Vive la Différence!

The Witchfinder explains to leftists in very short words why the beautiful Holly Fisher, the lady featured below, is not the same as a terrorist just because she is holding a gun and has a Bible and a flag.

Selfie of Holly R Fisher holding a gun and bible standing in front of an American flag.

Holly R Fisher – Christian. Wife. Mom. (Conservative) Political Commentator. Not the same as a Terrorist. Picture by kind permission of Mrs Fisher.

Sometimes, in politics, there is a genuine sense of agreement. Of cooperation. Of bipartisanship. Sometimes, on the other hand, there is the sense that leftist demagogues are whipping up their ever-credulous followers just for sport. Finally, there are those times that you simply feel like you are back at nursery school (kindergarten, for our American friends).

Today, children leftists, the Witchfinder explains that things that look the same are sometimes different. Same or Different? That sounds like it should be on the front of a colouring book. Oh, wait …

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WTF is Chancel Repair Liability?

Tony Blair

Blame Tony Blair’s Labour government – yes him again. Honestly – he’s like Dr Evil from Austin Powers. Picture via Wikimedia Commons (see link below for licensing information).

The Witchfinder delves into medieval land law and its modern application by the UK Parliament. Specifically, the last Labour government.

Your Inquisitor has been studying land law this year for his GDL. One of the Witchfinder’s acquaintances asked about the law of Chancel Repairs and, as it involved topics relevant to the Witchfinder’s revision, he looked into it.

According to horror stories promoted by the National Secular Society, Chancel Repair Liability is an ancient law that binds some unfortunate purchasers of land to have to pay for repairs to their local parish church even if they did not know about the liability when they bought the property and even if it is not recorded in the deeds for the land nor any Land Register (or Land Charges Register) entry.

Of course, campaigning groups often exaggerate stories for maximum effect and so the author initially treated the claims with a pinch of salt. Unfortunately, upon investigation, the stories actually turned out to be true.

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The Left’s Sinister Sexual Agenda for our Children

The Witchfinder lifts the lid on the sinister world of the left and their hidden agenda of normalising the sexual exploitation of our children.

Two children looking at a rainbow.

Equality Means *Protecting* Children. Photo licensed from Dreamstime.

A recent post by the incisive and beautiful Louise Mensch has alerted the Witchfinder to a heinous new law passed in Iran allowing men to marry their thirteen year old adopted daughters. It is, as she rightly says, a license for the most horrendous abuses of the rights of children imaginable.

What caused the Witchfinder wry, bitter amusement was Louise’s surprise at the iniquitous silence of the left on this despicable issue. Only a few days ago the Guardian trumpeted US President Obama’s moves towards better relations with Iran. Why such a muted response?

The grim truth is that there are many in the left, even in this country, who agree with the proposition that the age of consent should be reduced substantially. In the fashionable Liberal and Labour salons of the so-called elite the prevailing view is that the current age of consent laws are a holdover from a prudish, Victorian, Conservative Christian past.

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PC Game Review – Left Behind IV: World at War

The Witchfinder reviews Left Behind, a fun and much maligned series of Christian PC Games.

Left Behind IV – World at War – 70% (TWG Review Guidelines here)

The Left Behind franchise enrages left wingers. For those who don’t know, it is a future fiction setting based on a particular interpretation of the Book of Revelations – the last book of the Bible. The idea is that on a particular future day God dematerialises all true Christians and young children and takes them to heaven. Those ‘Left Behind’ are subject to the tender mercies of the Antichrist for the next 7 years (called the Tribulation) after he sets up a one-world dictatorship. A small group of people, calling themselves the ‘Tribulation Force’, attempt to spread the truth to the people as a last chance before Christ returns at the end of the 7 years.

Left Behind began as a lengthy series of books before being made into a set of films and then a series of computer games. A Big Budget Hollywood remake of the first film is scheduled for 2014.

