Explosive: More Brand New Tube Revelations – List of Security Warnings Since 2020 Revealed – Driving Licenses Still Online!

Yesterday, MHN revealed information provided by a whistleblower. In a shocking development to the Brand New Tube story it has emerged that up to thousands of identity documents of Brand New Tube users, including passports, were published online without the knowledge or consent of those users (and indeed, likely without incompetent Brand New Tube’s knowledge). In a shocking update today, a different source has provided a publicly available list of reported bugs on Brand New Tube that have largely gone unfixed since 2020!

The list of errors can be found on a public bug bounty site called www.openbugbounty.org (archive).

Brand New Tube Bugs List From OpenBugBounty.org

A list of Brand New Tube vulnerabilities reported on OpenBugBounty.org. These have gone unpatched in some cases for nearly two years after being reported.

MHN texts BNT lawyer Jeffrey Smele, Partner at Simons Muirhead and Burton

MHN has now had to go so far as texting BNT lawyers on the weekend about the scale of the breach. Click for full size.

This only fuels concern as to Brand New Tube’s poor security policies. Tests today reveal that Brand New Tube are still publishing unsecured identity documents online. Nothing has changed since the MHN article yesterday.

[UPDATE 15:05 27 August 2022] In light of the breached personal identity document still being online, MHN has contacted Muhammad Butt’s and Brand New Tube’s lawyers by text, to warn them and to create evidence of their negligence.

MHN will be posting daily call-outs until the personal identity documents are removed.

Brand New Tube’s negligence is shocking.

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Explosive! All Brand New Tube User Identity Documents Available Online … and ICO is Failing

The Information Commmissioner’s Office (ICO) and Brand New Tube (https://brandnewtube.com, BNT) face questions after whistleblowing information revealed damning new information about the scale of BNT’s recent data breach. British video sharing website Brand New Tube was hacked in 2020, and again earlier this month by a different group. The hackers emailed users and posted some details online. However, based on information MHN received from a whistle-blower last night, BNT’s disclosures on the scale of its security problems and the recent hack are seriously incomplete. Right now, if you have ever uploaded an identity document to BNT for monetisation, it is likely available online. Disturbingly, it has been quite hard to get the ICO to do something about this. The poor communications and processes reflect badly on Head of Communications Tim Bowden and Chief Executive John Edwards, albeit not as badly as on Brand New Tube CEO Muhammad Butt.

A driving license of a BNT user available from BNT CDN servers this morning, anonymised by MHN.

A driving license of a BNT user available from BNT CDN servers this morning, anonymised by MHN.

Obviously, you would expect the ICO to do something about this pretty promptly. I got in touch this morning with their press office by email. I got a boilerplate message back. Now, just to explain the ICO are embarrassed because last week they wrongly told MHN in writing that Brand New Tube had not disclosed the hack. This was wrong and the ICO had to withdraw it. However, the story has moved on and they need to actually read inquiries. So I called them up and had a few words. I sent in a further inquiry. I just got another boilerplate, “We have nothing further to add to our statement”. As opposed to, for example, “thank you for this new information – we confirm it has been passed urgently to the relevant team to see what can be done and will be looked at today”.

Based on the information from the whistle-blower, Brand New Tube has failed to disclose the fact that it has never deleted user documents, and never put them, y’know, behind a password. It appears that they can all be downloaded. This morning, multiple bloggers and journalists have downloaded multiple identity documents – taking appropriate records for evidence.

The passport above was downloaded this morning. There was no hacking. I just typed in the URL to a BNT server. They have published these peoples’ documents to the world. Then I forwarded it to the ICO. I have anonymised it for this article, and before processing the data, I considered the Editor’s Code and MHN’s policies in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA). I consider it reasonable and in the public interest to process this document to report it to the ICO. I consider it reasonable and in the public interest to process it in anonymised form in the article in order to give a concrete example of BNT’s failure to appreciate or disclose the scale of the breach, and of their security issues. Others are doing the same. There are thousands of ID documents. Anyone who has ever monetised at BNT as far as we can tell. All available online without so much as a password prompt.

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Bleach Mummy Charisse Burchett: Social Services Making Enquiries After MHN Investigation

Social services in West Berkshire have confirmed they will be making enquiries into the welfare of Charisse Burchett’s children (now dubbed, “Bleach Mummy” by MHN). The move comes after an exclusive MHN investigation revealed that Burchett advocates feeding Chlorine Dioxide, an industrial bleach, to children and expressly stated she would use it on her own children. Furthermore, she states that she never takes the children to the doctor’s surgery as their medicines, in her view, fail at treating issues. She prefers her tried and trusted tool – bleach!

An email screenshot from Social Services confirming they are making enquiries.

Andy Sharp, West Berkshire Council’s Executive Director of People, is on the case.

