Battery Farm Deprivation of Liberty

Bleeding Rose

Labour must take responsibility for the immense human suffering caused by the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (Picture licensed from Dreamstime)

The Witchfinder discovers that the Court of Protection is now on the verge of collapse. Bombshell Court papers show that it is contemplating bulk Deprivation of Liberty applications without representation of the person being detained.

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) has been the subject of unprecedented criticism. It is a law passed by Labour and intended to fill various gaps in existing legislation. Like nearly all Labour legislation it has been praised for its visionary principles but destroyed due to its cumbersome, expensive and poorly thought out machinery. That machinery is now falling apart.

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Epic Safeguarding Fail – Why Lynda Bull Should be Sacked

Milton Keynes Council Fail

Milton Keynes’ new Safeguarding Policy does almost nothing to prevent a repeat of its recent court humiliation. Picture licensed via Dreamstime.

The Witchfinder points out some truths that liberals find inconvenient. The hysteria underlying witch hunts has a kernel of truth and they often serve a useful purpose when the institutions governing our society are not functioning to protect it. Turning to the recent scandal involving the unlawful detention of an old woman by Milton Keynes Council your humble inquisitor sets out the case for Director Lynda Bull’s career in social care to come to an end.

This site first learned of the case of Milton Keynes Council v RR & Ors [2014] EWCOP B19 on the website of the beautiful and eternally well-informed Dr Lucy Series. It seemed an all too familiar story. An elderly woman was removed from her home and detained unlawfully. The woman’s son objected and was investigated over ‘safeguarding’ allegations. After 16 months the council abandoned the allegations. It was a horrifying abuse of an elderly woman by a local authority.

In several cases where the Witchfinder has been McKenzie Friend, local authorities have retaliated against the family members of service users by bringing long and drawn out investigations and making questionable findings. Councils do have a legitimate role in safeguarding – the hallmarks of an improper investigation are an extremely long period of investigation (itself potentially harmful to the service user) and no interest in procedural safeguards.

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WTF is Chancel Repair Liability?

Tony Blair

Blame Tony Blair’s Labour government – yes him again. Honestly – he’s like Dr Evil from Austin Powers. Picture via Wikimedia Commons (see link below for licensing information).

The Witchfinder delves into medieval land law and its modern application by the UK Parliament. Specifically, the last Labour government.

Your Inquisitor has been studying land law this year for his GDL. One of the Witchfinder’s acquaintances asked about the law of Chancel Repairs and, as it involved topics relevant to the Witchfinder’s revision, he looked into it.

According to horror stories promoted by the National Secular Society, Chancel Repair Liability is an ancient law that binds some unfortunate purchasers of land to have to pay for repairs to their local parish church even if they did not know about the liability when they bought the property and even if it is not recorded in the deeds for the land nor any Land Register (or Land Charges Register) entry.

Of course, campaigning groups often exaggerate stories for maximum effect and so the author initially treated the claims with a pinch of salt. Unfortunately, upon investigation, the stories actually turned out to be true.

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Perfectin’ Justice

A Scary Legal Hammer

McKenzie Friends are essential to the Court System. So what are they allowed to do, and when will the legal hammer come down?

The Witchfinder explains the law on McKenzie Friends.

Your author is a law student who regularly practices, charitably, as a McKenzie Friend and so I was interested to read Natasha Philips’ recent article on McKenzie Friends. Natasha is right about the essential support provided to our cash strapped legal system (especially the Family Courts) by McKenzie Friends but this particular law student wanted to clarify a few points as to what McKenzie Friends may lawfully do.

Your Inquisitor has encountered several barristers who are unclear on what the law actually regulates, including more than one who wrongly complained I was giving legal advice, when the guidance explicitly says that McKenzie Friends may do so and even charge for it.

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Labour Students Split – Vitriolic Infighting Divides Party’s Youth Wing

Labour Students is a Pyramid Scheme

Labour Students is a Pyramid Scheme benefitting a tiny minority. Picture via Dreamstime.

From a corrupt seed, a corrupt vine and tainted fruit. Matthew Hopkins examines recent developments in the youth wing of the Labour Party as Labour Students tears itself apart in a frenzy of infighting and Labour groups at 11 of the largest and most prestigious universities in Britain threaten to break away.

Like all poisons, once it has spread it can be hard to see where the destructive culture of the modern Labour Party begins. What makes children with a good education and a functional middle class background grow into the kind of warped adults who can perceive depraved organisations like the Paedophile Information Exchange as an oppressed minority? What would make a man into the sort of person who would turn on his own brother?

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The BBC and the Left Wing Taint

Creepy shadow looking at BBC website

The Witchfinder reveals the shadowy ideologies underpinning the left. Picture via Dreamstime

Matthew Hopkins recounts his own youthful experiences, and explains that the Labour Party’s pervasive obsession with the infiltration and subversion of public institutions begins in its embarrassment of a student wing.

