent documents from the UK Parliament show professionals concerned with an ‘ever-increasing tide’ of sex offenders posing as transsexuals to make offending easier. Picture via Dreamstime.

The Washington Post recently decried the defeat of the so-called ‘Houston Equal Rights Ordinance’ (HERO) (archive here). This innocuously titled piece of legislation was controversial because, in essence, it meant transsexual people who identify as women but with physically male bodies (i.e. who have penises) would be able to access women’s bathrooms.

Some feared this would be intrusive to women and worse, enable sexual predators. Opponents, screech the liberals, engaged in, “a campaign of fear-mongering and deliberate lies”. We are repeatedly told by a wide variety of extreme leftist / SJW talking heads that there is in fact no evidence any sex offender has ever posed as a woman to find victims.

No evidence? Those concerned about such sinister legislation could do worse than look at evidence recently filed in the United Kingdom Parliament by the British Association of Gender Identity Specialists, basically the professional association for doctors who treat gender dysphoria sufferers in the United Kingdom. They gave evidence (archive here, pdf here) to the Transgender Equality Inquiry on 20/08/2015 that makes terrifying reading. Please remember that this is not some right-wing extremist group – this is the professional body of the UK doctors who deal with transsexuals, and their President is concerned about –

“[…] the ever-increasing tide of referrals of patients in prison serving long or indeterminate sentences for serious sexual offences. These vastly outnumber the number of prisoners incarcerated for more ordinary, non-sexual, offences. It has been rather naïvely suggested that nobody would seek to pretend transsexual status in prison if this were not actually the case. There are, to those of us who actually interview the prisoners, in fact very many reasons why people might pretend this.”

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Journalism Quest – Milo Yiannopoulos’ Debut Game Reviewed!

The Witchfinder reviews another text game – this time by the Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart. All reviews are strictly in accordance with Matthew Hopkins News Game Review Guidelines.


Journalism Quest – Milo Yiannopoulos’ debut game is written with twine, just like Depression Quest except, less, well, depressing.

This is a review of a short game – more of a gamelet, by Milo Yiannopoulos. The reason for the review is not to pretend the product is the next Mass Effect 3 but instead because the comparison with Zoe Quinn’s effort, Depression Quest (DQ – previously reviewed 27%) is instructive in terms of the wider game industry debate. Needless to say, journalism Quest scores higher than DQ.

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#GGinLDN – Savvy, Successful and Upbeat

All the best people go to #GamerGate parties, which can be a useful way to boost a career in technology. Your author attended #GGinLDN this weekend and encountered a group of happy and confident activists who know their arguments are slowly succeeding.

The GamerGate in London gathering on 17/10/2015 was held at Finch’s pub between Moorgate and Old Street, near Bank. This is the square mile – high finance country, and the event attracted a high powered crowd of professionals interested in protecting our society’s tradition of free speech and free enterprise.


From left to right, @BenFClark, @Nero, @JSF_Resistance, @SoftHeartedFool. Note the person discreetly wearing the sign of the Infinite Chan. All hail the burning light of the Infinite Chan!

Look at the well turned out group above. Note the high class silk Ralph Lauren tie worn by the right-most man and the subtle infinity sign worn by the lady. Can you guess which board they hail from?

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