There is a nasty subculture of medical conspiracy theory that preys on those with incurable illnesses and their loved ones. One such is the, “Miracle Mineral Supplement” (MMS) scam. The UK Food Standards agency Food Crime Unit prioritises stopping the sale of this here in the UK because it is actually an industrial bleach (archive). The United States Food and Drug Administration issued a press release “FDA warns consumers about the dangerous and potentially life threatening side effects of Miracle Mineral Solution”, (archive).

Charisse Burchett however, advocates its use for children, especially autistic children, and says she would use it on her own children if appropriate. She responds aggressively to horrified Twitter users disagreeing and insists, contra the UK FSA and US FDA, that it is not bleach [1] (archive) –

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Charisse Burchett of Bath, Somerset: A Threat to Children and the Vulnerable?

Earlier this year, a Bath woman known as Charisse Burchett (a fan of BNT creator Sonia Poulton) was excoriated online and in the Daily Mirror (archive), Sun (archive) and Mail (archive), after refusing to wear a mask on a flight from Berlin to the United Kingdom. Bereaved relatives of Covid-19 victims condemned her ignorance and arrogance. Though she claims a “private” medical exemption, by her own admission police did not find it acceptable. Now, she has ignorantly defamed former MP John Hemming, claiming he needs to face a jury when in fact his accuser Esther Baker’s allegations have been found to be, “untrue” in the High Court and she has been restrained for life from repeating them. By refusing to wear a mask and risking spreading Covid, denying the existence of Covid, as well as spreading debunked false allegations that cause huge distress to Hemming’s children, she is likely to pose a risk of harm to a number of vulnerable people.

Charisse Burchett - condemned by the bereaved.

Charisse Burchett – condemned by the bereaved.

One of the most tragic things about Brand New Tube’s (BNT) output is the denial of very real diseases. The website features Vernon Coleman, a man who still denies AIDS is a disease (archive) – “[…] it is now my considered view that the disease we know as AIDS probably doesn’t exist and has never existed”. There is no doubt AIDS is real, like Covid-19.

When I saw Charisse Burchett’s tweet about John Hemming earlier, at first I thought it beneath notice. She is just some nobody mum from the provinces with a bad attitude. A not-very-bright consumer of BNT conspiracy theories. Her remarks about Esther Baker and John Hemming were dead wrong. The facts are these as set out by High Court Judge Mrs Justice Steyn –

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A Bad Day for Muhammad Butt (and Sonia Poulton) of BrandNewTube.com / My Media World Limited

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[Update 22 May 2022 – My Media World Limited and Director Muhammad Butt sued over this article in the High Court in a counterclaim in case QB-2020-003936. They dropped the libel case by discontinuance, after MHN editor Samuel Collingwood Smith entered a robust defence. The effect of discontinuance is they are automatically liable for Smith’s whole costs.]

Last year I wrote an article explaining that I had filed a High Court claim for £100,000 against Sonia Poulton of BrandNewTube.com, founder Muhammad Butt and the company itself (My Media World Limited). The claim was filed on 09 November 2020 and was deemed to be served on 22 December 2020. Three months on, they still have not entered a Defence. Today at a public telephone hearing in the Queen’s Bench, their latest antics (a further extension application) led to a modest costs Order against them and Master Thornett also made what is called an Unless Order. Unless they get on and enter their Defence by 4pm 25 March 2021 judgement will be automatically entered in my favour. The Order also means that they never get back their costs of paying their lawyer to apply for an extension of time.

Sonia Poulton Video Statement

Sonia Poulton issued an inflammatory and misleading ‘official statement’ on her dispute with John Hemming. Even stranger, she is now clinging onto my claim despite the fact that I have effectively dropped her as a Defendant. Extracted still used for the purpose of criticism and review.

Even weirder, is why Sonia Poulton was there at all. Last year to the extent I could understand their weird legal correspondence, Poulton was insisting I am a criminal blackmailer. After proceedings were issued she changed that view claiming she totally did not mean that and so I filed a partial discontinuance, dropping that claim against her. The claim against Butt and My Media World Limited continues unaffected. Because the partial discontinuance was filed and served before a defence I can make the claim again if she repeats the libel or tries to claim she has justified her original allegation. So … she can go.

All that is left, at most, is an argument about the costs of her third of their joint response to the letter of claim. But nope – she was there and ignores my attempts to unjoin her as a party. What parties would normally do is agree a consent Order but as Sonia does not wish to do so I may have to make an application, which the court has the power to order costs of.

The Order made today says as follows –

“1. Unless by 4.00pm 25 March 2021 the Defendants file and serve a Defence (whether individually or collectively), then judgment on liability for damages to be assessed shall automatically be entered.”