Many years ago and long before leaving the Labour Party and left to join the Conservative Party, your future inquisitor sat in a Labour Students training course on how to be a student union sabbatical officer. Labour Students is essentially the student wing of the Labour Party, a group which has produced many ‘big’ Labour names. The speaker was in full demagogic flow –

“You don’t work for the students union! You don’t work for the students! Fook them! You work for Labour. You put student funds to work for Labour! You use the union office to run a phone bank for Labour! Fook the Greens too! None of that crap! We’re not Green this is the fooking Labour Party!

“You make sure you win! You count yer mates votes! You get them to count your votes!”

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Peter Tatchell – Sex Brought ‘Great Joy’. To 9 Year Olds

Matthew Hopkins reveals Peter Tatchell’s association with PIE members, his written assertions that paedophile abuse brought 9-year olds ‘great joy’ and exposes other misguided advocates of reducing the age of consent.

Peter Tatchell

Peter Tatchell

The activities of PIE and their plan to legalise paedophilia are now well known. However less well known are the many misguided left wingers who, whilst never members of PIE, support their goals of reducing the age of consent in whole or in part.

Peter Tatchell is a supposedly respectable, establishment figure. A man at the heart of the campaign to lower the gay age of consent from 18 to 16 he was a Labour Parliamentary candidate and official, currently has his own section of the Guardian website, and describes himself on his website as the Green Party spokesman on Human Rights.

The reality is that Tatchell contributed a chapter to a book compiled by members of the sinister Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) – a book with the sole and stated goal of abolishing the age of consent entirely, making children, toddlers and babes in arms fair game for paedophiles of all ages. Even today Tatchell advocates reducing the age of consent, albeit now just to 14.

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Into the Gutter – Shamed Kieran Thorpe’s Desperate Discriminatory Remarks

The Witchfinder recently exposed moronic Leader of Welwyn Hatfield (Opposition) Labour Group, Councillor Kieran Thorpe, after he responded to a question about what the age of consent should be by saying, “whatever it is now”. This led to mass tweeted complaints by decent people. Thorpe’s response? Keep on digging.

It has been a bad weekend for uber-important Councillor Kieran –

Many complaints about Councillor Kieran Thorpe on Twitter.

Labour Councillor Kieran’s many fans and political supporters. He wows the public. (Page 1)

This is one of many pages from a Twitter search. One is enough to make the point.

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Local Labour Leader Claims Not to Know Age of Consent!

The Witchfinder encounters one of the … blunter … tools in Ed Miliband’s box of delights, Welwyn Hatfield (Opposition) Labour Leader Kieran Thorpe, who today claimed not to know what the age of consent is.

The Witchfinder initially thought that this would be a non-story.  Bored and seeking easy entertainment your humble inquisitor sought to bait an obscure opposition leader on a local council, with no real intention of publishing anything.

The Witchfinder contacted the grandly entitled ‘Leader of the Welwyn-Hatfield Labour Group’ on Twitter to ask his views on Patricia Hewitt and the whole ’10-year olds’ thang.

Totally briefed up-to-the-minute @KieranThorpe claimed not to really know anything about the story. He said he was focused instead on the exciting events in the Ukraine and in his local Borough of Welwyn Hatfield. Uber-important local worthy Kieran had totally missed the vile paedophile scandal gripping his party at a national level. Full marks for local interest, Kieran – none for political knowledge insight, awareness or ability.

Kieran Thorpe denies knowledge of Hewitt scandal

Labour Councillor Kieran Thorpe denies knowledge of Hewitt scandal

So I decide to help the poor guy out. I point the boy Kieran gently in the direction of the Sun’s full front page headline – “Labour chiefs: It’s OK to have sex with 10-yr-olds”

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Peter Tatchell – A Little Bit Like PIE

Peter Tatchell surrounded by bright colours

Peter Tatchell surrounded by bright colours – used with permission

The Witchfinder examines former Labour Party official and Parliamentary candidate Peter Tatchell’s policy positions over the last few years. Despite the rhetoric about protecting children, in the detail we find Tatchell has all too much in common with the sinister PIE agenda, albeit with a less extreme policy set. The Witchfinder calls for Tatchell’s beliefs to be identified – not feted by the left, and for him to be cast out of British public life. Rights campaigning must not be confused or blurred with the legitimisation of abuse no matter how well meaning or sympathetically presented.

Before we get into Peter Tatchell’s beliefs it is necessary to make some things clear. Whatever Tatchell has in common with PIE, he was never (as far as the Witchfinder can determine) a member. The infamous photo of Tatchell holding a PIE sign is a fake.

However, whilst the picture is fake, it does appear there are some similarities between Tatchell, OutRage! and PIE’s policy positions. Despite their protests OutRage! and Tatchell seem to hold watered down versions of some of the key policy positions held by the sinister paedophile ‘rights’ activist group, although they profess different motives.

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