The games themselves have attracted controversy with the game’s makers on one hand claiming this is a non-violent game featuring peaceful family friendly gameplay and on the other various left wingers claiming it is a theocratic death-fest where the dead pile up ‘like cordwood’. Rather than take either side’s word for it the Witchfinder decided to try it for himself.

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Rest in Peace Margaret Thatcher

The Witchfinder praises Margaret Thatcher’s legacy, especially her less well known work helping the vulnerable.

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher (image via Wikimedia Commons)

It feels slightly strange, writing a eulogy for Baroness Thatcher. Until I left Labour in 2008, it was inconceivable. My family are three generations Labour – I am a lone blue rose amongst crimson thorns. At university I was a Labour student, inculcated in their doctrines of hate towards anyone, even within the same party, who disagreed with their views.

I also initially felt under-qualified to comment being only a newcomer to the Conservative Party as of 2009. However there is one area for which Mrs Thatcher deserves praise but has received relatively little and of which I have specialist knowledge. As a law student one of my specialist interests is assisting those alleged to lack mental capacity, or their families. I have assisted people in the High Court and been allowed occasionally to exercise rights of audience as a McKenzie Friend.

The Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) was introduced by Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government. It comes to mind because its effectiveness as kind but pragmatic legislation is highlighted in comparison to Labour’s cack-handed car-crash of a law, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) introduced by Tony Blair’s government. Both do the same job, essentially dealing with compulsory intervention in the lives of people with mental illness or disability.

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A Challenge to Theresa May

The Witchfinder challenges Theresa May about her desire to withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights.

A photo of Theresa May.

Theresa May – thinking about burning red tape. Look at that smile!

Theresa May wants Britain to abolish the Human Rights Act 1998. We can pretty much only do this if we withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights and the Court. She wants that option on the table. As a moderate Conservative, what does the Witchfinder think?

Well certainly, your hooded correspondent agrees that their is little to be found either in the Convention or even classical morality that supports the European Court ruling against depriving prisoners of the right to vote. Certainly there has been a regrettable preoccupation, from some quarters, with the rights of terrorist sympathisers like Abu Hamza. Indeed there is much perverse in our country – for example the excellent Anna Raccoon once posted a deeply insightful piece on how much worse we treat the elderly than prisoners.

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The Hardest Road

The Witchfinder reacts positively to news that Megan Phelps-Roper has left vile hate group Westboro Baptist Church.

The Witchfinder, contrary to obvious expectations, rarely comments on matters of religious doctrine, considering others to be far better qualified. Nevertheless I feel comfortable explaining to the reader the heresies associated with the so-called Westboro Baptist Church (WBC).

For those unfamiliar with this obnoxious religious group, WBC is a so-called church led by Pastor Fred Waldron Phelps that believes, in essence, that everyone in America will burn in hell because of the nation’s tolerance of homosexuality and fornication. It expresses its subtle and understated message using the slogan ‘God Hates Fags’ through its website of the same name. The group has gained controversy for its less-than-charming habit of picketing funerals – including the funerals of US Soldiers who died in service – explaining to all and sundry their view that –

  1. The dead person is burning in hell
  2. The death is part of God’s judgement on America

Unsurprisingly, this has led to controversy as well has violent attacks on the group by enraged members of bereaved military families. Within Christianity there are essentially two views on WBC. There is Fred Phelps’s view that the activities of his church are in accordance with Biblical teaching and on the other hand there is every other strand of the Christian faith for the last 2,000 years.

Most Christian groups are against sex outside marriage to some degree but not one, not in the history of the faith, has ever preached in favour of picketing military funerals even in the darkest days of the medieval inquisition. WBC has been disowned by the Baptists internationally, condemned by leftist Michael Moore, sued by grieving families (rightwing news host Bill O’Reilly paid the legal fees of a family whose soldier son’s funeral was protested by WBC) and targeted for destruction by the Activist Group Anonymous. In short, no one likes WBC.

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