I was very grateful to Master Thornett for his professional and efficient conduct of the hearing. I have actually helped litigants, charitably, in cases involving him before, although we have not interacted directly, and he is known for sensible, assertive case management. As the hearing was public, so is the Order and a copy may be downloaded here. The judge actually gave them less time than I was willing to accept. I suggested an Unless Order for 30 March 2021, but he gave them only until 25 March – a clear court signal to stop messing about!

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Raw Report with Sonia Poulton Fails to Take Off – Are Brand New Tube Counting the Cost?

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[Update 22 May 2022 – My Media World Limited and Director Muhammad Butt sued over this article in the High Court in a counterclaim in case QB-2020-003936. They dropped the libel case by discontinuance, after MHN editor Samuel Collingwood Smith entered a robust defence. The effect of discontinuance is they are automatically liable for Smith’s whole costs.]

In an episode of the Raw Report not so long ago, Sonia Poulton called this blog, “little read”. In some ways is fair comment, in relative terms MHN has a low circulation. At times, however, articles have had vast numbers of views and I have been surprised by the influence I have exercised. Even so, MHN is not my day job – it is a pastime that allows me to do some good but these days I have little time for. In recent years I have posted far less than once a week. Unlike myself, Sonia Poulton claims to be a professional journalist – so it is only fair to scrutinise the performance of her viewer figures.

A chart of Raw Report views by episode.

The Raw Report with Sonia Poulton was launched in September 2020. Since then, it has failed to take off, with views as measured from replays trending down to around 3,000 views per video. Picture used for the purposes of criticism and review.

Every Friday, Sonia Poulton livestreams the Raw Report. Shortly afterwards, a replay of the full episode is posted. The viewing figures for each episode are published. This can give a rough idea of viewership and trends. There are obvious caveats of course. Most views of livestream archives usually occur around the time of an episode but views can occur indefinitely so older videos will generally have an advantage. The number of views of an archive is not the same as the number of live viewers. There was a gap in the series when Sonia’s brother died.

Even so, after 8 episodes and 3 months, 5 days after the most recent episode it had 3,090 views. On 8 November 2020 episode 4 (uploaded on 6 November) had 3012 views. So it is not a huge change. Furthermore, not every view represents a person and not every view represents a person who watched the episode to the end. On 8 November Poulton had 8,473 subscribers and today she has 9,375. That is an increase of under 250 a week. It is not insignificant but it is not going viral.

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Hemming v Poulton: Sonia Poulton Begs for More Time

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[Update 22 May 2022 – My Media World Limited and Director Muhammad Butt sued over this article in the High Court in a counterclaim in case QB-2020-003936. They dropped the libel case by discontinuance, after MHN editor Samuel Collingwood Smith entered a robust defence. The effect of discontinuance is they are automatically liable for Smith’s whole costs.]

A few weeks ago I reported on a public statement by Sonia Poulton. In her video she responded bullishly to a threatened claim in damages by John Hemming. In the description, she thanked, “Brand New Tube and their legal team”. Whether or not thanks were due is a matter of opinion. In her video Poulton seems to refer to at least one defence which has been abolished. Since then Hemming has filed his claim in the High Court and served Poulton. Despite her public bravado, her confidence seems to have wavered. Today, her third solicitor since the matter began obtained an Order for an extension of time to serve a Defence.

Sonia Poulton Video Statement

Sonia Poulton talked tough and issued an inflammatory and misleading ‘official statement’ on the dispute. Now, she is on her third solicitor and has begged the High Court for more time to serve a Defence. Extracted still used for the purpose of criticism and review.

Of course, there would normally be nothing wrong or unusual about asking the court for an extension of time except that per the video above Sonia had already prepared her defences. So … why not just write them up? Why ask for more time? The Order the court has made is public, so I can say that it was made on the basis of CPR 23.10 (without notice / hearing from John) and costs lie in the case (the winner of the libel claim will get the costs arising from the application and resistance to it).

Because the Order was made under CPR 23.10 Hemming now has the option of applying to set it aside or pointing and laughing at the other side’s frantic antics. What he does is a matter for him but he is unlikely to be feeling especially stressed.

In the meantime, your author confesses to being genuinely bewildered by Brand New Tube’s (BNT) approach to Poulton. In a recent edition of the Raw Report, Muhammad Butt (a director of My Media World Limited, which owns BNT) confirmed Sonia Poulton was employed. Yet, she continues to produce content as an employee which carries a high risk of defamation proceedings in relation to un-convicted, living, individuals it is suggested ought to be suspected of child rape and / or murder. Not, one would suspect, a recipe for business success (or solvency).

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High Court Case Filed: Seeking £100,000 from Brand New Tube, Sonia Poulton and Muhammad Butt

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[Update 22 May 2022 – My Media World Limited and Director Muhammad Butt sued over this article in the High Court in a counterclaim in case QB-2020-003936. They dropped the libel case by discontinuance, after MHN editor Samuel Collingwood Smith entered a robust defence. The effect of discontinuance is they are automatically liable for Smith’s whole costs.]

On Friday, Sonia and Muhammad hosted a video entitled the Raw Report 04. Somewhat misleadingly, Poulton said this of me, “Sam Smith, has sent Muhammad Butt, Senior Founder of Brand New Tube a number of outrageous emails about me, sometimes citing Hemming’s case against me and how there is intention to damage me irreparably through it. Some of this correspondence is, in my view, reminiscent of blackmail and extortion with threats of public exposure for things which make no sense and demands for sums of money if BNT refused to comply“. If by “demands for sums of money”, she meant “a letter of claim”, sure. I am suing them for £100K over various publications I feel are defamatory and also Muhammad Butt’s video in which he condoned violence against me.

An email from the High Court e-Filing Service, Confirming Approval

An email from the High Court e-Filing Service, Confirming Approval

In response to the misleading in the video claims, I confirm the following. In UK law, before suing someone you usually have to send them a letter. Such letters are ordinarily confidential. On 30 October 2020 I wrote a letter of claim to My Media World Limited (operator of Brand New Tube), Muhammad Butt and Sonia Poulton. The Defendants instructed a solicitor, Blake O’Donnell of Spencer West LLP, but did not reply in a compliant fashion. Instead they misleadingly described the letter as Blackmail in a public video on their website. Under the circumstances, I consider that either confidence in the letter has been waived by the Defendants or that there is now a countervailing public interest in my setting the record straight.

So, was it a bluff? Was it Blackmail? Unfortunately for the Defendants, nope. Over the weekend my supporters and I prepared the court documents and I filed them online on Sunday night. The court clerk approved the filing today. The court case has started. The value of the claim is £100,000. I did toy with the idea of publishing the letter of claim, which may still become appropriate but for now it is sufficient to provide proof that I am really suing them.

As my biography belows explains, I am not a solicitor. I do however have a Master’s Degree in Law (Legal Practice) and that includes the Legal Practice Course – the exam you need to do to become a solicitor here in the UK. The fact that I have not practiced but just used the skills in my IT business and charitable work is irrelevant. I have nearly 10 years experience as a McKenzie Friend now and have done 6 libel cases for myself or others. All successful. We shall see how matters progress.

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Smith v Baker – Costs Order. Are Brand New Tube’s Muhammad Butt, Sonia Poulton and Spencer West’s Blake O’Donnell Next?

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[Update 22 May 2022 – My Media World Limited and Director Muhammad Butt sued over this article in the High Court in a counterclaim in case QB-2020-003936. They dropped the libel case by discontinuance, after MHN editor Samuel Collingwood Smith entered a robust defence. The effect of discontinuance is they are automatically liable for Smith’s whole costs.]


Esther Baker has made numerous allegations of sexual abuse. Now it is revealed she is under investigation herself by two police forces, one for nearly a year.

As per my previous article, Master Sullivan in the High Court has found Ms Baker’s pleadings to be deficient (revised judgement here). I feel that Ms Baker has had enough chances given her behaviour in related cases, but the Master has given Ms Baker a second chance. She has refused me permission to appeal against that decision. However, Ms Baker has been Ordered to pay the whole of my costs in the application to strike out in the amount of £1,226.80, within 14 days on the basis that her pleadings were deficient, had to be re-written, my application was consequently reasonable and Ms Baker’s opposition to it was not reasonable. Ironically, the only element queried on my costs schedule by Ms Baker was the postage, which of course would have been unnecessary had she agreed to accept service by email instead of insisting on my serving an 800+ page bundle on paper. My arguments that we were all guilty of tree murder were accepted by the court and the parties have now been Ordered by the Master to serve by email. It is also worth Ms Baker remembering that long (and by long I mean nearly 200 pages) pleadings take time to read and those costs are recoverable.

So who is next? I am presently contemplating a claim in damages against fringe journalist Sonia Poulton (who is being sued by John Hemming for allegedly repeating Baker’s allegations of sex crimes against him – allegations a court has ruled, “untrue”), Muhammad Butt and Brand New Tube. By ‘contemplating’ I mean I have served a letter of claim and propose to file the claim on CE-File either Friday or early next week. The slight uncertainty is only that verbatim transcripts have been ordered and may not be ready until next week.

The basis for my claim is simple. On 17 October 2020, Mr Butt published a video in which he used the following words – “I condone any violence against you by any Muslim”. I have sent him a letter of claim. Around the same time, Ms Poulton tweeted accusing me of Blackmail because of an email I sent to Muhammad Butt. After I sent a letter of claim and other matters, the video was made private.

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